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RE: Where were you? - 9/11/2010 10:13:28 AM   

Posts: 50939
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From: Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX
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Oh, yes.  I'll never forget.  I was on my way to work when I heard about the crash into the first tower.  My first thought was that it was a horrible accident.  Then, as I pulled into the parking lot, I heard about the crash into the second tower.  At that point, I knew it had to be a deliberate attack.

When I walked into the office, everyone was walking around looking panicked.  Our office was in Irving, TX, but we had an office in New York, very close to where it happened.  The corporate headquarters sent everyone in the whole company home.  I stayed in the house and prayed and meditated the rest of the day.

(in reply to AlwaysLisa)
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RE: Where were you? - 9/11/2010 11:47:47 AM   

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This like the previous generation remembering where they were when JFK was shot...

I remember that too.  Though I was young, I can remember all the adults around me in tears.   Sept 11, was a bit more emotional for me..  the numbness, shock and then it was my turn to cry. 


Just an old flower child, trying to survive in today's chaos and confusion.

(in reply to xXsoumisXx)
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RE: Where were you? - 9/11/2010 4:11:56 PM   

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I'd traveled for work just about every week that year. It was the first week in months where I was home. I'd been to the United Cerebral Palsy office in NY the week before. I'd just made coffee and sat down when a friend called to see if I was home, then said, turn on the TV, we're under attack.


--'Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform' - Mark Twain

(in reply to AlwaysLisa)
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RE: Where were you? - 9/11/2010 4:30:00 PM   

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I only remember it cause it turned into such a huge cluster fuck at my house, with my mom screaming and crying and rocking an then screaming at me that if I was so un american and un careing as not to want to watch the news and cry and hear about 9/11 all day, day in an out I could leave the country then.


ORIGINAL: AlwaysLisa

Do you remember where you were at the time it made the media?  

I think people may forget to pay a bill, or even a loved ones birthday, but I'm guessing that day in history will be recalled in memory just as crystal clear today as it was then.   At least for myself it is.   Anyone else?


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RE: Where were you? - 9/11/2010 4:52:16 PM   

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I was at work in the Midwest. It was surreal watching the TV coverage that day,

(in reply to Aneirin)
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RE: Where were you? - 9/11/2010 5:22:06 PM   

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I was living with an American in the UK.

Saw the first footage, thought id put on the movie channel. Then the second plane hit, i'm told i screamed.

Ive seen more than one disaster first hand, seeing that on the news, i still cant get my head round.

God bless and prayers to all who've lost loved ones, whatever the circumstances.

(in reply to TribeTziyon)
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RE: Where were you? - 9/12/2010 7:20:12 AM   

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I was thinking more about this last night.

Generic Dude has been away since Friday morning. My grandsons had motocross yesterday. My son is in Peru for work until the first of December. That left me and my son's girlfriend to transport bikes and assist, along with my grand's mother and her husband. (The bikes and gear are stored here)

GD was feeling guilty about having to miss it and called last night to see how everything went. After we discussed the fabulousness of the grands and how well they did, he asked me if they did anything special at the track. I was dense as a post and had zero clue what he was talking about. "Why would they do anything special? For what?" As soon as I posted what I did on here yesterday morning, I forgot all about the whole '9/11' thing and went on about my day. Obviously there was nothing noticable at the race least not to me.

He and I then started talking about that day and the events that followed. I realized that the day itself, that day, had very little impact on me. But it was a huge trigger in my life, in the lives of so many people I know and many I love. I had forgotten the discussion that evening between GD and I. He was still military then and he has always been a huge student of politics and history. We had always said that it was surprising the US had never had a major terrorist attack and that it really was inevitable. So our discussion was a lot of "Well, it finally happened..." And him asking me if I realized what it was going to mean for him, the family, and for many of the people in our lives. He knew they would have to go overseas again and that it wasn't going to be anything like Desert Shield.

9/11 was a trigger point for me and many of the people in my life. It was the only time in a 20+ year career that GD saw active combat. Similarly with many military friends and family. Yet, it was also the first deployment that I could communicate with him, almost daily, via the net.

There were so many major changes in my life, that followed that, I cannot even remember them all to write them. Political views that changed, life philosophies, family dynamics, relationship dynamics.

So yeah, while the day itself didn't seem to have a big impact at first really did have a much more long term impact for a lot of people in my life.

I just really wish, of all things, the military actions that followed had been marketed differently. Less focus on the religioun of the terrorists and more focus on the terrorist acts and how to stop them.


My twisted, self deprecating, sense of humour, finds alot to laugh about, in your lack of one!

Just because you are well educated, articulate, and can use big, fancy words, properly........does not mean you are right!

(in reply to LaTigresse)
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RE: Where were you? - 9/12/2010 10:06:07 AM   

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I was driving to my job at Sun Microsystems, and listening to the radio.  The news reported that a plane had hit the WTC, and I thought, "What the hell?  How could a plane get that far off its flight path?"  Then a second one did and I began thinking it might be deliberate.

At work, nobody could focus on their job. 

The layoffs came a few months later and were blamed on 9/11.

The one I REALLY remember was the Challenger disaster.  I was working at Hercules Aerospace at the time, which was in the same industry as Morton Thiokol.  I was driving with a coworker and we heard the news on the radio and both of us realized that our industry was going to get hit hard.


"You women....

The small-breasted ones want larger breasts. The large-breasted ones want smaller ones. The straight-haired ones curl their hair, and the curly-haired ones straighten theirs...

Quit fretting. We men love you."

(in reply to LaTigresse)
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RE: Where were you? - 9/12/2010 10:27:27 AM   

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In school, about an hour away from DC. The news reports got mixed up and I thought the pentagon had been destroyed. They had to bring in therapists to the school fast because a lot of the kids had military family. People who worked in the pentagon.

I remember wanting to shed the blood of a teacher who made us take a test that day and refused to put the news back on till we were all done. I think all of us just scribbled down whatever answer so that we could try to find out what was going on and if our friends and family were ok. There was a lot of screaming and crying next to the lockers, teens scrambling for cell phones and a line to get in to see the therapists.

I'd done a report on my parents remembering JFK earlier that year. I can remember being stunned standing there in the office, thinking "My kids and my grandkids are going ask me about this... "

< Message edited by AquaticSub -- 9/12/2010 10:30:47 AM >


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(in reply to AlwaysLisa)
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RE: Where were you? - 9/12/2010 10:33:32 AM   

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I live right across the river from Manhattan in NJ. Unfortunately, I was on a business trip in CA and the morning it happened, I was supposed to fly back home. I could not leave since there were no planes going home for the next few days. I was at a conference and various people were trying to get rental cars to drive back East.

I could not find any way home and was stuck at this hotel for a few days, helplessly watching the coverage and so upset that I could not be home helping out as friends and family were doing.

My brother works for a big pharma company and watched the attack from his office window in NJ and quickly gathered the companies forces to take a boat to ground zero and offer medical supplies and even pet supplies to the rescue dogs.

I literally cried for days waiting to come home and worst of all, my cousin worked in one of the towers for a financial company and was killed.

(in reply to AquaticSub)
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RE: Where were you? - 9/12/2010 10:47:52 AM   

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I was in middle school in VA at the time. I remember looking out the window and seeing the flags all at half mast. I looked at my teacher who did look her normal lively self and I asked her, "Why are the flags halfway down in the middle of the afternoon?" She didn't answer, but the phone started ringing and children were being taken out of school, parents were actually entering the classroom to snatch up their kids. No announcement was made, so I didn't learn until later when I turned on the TV at home and saw what happened.

(in reply to sexyred1)
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RE: Where were you? - 9/12/2010 10:48:30 AM   

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I was about 3 weeks into USAF Basic Training and on KP duty at a different training squadron. A fellow trainee came and told me what had happened while I was sweeping under bread racks. She said, "The towers in New York have been bombed." I told her, "Well yes, that was in the '90s." She replied, "No, this just happened." We were called into the chow hall area to be briefed and then sent back to our training squadron. I thought it was a part of training. We marched back to the squadron, saw the breezeways taped-off, streets were empty, and yes, there was even tumble weed blowing across the ground. It was like a bad B-movie, and it felt surreal. When we got back to our training squadron, we were greeted by several TIs, asked to show our ID, and sent inside and were ordered to sit in the Day Room. There, we watched CNN.

Most of the people I was in training with were from the NY, NJ, and surrounding areas, and everyone was crying and freaking out. The only people allowed to call home were the ones who's family worked in the Towers or at the Pentagon. I remember one girl that was on my training flight who's dad was a USAF officer that worked in the Pentagon. He happened to be somewhere else that day.

Our TIs were obviously unsure of what to tell us and were visibly shaken. After having a meeting in their office, they returned to the Day Room to tell us that they were not sure if our BMT was going to be lengthened or shortened due to the events of that day. It was chaos and confusion for awhile while I was in BMT. I was accused for being a hard ass and trying to be "cool and better than everyone else" because I showed no emotion while we were watching the events on the television. I knew what I had enlisted for. I understood the reality that I had enlisted in the military. Shit could hit the fan at any second. Like another poster here, I also understood that the US hadn't been attacked for quite a long time, and it was inevitable: some serious shit was going to happen. It was just a matter of time. Shit hit the fan while I was in basic training. I enlisted to protect my country, just as my previous generations had before me. Many on my training flight were crying because they didn't want to go to war. I asked them, "Then why did you sign-up? This is the military. You didn't sign-up for cosmetology school." They couldn't answer that.

(in reply to DarkSteven)
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RE: Where were you? - 9/12/2010 11:38:19 AM   

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You know, I dont remeber just where I was for 9/11/2001, but other events and times (both good and bad). So, to say this memory sticks out, isn't different. I just have a good memory....

I was going off to a job interview down in Boston, MA (close to the financial district if I remebered). Just got the shower, and was in the process of putting my tie on. Blue shirt, black slacks, black shoes. It was a warm, sunny day (much like nine years later). I usually had the morning business report on (I did financial work back then), but that morning they were talking about a plane crash. I watched the second plane fly in. In fact a film crew doing a 'typical day in the life of a firefighter' had picked that day to start shooting. It was, anything but 'typical'.

Boston, MA, holds a special place with 9/11. Two of the planes originated from Logan International. The plane had alot of New Englanders on it. Even the few days afterward, there was alot of action. Bomb scares and suspected terrorist cells were common. All the police forces were on high alarm, as the FBI organized raids on suspected cell locations of ANYONE they thought was remotely doing bad. I remember watching the news reporters both on the scene and from their media hubs simply been at a lost for words. It was understandable why they had trouble simply putting words to the reality. And I remember several of them making a good effort, to inform the viewer of both what happened and currently going on.

For three days afterward, the planes were grounded. And I remeber how eerily quiet things were (we always had planes flying over head, being close to Logan). A week later, I was down in New York on vacation (determined to not let terrorists ruin my vacation). To explain 'Ground Zero' at that time is, to this day, very hard. I knew what I saw, its explain the flood of sensations and everything. Afterward, I headed down to Virginia.

(in reply to SultryItalian)
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