a general question (Full Version)

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MzPersnickety -> a general question (4/24/2006 11:27:25 PM)

I am curious how many male Dom's find it hard to accept when they are proved wrong by a female? I recently had an encounter and it has actually left me a bit perplexed. I will say that maybe I approached it the wrong manner though I do not believe I did and may have bristled His backbone since the manner He spoke to Me was unacceptable from anyone to anyone else. But on the whole I am just wondering if this is normal or if this was a rare encounter and should be left at that.

MistWalker -> RE: a general question (4/24/2006 11:35:04 PM)

i dont know that im completly qualified to answer this, while i am a male, im not by any means a Master,  just begining to work on my Dom side, but i am a male, that should count for somehting.. Personaly i have no problem being proved wrong by anyway. im intelegent enough to know, well that im not all that intelegent, i dont know everything, and never will.  Some thoguh i know find it hard to be corected, and i suppose some could find it resentfull to be corected by a woman if that was there personality, but given the apparent rudness you alude to, i think its more of an ass then anything else, disagrements or not theres no reason to be uncivil to anyone that ive found. shrugs.. thats just me though.   im mildly curiouse if this is the MzP  i know from d4 .. if not, well then disreguard that question.. and   in  the end i think its a rare encounter, but im not completly qualified to answer , its not somehting i would do though.. female or male to be rude over being proved wrong, corected. even by a sub  if i had one.. 

slaveofdarkhold -> RE: a general question (4/24/2006 11:41:41 PM)

Your post is a bit vague as to what actually happened here so its hard to know whether his reaction was appropriate or not.  In my opinion a good Dom should be able to accept and admit being wrong about something- as should a good sub or a decent vanilla person. But its something that a lot of people have difficulty doing.. Saying 'I was wrong' takes a big person to do.
It may be that as a Dom he felt that his authority was undermined by being proved wrong and this may have knocked his confidence/hurt his pride causing him to speak to you that way. However no Dom can be right 100% of the time, it just isn't human, and admitting mistakes shows a stronger person and one more worthy of respect that someone who just claims to always be right.
Of course, because your post gave no details its entirely possible I'm missing the point of this. If the Dom felt you went out of your way to prove him wrong as show him up, for example, he might reasonably be annoyed.
But as a general statement, if you think the way he acted was inappropriate or unfair, then you should ask to sit down and discuss it and find out what the problem is. If he's not willing to do this, it seems he may have issues with being questioned and this could be a problem in the long run.

MzPersnickety -> RE: a general question (4/24/2006 11:41:57 PM)

btw Yes it is, so you do know a bit more about My personality than most would on here.

crouchingtigress -> RE: a general question (4/24/2006 11:42:04 PM)

He sounds like a putz, thats all.  I dont see a trend personally, there are always blowhards, male female dom and sub.
I find know-it-alls boring, and uninspired, and I think that they secretly think that of themselves that way as well, therefore besting others in factoids, becomes an ego-stroking exercise, created so that they dont have to face the stark truth of that fact.

MzPersnickety -> RE: a general question (4/24/2006 11:48:54 PM)

It was all about response time to an email sent. I am sorry real life came about. I then said as I had told you before not interested and found Him rather rude and told Him so.I was then told no I was the rude one for not responding quick enough and I had never responded to anything he had sent and I was a waste of his time. I think there was one or two more volleys and being the person I am and hence the moniker I do not delete things, and keep records of everything. After the last insult I went to send him the emails of before but found I was blocked. Just found it obnoxious and came to mind are all this way when confronted with being told they are wrong and rude.....I kept it vague for certain reasons because I do not think that was the only issue but have seen it before and wanted some feedback on it in general.

BitaTruble -> RE: a general question (4/24/2006 11:53:42 PM)

Well, there you go, Mz P. How dare you have a real life. Next time, drop whatever you are doing and respond forthwith. This is all your own fault for not remembering that cyber space is the only 'true' space. ;)


MzPersnickety -> RE: a general question (4/24/2006 11:56:28 PM)


there are always blowhards, male female dom and sub.

I agree and I can be seen as one sometimes because I am rather blunt and speak my mind. But if I am proven wrong I will admit it and try and learn from it. Like I said I may have been rather ummm blunt in my manner andit  does tend to turn some people off.....

BTW I need to know where you are going because I am finding more and more of it online....then again I need to start getting out mor and away from this darn thing (ie. the computer)

MistWalker -> RE: a general question (4/24/2006 11:58:06 PM)

i have to laughs  at ones, that cant take a simple delay with grace.. im sorry but there is a life outside of a computer screen... not that the time im allowed to spend before one would seem to indicate it. but things that need be done get done..  to be rude over not reciveing an email though.. seems almost childish.. i mean ive been waiting on a responce from some one for about a week now, not likely i will rip into them for it... the only reason i would even begin to expect something in a certina time would be if one was mine. beyond that...  *shurgs*    like i said before i dont think its a general trend , theres just always goign to be some one that dosent like being corected, or called on a fault... those that can take it with grace, and accept faults, mistakes, are the ones i would rather deal with anyway.  by far. 

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: a general question (4/25/2006 5:49:14 AM)

It's more common than one would like, but I don't think it's pervasive.  There really are lots of insecure dominants out there.

PlayfulOne -> RE: a general question (4/25/2006 5:58:39 AM)

uhmmm,  just wondering why you would get that involved in an argument with someone you didn't want to talk to


crouchingtigress -> RE: a general question (4/25/2006 7:46:01 AM)

Grin "Ours is not to wnder why, Ours is but, delete reply" Youll live longer if you don't engage folks like that fellow.


ORIGINAL: MzPersnickety


there are always blowhards, male female dom and sub.

I agree and I can be seen as one sometimes because I am rather blunt and speak my mind. But if I am proven wrong I will admit it and try and learn from it. Like I said I may have been rather ummm blunt in my manner andit  does tend to turn some people off.....

BTW I need to know where you are going because I am finding more and more of it online....then again I need to start getting out mor and away from this darn thing (ie. the computer)

TallDarkAndWitty -> RE: a general question (4/25/2006 12:29:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross
There really are lots of insecure dominants out there.

There is a lot of insecurity on both sides of the /...

I think that insecurity might be one of the base factors for why certain people find a place in this lifestyle.  For many, they can simply play the role, without ever facing the question of worth.

Of course, it isn't just limited to BDSM.  It's just that here, we get to see a lot more dirty laundry.


Zensee -> Back to basics. (4/25/2006 1:21:36 PM)

All this chat has been quite entertaining but I think it's important to remind everyone that the Dominants are always right, even when they are wrong.

MasterRenegade77 -> RE: a general question (4/25/2006 1:49:32 PM)

A Dom can Be Wr,Wr,Wr, Wr, Wr, Wr, Oh That Word...
"Heavens to Mercatroid"!!!, I just knew someone was going to come along today & piss in My Wheaties!!!
Seriously though I don't know what it says about him being a Master being proven Wr, Wr, Wr, Wr, Oh you know the word... It does however speak Volumnes about the person wearing the Title...
No matter what Flavor you're in you're always going to find those that are so full of themselves that it's really pointless to try to have any intelligent discourse w/them...
Online I feed them to Iggy, in R/t I just get as far away from them as I can...

juliaoceania -> RE: a general question (4/25/2006 2:02:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: MzPersnickety

I am curious how many male Dom's find it hard to accept when they are proved wrong by a female? I recently had an encounter and it has actually left me a bit perplexed. I will say that maybe I approached it the wrong manner though I do not believe I did and may have bristled His backbone since the manner He spoke to Me was unacceptable from anyone to anyone else. But on the whole I am just wondering if this is normal or if this was a rare encounter and should be left at that.

Many people have trouble being proven wrong, Doms do not corner the market. That being said I have found a category in the "interests" part of our collarme profile builders called "female supremacy" and I have noticed many doms have this in the hate category. I always think "if your secure why is this a problem for you to even notice it?"

Ceyx -> RE: a general question (4/25/2006 2:12:54 PM)

Hmm. I'm trying to imagine what it might feel like to be in this situation, but I doubt that I'm going to be much help. You see, from the day that I first drew breath to this very moment, I've never been in the wrong about anything. Just lucky, I guess.


(Honestly, nobody's perfect, and the mature thing to do is to admit your mistakes and learn from them. If I'm wrong, then I want to know about it, whether it's a man or a woman telling me so.)

TxBadMan -> RE: a general question (4/25/2006 8:05:46 PM)


I am curious how many male Dom's find it hard to accept when they are proved wrong by a female?

Personally, if a person ( especially a woman ), can prove me wrong about something, and back it up; I am all for it. I have been known to say the words 'I was wrong, and I apologize", more than once in my life.

slaverosebeauty -> RE: a general question (4/25/2006 8:08:27 PM)

REAL tops can admit it and move on, the ego maniacs and those who have that 'I am never wrong' mentality try to argue and just end up showing that they are children.
We all are wrong sometimes, it takes a bigger person to admit it.

TemptingNviceSub -> RE: a general question (4/25/2006 8:34:41 PM)

To the OP..just be glad you delayed your response, now you do not have to waste your time with this insecure putz....be well..Tempting

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