Riots in the UK ? (Full Version)

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Aneirin -> Riots in the UK ? (7/29/2010 12:05:18 PM)

With allthat is going on in the world of today, and in particular the financial situation, I am kind of wondering with a Conservative government in power we might see a return to early 1980's Thatcher incited riots.

My reasons for wondering this are because of the new governments policies and from recent headlines the cutting of housing benefit with the accompanying attitude if one cannot afford where they live move somewhere cheaper.
( What these idiots in ivory towers do not understand is some people are already in what they can just about afford or in many cases actually get and there is only one place cheaper and that involves a card board box and a street, for it is not just the maligned scroungers who rely on housing benefit).

The other headline which caused me to think was the reported cutting of police costs and this plus the dissatisfaction and in some cases desperation of the low paid is a recipe for protest and with that protest, undoubtedly riots

Now the housing shortage and there the high prices and rents demanded as a consequence of sod all housing is the result of the last Conservative government policies, a few of Thatchers ideas,( undoubtedly to break up the working class and breed a new kind of voter), which carried on with New Labour who turned out to be a great dissapointment to those that believed they were voting for the familiar old Labour party

But the cutting of costs in the Police service is a surprise, as I would have thought if anything the police would be strengthened to keep the great unwashed from the ruling classes when desperation bites so deep that action via protest is demanded, as has happened before.

So, I can only conclude one of three things is possible ;

a)  Prime Minister Cameron is either nice but dim dense

b) He has utter faith in the British people to be civil in the face of desperation

b) He is so confident his policies will work that desperation will not happen.

c)  He is like his pals in government totally clueless to the realities of life for those in the poorer spectrum of society

d) Me personally am worrying about nothing

So, any ideas anyone ?

Jeffff -> RE: Riots in the UK ? (7/29/2010 12:08:11 PM)

Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way.


pahunkboy -> RE: Riots in the UK ? (7/29/2010 12:20:48 PM)

Interesting.   I got an email today- they want to cut section 8 housing here in the US.

Politesub53 -> RE: Riots in the UK ? (7/29/2010 12:24:47 PM)

We had riots under Labour and they have now been voted out. People understand the defecit left by Brown needs to be reduced, it is also the case that the cuts will affect everyone and not just the working classes.

willbeurdaddy -> RE: Riots in the UK ? (7/29/2010 12:25:45 PM)



Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way.


Without a credit to Thoreau. He should be ashamed.

Jeffff -> RE: Riots in the UK ? (7/29/2010 12:31:07 PM)


LadyEllen -> RE: Riots in the UK ? (7/30/2010 4:02:18 AM)

Firstly it isnt a Conservative government, its a coalition government and though I had serious concerns about getting into bed with the Tories (and still do to more than some extent) it seems the Lib Dems are tempering some of the Tory tendencies -which we can infer from the disquiet coming from the Tory backbenches and the insistence of Labour on attacking the Lib Dems so as to break the coalition and allow the country to see naked Conservative policy once again and so restore Labour to power.

Secondly I tend to think that most people get it that we're in the shit and having to shovel it rapidly on account of Labour who it would be fair to say continued economic policies inherited from the Tories but spent rather than saved the money. We needed to spend a lot of that money after 18 years of Tory decline, but we ought not to have spent all of it and more.

Thirdly, Cameron (so far at least) is nice but dim and is like his peers utterly divorced from the realities of life - though IDS does seem to be getting some idea of what's what (and we can only hope he doesnt "toryate" his plans for welfare reform) and may just pull off something that turns round desperate situations into something more viable for millions.

Lastly, we will see some unrest, many protests etc. Just as we do whoever is in power because whatever they do with it is a problem for someone. I would though hope that this time round the lessons of the 80s may have been learned - that you cant build a scrapheap of human lives and push it under the carpet.


DCWoody -> RE: Riots in the UK ? (7/30/2010 4:49:37 AM)

Quick reply to OP: Nah. It's not poor hardworking miners this time, it's the overpaid public sector, overpaid by our taxes. There could be strikes mebe, not riots...not related to this stuff.

Moonhead -> RE: Riots in the UK ? (7/30/2010 4:55:26 AM)

There have been a lot of wildcats civil service strikes over the last couple of months, as a matter of fact.

NorthernGent -> RE: Riots in the UK ? (7/30/2010 7:12:02 AM)



With allthat is going on in the world of today, and in particular the financial situation, I am kind of wondering with a Conservative government in power we might see a return to early 1980's Thatcher incited riots.

When England were knocked out of the World Cup early could have the very least.....a Russian...mistaken for a be stabbed or something....or Volkswagens turned over and smashed up......but....nothing.....not even a jingoistic anti-German headline in The's a sign of the times....we're all rioted out......even football can't raise a riot these it ain't gonna happen over a few public schoolboys and the 'Big Society'.

Aneirin -> RE: Riots in the UK ? (7/30/2010 7:27:36 AM)

And crime ?

Moonhead -> RE: Riots in the UK ? (7/30/2010 7:29:32 AM)

Apart from Roaul Moat?

Aneirin -> RE: Riots in the UK ? (7/30/2010 8:29:21 AM)

Strangely I admit to understanding some of his anger.

Moonhead -> RE: Riots in the UK ? (7/30/2010 8:31:56 AM)

Anger is one thing. Shooting a woman in the face to mutilate her is quite another.

Aneirin -> RE: Riots in the UK ? (7/30/2010 9:03:45 AM)

However, there is a lot of anger in society, an anger that is steadily growing. Many of those whom I come into contact with believe themselves the forgotten in society, perhaps Mr Moat was such a person that could contain his anger no longer, and with all of us that time comes with everything and how it manifests wholly depends upon the person, destruction or self destruction.

Moonhead -> RE: Riots in the UK ? (7/30/2010 9:06:25 AM)

Myself, I lean more towards the theory that Moat was a partner beating twat with less impulse control than the average six year old and a chip on his shoulder about getting sent down.

pahunkboy -> RE: Riots in the UK ? (7/30/2010 9:08:50 AM)

I heard there were riots in Australia.

Moonhead -> RE: Riots in the UK ? (7/30/2010 9:09:52 AM)

There may well have been, but everybody over here is too depressed to riot at the moment.

Aneirin -> RE: Riots in the UK ? (7/30/2010 9:15:45 AM)

One thing I always remember, there are at least two sides to any story and it is often when victory is had, many things are told that might be something different if the other party was available and also given a platform from which to speak. But even in the case where the other party is not killed, but taken into custody, their version of events is effectively silenced, enabling a free reign of those against. Very effective in a society where the law wants to be seen to be the ultimate power, invite  the public mood to shift in the favour of the establishment.

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