Adam's Journey Into Slavery Part 5 (Full Version)

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subrob1967 -> Adam's Journey Into Slavery Part 5 (10/23/2010 8:51:50 AM)

Chapter 10

I spot a trash can nearby and run over to it, lean over the rim, and vomit.

I know every pair of eyes in the lot were drawn to the sound of running high heels, but all I'm
able to worry about is keeping my hair out of the stream of vomit.

Jennifer rushes over to find out what's wrong, and a kind young man inquires if I'm ok, and hands
me a bottle of water. Who say's chivalry is dead?

Jen reassures the good Samaritan that I'll be fine, as I rinse my mouth.

I whisper, "thank you, kind Sir, the Sushi I had for lunch decided to put up a fight after all."

He laughs and walks away.

Jennifer wraps an arm around my shoulder and asks if I'm ok. "I'd like to go home now," is my
only reply.

We walk back to the Benz, Jen's arm around my shoulder. We get to the Benz, and Jen opens the
passenger door. She guides me to the seat and says softly, "Will you be ok alone here for 20
minutes? I need to run back inside for Mistress, need me to get anything?"

"A bottle of 7 up and some Pepto tablets, if you would be so kind. I'll be ok, please take care of

Mistress" I reply softly. Jen hands me the keys, grabs her purse, and hurries back inside.

I step around back to grab my purse, and close the hatch. I light up a cigarette and try to come
to terms with my new life.

Yeah, I enjoy the make up, the clothes, and even making love to Jennifer.

But her mercurial mood swings, and Susan's protocols are very hard to accept.

Can I live as a kept man, woman, a combination of both?

Can I accept a life of luxury, in exchange for my soul?

Was I really born to be enslaved?

I finish my cigarette, climb into the passenger's seat, turn on my favorite rock station, tilt the
seat back and close my eyes.

Jen comes back in 20 minutes, hands me my items and lights her own cigarette as I take my pills
and drink my soda.

She walks to the trash can and throws away the soda bottle before talking the wheel.

As we head out for home, Jen turns off the radio, and asks if I'm alright. I reassure her that I
was, and we become silent again.

She finally speaks, "in the mall you wondered how I could be a slave, yet dominate you, and our

I tilt the seat forward and look at her.

"I believe I told you that I had a choice to make when I reach 35."

"You have."

"Mistress has been training me in the art of Domination for the last three years. When I met

Mistress, I was as submissive as you, well, maybe not THAT submissive, but you get my point." I
nod encouraging her to continue.

"Under her guidance, I've learned the power the female body has over men, and how to take
advantage of it."

"So you use men, to your advantage?"

"Yes, and no, there is mutual using going on. In a D/s dynamic, the top gains power in domination,
they crave control. The bottom gains power in submission, they crave surrender of all decision

"That really doesn't explain why I'm sitting here in drag, for lack of a better term, obeying your
every command, and looking at my feet every time you raise your eyebrow."

"We're a rare breed, my love. Our only focus has been to give selflessly to the people we care
about. All we want in life, is to please our loved ones, without a reward, or even a pat on the
back. We were born to serve."

"But, you're a slave, and a dominant at the same time. Isn't that an oxymoron?"

"Not really, I'm a Top, and Dominatrix in training. I can still be a slave to Mistress, while
topping others. I do submit to Susan, but there isn't another person on the planet with the power
to dominate me, thanks to our Mistress."

"I think I finally get it, except one little thing, how did I end up submitting to both Susan, and

Jennifer smiles, "that's an easy one Princess, you submit to Mistress, because EVERYBODY does, she
is that good." "And you?"

"Because you love me, and I am almost as good as Mistress."

I attempt to raise my eyebrow, and we both laugh.

After a few minutes of silence Jen softly says, " I know why you got sick, I found the receipts in
my purse."

I close me eyes and lower my head. I can't think of anything to say

"I'm afraid this issue is beyond my abilities, we're going to have to speak to Mistress."

I keep my head bowed as I nod.

Chapter 11

We arrive at home at 4:15 Jen and I carry the bags up to "our room."

"Go ahead and change into something more comfortable if you wish, but don't forget your heels this
time Princess. I need to see if Mistress is home yet."

I decide to lose the jeans but keep the body suit, sans shell and I set the girls free. I decide
to try my new BKE denim low rise mini skirt.

I trade the boots for my new Kenneth Cole 3" Black Strappy Sandals, fix my lip stick, grab my
cigarettes and lighter, and head down to the kitchen.

Amy is unloading the dishwasher as I walk in the kitchen. He stops and lowers his eyes.

"Continue your chores, darling." I say softly, and grab a bottle of water.

"Would you like me to fix you a snack, Miss Amanda?" Amy asks politely.

"No, thank you, Amy, carry on," and step outside for a cigarette. I look around, at the pool, the

hot tub, the beautiful landscaping, and the magnificent house.

Am I selling my soul? Or is Jennifer right about me?

Is it dishonorable to accept payment in advance?

No, yes, and no, as long as you complete the contract to both parties satisfaction.

Now for the big question, Can I live as a chick with a dick, take the hormone treatments, and
surgeries needed to fulfill the contract?

I love Jennifer! She has a cock, and I don't care! I love serving Mistress, she brings out
feelings in me I still don't understand.

But this I know, I would trade my life in a heartbeat if that would make her happy.

An amazing feeling overcomes me, I feel free of guilt! I can accept my position here free of
guilt. I want to shout to the Heavens.

I rush into the office and boot up my computer, cursing it for taking so long to start. I quickly
finish the reports I should have done on Friday, and email them out.

I open Word, and start typing,

Gold Dust Mutual Insurance
Mr James Crockett

Mr Crockett, I hereby tender my resignation, effective immediately.
I understand that this is very unprofessional of me, but I have received a time sensitive offer I
cannot refuse. I do formerly apologize for the lack of advance notice, and shall turn over all
materials owned by Gold Dust immediately, as well as my personal list of leads, and current
pending contracts to Miss Jensen.
Thank you for the opportunity, and best wishes in the future.

Adam Reynolds.

"There, that's done," as I send it over to the printer. I was so wrapped up in my typing, I didn't
hear Susan enter the office.

I finalize my last two contracts, and stand to retrieve my resignation from the laser jet in the

I turn to fetch my letter, and stop dead in my tracks. Susan is standing by the printer reading my

Her face is a mask of cool indifference, as I follow her eyes from line to line.

I feel butterflies in my stomach, as I wonder what she's thinking right now.

She looks up with her cool gaze and says, "You didn't email this to Mr Crockett, did you Amanda?"

Email it? Why, are you dismissing me? Did I fail to meet your expectations? Do I need to go back
to my boring mundane job?

These things are running through my head as I reply, "No Mistress, that would be an insult to Mr

Crockett. He's a good Boss, and I feel bad enough about not giving him notice, I planned on hand
delivering tomorrow morning."

As I'm replying I start to notice Susan's outfit. She's wearing a pair of black thigh high

Stilettos, red patent leather skin tight miniskirt, and a black corset, that barely covers her

Her make up is heavier than I seen before, her nails are painted blood red to match her lips. and
her hair is done up in a top knot pony tail.

My jaw drops open, and I'm rendered speechless.

Her million dollar smile lights up the room, and she say's, "I'm happy you feel that way, I spoke

to Jim this morning, and informed him I was kidnapping you away from him. I would have been very
disappointed in you if you resigned by email."It takes a minute for that to sink in.

"You spoke to my Boss, uh ex Boss about me?" I say trying to take it all in.

"Of course, pet. Jim and I go way back, his wife Cheryl and I serve on several charity boards
together. I simply told him I made you an offer you couldn't refuse."

"But, but, oh wow, you look incredible, Mistress'" Is all I can manage to say

Her smile says, I know, Dear, as she adds, "He speaks very highly of you, he said you were the
hardest worker he had. Is that true?"

"Ah, I don't know Mistress, I just try to do my best. But how did you know to call him? I mean I
didn't even know I was resigning until 15 minutes ago."

Her laughter rings out like crystal bells as she walks over to me. With a slight pointing of her
finger, I drop to my knees. I didn't even realize it until I had to tilt my head back to look at

"Oh my silly silly girl, do you still think it was your choice to make? I always get what I want,
and that my darling Amanda, is you."

Staring up into her eyes I finally squeak out a weak "yes Mistress."

"It appears you've finally accepted your fate, Jennifer told me that you two had an issue today
while shopping?"

I nod, feeling ashamed.

"I still sense a bit of defiance in you, but your response to your conditioning is nothing less
than phenomenal. We will deal with your honor code issue tomorrow."

"Yes Mistress."

"Now come along, you have work to do."

I follow Susan around the house as she inspects the Ladies work. She checks for dust, makes sure
the sheets are fresh, and that every room is either mopped, or vacuumed.

We return to the office where Jen is waiting with the Maid's. Mistress stops in front of them, and
I stop two feet behind and to her left.

"Splendid work Ladies, I believe you earned a reward this week.

Jennifer goes to the closet as Mistress speaks. She returns with the camcorder.

Mistress says in a warm voice, "Amanda, step forward...Darling"

Uh oh!

I step to her side and fall to my knees, when she points.

"Amanda, don't you think Amy deserves a reward for her hard work, and our delightful breakfast?"

"Yes Mistress."

Jen produces a small key and removes the CB6000, Amy hikes up her dress, and drops her panties.

Jen then picks up the camcorder to film us.

Amy comes and stands before me and I quickly lean in and take him in my mouth before he's
completely hard.

He quickly swells up as my warm mouth wraps around his cock. I look up to see his eyes close, and
he moans softly.  I rapidly slide his cock in and out with my hand, and go to work earnestly,
wanting to get this over quickly.

Mistress slips in behind Amy and leans in to whisper in his ear as her hands reach around to tease
his nipples through his dress.

I can't hear what Mistress is whispering, but whatever it is, it's working. Within a minute I feel

Amy stiffen, as he begs Mistress for release. I quickly deep throat him when Mistress gives her

I suck him dry, as his cock gets soft, before leaning back to sit on my heels, with my hands in my
lap, and  smile for Mistress .

"Amy, thank Amanda, and go downstairs and shower before you go.

Amy thanks me, and departs, while Jennifer unlocks Brittany.

"Brittany, step forward. You did a nice job on the car, and Amanda shall reward you."

I raise up off of my heels as Brit steps up. The bitch is HUGE, I have no idea how he fit in his
chastity device.

I take a deep breath, and hear Brit chuckle. I can't let that slide, can I? I reach up and start
tickling his inner thigh, working my way slowly up to his balls.

I'm staring up at him as my nails reach his balls. His eyes close, and he gets hard at the touch
of my nails.

He starts breathing heavy as I tease his balls. I slowly cup them, bouncing them on my palm before
I quickly grab them and start squeezing.

He let's out a groan and I quickly take him in my mouth. I work the tip, as my right hand strokes
his shaft, and my left squeezes his balls.

Mistress starts whispering, and he soon starts begging for release. For some reason Mistress looks
down at me as if to ask if I was ready.

I shake my head slightly, and amusement crosses her face. I want this fuck to suffer, so I slowly
work my way down his shaft, sticking his cock deeper down my throat.

Every time I start to gag, I squeeze his balls harder, as if they're to blame.

"I'm sorry Mistress, I can't hold back any longer." Brit strains to say, sweat rolling down his
beet red face.

I choke down the last inch of his cock, and forcefully pull down on his sac as he releases his

This time I start gagging on his cum, and some dribbles to the floor before I can swallow it all.

I'm having a hard time catching my breath, so I roll to my left and stand up. Susan's eyebrow goes
up, but she doesn't say anything to me."

I lean over, place my hands on my knees, and take a deep breath. I stand up, look into Brittany's
eyes, and point at the floor at his feet.

"Get down there and clean up your mess!" I say in a soft, but commanding voice.

I see Mistress's approval as Brit drops to all fours and licks the floor clean.

"Brittany, you will be punished next week for orgasming without permission, now go downstairs and

clean yourself up." Mistress says when he finishes licking floor clean.

Mistress walks over to me and gently rubs my back. She tenderly asks if I'm ok, and I nod. She
leans in close and says, "I'm so proud of you, my pet." And walks behind Cindy.

"Jennifer, you reward Cindy, Amanda, video tape it." Mistress says.

Between Mistress's whispers, and Jen's prostate trick, Cindy gets off in no time, and leaves the office.

"Amanda, have you started your task yet?" "Not yet Mistress."

"That jar holds quite a bit, I think you should start, don't you?"

"Yes Mistress, I was planning on starting as soon as you left for your event."

"Right here, right now...Princess."

Feeling alarmed and quite embarrassed, I run out for my jar, come back and take off my skirt. I remove the
body suit and gaff, close my eyes, and start fondling myself.

I'm so self conscious that no matter what I think about, I just can't get hard with them staring at me.

Mistress walks up behind me and I fill with apprehension. What is she planning to do?

Her nails start caressing my lower spinal column, in soft mesmerizing strokes. I feel her nail
tips move up and down, up and down.

Her finger tips then move lower and start stroking my ass, as she leans in and says in a low
hypnotic voice,

"You want to please me, don't you? To serve me? To be my slave?"

"Oh yes Mistress." I whisper, my clit growing rock hard at the tone of her voice. I've never felt

anything so erotic in my life.

"You don't want to be punished for disobedience, do you?"

"No Mistress."

"Good girl, now you have one minute to cum for me, or I'll be forced to punish you......thirty

seconds, twenty, nineteen."

She leans in and starts licking my neck at fifteen.

I barely get the cup up in time to catch my load.

I take a moment to catch my breath and let my shuddering subside, when I open my eyes, Mistress
palms my ass turns my head towards her, and kisses me tenderly on the lips.

I notice Jennifer shutting the camcorder off, and setting it on her desk, as she smiles warmly at me.

"Jennifer, a snack of fruit and cheese, would be nice, with a glass of wine. Bring it upstairs,
with the camcorder.

"Amanda, you know what I expect, you may find some DVD's downstairs that might help you out.

Jennifer will show you where they're hidden before we leave."

Jennifer walks over and grabs me in a tight hug, we kiss for a moment before she takes my hand and
says, "come help me with Mistress's snack,"

In the kitchen Jen tells me to drink lots of Tea with honey tonight, to help with the throat as
she grabs an Apple, a Pear, and three kinds of cheese out of the fridge.

She has me cube the cheese as she opens the wine and sets it aside to breathe as she slices the

"Come on, I'll show you where the "stash" is hidden," and we run downstairs.

She shows me the hidden cabinet, with about 20 porn films, all Female Domination titles, and how
to work the home theater system before heading back upstairs.

I set a kettle on to boil as Jennifer loads a serving tray with the snack and goes upstairs.

I pick up my laundry in the office and run upstairs to change. I decide to go for a swim, so I
remove my wig, and grab the hot pink bikini to wear.

Much to my dismay, I find the girls are too big for the bandeau top, so I switch to a traditional
triangle top aqua blue two piece with a cute swim skirt bottom.

I slide on my new Jimmy Choo 4" wedge sandals, and a mocha color lip gloss, and head back to the

I prepare a cup of Green Tea with Honey, and step outside. I figured the pool is about 3/4's as

long as an Olympic sized pool, and run the figures.

I calculate it should take 99 laps to equal a mile, while I sip my tea. I finish my tea and hop
into the pool.

I start my laps slowly, getting used to the drag the girls were causing. I soon get into my

rhythm, and a moment later get into a zen like state as I swim.

It takes me 40 minutes to complete my mile, I climb out of the pool in disgust.
I happen to look up in time to see Susan watching me through her bedroom window, she is smiling.

I light a cigarette and settle into the hot tub to relieve my fatigued limbs. I wonder if Mistress
has planned for me.

Chapter 11

Will she allow me to work, or am I to become the Majordomo around here?

Will I have any time for myself, or will I be on duty all the time?

Will I be given an allowance, or live off her largess? What about a retirement, and health care

Oh well, I'll have to speak to Mistress about my concerns, strike that, rather my questions. I'm
no longer concerned.

I stub out my cigarette, and climb out of the pool. I grab a freshly laundered robe from the
cabinet, (thanks Ladies) and dry myself before slipping into my Choo's. I leave the robe, and head

I jump on my computer and jerk off to a hot Domme in black PVC fucking a Cross Dresser up the ass
with a Strap On. I admit it really turned me on.

I am checking out a video of some having his scrotum nailed to a block of wood by a young lady,
while three of her friends watch. The girl has a look of glee on her face as she swings the

I cant help but watch this train wreck when I hear Mistress's musical laugh over my right

"Look Jennifer, our pet has discovered a new punishment for us to use."

I quickly jump up and turn with a look of abject horror on my face.

"Oh no Mistress, please..." I get a good look at her and lose my voice.

She looks absolutely stunning! She's wearing a Dolce & Gabbana sleeveless evening gown in hunter
green, 4" dark red Ferragamo Strappy Sandals, and a deep red Herme's scarf.

Her earrings are one carat Emerald studs, she has what must be a two carat square cut Emerald, set
in Platinum, hanging between her breasts,  and a Diamond & Emerald Tennis bracelet on her right
wrist, and one carat Emerald rings on the ring finger of each hand.

Her make up is flawless, her eyeshadow reminds me of an angry sea during a storm. Blues and greens
make her Sapphire blue eyes pop, her lashes look incredibly long and dark, her cheeks have just a
hint of dusty rose color, and her lips are a glossy deep blood red, as are her nails.

Her Auburn hair is done up in some complicated Gordian Knot style.

"Oh Mistress, yu you look..."

She gives me her, "I know, dear," look and nods toward Jennifer.

I look over at Jennifer, and my mouth forms a O.

Jennifer is wearing a peach colored Vercase Mermaid dress, with ruffles around her lower torso,
and a sexy flair that starts mid calf and sweeps all the way to the floor. I don't see her shoes,
but they must have 5" heels judging by her height.

She's wearing Ruby drop earrings, a one carat Teardrop shaped Ruby pendant on a gold chain, and a
nice big Ruby ring on her right hand.

Her eyes remind me of a tropical sunset, with orange, yellow pink and purple shadows blended to
perfection. She has a touch of peach highlighting her cheekbones, and beautiful coral lips and

Her long black hair is pulled back into a jeweled clasp, with long flowing loose spirals hanging

She looks gorgeous, and I can tell she knows I'm thinking that, so I say, "Wow, Miss Jennifer, you
clean up real nice," with a twinkle in my eye.

"Mistress, may I give this insolent slave a spanking?"

With an amused voice, Mistress says, "Save it for later, our car is waiting."

We follow Susan out of the office and I whisper, "you look absolutely gorgeous, my love."

As we walked to the door, Jennifer whispers to me, "keep your cell handy tonight." I nod and they
walk out the door. I watched them climb into the Limo, and drive away.

Chapter 12

I head upstairs to change into something more comfortable. I select a pair of baby pink hip
hugging sweats with BITCH printed across the ass in hot pink. The Porn Star top, sans bra, and the

Jimmy Choo wedges.

I remove the nail polish, line my eyes, apply mascara, dab some perfume, and apply cherry lip
liner and gloss, before I grab my cell, and head back downstairs.

I step out back for a cigarette, and think of what I want to accomplish.

1) Google Mistress. 2) Research BDSM, particularly slavery. 3) Fill the jar with cum. 4) Time
permitting, practice my make up skills.

I grab more Tea and head back to my computer. I decide to research Female Domination first, and
get over two million hits.

I read on, fascinated, I check out Else Sutton's, Akasha's Web, Men In Pain, Sissy School,
Midori's site,,, and FetLife.

I learn the definitions of CBT (ouch), Golden Showers (ew), Brown Showers (no fuckin way!),
Queening (yes please), Strap On Play (I jerk off to this), Forced Fem & Bi ( I jerk off again,
jar's 1/2 full now), Chastity Devices, Gags, Pony Play, Humblers, Spreader Bars, Canes, Paddles,
Floggers, Single Tails, Tens Units, the list of fetishes goes on and on.

"What the hell have I gotten myself into?" I sit back and wonder aloud. I admit some of it looks
like fun, some really turns me on, and some scares the shit out of me.

I use the powder room next to the office, and as I wash my hands, I look in the mirror.
"Fuck it, they've seduced me into slavery, there's no way I can live in denial any longer. I'll
just have to be the best slave that I can, and earn my keep." I say out loud to my twin in the

I jump back on the comp and Google Susan. I start at the beginning, and read, Susan comes from a
very wealthy family. Her Father is the President & CEO of First Line Defense Industries, a leading
defense contractor for the U.S. Military. His net worth exceeds $800,000,000 due to our two
current wars.

Susan started at Brown University in 1990 at the age of 16. On her 18th birthday she received a
$500,000 trust fund, which she used to start Madco Medical during her junior year of college.
By the time she graduated Brown, at age 20, her net worth was estimated to be over $6,000,000.
Susan took Madco public, and appointed her top engineer Geoff Glenn President. Susan retains 51% of the stock, and remains on the Board of Directors, but leaves the day to day operations to Geoff.
Susan went on to receive a Masters of Business from Oxford, and returned to Nevada to start
Madison Enterprises which owns and operates the Beautifying People Salon & Day Spa franchise.

In 1997 Susan opened her first Salon, it's success was nothing less than spectacular. She quickly
expanded  in 1999, with Spa's in Reno and Lake Tahoe. In 2000 She expanded again, adding Spa's in
Phoenix, Santa Fe, and Vail Colorado.

In 2006 Susan successfully negotiated a unprecedented 15 year contract to provide Spa services at
every Harrah's Casino location owned by the giant Hotel & Casino consortium.

Holy shit! Everything this woman touches, turns to gold. I say out loud.

I pour another cup of Tea, and click over to the WSJ, where I read a Op Ed
entitled... Why are top cosmetic manufacturers afraid of Susan Madison?
"The name Susan Madison has top execs at the leading cosmetic companies, shaking in their high
heels with the announcement of a fall line of beauty products aimed at the young urban
professional demographic. Just how much of this multi billion dollar a year industry can Madison
Enterprises capture? No one really knows, but the smart money is on Susan to come out on top."

I jump over to Business Week and read, "Madison Enterprises announces today they're opening  three
new Beautifying People Salons in Beverly Hills, Palm Springs, and New York City. Susan Madison
plans to break ground in the Spring of 2011."

Susan is in Forbes Top 100 with a net worth in excess of $600,000,000, and projected to surpass
her Father, and top $1,000,000,000 by 2012.

I almost have a heart attack when I read that! Who the fuck knew that a spa franchise could
generate that kind of cash?

I stop after reading this article in Variety. "Susan Madison's attorney, Samuel Browning was spotted in Paris and London this week, feeding fuel to the rumor that Susan has her eye on a European expansion. People are saying she has London, Paris, Cannes, and Monte Carlo in her sights. Can anything slow down this Beauty Juggernaut?"

Chapter 13

I look at the clock and see it's closing in on 10:00 and realize I'm starving. I decide to order a
pizza, and step outside and call my favorite parlor, and have a cigarette.

The pie will take 45 minutes, so I run upstairs to get a gaff, a wig, some cash, and the cherry
lippy. I quickly jerk off to a video of a Domme flogging some guy in a leather hood, before
sliding into the gaff. My jar is now 3/4th's full, but my loads are much smaller, and my clitty is
rubbed raw.

I log into the Beautifying People website and I'm not impressed. I know I can do better than this.
So I slide my laptop across the desk, next to Jen's and boot hers up, just as the doorbell rings.

I quickly throw on my wig, and another coat of lip gloss. I don't have time to comb out the wig,
so I look like I was having wild sex as I open the door.

"Shit, he knows Adam!" I say in my mind when I recognize the delivery guy.
He says "here's your pie, Babe." I smile, and in my most seductive voice ask him how much?" He
can't take his eyes off my braless boobs, and I can feel my nipples harden at his reaction.

"That's uh, $17.95. He stutters." A
flash of inspiration hits me, and I ask him to follow me into the office. I just know he's staring
at the BITCH printed across my ass.

I give him my best "Oh, darn," look and say sadly, "I only have $15.00."

"Oh, ah, I really need the full amount, yanno, I could get like fired."

I step in real close, and he starts to sweat. I whisper, "Is there anything I can do to persuade
you?" As I start rubbing his crotch lightly.

"Uh, like what did you have in mind?"

I lead him over towards the desk, and have him set the pizza down. I slowly unzipped his zipper,
and he starts quivering.

"Ah, this can't be happening, no one will believe this back at work!"

"Why don't you take a picture?" I say as I sink to my knees, palming my jar on the way down.

He quickly digs his phone out of his pocket as I slide his hard cock out of his pants. He's
already dripping jizz as I wrap my lips around his cock.

I hear him taking pictures so I give him my best porn look, and dramatically close my eyes. I
don't know if it was nerves, or what, but the fucker won't cum! It takes 15 minutes before I feel
him tense up.

I look up and see his eyes closed, so I quickly wrap my right hand around his cock, and raise my
jar to the tip. Three quick strokes, and he shoots his load into the jar.

I set the jar down under the desk, tuck him in with the cum still dripping out of his cock before
he opens his eyes. I then stand up.

I lick my lips, and smile at him, as he zips his pants. I turn to the desk to grab the cash, and
he asks, "Hey, didn't Adam Reynolds order this?"

I smile and nod. "I thought so, I was 1/2 way to his apartment before I looked at the address. Is
he here?"

"Yes, but I have him tied naked, to my bed right now, as soon as my friend Jennifer gets here,
we're going to take turns fucking his brains out."

He looks at a picture of Jen hanging on the wall, points and asks if that's my friend. I give him a
wicked smile, and nod.

"No shit? What did he do, win the Lotto?"

"Oh, you're funny! He's hung like a fucking horse! It will take both of us all night to get him

He's got this dazed look in his eye as I guide him to the door, he turns and says sheepishly, "Uh,
you forgot to give me the money."

I smile, lick my lips again, and hand him the money. "Hey! There's $25 here!" I wink at him and
say, "keep the change," and start to close the door.

He sticks his head back in before I have it closed. He has this huge shit eating grin on his face
as he looks up the stairs and yells, "Way to fuckin GO, Bro!"

I head back into the office laughing my ass off, pour myself a glass of wine, grab a piece of 'za,
and start coding my hypertext links.

Forty Five minutes, two glasses of wine and 1/2 the 'za later, I'm flying throught the coding,
when my phone vibrates.

It's a text message from Jeniffer reading, "slavey, I hope you're saving some cum for me. XOXO
Miss Jennifer."

Oh, what an evil Bitch! She knows of my task for Mistress.

Ten more minutes pass when another text comes in, "Oh slavey, I just wanted you to put a clean
glass on the bedside table, I plan on milking you all night long! I do hope you're thirsty. XOXO"

Fifteen minutes later yet another text comes in, "slavey, did I forget to mention that I plan to
use my cock to milk you? By now I figure you'll need a deposit to offset all those withdrawls our
wicked Mistress demanded. XOXO

My clitty gets rock hard, even though is very sore, and raw, as I read the latest text and I have
a very hard time concentrating on coding.

Next text arrives 12 minutes later, just as my erection starts to subside. "slavey, I want to to
watch the CD I prepared for you, if you haven't already, you dirty slut! XOXO"

I forgot about the CD! I look around and see it's 1/2 buried by the pizza box. I slip it out of
the sleeve, and pop it in my comp.

It's the video of me giving Jennifer head for the first time. My clitty gets hard instantly and starts bobbing as I watch myself say "Yes, Mistress, close my eyes, take Jen's cock and guide it into my mouth. I remember the smell of her body wash, and the taste of her flesh as I wrap my hot pink lips around her head.I see myself look up at the camera, and the joy in my smile as I lean down to tea bag her smooth balls. My head is surrounded by satin as my clitty jerks up and down in rythym with the screen. It feels like a satin covered lips caressing my head.

I can't stop myself from stroking my satin wrapped clitty as Jennifer starts moaning.
"Oh God, Mistress, she's so good!" I hear as my hand moves faster. "She's a  natural! May I please cum?"

Just as I'm ready to shoot my load, my phone vibrates, staying my hand, and bringing me back from
the edge.

"Oh my poor slave, I bet you want to cum so bad right about now. You are not to cum."
"You will continue to stroke yourself, you will even lick your jizz off your fingers, but don't
you dare cum. Now, keep watching the video, and await further instructions."

I lick my fingers clean, and even revome my Chemise  to suck the jizz out of it.

I leave the Chemise off so I don't saturate it with jizz, and decide I really need a cigarette.

I step outside, the cool night air feels good against my bare skin. I obey Miss Jennifer and
continue stroking my softening  clitty. Absently licking my fingers clean every time they load up
with jizz.

I light my cigarette as I stroke myself, and close my eyes. I think about what my Father would
think about his "son" if he saw me now. All desire drains out of me, and I smile.

I'm quite sticky, so I kick of my slippers and jump in the hot tub. I soak until I finish my

I climb out of the hot tub and notice my clitty is raw, and quite red. I slip into the robe I used
before and my slippers and go back inside.

Yes, another text awaits me. I read it with great regret. "My darling slave, I imagine you're
ready to explode by now. In honor of my benevolent authority, I'll allow you to cum, IF you beg me nicely. You may have 15 minutes to formulate a proper reply."

Fuck! I have 9 minutes to figure out how to beg via text message.

I quickly Google BDSM begging, and find a site called enslaved males, and find a story where a
slave begs to stop being caned.

I quickly disrobe, reapply my cherry lippy, and hit the floor face down, ass up. I snap a pic with my phone and type,
"Please Miss Jennifer, grant me release with your benevolent authority. I will always be your
devoted slave, and serve you faithfully, with love and adoration, Amanda."

I send the pic and text, and await her reply. After 10 minutes without a reply, I shrug, and slip
my Chemise back on, start my music, and go back to coding.

My phone finally buzzes 35 minutes later, I read, "Slave, while the picture of you with your ass
in the air was quite amusing to my 4 Domme friends, I'm afraid your begging skills were found to
be quite lacking. Therefore, you are not to cum anymore tonight, and we shall have a talk when I
get home"

And five minutes later, "Amanda, I'm quite disappointed with you, you made me look bad in front of
my friends."

The last text is a picture of Jen with four pretty young ladies standing in front of a wall
covered with 8x10 glossy's of my face down ass up pose. They're all pointing at the camera and

I go outside and cry for 15 minutes, my heart literally aches.

Chapter 15

I compose myself, smoke yet another cigarette, and wonder why Jennifer hates me so much.

I finish my coding an hour later, and the new web site is so professional looking, I even impress myself.

I'm celebrating by playing air guitar along to my favorite band. I have my back to the office
door, and in the middle of a wicked solo when the music cuts off, and I hear a throat clear.

Mistress and Jen are standing there. Mistress looks quite amused, Jennifer not so much.

"What the hell are you doing? And why are you listening to that inappropriate crap?"

Before I can think of anything to say, Mistress speaks.
"Darling, that's called air guitar, and frankly I think the music is quite appropriate, it's Iron
Maiden, my love."

I don't know who is more shocked.

Susan then walks over and grabs a slice of cold pizza and takes a bite.

Jennifer and I have identical :0 expressions as we turn and look at each other.

Susan then assumes a look of mock outrage and says, "what?"

Jennifer and I bust out laughing, and Susan joins in a minute later.
She tells me she attended Maiden's Rock in Rio show in 01, as she finishes her pizza.

I am very envious, as she tells me about the show. She picks up the jar and her eyebrow raises
when she see's how full it is.

"Make sure you refrigerate your jar before you go to bed, pet. Now it's time to call it a day."

"Mistress, Amanda and I shall be up momentarily to help you get ready for bed. We're going out for
a cigarette and have a chat."

"She raises her brow, but finally says, ok, but be a darling and unzip me first."

I run to the kitchen and store my jar before joining Jennifer poolside.

She lights a cigarette and hands it to me, and lights her own. I know she has something on her
mind, so I wait for her to speak.

When she finally speaks, she starts with, "that Chemise looks good on you, I was expecting you to
be painted up like a Hooker."

I know she's not thinking about my clothes, so I simply say "thank you, Miss Jennifer," and wait
for her real thoughts to come out.

"Listen, Princess, after the incident at the mall, I'm afraid I let you down. As your Dominant,
it's my job to take care of you, and I needed Mistress's advice, so I want to apologize to you."

I take her hand and squeeze it, I look in her eyes and softly say, "but you didn't let me down.
You gave me the the answer in your questions."

She looks at me earnestly, and I continue, "I accept my place here, and everything that goes with
it. Including the financial part."

Her eyebrow goes up, and my eyes drop. She giggles, and says, "that was a skeptical brow, Princess."

I raise my eyes and continue, "You asked me if it was wrong to earn a lot of money, the conclusion
I came to was, not if I earn it. So I plan on earning it by being the best slave ever."

Her eyes tear up, and she grabs me in a fierce hug. We share a tender kiss, and go inside, hand in

We hurry upstairs, and Jen tells me to quickly wash up, and use some mouthwash.

"Unzip me then go assist Mistress get ready for bed."

Chapter 16

I walk down the hall and softly knock on Mistress's door.

"Come in, I'm at my vanity, darling."

She's wearing a satin Champagne colored Chemise, and is sitting at her vanity removing the pins in
her hair.

I walk up behind her, and assist her with the pins. She smiles at me through the mirror as her
hair falls free.

I pick up her brush and start stroking her lovely Auburn hair as she starts removing her make up.

We work in silence, Slave serving her Mistress, as I stroke her hair 100 times.

She must have kept a mental count, because as soon as I finish 100, she says, "thank you, pet."

She finishes removing her make up and stands up. I follow her into the bedroom and she points to
the floor next to the bed.

"Wait here." I drop to my knees, back to the mattress, and drop my gaze as she sheds the Chemise

as she walks into the bath.

I hear her take a long shower, and wonder what she has in mind for me.

The water shuts off, but she stays in the bath for 15 minutes before she enters the bedroom.

"Look at me, my pet."

She is naked, except for a towel turban wrapped around her head.

Her curvy body doesn't have a flaw that I can see, it's evenly tanned, without a line anywhere.

I look up into her warm, smiling face as she stops in front of me.

"Lean your head back, and lie it on the bed."

"Yes Mis..." "Shh, don't speak."

I feel a cool draft on my back as I lay my head on the mattress.

She turns around and takes a step back. She bends her knees and lowers her ass right above my

"Kiss my ass slave." Mistress says in a low, sexy voice.

I raise my head and start kissing her ass tenderly, starting with her left cheek, and moving to
her right. My nose is buried in her crack, as I start licking her cheeks. Mistress adjusts her stance and
sits my face, forcing my head back down. Her asshole is pressing against my lips, so I bury my
tongue in her Anus.

She moans in pleasure, so I push my tongue deeper and faster. I can't breathe, but I don't stop.

Mistress starts grinding her asshole on my tongue, and I'm able to take quick breaths.

After 15 minutes of oral stimulation, she stands up. I can see she's flushed as she turns around.

She quickly places her left leg over my right shoulder, then her right leg over
her my left shoulder, so she's straddling my face. She reaches down and pulls my face up into her
pussy. I raise my hands and place them on her ass to help support her weight. Susan starts grinding her
pussy on my face as I eat her out. She continues to moan softly throughout the scene.

Her hand grips my hair and pulls my face deeper, and cums. I continue to lick as she shudders and
cums again and again.

She shudders one last time, and steps back, eyes glazed.

My face is covered in her cum, as I softly say, "thank you, Mistress"

She walks to her bath without a word.

I hear Jennifer whisper, "time to go, Princess." I look over to see a naked Jennifer place the cam corder down, and reach her hand out to me. I stand up, take her hand, and follow her back to our room.

Chapter 17

I walk into the bathroom and wash my face. "What was that?" I call out.

"Your reward."

"Reward?" I think, "tell that to my dislocated nose!"

"Fuck, that was intense! I've never felt so used in my life"

"Mistress felt you deserved a reward for dominating and deep throating  Brittany."

"God, what a long day." I say as I walk out of the bathroom. I expected to see her at her make up

Jennifer steps out of the closet behind me, reaches around and jams a pair of panties in my mouth.

I tense up to fight her off, but she say's "Princess!" In a low warning tone.

She ties a silk scarf like a bridle, holding the make shift gag in my mouth and shoves me towards the bed,
I wobble off balance in my Choo's and she shoves me again.

I fall face down, and Jennifer climbs on  the bed, straddling my back. She leans forward and
quickly ties my wrists together with another silk scarf, and secures them to the headboard.

Jennifer whispers in my ear, "Mistress may have rewarded you, but I, on the other hand, plan on
collecting what's owed to me."

I'm confused until I feel Jennifer caress my satin covered ass. She continues, "I believe I told
you I was going to milk you all night long, didn't I, slavey?"

I can only nod.

"Is your clitty as sore as it is raw, slavey?"

I nod again.

"Would you like to beg me for mercy, slavey?"

A third nod

Her hand tucks my Chemise between my thighs, and starts teasing my balls through the satin.

"You're not doing a very good job of begging, slavey." in a very seductive voice.

"Pwesse Miss Jennifwer," I mumble around my gag.

"I'm sorry, slavey, that's just not good enough." She starts licking my ear, and my clitty starts
to respond, despite the pain.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to milk you with my cock, you bad bad girl'"

My cock gets rock hard with those words, and I start nodding  enthusiastically.

I feel Jen slide off the bed, and I draw my knees in to raise my ass.

Jennifer walks to the closet, and returns a minute. She ties a silk scarf around my eyes,
blindfolding me.

I feel her remove my Choo's before she kneels between my legs, and slowly raises my Chemise,
uncovering my ass.

She reaches between my legs and strokes my cock, causing both pleasure, and pain at the same time.

I feel something cold and slimy being squeezed on the crack of my ass, and Jennifer starts spreading it with her finger.

She teases my Anus before slowly slipping her finger in my ass. She slides it in and out slowly,
teasing my prostate.

I start moaning through my gag. It feels so fuckin good!

She slips a second finger in, saying, "oh slavey, you seem to like my hand up your ass like a
Puppet Mistress." She laughs a sexy little laugh.

Jennifer leans down and whispers, "are you ready for my big, hard, cock? Are you ready to become
my bitch? Then she licks my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

I'm nodding so hard, I feel my neck muscles strain.

Jennifer rises back up to her knees and says, "here it comes!"

I feel something hard and cold press against my Anus before my Anus parts to allow penetration.

Cold! Her cock should be hot! WTF?

Whatever it is penetrates about 3" and I feel her give it a little twist to seat it.

"Was it good for you, slave?" She asks with a giggle, and climbs off the bed.

Jennifer steps closer, leans down, and whispers in a mocking tone, I'm sorry slave, but you're
just too dirty for my pristine cock. We'll just have to give you an enema tomorrow."

I can feel the butt plug in my ass, and I groan in frustration.

Jennifer goes and washes her hands and returns.

"Now, I believe I owe you a spanking."

She crosses the room to close the door, and picks up a wide leather belt.

"We must not disturb Mistress." she says, and starts rubbing and slapping my ass with her hand.

Out of nowhere I feel a burning pain across the back of my thighs, just below my ass cheeks.

She spanks me, alternating between her hand and the belt. Striking nine more times with the belt,
and raising welts on my ass, and thighs.

"Now your ass matches your clitty, slavey." Jennifer giggles and quickly writes something on my
back, above my ass in lipstick.

She snaps a few pictures, and texts them to someone, before cleaning off the lip stick with a make
up remover wipe.

Tears are rolling down my cheeks, after saturating my blindfold, both from pain, and humiliation.

She sits on the bed and unties my blindfold and gag. She unties my wrists from the bed, but
leaving them bound together.

Jennifer takes the scarves used for my blindfold and gag, and swiftly ties my ankles and knees
together before rolling me on my side.

I sob softly, but remain silent otherwise. Jennifer grabs some tissues, and wipes my eyes, and
nose, before hanging up the belt.

Jennifer turns out the light, and climbs into bed, spooning with my bound form.

She tenderly kisses my neck and whispers, "I love you, Princess."

"I love you too, Miss Jennifer."

She falls asleep hugging me possessively.

I remain awake a long, long time.

MistressA25 -> RE: Adam's Journey Into Slavery Part 5 (10/24/2010 2:08:29 PM)

I still like the story and can't wait to read the next installment!! Keep up the good work on the stories!!

subrob1967 -> RE: Adam's Journey Into Slavery Part 5 (10/24/2010 4:31:17 PM)

Thank You, Miss:)  Amanda's in for a reality check in the next installment.

MCLady -> RE: Adam's Journey Into Slavery Part 5 (10/26/2010 11:48:43 AM)

The sections just get better & better! I agree w/MistressA...."Keep up the good work"!

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