RE: Why do Doms...???? (Full Version)

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realwhiteknight -> RE: Why do Doms...???? (7/26/2010 8:18:16 PM)


say it n



ORIGINAL: kiwisub12

Consider investing in a computer with a . key. It will make your posts easier to read.  And more people would probably read them if you left off the rude terms for women. It's cute in bed, but out of it makes you look as if you can't come up with something more ..... inventive on your own.

love the dragon.

I good sir am way to lazy  for that (.)other then sporadically plus it destroys the assholey feel to my posts As for the use of cunt its a rather fun word there so little left one can say that is offensive and a tad shocking nothing gets a rise like calling some one a dumb cunt. articulating my self in a complex or profound manner is simply just not worth it unless its for more the the casual laugh which sadly can not be found here.

the dragon is and old symbol commonly associated with a long dead 15th century ruler of Wallachia


ORIGINAL: MistressRosalyn

Hey Domi! You have a challenger for your title of  "Internet Prick"!

Actually, I take that about "Rude Little Boy who, despite an alleged college education, can't even construct a proper sentence" title?

I could only hope to in one foul swoop become the biggest Dick on this site nothing would please me more. of course I bet Im a much bigger dick in person my behave can be seen as quite the social anti  lack of sentence structure has not impeded my education or job actually it never really came up. Its all about orating it seems  


ORIGINAL: realwhiteknight

Right, *totally*. I mean, if you were able to not repulse the 8 of us (I'm glad you've counted, I'd assume there are more reading this and not commenting who'd agree with us)- then I am quite sure that we are simply outliers. The rest of the smart, cute women out there, I am certain, are supremely charmed and easily seduced by you. So don't bother taking our advice as you know better.

Good luck and wishes for continued success with women,


never counted my starry friend just made up a number as im sure you assumed at least I hope you did. Well well well i don't remember ever speaking about any supposed charm I may or may not have with women though its nice to see you make that assumption but please theirs no need for flattery. it is how ever incorrect though I supposes ive never really tried. Im more a offend and repulse kind of guy its much more rewarding then the women ever could be. I found one who wont leave no matter how much a dick I am she actually introduced me to this site said I could get a laugh or to.


ORIGINAL: realwhiteknight

Keep in mind that our opinions mean nothing, he knows better than we what gets at women's hearts/mind/ladyparts. I am rather sure that his lack of prowess in the field of grammar and punctuation, despite annoying us, is *really* an aphrodisiac.


again please stop the flattery It very kind of you but no matter what you say it not going to get you anywhere. im just not interested


ORIGINAL: sexyred1

Yup, he is quite the charmer. Keep laughing at him, maybe he will go away.

unlikely I love to hear laughter



Post of the day!
glad to see you support and like what I have to say.

there I believe that is a response to everyone now no one will feel left out and you cant say im playing favorites

Ding! Ding! Ding! [sm=champ.gif][sm=cheerleader.gif][sm=cheering.gif][sm=wave.gif] We have a Winner of the INSANITY Record here

SpiritedRadiance -> RE: Why do Doms...???? (7/26/2010 8:20:32 PM)

-shrugs- a lot of Doms on the other side at least tend to think that we women sit around waiting all day for them to come order us around.

it doesnt matter that the male dom to female sub ratio is like 10 to 1.

toxic66 -> RE: Why do Doms...???? (7/26/2010 8:39:29 PM)


You are SO awesome and totally right. *I* have noticed, and largely from male friends, that women can be quite rudely attacked over their stated preference for a handsome partner.

From reading many women's profiles I think you are off the mark here. Many of them state that physical attraction is very important to them and they want to see a pic and if they are not attracted it just will not happen. I don't blame them for this. In the end, everyone wants to feel some attraction to their mate. I would NEVER post a pic of Me and one of My past subs. It is because I told them that I would NEVER show them to someone else. I want to respect that. I think the reason some men do is because they think the only way to get a sub here is to have experience. They feel they have to prove that. Where do they get that idea? If you look at almost every female submissive profile she will state she wants an experienced Master. The new ones say they want an experienced Master to guide them, and the experienced subs say they want an experienced Master because they don’t want to teach you, you should be the one teaching them. When I started more than 10 years ago that was the biggest challenge… how to get any experience when all the women want you to already have experience? I have never understood why some men are so clueless to send cock shots. I knew better before I ever started this. But on the shots of them with another sub (while I have never done it) I understand it better. So many subs have made it abundantly clear they want experienced Doms, so the men are trying to prove it to you.

sexyred1 -> RE: Why do Doms...???? (7/26/2010 8:45:37 PM)

I understand your point toxic66. And I guess to me, it does not matter if a guy has experience; as long as he has desire, and the self knowledge to learn, that is more important to me.

Frankly, I don't find the profiles who try to "prove" experience to show experience in interpersonal skills. It would be far better to say that you have always dreamed of this, you had all these feelings for years and no partner to do it with and that you were willing to learn together with someone.

I would respect that much more. The women who insist on only experienced Doms are missing out when they could be helping someone to attain that status.

I think it is much more important to have experience as a person in relationships of any kind.

adx -> RE: Why do Doms...???? (7/26/2010 8:47:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: realwhiteknight

Ding! Ding! Ding! [sm=champ.gif][sm=cheerleader.gif][sm=cheering.gif][sm=wave.gif] We have a Winner of the INSANITY Record here

Ahhh will the flattery never end? Being the best is so tiresome when everyone keeps reminding you

realwhiteknight -> RE: Why do Doms...???? (7/26/2010 8:49:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: SpiritedRadiance

-shrugs- a lot of Doms on the other side at least tend to think that we women sit around waiting all day for them to come order us around.

it doesnt matter that the male dom to female sub ratio is like 10 to 1.

lol- probably more like 30 to 1 when you remove the fake profiles!! Of course, the *real* doms and *real* subs are a different story..alot more 'doms' apparently are fake than are subs. At least according to that study in the Acid Test

SpiritedRadiance -> RE: Why do Doms...???? (7/26/2010 8:56:46 PM)

Tieing a girl up or taking her in the ass doesnt show you have experience. it means you can tie someone up... or you can take her in the ass... Just because you can take photos of you preforming an act doesnt denote experience, It  says hey i can get some woman to allow me to take a picture of her.

As i said on a previous thread, I knew a few of the women in photos that were sent and forwarded the messages along. and they had not given consent to share the photos and in 2 cases didnt give them a permission to PHOTO at all...

Lets just say... those doms were not happy with the female they were splattering about the net.

GreedyTop -> RE: Why do Doms...???? (7/26/2010 9:00:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: xxblushesxx

I just wanted to thank the OP for putting an earworm in my head

Why do doms suddenly appear...every time I show my rear? Just like you...they want to beat...all of me...
Why do doms bend down when I cry...just like you... they want to see... how I feel...

if you weren't so damned adorable, I'd hate you for tranferring that earworm to me,

realwhiteknight -> RE: Why do Doms...???? (7/26/2010 9:07:30 PM)


You are SO awesome and totally right. *I* have noticed, and largely from male friends, that women can be quite rudely attacked over their stated preference for a handsome partner.


From reading many women's profiles I think you are off the mark here. Many of them state that physical attraction is very important to them and they want to see a pic and if they are not attracted it just will not happen. I don't blame them for this. In the end, everyone wants to feel some attraction to their mate.

Well my point was how society reacts to women valuing looks. Online it doesn't matter, your friends wont give you looks or make a snide comment about how shallow you are if you're not attracted to 'that nice guy'. Online, everything goes. You get to be perfectly honest in your profile, and delete the nasty emails that come in attacking you for it. I appreciate that you are accepting of it. [:)] Honestly though I haven't seen many women's profiles saying anything about men's looks at all.


I think the reason some men do is because they think the only way to get a sub here is to have experience. They feel they have to prove that. Where do they get that idea? If you look at almost every female submissive profile she will state she wants an experienced Master. The new ones say they want an experienced Master to guide them, and the experienced subs say they want an experienced Master because they don’t want to teach you, you should be the one teaching them.

Good point. The only thing is honestly, it is *incredibly* tacky to show your porn photos, under any circumstances. It comes across as corny, pretentious, and makes you look like a big douche lacking in any sophistication or social skills. It's basically porn, and it should be private. I suppose that's sort of prudish to say on here, but I know that as simply an observer that's how it comes across to me. Why not just talk about your experience later, once you've established that the women wants to chat with you? Why rush things? That's another reason it appears tacky and douchebag-y.


When I started more than 10 years ago that was the biggest challenge… how to get any experience when all the women want you to already have experience? I have never understood why some men are so clueless to send cock shots. I knew better before I ever started this. But on the shots of them with another sub (while I have never done it) I understand it better. So many subs have made it abundantly clear they want experienced Doms, so the men are trying to prove it to you.

I agree with sexyred..I mean Im *totally* stark-white vanilla and I'd be absolutely fine with a guy having no experience in bdsm at all, as long as he had the personality I felt comfortable with, and I trusted him, then I would trust his judgements/desires, we could learn together. I really don't care either.

It is really surprising sometimes how clueless guys can be about women, we don't really care about the things you think we do, and we *do* care about things you don't think we do. *sigh*

realwhiteknight -> RE: Why do Doms...???? (7/26/2010 9:12:56 PM)



ORIGINAL: SpiritedRadiance

Tieing a girl up or taking her in the ass doesnt show you have experience. it means you can tie someone up... or you can take her in the ass... Just because you can take photos of you preforming an act doesnt denote experience, It  says hey i can get some woman to allow me to take a picture of her.

As i said on a previous thread, I knew a few of the women in photos that were sent and forwarded the messages along. and they had not given consent to share the photos and in 2 cases didnt give them a permission to PHOTO at all...

Lets just say... those doms were not happy with the female they were splattering about the net.

exactly...thanks for the reportage!

And that's *if* they are even real photos to begin with . Alot of them don't show the same guy as in his other photos...even with the ones that do, there's no way to know he didn't just upload some random homemade porn photo on the web to his profile. No way of knowing at all.

ResidentSadist -> RE: Why do Doms...???? (7/26/2010 9:21:05 PM)

To the OP
I imagine it is for the same reason they show pics of their bikes, cars, houses or other property.

SpiritedRadiance -> RE: Why do Doms...???? (7/26/2010 9:22:39 PM)


but if its an EX sub/slave, are they still considered their property? I thought the ending of a relationship negated the "my property" bit

realwhiteknight -> RE: Why do Doms...???? (7/26/2010 9:50:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: SpiritedRadiance


but if its an EX sub/slave, are they still considered their property? I thought the ending of a relationship negated the "my property" bit

You beat me to it.

BlackTigerDragon -> RE: Why do Doms...???? (7/26/2010 10:12:14 PM)

I've noticed that to! I've seen doms post pictures of themself with a naked sub. You could clearly identify the sub, but the 'dom' hides their face. So what are they advertising in this picture? You can't see the dom at all, but you can clearly see the dubs face and her whole naked body. What are they advertising? THE SUB! How exactly does this attract a sub and not a dominant?

realwhiteknight -> RE: Why do Doms...???? (7/26/2010 10:23:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: BlackTigerDragon

I've noticed that to! I've seen doms post pictures of themself with a naked sub. You could clearly identify the sub, but the 'dom' hides their face. So what are they advertising in this picture? You can't see the dom at all, but you can clearly see the dubs face and her whole naked body. What are they advertising? THE SUB! How exactly does this attract a sub and not a dominant?

!!! ExACTly. This is the part of it that's just off.... my theory is that 90% of these guys on here are douchebags ant not even real. Those pics are randomly stolen from websites. They're advertising the sub because whatever website they downloaded them from was advertising the sub.

Maybe we should add another litmus test/Acid Test sign: naked/suggestive/kinky pictures showing *only* the female sub means that the so-called Dom is really a fake. I can't really see another explanation for it. [:'(]

porcelaine -> RE: Why do Doms...???? (7/26/2010 11:15:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: realwhiteknight

!!! ExACTly. This is the part of it that's just off.... my theory is that 90% of these guys on here are douchebags ant not even real. Those pics are randomly stolen from websites. They're advertising the sub because whatever website they downloaded them from was advertising the sub.

Maybe we should add another litmus test/Acid Test sign: naked/suggestive/kinky pictures showing *only* the female sub means that the so-called Dom is really a fake. I can't really see another explanation for it. [:'(]

And that's why some people ask for customized photographs to make certain you didn't nab your profile images off another website. When I see heads missing in images I wonder why. Especially if the submissive face is being shown. Sometimes it isn't that the image is false, but what his facial features might reveal that he doesn't wish to display. Yet.

Don't forget they could be staged as well. You can hire a model and get some dandy shots and you're instantly qualified with little out of pocket expense. [;)]


RedStapler -> RE: Why do Doms...???? (7/26/2010 11:50:22 PM)

I see a few themes running through this thread.  To summarize:

1. These "Doms" are using tactics that only make sense to other men.  Women find them repulsive.
2. These "Doms" may be responding to the desire of many subs for "experience".  Instead, women see a profound lack of social experience.
3. These "Doms" are douchebags, unethical and narcissistic.

MEN, not just Doms, by and large have absolutely no comprehension of how women think.  Even when explained to us, most men simply cannot do the mental gymnastics to see things from a woman's perspective.  We are wired totally differently, and have completely different ways of communicating. 

A thoughtful man knows this, and realizes that he must do what he can to avoid pissing off or scaring off any woman that he meets.  And with a little common sense, and a lot of trial and error, he eventually figures out what will piss or scare them off and avoids doing those things.  He knows that when women speak, there are subtleties behind the words and beneath the surface, even if the has no idea what those subtleties are.  In other words, women may still be mysterious, but at least we can find a way to peaceably coexist, and work to bridge the gap.  And he considers the ethical ramifications of any actions that he takes.

But many men are not thoughtful men.  Many are douchebags, and they think that being a "Dom" will give them carte blanche to be unapologetic card-carrying douchebags.  By nature, douchebags are narcissistic and unethical.  They think that "submissive" women will be more receptive to their douchebag ways, not realizing that they are WOMEN first and submissives second.  Not being thoughtful men, the douchebags don't realize that women think and communicate differently.  So they try to show off their "dominance" just as they might show off their car, their house, their bling or whatever other status symbol they may have.  When they see or hear "I want an experienced Dom," they take it to mean "I want someone who has tied many wrists, chained many ankles, squeezed many tits, and spanked or flogged lots of asses" and are only too happy to provide proof without even thinking about the ethical considerations.   They have no concept of subtlety.

And what about the small minority of men who really do have a deep understanding of how women think?  Unfortunately, most are manipulative sociopaths.  Run as fast as you can from them! [:D]

CaringandReal -> RE: Why do Doms...???? (7/27/2010 5:41:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: RedStapler

And what about the small minority of men who really do have a deep understanding of how women think?  Unfortunately, most are manipulative sociopaths.  Run as fast as you can from them! [:D]


Or they are happily engaged elsewhere because when they find what they want they know how to quickly take it.

porcelaine -> RE: Why do Doms...???? (7/27/2010 6:22:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: RedStapler

But many men are not thoughtful men.  Many are douchebags, and they think that being a "Dom" will give them carte blanche to be unapologetic card-carrying douchebags.  By nature, douchebags are narcissistic and unethical.  They think that "submissive" women will be more receptive to their douchebag ways, not realizing that they are WOMEN first and submissives second.

I had this discussion with a friend last night and this morning. Submission didn't improve things. It merely provided an acceptable excuse to behave as mentioned without apology. With the understanding and intentional impression that the surrendered party would revel and accept it without complaint. When I weigh this and consider the cost and benefits of doing business, the likelihood of it balancing out is slim and the losses are steep.


And what about the small minority of men who really do have a deep understanding of how women think?  Unfortunately, most are manipulative sociopaths.  Run as fast as you can from them!

Years ago I heard a speaker utter the following words:

"The game has existed before the beginning of time. You can't change the game. Your choice is to play it or get out."

You will never change a man. It doesn't matter if he's kink or not. He is. Your choice is which version you're going to deal with. And that's the real skinny. Dominant isn't better. It's merely a different shade of him.


OsideGirl -> RE: Why do Doms...???? (7/27/2010 7:53:45 AM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub

Maybe because men, at least the ones I know, don't run around taking a bunch of pictures of each other so the only decent ones of themselves that they have are with other people.
Yeah, but there's a whole bunch of guys that have series of photos of women...and he's not even in them.

For the record I've never understood why you have a picture of someone else, when you're trying to sell yourself. I also don't understand the dick shots, the pictures of all the toys, pictures of cars (bikes, houses, boats), drawing/pictures stolen from feitish websites and pictures depicting somesort of romantic poetry.

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