saint andrews cross (Full Version)

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WhipStich81 -> saint andrews cross (7/28/2010 3:36:00 PM)

how can i bulid one

LadyPact -> RE: saint andrews cross (7/28/2010 4:26:17 PM)

I hope you understand that I am trying very hard to be polite and answer your question.

My preferred method is finding someone who has built a cross themselves that I admire.  In most cases, people are very happy to hear that you like what they have built and will ask their help.  They are usually happy to share any design that they have used and may even offer to help you with your project.

Lacking that, there is always this book. 
The Better Built Bondage Book  In it, you can find instructions on building various things that can be used during play, including furniture.

WinsomeDefiance -> RE: saint andrews cross (7/28/2010 5:19:59 PM)

A cross is very easy and inexpensive to build. I built this one, for about $100.00. I wish I had a picture of the finished product. It came out very pretty, although there were a few things I'll do differently next time.

If you look at the picture, it is actually two crosses, connected at the top with hinges and held in place with supports at the bottom. This made the cross easy to transport and break down for storage. Or, the hinges can be removed and the crosses can be mounted individually with a little modification.

I should add, that I have absolutely NO carpenter skills or experience. If I can build it, anyone can.


WinsomeDefiance -> RE: saint andrews cross (7/28/2010 5:24:04 PM)

Because I have to little opportunity to brag on my toys, I also built this spanking bench, with help from my girlfriend Kay.

Again, if I can build these things, anyone with the desire to do it and the tools can too.


Chrisincuffs -> RE: saint andrews cross (7/28/2010 7:10:28 PM)

Because I have to little opportunity to brag on my toys, I also built this spanking bench, with help from my girlfriend Kay.

Again, if I can build these things, anyone with the desire to do it and the tools can too.

I love it! Very nice work! I would like a pink one :-)

WyldHrt -> RE: saint andrews cross (7/28/2010 8:11:50 PM)


Because I have to little opportunity to brag on my toys

*psst* Win, over here!

OP, there is a good pic of a cross on page 1 of the thread I just mentioned.

WhipStich81 -> RE: saint andrews cross (7/28/2010 8:42:40 PM)

dont try to be polite jus do it

Chrisincuffs -> RE: saint andrews cross (7/28/2010 8:47:56 PM)


LadyPact -> RE: saint andrews cross (7/28/2010 8:50:32 PM)

In case you haven't noticed, OP, I'm not the person that you're used to pushing around to get your way.  I don't think you're in any position just now to be giving anybody an order.  The decent response would have been "thank you".  I'm guessing you weren't taught that.

The reason I answered your question in the first place was not because of you.  It's because the thread will be here for anybody who needs the information for future use.  Unlike, for example, if  it was you on fire and nobody else would be shortchanged if I didn't bother Myself to piss on you to put it out.

WhipStich81 -> RE: saint andrews cross (7/28/2010 9:05:37 PM)

nobody is pushing u around.

LadyPact -> RE: saint andrews cross (7/28/2010 9:08:57 PM)

I'll give you that one.  It is quite correct.

WhipStich81 -> RE: saint andrews cross (7/28/2010 9:12:02 PM)

[8|] get over yoursefl. i would say grow up but you look like a short step awayhy from the grave

LadyPact -> RE: saint andrews cross (7/28/2010 9:15:08 PM)

That very well could be.  Thankfully, I have people that love Me in My life to make it one hell of a ride!

xxblushesxx -> RE: saint andrews cross (7/28/2010 9:54:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: WhipStich81

[8|] get over yoursefl. i would say grow up but you look like a short step awayhy from the grave


WinsomeDefiance -> RE: saint andrews cross (7/29/2010 8:22:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: WhipStich81

[8|] get over yoursefl. i would say grow up but you look like a short step awayhy from the grave

Quite obviously you don't need to be hurt by someone as an excuse to be an ass toward them. There goes that theory.

BitaTruble -> RE: saint andrews cross (7/29/2010 8:36:17 AM)

Great bench, WinsomeDefiance! Did you build it from blueprints and if so, are they on-line?

WinsomeDefiance -> RE: saint andrews cross (7/29/2010 9:07:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: BitaTruble

Great bench, WinsomeDefiance! Did you build it from blueprints and if so, are they on-line?

Thank you. My friend described what she wanted, and I sketched it out on a sheet of paper, using her height and measurements to build the bench to fit her shorter body type and hold her weight. It turned out to be a very sturdy and comfortable bench. We had a lot of fun with that bench [:D] Being my very first wood project, I am quite proud of it.

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