"Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor" (Full Version)

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Vendaval -> "Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor" (9/11/2010 12:48:09 PM)

New information from the Gulf.

Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor

September 10, 2010

"The Research Vessel Oceanus sailed on Aug. 21 on a mission to figure out what happened to the more than 4 million barrels of oil that gushed into the water. Onboard, Samantha Joye, a professor in the Department of Marine Sciences at the University of Georgia, says she suddenly has a pretty good idea about where a lot of it ended up. It's showing up in samples of the seafloor, between the well site and the coast.

"I've collected literally hundreds of sediment cores from the Gulf of Mexico, including around this area. And I've never seen anything like this," she said in an interview via satellite phone from the boat.

Joye describes seeing layers of oily material — in some places more than 2 inches thick — covering the bottom of the seafloor.

"It's very fluffy and porous. And there are little tar balls in there you can see that look like microscopic cauliflower heads," she says.

It's very clearly a fresh layer. Right below it she finds much more typical seafloor mud. And in that layer, she finds recently dead shrimp, worms and other invertebrates."


luckydawg -> RE: "Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor" (9/11/2010 1:02:47 PM)

That the Government approved the use of Dispersants is a horrible crime.

Of course there is a layer of oil down there now.

But out of sight = happy voters.

pahunkboy -> RE: "Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor" (9/11/2010 1:35:02 PM)

What am I missing?

If it is not on the floor- then where else is it supposed to be?

Of course it is SOMEWHERE... so gravity could pull it to earth.    

luckydawg -> RE: "Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor" (9/11/2010 1:39:03 PM)

If it floated to the surface, which most of it would have if not for he dispersants, it could be skimmed up or burnt.

The disaster would have been worse up front, but with faster recovery and less long term damage. IMO. However, this is a giant experiment, no one knows what will happen. However a thick coating of oil on the sea floor seems pretty damn bad.

Owner59 -> RE: "Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor" (9/11/2010 2:04:19 PM)

Notice his 1st instinct, was to politicize the the issue?

luckydawg -> RE: "Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor" (9/11/2010 2:10:00 PM)

OOhh, talking Politics in the Politics section.

you need to quit whining o59.

The government did give permission (and that carries huge legal ramificatins) to use dispersants in an unstudied way.

A giant experiment, to keep it out of sight.

I intentionally said nothing about which administration gave that permission. Because I think it is a part of short term thinking that infects much of our society, not a democrat problem.

Now do you want to defend the use of dispersants o59?

Or you just following me around again?

stef -> RE: "Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor" (9/11/2010 5:05:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: luckydawg

The government did give permission (and that carries huge legal ramificatins) to use dispersants in an unstudied way.

A giant experiment, to keep it out of sight.

Really?  Isn't that directly at odds with the right-wingnut drum banging that was villainizing those evil lefties for wanting to shut down off-shore drilling?  Why hide the damage when seeing it every day would help the cause of turning people against drilling?  You guys need to make up your minds.


TheHeretic -> RE: "Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor" (9/11/2010 5:10:46 PM)

My immediate reaction is that sitting on the bottom of the ocean seems like a pretty good place for it. The fish crap and sediment from the Mississippi can drift down to bury it all over again.

I wish they were a bit clearer, because while most of the story just treats the goo as oil, it also touches on at least some percentage of it being excrement of the microbes that call crude oil "lunch."

It might be that we are going to wind up with a very large asphalt parking lot down there. There could be worse outcomes to such a spill.

Politesub53 -> RE: "Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor" (9/11/2010 5:14:00 PM)



Notice his 1st instinct, was to politicize the the issue?

Oh dont be silly, he has said today he doesnt like people doing that.  [;)]

DomKen -> RE: "Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor" (9/11/2010 5:35:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

My immediate reaction is that sitting on the bottom of the ocean seems like a pretty good place for it. The fish crap and sediment from the Mississippi can drift down to bury it all over again.

I wish they were a bit clearer, because while most of the story just treats the goo as oil, it also touches on at least some percentage of it being excrement of the microbes that call crude oil "lunch."

It might be that we are going to wind up with a very large asphalt parking lot down there. There could be worse outcomes to such a spill.

The problem is in shallow water the seabed is integral to the food chain. Having it poisoned for years to come means those areas have drastically changed ecosystems. Which beyond the purely environmental considerations means a loss of livelihood for thousands of fishermen.

TheHeretic -> RE: "Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor" (9/11/2010 5:48:50 PM)

We don't have the data yet, Ken. Maybe it's just that I'm an upbeat optimist, and you are a bitter pessimist. Until we know how much is where, in terms of the depth, and just how toxic it is, in terms of what components of the original spilled crude remain in the slime trail, and then how stable that goo is likely to be over the next century or two of sedimentation, I'm going to scan those clouds for silver linings

I'm not suggesting that having hundreds of square miles of blacktop down there is an improvement to the Gulf of Mexico, but I'm going to hope that it's better than two inches thick in the marshes would have been.

servantforuse -> RE: "Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor" (9/11/2010 7:42:10 PM)

They can't blame Bush for this one, but I'll bet that they try to.

luckydawg -> RE: "Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor" (9/12/2010 5:33:37 AM)




ORIGINAL: luckydawg

The government did give permission (and that carries huge legal ramificatins) to use dispersants in an unstudied way.

A giant experiment, to keep it out of sight.

Really?  Isn't that directly at odds with the right-wingnut drum banging that was villainizing those evil lefties for wanting to shut down off-shore drilling?  Why hide the damage when seeing it every day would help the cause of turning people against drilling?  You guys need to make up your minds.


This is kind of dumb even for you. I never said any such thing. Why make up shit like this? Thats not my position, and I do not have to account for anyone elses.

Debate me on what I say, or shut up and leave me alone, ok?

luckydawg -> RE: "Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor" (9/12/2010 5:35:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: Politesub53



Notice his 1st instinct, was to politicize the the issue?

Oh dont be silly, he has said today he doesnt like people doing that.  [;)]

Why do you tell lies like this Politesub? It's not very polite to lie

luckydawg -> RE: "Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor" (9/12/2010 5:38:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

We don't have the data yet, Ken. Maybe it's just that I'm an upbeat optimist, and you are a bitter pessimist. Until we know how much is where, in terms of the depth, and just how toxic it is, in terms of what components of the original spilled crude remain in the slime trail, and then how stable that goo is likely to be over the next century or two of sedimentation, I'm going to scan those clouds for silver linings

I'm not suggesting that having hundreds of square miles of blacktop down there is an improvement to the Gulf of Mexico, but I'm going to hope that it's better than two inches thick in the marshes would have been.

It could be cleaned out of the Marshes. I think this is far worse. Even you admit it will take centuries.

I hope I am wrong.

Jeffff -> RE: "Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor" (9/12/2010 5:39:38 AM)

The problem was it was to thick to burn and it was not just sitting there. It was moving, making skimming an impossible option.

The choices for environmental impact seemed to be disperse it or try and repair the damaged coast line later.

Time will tell if it was the wiser of the two choices.

luckydawg -> RE: "Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor" (9/12/2010 5:42:06 AM)

Moving does not make skimming impossible. That's just silly.

But your right time will tell.

The dispersants were used.

Jeffff -> RE: "Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor" (9/12/2010 5:52:33 AM)

It wasn't a puddle. There was limited skimming done. There was not enough time or skimmers to skim it all.

luckydawg -> RE: "Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor" (9/12/2010 6:03:02 AM)

Who says it was a puddle? Yyou said skimming was impossible.

Of course they couldn't skim it all. That would be impossible under ideal conditions.

The fact that the oil is collagulating on the sea floor is an obvious result of using dispersants. And it can't be cleaned up from there.

If you support the use of Dispersants, ok...I don't.


I think it was an out of sight out of mind move. Short sighted and stupid.

And that the government approving the use of dispersants will give BP a lot of legal shelter from the damages from the use of the dispersants.

and leave taxpayers paying for it.

And paving the bottom of the ocean will have pretty horrible effects on the food chain.

Which is essentailly what is happening. very simplified, the aspahltenes are sinking to the bottom forming an asphalt like substance, while the Benzene type toxics are staying in the water colluom.

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