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FlaDom -> Pictures (9/27/2004 2:55:44 PM)

What are you opinion(s) on 'cock shots'? Like them, hate them or ambivilous? If your reading a profile and looking at Dom picts would you also like to see a cock shot? Inquiring minds want to know.

theroebabe -> RE: Pictures (9/27/2004 3:38:15 PM)

Personally if dont like them. I want to know the person before i ever meet his cock. I think if he shows a shot like that its more important than his face. So nope dont like em!

anjelblue69 -> RE: Pictures (9/27/2004 5:19:17 PM)

I have to agree with Roe on this one. There is so much more I want to learn about a person before I see his cock. This isn't to say that somewhere down the road I won't want a gander at it. In fact, if things go well then I will almost certainly want to see it. But someone who places such emphasis on his genitalia is likely not going to place enough emphasis on so many other things that matter as well.

As a general rule, I don't even reply to those who have graphic nudity shots in their profiles and I state so in my own profile. But that's just me, surely there are others who feel differently.


sub4hire -> RE: Pictures (9/27/2004 5:41:48 PM)

It doesn't matter to me what they do. Even if I were searching. However, I think I would question the person who posted it. Someone who has such low self esteem they have to be known by a part of their anatomy to get attention. In my mind there is clearly something wrong with that.

proudsub -> RE: Pictures (9/27/2004 5:41:59 PM)

Here are three old threads about cock shots:

what to do about penis pictures

crotch shots

pet peeves

velvetvixen -> RE: Pictures (9/27/2004 6:21:01 PM)

I am not in favor of them. Thanks for asking.

subbiejenn -> RE: Pictures (9/27/2004 7:03:12 PM)



What are you opinion(s) on 'cock shots'? Like them, hate them or ambivilous? If your reading a profile and looking at Dom picts would you also like to see a cock shot? Inquiring minds want to know.

I've never liked them, not to see first thing. i want to see a Doms smile and eyes before anything else. i think a lot of people still center the lifestyle around sex, just thinking inside of the sexual box.

deannalynn -> RE: Pictures (9/27/2004 10:42:48 PM)

Warm Greetings,

I would automatically overlook any man who had a picture of their penis on their profile. The chances of even talking to them would be pretty slim. Looking at a picture of a male's equimpment whom I dont know, probably stirs within me as much as staring at a picture of a pet rock. I am not sure if all women are the same, I think most of us are just wired differently. And for the old cliche, "size doesn't matter," I dont think it does. If I cared for a man and he was 4" or 12", I wouldnt look at him any differently. (other then picking my jaw up off the ground if he was 12 :)

Guess the same question could go for you, "What would you think of a woman who only showed a pictures of her genatlia?"

wishing you well,


temptation -> RE: Pictures (9/28/2004 2:03:53 AM)

they kinda turn my stomach.

I wouldnt even consider giving someone who had a 'cock shot' in his profile a chance.

merrymasochist -> RE: Pictures (9/28/2004 5:52:06 AM)

personally i don't care for them... it's what's above the shoulders that catches and holds my interest not what's packed in the pants...

gitta -> RE: Pictures (9/28/2004 9:47:56 AM)

What i think and my reaction to seeing a mans penis before his face is to close the profile, they are thinking with their "other head". It seems to me a man who is honestly seeking a real relationship would want to exhibit their best feature first, if all they have to offer is a picture of their penis...well no thanks. If after knowing this same person, and developing a foundation which may lead to a sexual exploration then i would not mind seeing the package at all. Bottom line for me cock shot before knowing who it is attached to is a big no thanks.

FlaDom -> RE: Pictures (9/28/2004 10:39:37 AM)

I think a picture is great! A nude shot, boob shot or crotch shot is not what I need or want, I feel that between rounds in the horizontal position we need to have the ability to talk about common interests. I mean "Gee, you have great tits" can only take you so far and the same can be said for the other side of the coin.

Thanks for all the great responses.[:)]

Mercnbeth -> RE: Pictures (9/28/2004 11:19:17 AM)

Wow - I'm quoting myself from another thread regarding married men responding to ads. I must be an egomaniac. But it got a ROLF response and it is also appropriate to this thread so.....


Why do you think most of them send you pictures of one, or have their profile picture be a cock? They're letting you know - THEY'RE PRICKS!

But FlaDom raised my eyebrow because he noted that some profiles have nude shots, boob shots, etc. Being guilty of that ourselves is there a double standard? Or is it that a picture of a woman's breast is universally perceived as more attractive and acceptable then a man's penis. And "Puppetry of the Penis" (NYC Broadway play reference) excluded, penises are never openly displayed as 'art'.

We receive regular messages from both sexes complimenting beth on her breasts. And being already on record as egomaniacs we LIKE those comments. But we posted the picture because we liked the way we looked. We hope it's not offensive.

Merc & beth


sub4hire -> RE: Pictures (9/28/2004 11:55:29 AM)


We receive regular messages from both sexes complimenting beth on her breasts. And being already on record as egomaniacs we LIKE those comments. But we posted the picture because we liked the way we looked. We hope it's not offensive.

You have a naked breast shot somewhere?
I haven't seen it, I think your pics at least on the boards are not offensive. They are you, they portray who you are. Nothing wrong with that. Just like my pic portrays my passion for hiking.
It is who I am...yours are who you are.

NoCalOwner -> RE: Pictures (9/28/2004 11:57:19 AM)

We're guilty as well, Zoot's profile pic is on the nekkid side. For privacy reasons she didn't like the idea of posting a clear shot of her face, so she posted one where she's blindfolded, with skin as consolation.

That's not too weird, is it? When one goes to something like Folsom Street, where there are people with cameras rabidly taking pics of bare girlflesh, do the victims cover their boobs? No, of course not. They invariably cover their faces. [:D]

I agree about cock shots, though. No double standard, I'm OK with people of all genders posing with their shirts off, and not OK with anyone's genital closeup. Aren't those always the most boring parts of porn movies?

Mercnbeth -> RE: Pictures (9/28/2004 12:01:15 PM)

Gloria -
Our profile pic shows beth topless. For some reason when we tried to change our picture on the forum it didn't take. I don't know if it has to be approved or something, but even though it's been "uploaded" that stupid 'X" pic shows.


Merc & beth

Mercnbeth -> RE: Pictures (9/28/2004 12:08:34 PM)



When one goes to something like Folsom Street, where there are people with cameras rabidly taking pics of bare girlflesh, do the victims cover their boobs? No, of course not. They invariably cover their faces.

Well, we didn't see much face cover up. And we joked that we expected to see ourselves on the Yahoo "Most downloaded" pics. We (I should say beth I just happened to be at the other end of the leash) must have had at least 100 pics taken. And we reciprocated. Have a great picture book and movie of the trip, posted some on our yahoo profile page.

We never had such a great time. beth is still 'recovering'. The only thing we didn't do was sleep.

Merc & beth

theroebabe -> RE: Pictures (9/28/2004 12:10:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

Gloria -
Our profile pic shows beth topless. For some reason when we tried to change our picture on the forum it didn't take. I don't know if it has to be approved or something, but even though it's been "uploaded" that stupid 'X" pic shows.


Merc & beth

it might be the size is still to big. if you make it smaller it will probably work. lol now who ever thought you would hear me say smaller is better!?!?!

Mercnbeth -> RE: Pictures (9/28/2004 3:03:46 PM)

Roe -
Smaller is never better!

As I posted to the moderator....


I forgot to think like a computer. After the 'successful upload' message I was under the false assumption that meant it was successfully uploaded. Kept playing with it and realized that I still had to hit the apply box at the bottom of the page. Just like shutting down Windows.....

"Click her to log-off".....

Then up pops...

"Are you sure you want to log off?"

Wish there was a button to IM Bill Gates - NO, I just thought I'd see what happens when you pushed the log off button!"

Though about applying this to beth...

"Want to cum?"
"Are you really sure you want to cum??"
"Do you want to cum badly enough???"

But it would be too sadistic!

Merc & beth

proudsub -> RE: Pictures (9/28/2004 3:32:17 PM)


We hope it's not offensive.

I don't find yours offenseive at all. I don't like to see cock shots as the main pic on profiles. However I do enjoy pics of CBT, but not on the profile.

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