"Republican tea party contract on America" (Full Version)

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Owner59 -> "Republican tea party contract on America" (7/28/2010 10:22:01 PM)

Here it is.

This is gonna be good.....[:D]


1. Repeal the Affordable Care Act (Health Insurance Reform)
Put insurance companies back in charge, repeal tax credits for small businesses, allow insurance companies to deny coverage based on preexisting conditions and to drop coverage when a person gets too sick and make prescription drugs for seniors less affordable.

2. Privatize Social Security or phase it out altogether
Turn the guaranteed retirement benefits of America's seniors over to Wall Street CEOs by putting Social Security at risk in the stock market or, as some Republicans have called for, phase out Social Security altogether and end a program millions of American seniors rely on for their survival.

3. End Medicare as it presently exists
Phase out and end Medicare as it presently exists for future generations of seniors -- ending Medicare's guaranteed healthcare benefits for more than 40 million American seniors -- and replace it with a voucher system which will result in higher premiums and fewer services for seniors.

4. Extend the Bush tax breaks for the wealthy and big oil
At a cost of nearly $700 billion, extend the Bush tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans and big oil, which are set to expire and which have and will continue to explode the federal budget deficit.

5. Repeal Wall Street Reform
Roll back the toughest consumer protections ever enacted, allow banks to continue to grow too big to fail, and ensure that predatory lenders continue to utilize their most abusive practices.

6. Protect those responsible for the oil spill and future environmental catastrophes
Cap liabilities for those responsible for environmental disasters like the Gulf oil spill and let companies like BP decide which victims deserve compensation for the disaster and what the timeline for relief should be.

7. Abolish the Department of Education
Put the big banks back in charge of student loans and put an end to federal assistance for public schools.

8. Abolish the Department of Energy
End America's investments in a clean-energy future and disband the organization responsible for oversight of nuclear materials.

9. Abolish the Environmental Protection Agency
Gut the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act -- which together protect our kids from air pollution and keep drinking water safe -- and disband the watchdog that holds polluters accountable.

10. Repeal the 17th Amendment
Take away your right to pick your U.S. Senator.

tazzygirl -> RE: "Republican tea party contract on America" (7/28/2010 10:27:11 PM)

Paid for by the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C., 20003.
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Im not so sure the DNC should be speaking on behalf of anyone but themselves.

AsmodaisSin -> RE: "Republican tea party contract on America" (7/29/2010 8:02:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: tazzygirl

Paid for by the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C., 20003.
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Im not so sure the DNC should be speaking on behalf of anyone but themselves.

My thoughts exactly.  Wow. 

Jeffff -> RE: "Republican tea party contract on America" (7/29/2010 8:08:32 AM)

This is the kind of thing that pisses me off.

Someone takes a few extremist views and makes it look like an entire party shares those views.

It is nonsense like this that keeps the country polarized.

DomYngBlk -> RE: "Republican tea party contract on America" (7/29/2010 8:13:08 AM)

You are kidding , right?

thishereboi -> RE: "Republican tea party contract on America" (7/29/2010 8:13:42 AM)



This is the kind of thing that pisses me off.

Someone takes a few extremist views and makes it look like an entire party shares those views.

It is nonsense like this that keeps the country polarized.

I agree. I have to wonder, when the civil war starts, will they give us all blue and red shirts to wear, so we know who to shoot at?

Jeffff -> RE: "Republican tea party contract on America" (7/29/2010 8:19:34 AM)

Me?, why would you say that?

As I see it, the problem is that it is always easier to accept the dogma than actually think.

" All Republicans are the pawns of the rich" is the same as " All democrates are commie loving leftists"

DomYngBlk -> RE: "Republican tea party contract on America" (7/29/2010 8:22:45 AM)

So which one isn't on the current hit parade of the republican party?

thishereboi -> RE: "Republican tea party contract on America" (7/29/2010 8:27:54 AM)



So which one isn't on the current hit parade of the republican party?

You do realize all you are doing is proving his point.

Jeffff -> RE: "Republican tea party contract on America" (7/29/2010 8:32:04 AM)

The way it is worded?

All except number 1 maybe.

Tell me how this thread helps dealing with the problems this country has?

Tell me how vilifying an entire group of people increases constructive dialog in the country.

DomYngBlk -> RE: "Republican tea party contract on America" (7/29/2010 8:44:20 AM)

Lets be honest. No one is swayed one way or another from these postings. If you are showing up here and doing anything then you are already solid in your ideas. So, this post neither helps or hurts.

That said, the party coming out with them is a smart move in an attempt to flush out the tea baggers and making folks understand that they are simple all republicans and white in the first instance. As well, it helps to galvanize the Democratic parties own base who need to see the reality of what is facing them in the fall.  If you really think that at this moment in time that we can sit down and calmly discuss these issues then I think you are mistaken.

Jeffff -> RE: "Republican tea party contract on America" (7/29/2010 8:53:12 AM)

I think that attitude makes you no different than Sanity or truckinslave.

Good luck with that.

DomYngBlk -> RE: "Republican tea party contract on America" (7/29/2010 10:25:43 AM)

As I said. Nothing said here will change anyones mind.....

popeye1250 -> RE: "Republican tea party contract on America" (7/29/2010 10:44:20 AM)

Owner, the Dept's of Energy and Education should have been dissolved *long ago!*
Do you know when and why the Dept of Energy was formed?
The State Dept should be cut by 50%.
As for "Healthcare" about 70% of Americans don't want the Obama plan. I'm in favor of "National Healthcare" but I want the *same* plan that our Congress enjoys and also the same retirement package that (they) have. What's good for the goose..."

tazzygirl -> RE: "Republican tea party contract on America" (7/29/2010 10:46:34 AM)

Here is the issue, DYB. No one or two people speak for a whole party. Steele tried that and got party spanked for it. Tossing up snips of speaches to prove those points isnt proving anything. Not to mention those who were cited were republican politicians... who says they speak for the tea party?

Louve00 -> RE: "Republican tea party contract on America" (7/29/2010 11:49:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: thishereboi

I agree. I have to wonder, when the civil war starts, will they give us all blue and red shirts to wear, so we know who to shoot at?

Awww....it'd be such a better sport if they didn't and we were all left to assume who was who. [8D]

Jeffff -> RE: "Republican tea party contract on America" (7/29/2010 11:51:48 AM)



I think that attitude makes you no different than Sanity or truckinslave or Popeye

Good luck with that.

mnottertail -> RE: "Republican tea party contract on America" (7/29/2010 11:53:24 AM)




ORIGINAL: thishereboi

I agree. I have to wonder, when the civil war starts, will they give us all blue and red shirts to wear, so we know who to shoot at?

Awww....it'd be such a better sport if they didn't and we were all left to assume who was who. [8D]

Yeah, and besides, who's gonna pay for it?

willbeurdaddy -> RE: "Republican tea party contract on America" (7/29/2010 12:00:10 PM)

Edited by the Department of Redundancy Department.

tazzygirl -> RE: "Republican tea party contract on America" (7/29/2010 12:01:36 PM)

That was pointed out in the second post, willbe.

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