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Your stupid partisan bullshit is the cancer that's killing America.

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Your stupid partisan bullshit is the cancer that's kill... - 8/7/2010 5:50:20 PM   

Posts: 3939
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90% of you seriously make me ill.

I'll start with the liberals because there are more of you here so you end up pissing me off more.

Illegal immigration - Lots of people are against it. Lots of those people are against it for selfish reasons. They have seen their parents factory jobs outsourced and have a very real conception that foreign labor willing to do work at shit pay is going to outsource them at home too. You, the internet politico, do not have to deal with these fears, and you don't really care about the lower class Americans OR the Mexicans, because if you did, you might work to reconcile the two, rather than trying to turn it into a racial issue. It might be a racial issue for you, for the people it actually affects it's an economic issue.

Most of your replies to misinformed people boil down to "you stupid conservative you believe anything you hear." Okay, fine, but there are a lot of those people, and you writing them off so quickly just shoves them further into the arms of Limbaugh and Beck, who pay lip service to them in exchange for acceptance of their ideology.

I still see Bush referred to as "the chimp" - how would you like it if I referred to Obama as the chimp? Seriously, if there were posters here who called Obama the chimp, the exact same way you call Bush the chimp, you'd be fucking wailing racism about it even though the only reason I'd do it is to show you how retarded you sound. Fuck "chimp" even, what if I just called him "the tard" or something. You would not be happy.

And you need to STFU with responding to every single fucking criticism with "well Bush did it too" - yeah Bush DID do it too and you fucking bitches HATED it so basically what you're doing is justifying the next republican who does the same thing, cuz now they're just going to say "well Obama did it too." And when they do that, and you try to explain how no, it's really wrong, you just sort of overlooked it for Obama, I will glare at you with that special version of hate I have for bullshit like this and tell you you deserve losing whatever liberty the government takes away from you next. You all were fucking bawwwwwwwwwwing about your tax dollars being used to finance a war, now you hear people complaining they don't want their tax dollars being used to finance healthcare, and you can't see the fucking parallel? Seriously?

And now the conservatives. I barely even know where to begin with you guys. How about this - stop defending EVERY SINGLE THING your party is doing right now just because a Democrat criticized it. Your party is doing some really stupid shit right now. Don't defend it.

You defend the fucking Tea Party even now? Why not start a real "grass roots" conservative movement, because aligning yourself with neocons and conspiracy theorists and fundamentalists who want to turn the US into a theocracy makes you shit IMO. And I fucking HATE liberals with a passion, and yet I'm able to hate you guys so much more. You're fucking mental if you think that sort of shit is okay, and as fairly reasonable conservatives it is YOU who need to make a stand against it. Fucking speak out AGAINST that shit, don't make another thread about "omg democrats did this" try making one about "wow this guy makes me ashamed to be a conservative" and CALL THAT SHIT OUT instead of tacitly going along with it and focusing all your rage against democrats. Democrats aren't beating Republicans in elections. Democrats are shit right now. Republicans are fucking losing elections all on their own.

Every single one of you partisan hacks is just like that fat idiot who goes out half naked with body paint to watch his football team. You're not interested in helping the US, you're interested in your team scoring a fucking goal. That is what sports are for. Go fucking watch sports instead.

I'm sure 99% of people reading this won't think it applies to them. Maybe 9% of them will be correct. To those 9% I'm not talking to you. Chill. To the rest of you, don't even bother. Seriously. Just don't.
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RE: Your stupid partisan bullshit is the cancer that's ... - 8/7/2010 6:06:16 PM   

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I know I've debated you in the past (more often in my head!) but you've got good points in this post.

I've seen tons of good-paying engineering jobs outsourced to design centers in China, Russia, India, Israel - not just manufacturing like they did to Malaysia and Taiwan in the '80s.  (By the same CEOs who whine that US citizens just don't want to go into engineering anymore.) Family jewels of the industry are over there.  So I can identify with a fear of illegal immigration.  I'd like to see some good creative solutions - park a couple committees in a conference room and lock them up with beer, pizza, and no bathrooms until they come out with a start.  And real starts, not just an agreement to study the situation some more.

You're chimp point's right on (reminds me of what Bourdain just wrote about foodie blog screeds filled with obnoxious nicknames of chefs) - libtard, rethuglican, sheeple, tea bagger (yeah, they called themselves that at first, even Fox News, but quit after a few weeks), Abbadaba, Ahmadinnajacket (c'mon guys, if you can't spell the names refer to the position fer Chrissake), Kenyan, Limbot, Faux News, etc.

And yeah, partisanship's going to send us down the tubes in a flaming hurry.  We're going fast enough as it is. 

(in reply to Elisabella)
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RE: Your stupid partisan bullshit is the cancer that's ... - 8/7/2010 6:21:41 PM   

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Both great posts but the fact is there has been partisanship in this country since Jefferson ran against Adams. I love your passion and wit ladies, but partisanship is as old as the Republic.

ETA since Burr shot Hamilton....

< Message edited by vincentML -- 8/7/2010 6:22:41 PM >



Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ~ MLK Jr.

(in reply to thornhappy)
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RE: Your stupid partisan bullshit is the cancer that's ... - 8/7/2010 6:40:53 PM   

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It's long been my opinion that, yes...the extreme partisanism is perhaps the biggest factor behind americas problems, not least in that it leads to poor government in general.....but you can't just say 'stop being partisan, or start a new party, or's ingrained in the electoral system, one example being the electoral college votes being all or nothing in almost every tight states, the smallest of swings makes the difference between massive success and massive failure...there is no middle option. It encourages/enforces the division into two groups...whose means are quite a long way apart...who will fight with everything they can, because everything is on the line. And it isn't just groupings at election time, the entire culture splits into two groups...who grow to hate each other more and more...based around the 'right' or the 'left'.

It's late and I don't think I'm making a particularly smooth argument, but essentially I'm saying that, IMO, the division is a natural result of the electoral system, and can not successfully be changed within the same system....the nature of politics depends on the electoral system the politicians are competing within, if you want to change it you need to change the constitution.

(in reply to vincentML)
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RE: Your stupid partisan bullshit is the cancer that's ... - 8/7/2010 6:47:45 PM   

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From: Tamaris
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Ooo, shit, scary, I just wrote about things on a similar vein up in off topic when a poster mentioned democrat or republican, for I do believe this increased partisanship, is partly respnsible for what the USA has become, which is something quite different from it's past and that not in a good way.


Everything we are is the result of what we have thought, the mind is everything, what we think, we become - Guatama Buddha

Conservatism is distrust of people tempered by fear - William Gladstone

(in reply to Elisabella)
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RE: Your stupid partisan bullshit is the cancer that's ... - 8/7/2010 6:49:05 PM   

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From: Somewhere Over the Rainbow
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I am not a partisan, but I do have an agenda

If having agendas bugs you, then you must spend most of your life irritated. I have a little advice, just a small teeny bit for you, you need to follow your own advice and take a pill because you are the one who created a thread full of "F" bombs. You also have your own opinions, your own agenda, which I am sure you think is "right". There is nothing wrong with that, but it makes you a hypocrite when you deride others for what you are guilty of...

Less resistance and pushing back against that which bugs us is a recipe for more happiness... still working on that one for myself, but I am making some strides


Once you label me, you negate me ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Reality has a well known Liberal Bias ~ Stephen Colbert

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(in reply to Elisabella)
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RE: Your stupid partisan bullshit is the cancer that's ... - 8/7/2010 6:50:09 PM   

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From: USA
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Both great posts but the fact is there has been partisanship in this country since Jefferson ran against Adams. I love your passion and wit ladies, but partisanship is as old as the Republic.

January 1861

Great post, Vincent. But the fact is there has been slavery in this land since long before the Constitution was even a gleam in anyone's eye. I love your passion and wit, but slavery is as old as the Republic.


< Message edited by Kirata -- 8/7/2010 6:52:06 PM >

(in reply to vincentML)
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RE: Your stupid partisan bullshit is the cancer that's ... - 8/7/2010 6:59:39 PM   

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People, ( voters ) that do not agree on how the country is run is healthy. As everyone on collarme knows, I am not an Obama supporter. I think he is a terrible president. There are many on here that certainly didn't like George Bush. As citizens of the good ol USA we have elections. The president every 4 years, the House every 2 years and the Senate every 6 years on a rotating basis. Go along to get along is not good. Everything is fine just the way it is.

(in reply to DCWoody)
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RE: Your stupid partisan bullshit is the cancer that's ... - 8/7/2010 7:01:53 PM   

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From: Central Pennsylvania
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What happened?

What is the punchline.

(in reply to servantforuse)
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RE: Your stupid partisan bullshit is the cancer that's ... - 8/7/2010 7:07:17 PM   

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Ooo, shit, scary, I just wrote about things on a similar vein up in off topic when a poster mentioned democrat or republican, for I do believe this increased partisanship, is partly respnsible for what the USA has become, which is something quite different from it's past and that not in a good way.

I was joking on the UFO thread...but Vincent is right it has always been our way past and future... It is healthy...something like not holding it in and letting it build up. I don't really believe the UK is any different when it come to partisan politics.



Mark Twain:

I don't see any use in having a uniform and arbitrary way of spelling words. We might as well make all clothes alike and cook all dishes alike. Sameness is tiresome; variety is pleasing

(in reply to Aneirin)
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RE: Your stupid partisan bullshit is the cancer that's ... - 8/7/2010 7:12:31 PM   

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"Everything is fine just the way it is."

I know it'll just seem like I'm some foreigner throwing rocks, but I can't agree.

The level of partisan vitriol in american politics is not normal or healthy, and nothing is fine...the level of corruption & lobbying at a national and local level, your law enforcement, jail system, education system, healthcare system, military, road network, any of the numerous national organisations along the lines of FEMA, fiscal competence, central bank, wealth balance, welfare there anything the government is or should be responsible for that can even see 'fine' on a clear day?

(in reply to servantforuse)
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RE: Your stupid partisan bullshit is the cancer that's ... - 8/7/2010 7:13:05 PM   

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Anti - partisanship is the new hate, huh?
Seriously, a bit of an emotional post. Nothing wrong with that, but it read like cuckoldmepls, and that's NEVER a good thing.
You also lost me paralleling funding health care and an unnecassary war. Plus you put the issues in the anti-lib component, and not calling out TP elements on the cons. Wow.
You read it carefully and it's got a partisanship all of it's own. When Obama starts a war in the wrong country to make his buddies richer, we will get back to the comparison.

(in reply to Elisabella)
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RE: Your stupid partisan bullshit is the cancer that's ... - 8/7/2010 7:16:36 PM   

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I think I hear you.
But, don't take it so seriously, or at least not so negatively. Democracy is exactly this- the exchange of ideas. Mostly it isn't pretty. Seldom is it as well written as, say The Federalist. But it is still the free exchange of ideas, and occasionally someone learns something.
You never know.
Maybe even me.
Or thomson even.

(in reply to Elisabella)
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RE: Your stupid partisan bullshit is the cancer that's ... - 8/7/2010 7:17:19 PM   

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Both great posts but the fact is there has been partisanship in this country since Jefferson ran against Adams. I love your passion and wit ladies, but partisanship is as old as the Republic.

January 1861

Great post, Vincent. But the fact is there has been slavery in this land since long before the Constitution was even a gleam in anyone's eye. I love your passion and wit, but slavery is as old as the Republic.


A fratricidal war was required to end slavery, Kirata. Probably would require the same to end partisanship. As for passion and wit, my dance card is filled for tonight. Sorry.



Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ~ MLK Jr.

(in reply to Kirata)
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RE: Your stupid partisan bullshit is the cancer that's ... - 8/7/2010 7:17:57 PM   

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I don't really believe the UK is any different when it come to partisan politics.


We certainly have partisan politics (anywhere with multiple parties will, by definition)...but fuck no it's not like the usa. Only the treatment of the BNP even comes close in its hatred.

(in reply to kdsub)
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RE: Your stupid partisan bullshit is the cancer that's ... - 8/7/2010 7:18:55 PM   

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We are a free country and get the government that we vote for. If we don't like the people in office they get voted out. What could be a better system than that ?

(in reply to EbonyWood)
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RE: Your stupid partisan bullshit is the cancer that's ... - 8/7/2010 7:22:03 PM   

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I don't really believe the UK is any different when it come to partisan politics.


We certainly have partisan politics (anywhere with multiple parties will, by definition)...but fuck no it's not like the usa. Only the treatment of the BNP even comes close in its hatred.

Lol… I think it is just because we are the big boy on the block... everyone pays more attention to us then necessary



Mark Twain:

I don't see any use in having a uniform and arbitrary way of spelling words. We might as well make all clothes alike and cook all dishes alike. Sameness is tiresome; variety is pleasing

(in reply to DCWoody)
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RE: Your stupid partisan bullshit is the cancer that's ... - 8/7/2010 7:23:28 PM   

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We could ask  Morgan Goldman.   LOL

(in reply to kdsub)
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RE: Your stupid partisan bullshit is the cancer that's ... - 8/7/2010 7:30:00 PM   

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I don't really believe the UK is any different when it come to partisan politics.


We certainly have partisan politics (anywhere with multiple parties will, by definition)...but fuck no it's not like the usa. Only the treatment of the BNP even comes close in its hatred.

I think it's because you have viable 3rd and 4th parties to absorb some of the pain.
If you were straight up Conservatives and Labor the partisanship would be honed to a finer point.
And the BNP deserves what it gets.

(in reply to DCWoody)
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RE: Your stupid partisan bullshit is the cancer that's ... - 8/7/2010 7:31:09 PM   

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I don't really believe the UK is any different when it come to partisan politics.


We certainly have partisan politics (anywhere with multiple parties will, by definition)...but fuck no it's not like the usa. Only the treatment of the BNP even comes close in its hatred.

Yeh, but you guys don't spend as much money per election cycle as we do. To the victor go the spoils, yanno.



Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ~ MLK Jr.

(in reply to DCWoody)
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