100 Rules For a Happy House (Full Version)

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subjanus -> 100 Rules For a Happy House (8/19/2010 5:28:29 AM)

100 Rules for a Happy House

By Susan M

I am a firm believer in the principle that every Woman needs to establish an exacting disciplinary regime for the men who enter their personal lives. Such an approach washes away undesirable masculine traits while deepening their submission, in my view, the most pleasing feature a male can offer a Woman. I can vouch that rigorous, prescriptive, discipline ensures the male remains focused on my needs, drives them further into passivity and provides me with absolute control. And I adore control.

I have, after much thought and deliberation (and the occasional false start – men!), developed a set of rules that any male living under my roof must agree to follow.

The latest male in my life certainly wasn’t forced into agreeing to these rules - that’s a ludicrous proposition. After much reflection, and a certain amount of prompting and encouragement on my part, he finally embraced the decision to do so. A year on, he finds himself still blessed to be serving me. I’m happy - he’s happy. At least I presume he is; we never discuss his ‘happiness’ as such. But if he wasn’t, I’d know...and his services would no longer be required.

My rules are tailored to make my life as comfortable and enriching as possible, and his as difficult and awkward as I can make it for him. I want to know he is intent on doing everything absolutely correctly, and that he fears letting me down and failing. I want to sense his nervousness, awkwardness, uncomfortableness, as well as his adoration at my endless capacity to make his day utterly fixed on meeting my demands and ends. And, most importantly, I want him to know who is in charge with every waking breath – and sleeping one’s for that matter!

And what does he gain in return? Many things: the satisfaction that comes with complete devotional service and submission to a Female; the security that firm Feminine guidance provides (knowing the boundaries, so to speak); sanctuary in a tumultuous world; the end of a craving, of troubling hankerings. Devotion has satiated his deepest wants and needs, settled his soul, filled his spirit with contentment. That’s not to say that he finds any element of his life easy or comfortable. Definitely not! For there’s always something to admonish and punish him for, to test him with, to push and prod and poke at, something new or challenging or awkward that he has to deal with. Or else.

So, here are my personal ‘top one hundred’ rules for a successful relationship. Some readers may deem certain ones as unnecessarily severe, perhaps even impractical. But I don’t care for those propositions – put simply, a strict, uncompromising approach suits my temperament.

It could be argued that only the first rule is really necessary, and therefore every other rule is superfluous. I dispute this notion. By detailing so many rules the male knows exactly what is expected of him...and what he can expect should he fail to follow any of them to the letter. He is - or should be - fully cognisant of the numerous ways in which he must meet his Superior’s standards and expectations. Besides, I have so much fun looking for rule violations.

Some of the rules are obvious, providing the basic foundations for proper conduct by the male. Others are focused on emphasising who is in control at all times. Many are here simply to guide the male ever-onwards into deep submission. All are designed to avoid ambiguity - the male knows exactly what he is getting himself in for, right from the very start: ‘My way or the highway’, all day, every day.


The Female Superior has established the following rules by which Her submissive agrees to abide by in full and at all times.

1. The submissive must obey any order, direction or command from his Superior, without exception.

2. The submissive will make his Superior’s life as comfortable, smooth and relaxing as possible, without exception.

3. The submissive must never make demands of his Superior, in any way, manner or circumstance.

4. The submissive is only permitted to address his Superior as ‘Ma’am’, ‘Miss’, ‘My Lady or ‘My Female Superior’.

5. The submissive will use one or other of the above titles when addressing his Superior, without exception.

6. The submissive will be allotted a suitable name (or names) by his Superior for use in both domestic and public settings.

7. The submissive, when communicating with his Superior, must always refer to himself in the third person using the name(s) selected for him by Her.

8. The submissive must avert his eyes / gaze from those of his Superior’s at all times, except when he is sitting, standing, crouching, squatting, kneeling, etc, in front of a mirror, in which case he is expected to meet his Superior’s eyes / gaze.

9. The submissive is not to speak, sing, hum, whistle or make any sound without the permission of his Superior.

10. The submissive is not to whine, whinge or complain about any task, order, direction or command that his Superior gives him.

11. The submissive is not permitted to question his Superior, except to clarify a task, order, direction or command.

12. The submissive is only to ask a clarifying question in the following manner: “Please Ma’am / Miss / My Lady / My Female Superior, may (the submissive) have permission to ask a question?” At no time is the Superior obliged to grant the submissive permission to ask a question.

13. The submissive will never raise his voice, in or outside the home.

14. The submissive must never swear or utter profanities, in or outside the home.

15. The submissive will accept any disciplinary or punishment measure that his Superior selects for him, including those given to him in public settings.

16. The submissive will be subject to various disciplinary and punishment measures by his Superior, including, but not limited to, corporal punishments, physical restrictions, restraints and chastisements, dress and clothing impositions, school room, petticoat and nursery discipline, domestic and public humiliations, controls on bodily functions, extra domestic chores, loss of privileges, etc.

17. The submissive must thank his Superior before, and at the conclusion of, any punishment, except where an object in his mouth prevents him from doing so.

18. The submissive is not permitted to cry or sob before being punished by his Superior, however he may cry or sob while a punishment is being administered.

19. The submissive will care for and maintain all disciplinary and punishment items used by his Superior to the highest standards, as determined by Her.

20. The submissive will, on occasion, be required to serve other Female Superiors. In such situations the submissive will obey all orders as if they have been delivered by his Superior.

21. The submissive will provide sexual gratification for his Superior in whatever form and manner She chooses, with no expectations on his part of reciprocal pleasures.

22. The submissive will have his male appendages fully restrained / caged / locked at all times, the exact manner of which will vary at the discretion of his Superior.

23. The submissive is never to touch his male appendages except in the manner(s) prescribed by his Superior.

24. The submissive will learn, through training under the direct supervision of his Superior, complete control of ejaculatory release. He is, however, never permitted to ejaculate except as described in Rule 25.

25. The submissive will, for health reasons, be subject to routine prostate ‘milking’, at times determined by his Superior. No other form of ejaculatory release is permitted, without exception.

26. The submissive will, in ways and manners determined by his Superior, be responsible for undertaking all domestic duties and tasks including, but not limited to, cleaning, polishing, scrubbing, vacuuming, ironing, washing, sewing, cooking, gardening, yard maintenance, home maintenance, car maintenance and cleaning, food and grocery shopping, etc.

27. The submissive will undertake domestic duties and tasks every morning and evening during the working week, and all day and evening on weekends and public holidays, except where a disciplinary or punishment measure prevents him from performing such duties.

28. The submissive will ensure all domestic duties and tasks are carried out and completed to the highest standards, as determined by his Superior.

29. The submissive will ensure all domestic duties and tasks are undertaken in the time allotted to each task by his Superior.

30. The submissive will inform his Superior of any domestic duties and tasks he fails to complete in the allotted time.

31. The submissive will conduct all domestic duties and tasks in as quiet a manner as each duty / task allows.

32. The submissive will conduct all domestic duties and tasks using correct posture and bearing, as determined by his Superior.

33. The submissive is never to disturb his Superior’s sleep (unless in an emergency).

34. The submissive will rise no later than 5am each day, without exception.

35. The submissive will retire at night at the times determined by his Superior.

36. The submissive will maintain his lodgings in immaculate condition, without exception.

37. The submissive is only permitted the furniture, fittings and items in his lodgings that are selected and approved by his

38. The submissive will wear only the clothing selected for him by his Superior. This applies to both domestic and public
settings, without exception.

39. The submissive will ensure every item of clothing worn (including accessories and adornments) is presented perfectly, and kept clean, neat and tidy, at all times. The only exception is when the submissive is undertaking garden, yard or car maintenance duties or the like.

40. The submissive is not to wear any items of male underwear, without exception.

41. The submissive is not to wear any items of male clothing in the domestic sphere, without exception.

42. The submissive will perform all interior domestic duties and tasks dressed in a full (plain) maid’s / servant girl’s uniform, unless otherwise directed by his Superior.

43. The submissive will curtsey in response to any direct order, direction or command from his Superior whenever he is dressed in a full (plain) maid’s / servant girl’s uniform and in a position to physically do so.

44. The submissive is not to remove any item of clothing (including nappies and incontinence pants) without the permission of his Superior.

45. The submissive is not to remove any accessory, adornment and the like from his clothing or body without the permission of his Superior.

46. The submissive must ensure a pink baby’s dummy is carried on his person whenever he accompanies his Superior outdoors or in public, without exception.

47. The submissive must never hesitate to arrange the baby’s dummy around his neck, pin it to his clothing or insert it into his mouth when directed to do so by his Superior.

48. The submissive will only use the lavatory in the manner prescribed by his Superior and only when given permission, or at the designated times selected for him by Her.

49. The submissive will undergo regular colonic irrigations, using liquids, and volumes of liquids, determined by his Superior.

50. The submissive is not permitted to expel liquids used for a colonic irrigation until permitted to do so by his Superior.

51. The submissive will wear devices (of varying shapes, sizes and materials) inside his anus at any time specified by his Superior, in both domestic and public settings.

52. The submissive may not remove a device inside his anus without the permission of his Superior (except in an emergency).

53. The submissive, when granted permission to remove a device from his anus, must do so in the manner(s) prescribed, and / or times designated by, his Superior.

54. The submissive must ensure that any device to be inserted into, or removed from, his anus never makes contact with the floor, ground, furniture, fittings or lavatory receptacles, without exception.

55. The submissive will keep his body smooth, clean and smelling pleasant at all times.

56. The submissive will remove all body hair weekly, in the manner prescribed by his Superior.

57. The submissive will shave facial hair twice daily: in the morning and again upon returning from work, except on weekends, when the second shave will occur before 6pm.

58. The submissive has fifteen minutes to shower, shave and carry out any ablutions each morning, and five minutes to shave each evening, without exception.

59. The submissive will have his hair cut and kept short in any style or manner selected by his Superior.

60. The submissive will keep his hair clean, neat and tidy at all times, without exception.

61. The submissive must never break wind, burp or fidget with his nostrils in the presence of any Female, without

62. The submissive will eat only the food and drink that his Superior authorises or selects for him, without exception.

63. The submissive will consume all food and drink at every meal, without exception.

64. The submissive is only permitted to eat or drink in manners and settings and at times designated for him by his

65. The submissive is not to commence a meal in the presence of his Superior unless permitted to do so, without exception.

66. The submissive will be polite, courteous, helpful and passive in nature whenever he is in the presence of a Female, without exception.

67. The submissive will continue to work at his job Monday to Friday.

68. The submissive will deposit his entire wage each pay day into his Superior’s bank account.

69. The submissive will receive an allowance of $10 for each working day from his Superior to cover all work-related expenditures.

70. The submissive will not receive any allowance for any day that he is absent from work due to annual leave, public holidays, sick days, etc.

71. The submissive must account for all weekly expenditure, without exception.

72. The submissive will save a minimum of 10% from each weekly allowance, without exception.

73. The submissive will deposit his weekly savings in person, into the personal bank account opened for him by his Superior.

74. The submissive is not permitted to make withdrawals from his bank account unless they are authorised by his Superior.

75. The submissive is not to use any form of credit, or credit card, without exception.

76. The submissive is not to absent himself from work without the permission of his Superior.

77. The submissive is not to attend any work social functions outside normal working hours without the permission of his Superior.

78. The submissive will spend all public holidays and any annual leave undertaking duties and tasks determined by his Superior.

79. The submissive is not permitted to write in cursive script, except when performing tasks related to his paid employment or signing official documentation.

80. The submissive must ensure that all writing he is directed to undertake by his Superior is legible and tidy.

81. The submissive is not to smoke or take any illicit drugs.

82. The submissive is not to imbibe alcohol without the permission of his Superior.

83. The submissive is not to drive a car at any time without the permission of his Superior (except in an emergency).

84. The submissive is not to make personal telephone calls from home without the permission of his Superior (except in an emergency).

85. The submissive is not to use the mobile phone issued to him by his Superior for any use other than communication with Her (except in an emergency).

86. The submissive is not permitted any recreational or leisure activity that has not been authorised by his Superior.

87. The submissive is not permitted ‘free’ time, unless authorised by his Superior.

88. The submissive must inform his Superior that he has ‘free’ time available should the situation ever arise.

89. The submissive is not to watch television, dvds or use computers unless permitted to do so by his Superior.

90. The submissive is not to listen to music or radio that has not been selected for him by his Superior.

91. The submissive is not to read any article, journal, magazine, newspaper, book or other printed material that has not be selected for him by his Superior , the exception being items necessary for him to complete duties and tasks associated with his paid employment.

92. The submissive must strive to keep himself physically fit and healthy at all times.

93. The submissive will undertake 30 minutes exercise each morning prior to commencing domestic duties / work, the form of which will be determined by his Superior. The submissive may also be required to complete other forms of exercise and physical activity at other times of the day / week.

94. The submissive will maintain a daily diary in which he is to record any transgressions of the Superior’s rules.

95. The submissive will record in his daily diary any thoughts or feelings that indicate that violation of a rule, or rules, is possible, likely, being contemplated, etc.

96. The submissive will record in his daily diary any weaknesses and failings on his part that require addressing i.e., poor / inappropriate behavioural / attitudinal traits.

97. The submissive will record in his daily diary any shortcomings he notes with his domestic skills, as well as suggested ways and means of improving them.

98. The submissive will have his diary reviewed weekly by his Superior, who will then develop appropriate disciplinary training and / or punishment measures that aid the submissive in improving his outlook / skills.

99. The submissive is not to use the physical absence of his Superior to indulge in any activity that has not been authorised by his Superior.

100. The submissive will learn to recite each word of every rule contained here within one hundred days of signing this agreement.

Failure to abide by any of the above rules will result in punishment, without exception. In the event of continual, flagrant rule violation, the submissive will have his services terminated by the Superior.

The Female Superior acknowledges that in return for the submissive agreeing to the above rules, She will:

1. Never willingly place Her submissive in a position of physical risk or danger, nor subject him to physical or psychological injury that results in hospitalisation, ill health or medication.
Provide the submissive with adequate food, shelter and clothing at all times.

2. Adjust rules for a period of time should the submissive fall ill or is unwell.

3. Adjust rules for a period of time should the submissive need to attend to family matters.

4. Review the submissive’s allowance yearly, adjusting it up (or down) where necessary.

5. Allow the submissive one weekend off each year free from all domestic duties and certain rules, choosing appropriate leisure / recreational activities for the submissive to participate in.

6. Deposit the equivalent of one week’s allowance into his personal bank account each February 29 and on Her Birthday.

Both the Female Superior and submissive acknowledge that this agreement is entered into freely, by choice.

Signed: Female Superior

Signed: submissive



hertz -> RE: 100 Rules For a Happy House (8/20/2010 2:01:30 PM)

Horny as hell...

Jeffff -> RE: 100 Rules For a Happy House (8/21/2010 8:17:41 AM)

This One skimmed it.

This One did not care for it.

pogo4pres -> RE: 100 Rules For a Happy House (8/21/2010 9:33:58 AM)


91. The submissive is not to read any article, journal, magazine, newspaper, book or other printed material that has not be selected for him by his Superior , the exception being items necessary for him to complete duties and tasks associated with his paid employment.

And this is the fucking deal breaker for me.  No way I give up my right to read and stay informed, just not happening.

Not so Submissively,
Some Knucklehead in NJ

LaTigresse -> RE: 100 Rules For a Happy House (8/21/2010 10:39:26 AM)

Well Susan, I am thrilled you placed this in the 'Creative Writings' section. Creative writings hints at fictional and that is pretty much what I am seeing in your OP........some really lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg borrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggg fiction.

I assume you posted it here because you were unable to get a publishing deal?

Twoshoes -> RE: 100 Rules For a Happy House (8/21/2010 12:13:38 PM)

I believe it accomplished what it was supposed to (making men frustrated) incredibly well. You have abunch of males posting who were clearly frustrated just trying to read it. Granted, most of them weren't submissive, but as you can imagine, managing to read it and attempting to follow these rules would lead to even more unimaginable frustration:

My rules are tailored to make [his] life [...] as difficult and awkward as I can make it for him. I want to know he is intent on doing everything absolutely correctly, and that he fears letting me down and failing. I want to sense his nervousness, awkwardness, uncomfortableness [...]

I addition, it does well as an "approach [which] washes away undesirable masculine traits ", because the non-submissive men who posted here, clearly felt the need to express some of those traits - such a sense of humor and a clear desire to "not give a fuck" and "be right". I call this is a success also.

The one female poster, also pointed out this story seems to threaten her freedom to "LIVE a LIFE". Which is clearly what these rules are meant for.

On the other hand, I agree with jeffffff, if we were to take this story seriously, we'd simple point out the reasons why it is abusive and dangerous. We're simply enjoying it as it was meant to be enjoyed - frustratingly.

All in all, I'd say this creative writing is a huge success in terms of the responses.

Tantriqu -> RE: 100 Rules For a Happy House (8/21/2010 3:32:22 PM)

Pretty close to what I require, with the exceptions of financial domination, body depilation, reading restrictions, 5 am, etc.etc.etc.

Jeffff -> RE: 100 Rules For a Happy House (8/21/2010 4:12:41 PM)

This is not a snark, truly.

I would be interested to know how many successful relationships you have had following all those rules?


Twoshoes -> RE: 100 Rules For a Happy House (8/21/2010 4:17:04 PM)

How would that be possible? It is a system set up for failure and frustration. It clearly says so in the introduction.

Jeffff -> RE: 100 Rules For a Happy House (8/21/2010 4:18:41 PM)

Tantriq's posts generally have merit.

That's why I asked.

sexyred1 -> RE: 100 Rules For a Happy House (8/21/2010 5:05:27 PM)

69. The submissive will receive an allowance of $10 for each working day from his Superior to cover all work-related expenditures

Ok, now I know that was fiction. That would NEVER work in NJ and NYC.

61. The submissive must never break wind, burp or fidget with his nostrils in the presence of any Female, without exception

Is that even possible??

It was however, very entertaining.

juliaoceania -> RE: 100 Rules For a Happy House (8/21/2010 7:30:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: pogo4pres


91. The submissive is not to read any article, journal, magazine, newspaper, book or other printed material that has not be selected for him by his Superior , the exception being items necessary for him to complete duties and tasks associated with his paid employment.

And this is the fucking deal breaker for me.  No way I give up my right to read and stay informed, just not happening.

Not so Submissively,
Some Knucklehead in NJ

Slaves get strange ideas about freedom and such if they are allowed to read. I tend to think this is why I am not really as submissive as I could be, I read too much. My former dominants allowed it and I got uppity

Jeffff -> RE: 100 Rules For a Happy House (8/21/2010 7:43:52 PM)

46. The submissive must ensure a pink baby’s dummy is carried on his person whenever he accompanies his Superior outdoors or in public, without exception.


subjanus -> RE: 100 Rules For a Happy House (8/22/2010 1:10:12 PM)

I've been advised by the administrators to say that this is a fictional piece, written by me.

Read in to it what you like. I don't 'debate' my works of fiction except on stylistic and literary grounds. Sorry if that upsets you.


ModTwentyOne -> RE: 100 Rules For a Happy House (8/22/2010 1:28:22 PM)

Numerous posts have been removed for off topic and hijacking.  Someone else's creative writing is not the place to have a chat with your friends. 

Thank you.

wandersalone -> RE: 100 Rules For a Happy House (8/25/2010 6:11:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: subjanus

I've been advised by the administrators to say that this is a fictional piece, written by me.

Read in to it what you like. I don't 'debate' my works of fiction except on stylistic and literary grounds. Sorry if that upsets you.


May I just clarify.... you are a submissive male that wrote a fictional piece in the guise of a dominant female?   So is this an idea of the type of submission you would want to explore?

It seems that you want a woman to micro manage you (if this fictional writing is about your own desires) and I am not sure how many women will have the time or inclination to do so.

ps.and who is Susan?

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