Propper Security (Full Version)

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Trekkie -> Propper Security (7/14/2010 7:40:56 AM)

I arrived for my session about 45 minutes early. 

But then again, I'd been planning on doing that.   I always allow lots of extra time for first-time sessions, since I never know when I'm going to get lost or have other problems, and it's a lot easier to kill time than it is to create it. 

And besides, to me, sitting outside the dungeon (always liked the trilling yet ominous sound of that word, "dungeon") is part of the "session experience".  I'd been constructing elaborate fantasies for the last week, and they'd been becoming more and more stimulating for the whole time I'd been driving down here.  And now I get to sit in my car, alone, and devote my full attention to them.

(I think about that scene in Revenge of the Sith. Where the Bad Guy and the Good Guy are separated by a force field, and the Good Guy kneels and rests, "gathering the Force".   Except I suspect that I'm more gathering The Dark Side, right now.) 

I reflect that I I probably enjoy anticipating my sessions more than I've actually enjoyed the sessions I've had so far.   But I convince myself that this one is going to be different.  This domme is going to be The One.  The one that takes my to a place that's even better than what I've imagined. (I think of Han Solo: "I don't know. I can imagine quite a lot.") 

I find myself wondering, just like I have before all of my other sessions with other dommes, whether the communication I've had with her, leading up to this session, has been detailed enough.  Or too detailed.   Did I make myself sound too novice, or too experienced?   Is the domme going to be way too hard on me, because I've overstated my desires and tolerances.   (Should I have deliberately overstated my desires and experiences, in an attempt to make her "go too far"?) 

Eventually, it's time.   I get out of the car.   I consider whether I should bring the toys I brought with me, but I decide against it.   I walk towards the unmarked commercial building that has the correct address on it, and ring the bell.   There's the buzzing sound of an electronic door lock being unlocked.  (Which kind of surprises me.  Why an electronic lock without an intercom?   Maybe she has video surveillance, or something.  Still, it's obviously an invitation, even if it is a completely impersonal one.)   I go in. 

It's dark inside.  (Why do dommes always keep their "dungeons" dark?  I guess a lot of customers expect it.   And hey, I really shouldn't be making fun of other people's fetishes or whatever.   If she likes it dark, then I'm not supposed to get a vote.) 

The door opens into something that's either a really small cell or a large cage.  Think twice the size of a phone booth or so.   But like a cage, it's all bars.   Seems like a weird arrangement.  Too big to really be a good BDSM cage.   (Shouldn't they be small enough to be really confining, if not outright uncomfortable?)  And why have a cage or a cell that has a door to the outside in it? 

I suppose it's some kind of mind game.  And that's OK with me.  I'm not really into that, but one of the standard things that I always tell a domme is "you have the right to do things I don't like." 

As my eyes adjust some more, I see the large room that's "outside" the cell.  The usual assortment of leather stuff hanging on pegs on the walls.  And I see someone (I assume the domme) sitting in a chair, facing me. 

"I have a gun." 

OK.  That wasn't really what I expected.   I figure this is her idea of an intro to a role play scene.   I resign myself to the idea that I may be spending the next couple of hours with somebody who thinks that play-acting like she's dominating me is somehow "better" or "more spiritual" or something than simply being real.  But I start putting myself into the mental framework of going along with what I assume is her "pretend" weapon. 

"I'm not planning on robbing you or whatever.   The door behind you is unlocked from the inside.  You can leave any time you feel like.  But I have to have some way of protecting myself from you.   It's easy for somebody to fake up some email and pretend to be a sub, with the intent of getting into a room, alone, with a woman.   Especially in a situation where the woman as a "sex worker", somebody who a jury probably thinks is a prostitute, anyway.  Therefore, I've developed what I think are adequate procedures for assuring my own safety." 

"The door between you and me is locked.  You could probably manage to break through it if you worked at it.   But there's no way you can get through the bars without getting shot." 

"There's only one way you're going to get a session with me.  You're going to make yourself helpless, according to the instructions I'll give you.  When you're naked, and restrained, to my satisfaction, then I'll put the gun into a locked cabinet I have in here.   (So don't even think that you're going to get in here with me, and then grab a gun.)  And then I'll unlock the door, and bring you, helpless, into my dungeon.   From the time I bring you in here, you will be fully restrained.   If I decide to move you from one position to another, I'll do so in such a way that you will never be free enough from restraint to pose a threat to me. I intend to treat you as though you are a dangerous person who will take any opening I allow you in which to attack me." 

"I'll also mention to you, that these restraints I'm going to demand are going to be a lot more elaborate than what's really necessary to prevent your escape.   Frankly, I enjoy restraining people, a lot.  And I figure that if you're genuine, then you'll enjoy it, too.  And if you aren't genuine, then I really don't care.   If you're a liar who wanted to get at me, and if you don't believe me, and you come in here, anyway, figuring that I'm just making things up, and you'll get a chance, later?  Then I tell you right now that you're going to be completely miserable for the next three hours, and I'll enjoy it, anyway.  So don't think that what's going to happen is that you're going to put on a pair of handcuffs, in front of you, and then I'll let you in with me.  When (if) you come through that door, you're going to be wearing a LOT of restraints." 

"And I'm going to keep you restrained, in a lot more restraints than are necessary, for the entire three hours you claimed you wanted.   When the time's up, I'm going to drag your limp, restrained body back into that cage, re-lock the door between you and me, reach through the bars, and loosen a restraint or two.  You'll release yourself, get dressed, and let yourself out." 

"So, what's it gonna be? Are you in, or out?" 

"I brought some gear with me, if you want . . . 

"No way am I letting you go get something out of your car and bring it in here." 

I think for a moment. "I could toss you my car keys.  After I'm restrained, you can go get them out of my car, yourself ." 

Now it's her turn to think. 

"I don't want you throwing things at me.   Leave the keys in your pants pocket.   Maybe later, when you're helpless, I'll get them out of your pants, go get your "toys", and then check them out while you're helpless before me."  She's smiling now. I can't decide it that's pleasure, or evil anticipation.  (And I like the feeling of wondering.) 

"But I think that's about all of the suggestions from the audience I want, for now.  Normally, I prefer to gag my victims myself, after they're in here.  But in your case, I think we want to start there.   Reach through the bars, and get that red ball gag off the wall.  The larger one.  And put it on.   I think I'll be the one talking for a while."

BitaTruble -> RE: Propper Security (7/15/2010 4:36:44 AM)

More, please. :D

Trekkie -> RE: Propper Security (7/16/2010 10:29:53 AM)

1)  Thanks for the feedback.  Much appreciated. 

2)  I have to admit that I've posted this story elsewhere, and those folks wanted me to continue, too. 

BUT, I have to admit that it's unlikely. 

For me, the "big event" of the story is when the sub (OK, let's be honest here and say "me") consents to voluntarily make himself completely helpless to a complete stranger. 

There's some other factors.  I've written this scene based on my fantasies.  (I bet y'all could tell.)  My fantasies don't tell me what happens next, because in my fantasy, I don't know what happens next.  That is, after all, the whole idea.  In fact, helpless and not knowing is the feeling that I'm looking to create. 

In fact, I can't even write about what I want to happen next, because what I want is to not have control over what happens next. 

There's also another factor.  I've long had this theory that when you're selling a house, it doesn't pay for the seller to do things like paint or replace the carpet and things.  (Unless they're damaged or something.)  Because, when you show the house to people, some people will want the living room to be pink, and some will want it blue.  If you paint it, then to many potential buyers, you've painted it the wrong color.  If I don't paint it, then the ones who want it pink will imagine it pink, and the ones who want it blue will imagine it blue. 

How's that for a bunch of excuses to explain "I've had this story in my mind for years, and I still don't know what happens next"?  [X(]

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