Posts: 935
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This section offers a safe haven for all those polls and random questions you've always wanted answers to. If you have a more serious topic you want to discuss, please use the discussion forums provided. Feel free to joke around and have fun. It is also allowed to place a poll in another area/category if it is a poll concerning that category, i.e. concerning Politics and Religion, etc. As with the rest of the Forum, it is asked that participants refrain from insults, flames, and generally offensive behavior. Subjects which are unacceptable regardless of circumstance include, but are not limited to - minors engaged in sexual activities, bestiality, incest involving minors, necrophilia, snuff and criminal activities. Any other questions of acceptability will be determined based on content. We hope you enjoy this section.
< Message edited by Admin -- 2/16/2016 11:20:03 AM >