Poem : I am - I exist (Full Version)

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Athena25 -> Poem : I am - I exist (9/26/2010 10:04:31 AM)

Through pleasure or pain......

In loss or in gain.

I fail the words and can't say anything.

I wish I were with you under your wing.

I came to you,

You collared me.

I was naive and shallow,

thinking you honored me.

Whilst in fact,

you used me for your pleasure,

and then dumped me wandering alone.

You cared not for my sighs and pain,

You heard not my moan and the painful groan.

And it was then,

that I realized,

that to be a slave,

One needed.....

Will inside.

One needed not, an abusive Master.

One needed not, an emotional disaster.

And while you've hurt me for no reason at all,

You broke your promise to hold me if I fall.

And hence today, I grant you quit.

Without you, I still exist.

I am who I am,

an individualist.

I am..... and I exist!!!

Athena25 -> Late at 4 a in the Morning (9/26/2010 10:05:37 AM)

Before the break of the dawn,

I feel excessively drawn

towards the bliss of my soul.

I wonder if I am

nothing but a sham

broken within, with a pretense of being whole :(

Often in the need of my partner I feel,

should my heart layer - by - layer I peel?

I wonder standing at the edge of the abyss....

I don't know what's gone amiss.

And yet, when I look back at my feet in the sand...

I feel, I'm woken from slumber so deep.

And in the realization that I'm now truly awake,

My submission alive.. I try to keep.

RedBottomGirl26 -> RE: Late at 4 a in the Morning (10/3/2010 2:19:47 AM)

Athena, these are both excellent poems. I do believe you are one of the few women who've written something that I actually thought took time and effort. Not that many others don't try as well, but trying and making a point that makes sense--very hard to do sometimes, in a way that others understand and get.
Sometimes I felt like I was looking in a mirror of myself, when I read your work. I have also been called overly critical at times, very judgmental of myself, yet trying very hard not to judge others (though if I run across a person who is blatantly rude to me, often I will think less of them, but I don't think in general I am overly judgemental). I try to listen as best I can, while still having something of value to talk about.

Thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed your writings and I even read through your entire journal blogs. Yes, real people do take the time to look thoroughly through someone's profile before responding. It's just there are so very few of us out there, willing to take the time, but I'm glad I'm one of them. I agree with what you said...that you will not compromise what you are looking for just to be with the "in-crowd"...being popular is hugely over-rated in my opinion. I'd prefer to be rather quiet & often times seen as invisible, if that means I hold true to what I believe in. Yes, never doubt that dedication you feel. You never need to compromise your self-worth, because as I've learned the hard way--once you compromise way too much, at some point you do lose yourself in another's idea of you, and you actually stop living your own life. I encourage your individuality, but I also understand your need for submission, because it probably runs in most areas of your life. Please, continue writing, and hopefully others will see the same beauty in you that I do. After all, it takes great strength to admit to truths, and to dispel the lies.

Athena25 -> RE: Late at 4 a in the Morning (10/3/2010 9:47:31 AM)


All I can say is... a compliment like that means a lot to me. Not just in terms of my expressiveness, but also in terms of being understood, being related to and being reassured, that sticking around with ideals is cool :)

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