RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (Full Version)

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EternalHoH -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 12:55:46 PM)

How about this,

Instead of revolting against the government, how about revolting against the lobbyists that keep the government from doing its job?

Seriously, do you even think the government is doing anything without undue influence?

Will replacing the government through revolt change anything if the lobbyists are still there? Or is that just more 'Hope and Change" going on?

Money corrupts. From Soros, to Murdoch.

FirmhandKY -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 1:00:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: flcouple2009

We shouldn't bring bring things like those up.  It tarnishes the images those on the right like to create.

Yanno, flcouple ... you are the one who claimed that there was no "right to revolt" in the Declaration of Independence.

Perhaps you should be a little less insulting, and a little more forgiving of others, so that you might reap the rewards of the same behavior towards youself.


ORIGINAL: flcouple2009

Basically the new government charged large and unpopular taxes and then sent troops to enforce those taxes when people revolted against them.  They kinda flipped over to the same position the British Government held.

Little more complex than that.  Mike addressed a large part of the difference.


slvemike4u -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 1:12:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: flcouple2009

Compare it to the people running around today yelling abut how the Government it not listening to them.  You think the farmers in both of those situations thought they were being represented?
Whether or not they thought so is actually irrelevant...they did in fact have legal methods available to them to address their grievences.They instead formented an illadvised revolt against legittamate and legally constituted authority...history tells what the result of that was.
When the stars align,when the grievences are legitemite and have been borne by a majority of the citizenry rebellion evolves into a people freeing themselves of undue shackles.....absent any of those is nothing more than treason.Right or wrong is not the deciding factor,timing is everything as Chineese students can attest to.

FirmhandKY -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 1:14:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

When the stars align,when the grievences are legitemite and have been borne by a majority of the citizenry rebellion evolves into a people freeing themselves of undue shackles.....absent any of those is nothing more than treason.Right or wrong is not the deciding factor,timing is everything as Chineese students can attest to.

So what were we arguing about, anyway, mike? [:D]


slvemike4u -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 1:50:25 PM)

The definition of ligitimite(my spelling on that keeps jumping around ,doesn't would seem that you see us moving in that direction...while I see nothing more than dissatisfied and disgruntled citizens who happened to have an election go the other way.
Here is the crux of the matter to me Firm,though I saw Bush and Cheney do,in my eyes, distasteful  things....such as attempt to codify torture...lie to the American public as to justification for going to war,et al....I never postulated that rebellion,sedition or treason was  a right .
What was a right and one that I gladly excersized was my right to cast a vote in rebuttal of that direction,I along with a majority of my feelow citizens did so in Nov of 2008.
Elections have consequences....those consequences are to be respected even,especially by the opposition.That is the nature and indeed the fundamental soundness of America....we do not change the direction or tenor of the gov't by use of the bullet...we use the ballot box.That is what gives us our step away from that is to cut our own throat.

jlf1961 -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 1:57:49 PM)

Well, if the right wing extremists who are saying this do try an armed revolt, it would get our troops out of Afghanistan.

slvemike4u -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 2:02:29 PM)

Somehow that does not comfort me....

flcouple2009 -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 2:06:42 PM)


Yanno, flcouple ... you are the one who claimed that there was no "right to revolt" in the Declaration of Independence.

Perhaps you should be a little less insulting, and a little more forgiving of others, so that you might reap the rewards of the same behavior towards youself.


You think the people who framed the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution thought what they had written gave the citizens the right to revolt?

If they did I would think sending troops to put down a revolt of people who were unhappy about their taxes was a funny way of expressing that.

cuckoldmepls -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 2:10:37 PM)

Once again, Bush did not lie about the WMD in Iraq. Why do people have such a hard time comprehending this. Saddam even admitted after his capture that he purposely leaked this information in an attempt to dissaude us from attacking, anticipating thousands of casualties from a chemical attack.

By the way, he did indeed have WMD as everyone is aware that chemical weapons are classified as WMD, and he used them on the kurds. This is a fact.

Now as far as this topic goes, "extreemism in defense of liberty is not a vice." Barry Goldwater. I don't see how you can argue with that statement. Freedom means you are free to accumulate wealth without the federal government taking it away, say, and do whatever you want as long as it doesn't hurt someone else financially or physically. If it hurts your feelings, tough. This current crop of democratic leaders are the biggest threat to freedom since Bush came along and passed the patriot ACT.

As far as sedition goes, our so called commander in chief gave away nuclear secrets to the Soviets. If you or I had done that, we would have been executed for treason a few decades ago, and today we would have been locked up and the key thrown away.

slvemike4u -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 2:17:19 PM)

So much for an intelligent and reasonable discussion.....Shall I even bother responding.....hmmm,I think not.
Back to an intelligent exchange of ideas......
Flcpl being unhappy about ones taxes is not grounds for revolt....and did  not make the new gov't akin to the one that was overthrown.Above and beyond that I'm not clear what Shay's rebellion(a minor event in our history...nothing more than a spasm during the creation of a new nation)has to do with the subject at hand.

lockedaway -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 2:24:57 PM)

It is not sedition...but it might be a good idea. :)

Tazzy said this:

"Someone clue him in that we arent all as equally stupid as he is."  Tazzy is not being honest.  She does not want equality, she wants a hand out.  Tazzy wants some form of assistance.  The fact of the matter is that we HAVE equality.  The Third Edition, McGraw Hill History book that you read in the third grade is the same Third Edition, McGraw Hill History book that I read in the third grade.  The question is what did we get out of it.  There are very successful black attorneys in my area, there are a few successful Indian attorneys but their number is growing, there are almost no successful Korean attorneys in my area but there are shitloads of them over in Queens.  In the area of law, there is every strip under the rainbow, even the people that speak in clicks and pops...just no one can understand them.  We have equality...equality of opportunity.  We don't have equality of ability or talent and we never will; those are merely incidences of birth.

Know your enemy.  Liberals lie.  Liberals deceive.  Liberals fight against liberty and against prosperity.  Do NO business with a liberal.  Don't rent to them, don't trade with them, don't refer clients to them...nothing.  Economic warfare is the only civilized strategy.

slvemike4u -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 2:28:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: lockedaway

It is not sedition...but it might be a good idea. :)

Tazzy said this:

"Someone clue him in that we arent all as equally stupid as he is."  Tazzy is not being honest.  She does not want equality, she wants a hand out.  Tazzy wants some form of assistance.  The fact of the matter is that we HAVE equality.  The Third Edition, McGraw Hill History book that you read in the third grade is the same Third Edition, McGraw Hill History book that I read in the third grade.  The question is what did we get out of it.  There are very successful black attorneys in my area, there are a few successful Indian attorneys but their number is growing, there are almost no successful Korean attorneys in my area but there are shitloads of them over in Queens.  In the area of law, there is every strip under the rainbow, even the people that speak in clicks and pops...just no one can understand them.  We have equality...equality of opportunity.  We don't have equality of ability or talent and we never will; those are merely incidences of birth.

Know your enemy.  Liberals lie.  Liberals deceive.  Liberals fight against liberty and against prosperity.  Do NO business with a liberal.  Don't rent to them, don't trade with them, don't refer clients to them...nothing.  Economic warfare is the only civilized strategy.

More incomprehensible a matter of fact the only agenda discernible here is a malicious one.Certainly clears up why this particular poster got so bent out of shape over a certain derogatory comment I made about another poster.

lockedaway -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 2:30:20 PM)

I like this guy.  I'm glad you think Goldwater was a great man.  He was.  He was probably the last real conservative in American politics.  Reagan came close but he was no Goldwater.  As far as the WMD's, no one wants to discuss that we found 500 cubic tons of yellow cake uranium in Iraq after the ouster of Saddam.  (google it....NY Times)  Also, no one wants to discuss the Mirage jet fighters hidden by Iran for Iraq.  Fine...but there is a book that everyone should read and it is called Bio-Hazard by Ken Alibeck who defected from the Soviet Union.  You can extrapolate from that book what happened to the WMD's. 

But that "really" isn't the point.  Even if WMD's were conclusively discovered, Liberals would not change their views.  They would still hate Bush.  They would still consider it an illegal war.  They would still consider Obama to be their savior.  Nothing would change, which is why blogging is a fun way to waste time but you would have to be a fool to think that you are educating anyone.

Know your enemy.  Liberals lie.  Liberals deceive.  Liberals fight against liberty and against prosperity.  Do NO business with a liberal.  Don't rent to them, don't trade with them, don't refer clients to them...nothing.  Economic warfare is the only civilized strategy

slvemike4u -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 2:35:35 PM)

There is a shock ...lockedaway( is it just me or is the nic just absolutley perfect?) and cuckold are of one mind.Would this be the inverse of "great minds think alike"?

Lucylastic -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 2:36:43 PM)

and" idiots seldom differ" is the after point to that saying, and more in context me thinks

slvemike4u -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 2:42:16 PM)

Well I stand corrected....or perhaps I should just kneel before your brilliance( I think you know which I would prefer)

Lucylastic -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 2:43:38 PM)

Much much better, always:)

mnottertail -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 2:48:03 PM)

lockedaway  --- all your assertions are untrue, but perhaps you were not paying attention to events as they unfolded because of your confirmation bias...

I am not going to hunt down all the whole stories, they are out here, but from snopes re the yc:

and there are far more damning details in other places.

So, again, whole cloth asswipe.

lockedaway -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 2:48:25 PM)

Ahhhhhh......mikey boy.  Hey Mike, try to be honest, won't you?  Mike, for no reason whatsoever called another poster named RacerJim a racist.  Why?  Because RacerJim did not agree with Mikey boy's liberal bullshit.  It makes you think of Juan Williams.  But that is proof positive of my point.  NPR is is deep shit for firing Williams over expressing a "feeling" he has.  It wasn't a position he endorsed. (I know Mike has no fucking idea what I am talking about right now.) But it was only a feeling.  

When I asked Mikey-boy why is RacerJim a racist, mikey boy couldn't answer the question.  He couldn't direct me and others to other posts of Racer Jim's.  Nope...he was just a racist because he was not a liberal.  THAT IS WHO RACER JIM IS. 

Know your enemy.  Liberals lie.  Liberals deceive.  Liberals fight against liberty and against prosperity.  Do NO business with a liberal.  Don't rent to them, don't trade with them, don't refer clients to them...nothing.  Economic warfare is the only civilized strategy

mnottertail -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 2:50:48 PM)

NPR has read your post and laughed at your deep shit comments. The consensus of opinion was that you were incapable of anything that would be termed 'deep'.

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