Health Issues and Corsetry (Full Version)

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Aglaranna -> Health Issues and Corsetry (8/9/2010 3:24:40 AM)

Hi Everyone,

I've spent a long time reading the forums and never posted. Partly because I didn't think I had anything important to say and partly because any questions that I had I found the answers to by using that handy search button. Recently though I've come up against a problem and my Master thought it would be a good idea for me to ask all you helpful people to see if anyone else has the same/similar problem as me.

I love Corsetry, half of why I love our play sessions is the sensations I have from being bound into one of my many corsets. So when I was admitted into hospital last week and put through a barrage of tests I was very upset to be told that along with a couple of other issues I have a Hiatus Hernia.

The doctors told us that I was not to wear tight constricting clothing, which has left me a little upset and gazing into my wardrobe thinking will I ever be able to wear a corset again or should I just give up this part of myself.

The thing is this is what I love and I don't know if I'm going to be able to get into the same headspace as easily as I used to do when we're able to play again (several weeks of rest and no stress, emotional and physical) without the thing that helps me release my submissive self and put away the work/everyday me.

Is anyone in the same boat as me? After a healthy rest period would it really be that damaging to wear a corset (maybe not as tightly bound)? Any help would put my mind at rest and my Masters.

NekoToy -> RE: Health Issues and Corsetry (8/9/2010 4:47:22 AM)

Not that I am an expert on health issues or even corsets but I would lay off them for a good long while.

Try learning how to do a shibari rope harness as this makes you feel restricted and bound in a similar manor to a corset without the waist reduction. I do them on my submissive friend a lot as he doesn't have the figure to wear my corsets.

Or perhaps encase yourself in latex, clingfilm or wear very form fitting or size too small clothing?

atractivenuisane -> RE: Health Issues and Corsetry (8/9/2010 8:27:56 AM)

I suggest you talk this over with a doctor. If you were specifically told not you wear corsets, I'm going to have to argue on the side of: yes, unfortunately you're going to have to give that up. But TELL the doctor. IF you're too embarrassed to tell him you're into kink, make up some story about Ren faires or steampunk style choices. I'm surprised you would consider risking your health for kink...and even more shocked that any responsible dominant would accept that idea.

Although rope corsets are not as constricting, they still serve a corseting, constricting function...exactly what the doctors told her to avoid.

Aglaranna -> RE: Health Issues and Corsetry (8/9/2010 9:22:18 AM)

I don't want to risk my health for my kink lifestyle and my Master certainly doesn't want that either I just wondered if anyone else had a problem similar to mine and how they got around it. I have an appointment with my consultant in 4 weeks and I was going to try and talk to him about it but he doesn't take me very seriously and I've had several arguments with him, I'm considering changing to another consultant but until I do I don't want to muddy the waters and confuse the issue by adding another layer to the whole thing.

My Master certainly won't risk my health and has locked my corsetry away and says no play until I'm better. But being kink is a big part of my life and I would miss that side of myself if I had to give it up. I'm not into latex or rubber. This might all sound silly but our kink play sessions are my release and I'd rather not have to shut out that part of me. I spent long enough trying to find out who I was and someone who I could be safe playing with to just shut it all down.

LaTigresse -> RE: Health Issues and Corsetry (8/9/2010 1:11:10 PM)

I don't know all the terminology but I have acid reflux because of a weak flapper. There is NO WAY I could wear a corset without the contents below the flapper squishing out above the flapper. Nothing about that would be sexy or fun.

Follow doctors orders and think of creative ways to feel confined that do not constrict your middle.

Scotty306134 -> RE: Health Issues and Corsetry (8/9/2010 4:59:05 PM)

If it's that important to You, get the surgury done to repair it then go ahead and play after healing.

hereyesruponyou -> RE: Health Issues and Corsetry (8/9/2010 6:06:00 PM)

I understand your desire to stay with what you know, but perhaps some truely restrictive bondage that gave you a strong feeling of control being taken away without wrapping any way around your abdomen would still allow you to let go?

As for repair, they often have to put a piece of mesh in when the problem is, which will also have some limitations. I would definately ask ALOT of questions and get more than one opinion.

Good luck

TrollovHumanity -> RE: Health Issues and Corsetry (9/29/2010 6:33:53 PM)

Word to the wise,

Don't buy or wear a corset unless it is custom tailored to you. If you're not prepared to buy one from a professional corset maker who knows what they are doing, and you won't pony up the few hundred dollars they will ask from you, just dont do it.

The damage from wearing a poorly constructed/tailored corset is not worth it.

That said,
There is a reason why people don't really wear them anymore; they're not good for you. They damage your organs.

If you choose to wear one, don't take it in more than a few odd inches.

angelikaJ -> RE: Health Issues and Corsetry (9/29/2010 6:41:55 PM)

If you type Hiatal hernia tight clothes into google, all the information that pops up immediately is that tight clothing is one of the causes of them.

My guess is that this is a type of play you may have to let go of.

TrollovHumanity -> RE: Health Issues and Corsetry (9/29/2010 6:53:07 PM)

just to expand on my earlier point i should have mentioned it since it is the crux of the point,

a poorly constructed untailored corset - one that wasnt designed for you - even if you dont wear it ultra tightly it could press on the wrong parts of your body.. pushing your organs in the wrong way.

you *must* get a corset tailored and made for *you*. you just have to there is no other way to wear one.

if you dont you run the risk of causing yourself a lot of pain/death (not the nice kind)

KittiyKatKisses -> RE: Health Issues and Corsetry (9/30/2010 5:20:23 PM)

I wore my corset when I was pregnant after talking to the doctor he suggested like things that didnt have boning, metal, plastic, or even bunched cloth and wear it looser. but i would talk to a doc first. if your embaressed to call a nurse line and explain you dont want to give your name but you want to know about it. they should help you or direct you to someone that can. dont wear it unless they tell you its okay and LISTEN TO WHAT THEY SAY!!!! Im sorry to hear that too, I love my corsets, wishing I had one again lol

EclipseAbove -> RE: Health Issues and Corsetry (10/1/2010 1:35:26 PM)

I have to echo using only custom made corsets unless you are going to wear it just for show (keep it completely loose so it is about to slide off your body). Even with a custom corset made by a professional just for you, I wouldn't cinch your waist more than a couple of inches and I would not wear the corset for extended periods of time (several hours = extended period of time).

To the OP: I think it is pretty clear that until your condition changes, you can't wear a corset. Sorry.

TrollovHumanity -> RE: Health Issues and Corsetry (10/2/2010 6:14:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: EclipseAbove

I have to echo using only custom made corsets unless you are going to wear it just for show (keep it completely loose so it is about to slide off your body). Even with a custom corset made by a professional just for you, I wouldn't cinch your waist more than a couple of inches and I would not wear the corset for extended periods of time (several hours = extended period of time).

To the OP: I think it is pretty clear that until your condition changes, you can't wear a corset. Sorry.

Thank you.
Corsets are pretty but they werent designed with any knowledge or care for health ramifications.

If any of you are interested in wearing corsets, or cinching waist training (?) (to take a couple or few inches off.. I've heard numbers like a MAX. of 4") make a really concerted effort to understand what they will do to your body.

msch91 -> RE: Health Issues and Corsetry (10/4/2010 2:52:03 PM)

eeep that must be horrible for you, id be pretty lost without my corsets. from what you said its just waist constriction that your not supposed to do. I'ive seen leg and arm corsets in a couple of places which could provide the same feeling of being 'held in' in combination with some srtict bondage avoiding the waist? just an idea, hope it all works out for you :)

curbisub -> RE: Health Issues and Corsetry (10/5/2010 8:27:28 PM)

From what I know & read about wearing a corset. They say get a corset 4 inches smaller than your normal waist. Other's say 4"-6" smaller. And others say you MUST train your body to the corset as your waist get's smaller & smaller, don't do too many inches at 1 time. Let your body adjust itself.

DTrashy -> RE: Health Issues and Corsetry (12/9/2010 3:44:39 PM)

Corset play with a past sub went from doing it for the novelty of it to some serious waist cinching which suppressed her gag reflex. The only health problem was her back going out of place which was resolved by going to a chiropractor. I have never heard of a problem with a corset causing a hyatus hernia. I have thoroughly researched corsets before and after my experiences with her and had never heard of them causing a hyatus hernia but it makes sense. What I learned was "wearing corset or tightlacings increase the intrabdominal pressure , this will enforce the abdominal contents specially the stomach to herniate`through the hiatal orifice". Doing research on it, it turns out there are specioal corsets which are used to not only alleviate pain associated with hiatal hernias but actuall help hold things in place to enhance healing. I would suggest that you find a doctor who can recommend the proper corset. Before anybody spends a lot of money on corsets I believe it would be a good idea to get an examination. Also corsets really aren't a good way to suppress the appetite especially for someone overweight as being overweight contributes to the problem with hyatus hernia. However, I am playing with the idea of using a corset on a sub to suppress apetite in conjunction with a strict fresh juice diet. This would done on a gradual basis, increasing the length of time the corset was worn while increasing the amount of juice being consumed instead of food. In theory a person could live and become quite healthy on juice only. Eventually, enemas would be employed more often until the sub was on a completely liquid diet. The dangers would be excascerbated by the sub's overwillingness to be trained. One danger would be that the body might eventually be unable to digest solid food. Another danger would be overstressing the organs. I believe practices of Taoist Yoga would be helpful here. Whatever the case, this would be an experiment that would be undertaken very carefully.

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