Becoming Dominique's Toilet (Full Version)

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waytoextreme -> Becoming Dominique's Toilet (11/2/2010 12:38:35 PM)

A work in progress.... Warning to those that are disgusted by femdom+toilet themed stories: this is one of em. Proceed at risk of loosing your appetite :-).

Becoming Dominique's Toilet

Part 1: The Meeting

A young man and woman sat anxiously across from each other in a restaurant called the "City Diner" on the upper west side of New York City. Besides the strikingly beautiful appearance of the woman, they looked like a typical young couple. Perhaps others in the restaurant assumed they were on a first date. It was in fact the first time these two had met outside of an Internet chat room. However, the circumstances of this special meeting was far from typical.

The young woman had to be absolutely sure that this man truly wanted what was about to happen. It's one thing to talk about it online in the safety of your living room but quite another to discuss while looking into someone's eyes.

They both exchanged awkward casual conversation to try and break the ice. Conscious of others around them, the woman lowered her voice as she began to get down to business.

"Alex tried to talk me out of meeting you in person." She began with a polite smile. "He knows I'm going to try and talk you out of this."

The young man stared down at his water twisting his straw as he listened. The woman leaned into the booth.

"I can't go forward without knowing 100%."

"Listen to me. I know I told you this many times before... but this is it--your last chance to back out."

"Believe me, nobody will blame you. Because if you don't... what you are about to go through... regardless what is going on in your head right now, I promise that you will not enjoy it."

She reached across the table and put her hand on his shoulder. Her delicate fingers sent shivers of pleasure up the young mans spine. Oh how he longed to be close to her for so many months. She was so much more beautiful than what he remembered from their grainy video chats. He closed his eyes savoring the tangy smell of her perfume.

"You can get up and walk out that door and never look back." She continued.

"I mean, look at you. You're young. You're handsome. You've got you're whole life ahead of you. For God's sake please, just leave here and go live your life!"

The young man continued to stare down at his water and pressed his lips together. He couldn't turn back now.

"I just don't understand what could possibly compel you... I mean... how anyone could possibly want... something so... so..." She curled her lips in disgust. "So horrible!"

But she could see that the young man's mind could not be changed.

"Are you absolutely sure this is what you want?"

The man looked up. He stared back into her dark eyes. She was so beautiful he couldn't even bare to look at her for more than a few seconds before his anxiety overwhelmed him, and he had to look back down at his glass. He nodded his head.

The woman closed her eyes and nodded back.

"And you understand that once we begin, there's no going back? And I mean that. Once we start, you can't change your mind. You understand that I can't stop even if I want to."


The woman sighed and shook her head. After a few seconds of silence she finely concluded the meeting.

"So be it."

Several men turned their heads as she departed the restaurant leaving the young man alone in the booth. He continued to savor the lingering smell of her perfume as his mind drifted into his dark fantasies that would soon be realized--he would finely have what he had longed for his entire adult life.

Their next meeting would would not be so cordial.

Introducing Dominique and Alex: The Proposition

6 months earlier.

Dominique and Alex's paths crossed in march of 2009 at the Paramount hotel near times square, NYC.

Alex was what you might call "ultra-wealthy." His first job out of Princeton was as a highly paid technology researcher at Goldman Sachs. He was a brilliant investor who became exorbitantly rich during the Internet bubble of the late 90s and then compounded his riches following the lead of his Goldman buddies betting against the financial sector during the stock market crash of 2008. He'd been featured in Forbes on numerous occasions for his uncanny ability to find and know when to get out of fantastic investments. In some circles he's even known as the "Young Warren Buffet."

To everyone around him, Alex appeared to have it all: A successful career, more money than he could ever spend, a beautiful young wife and family. You would imagine a man like Alex had everything he could possibly want. However, beneath the surface of Alex's happy and successful appearance, there was a profound sense of emptiness--a hole of unfulfilled desires dug deep by a dark side that he kept as a carefully guarded secret. A dark side that was growing stronger with each day... and that he could no longer ignore.

Dominique's path was quite different. She marketed herself as a high-end NYC dominatrix. She wasn't rich, but she was proud to make a decent living doing what she did. Having grown up in poverty, raised by illegal immigrants just over the boarder in Bisbee AZ, she was all too familiar with hard life. Already in her mid-twenties Dominique was also very much aware of how finite her career was. One day her looks would fade, her money would run out, and she'd be back where she started--an untrained Latino woman working menial jobs for the rest of her life just like her mother... That's if she's lucky. God forbid something ever happens to her before then--there are no securities in her line of work.

That's why, when Alex made his proposition to her on that fateful evening with a fist full of hundreds, she listened.

The second he feasted his eyes on Dominique he knew. He smiling and nodding to himself. She's the one. She's perfect.

"I will pay you for your time." Alex explained as he led her into room. "But I didn't call you hear today for any type of service; although, I must say the temptation is overwhelming."

He gestured toward a chair for her to sit.

He began with some casual conversation to break the ice. Alex was gifted with a silver tongue and could make even the most anxious tempermants feel completely at ease in his presence, but he didn't take long to get down to business.

"I want to discuss with you a proposition." He began.

Alex cleared his throat and walked over to a small suitcase on the desk next to the window.

"Please just let me explain completely before you give me your answer. I know how ridiculous what I'm about to say will sound, but let me assure you that I am very serious."

Alex grabbed a pile of $100 bills from the case and handed them to Dominique. Her eyes widened as she spread the crisp hundreds in her fingers.

"Whatever your answer, that's $10,000. It's yours just for being here and listening... and for keeping this conversation between us."

Dominique's eyes widened at the stack of money in her hands. Alex sat down on the edge of the bed enjoying her expression.

"This offer expires the minute you leave this room and regardless of your answer, after tonight we will not ever see each other again in person. The timeliness of this matter is very important to me, so if you turn it down I will be making the same offer to someone else tonight... but if you accept I promise to make you a very rich woman. You'll never have to work again."

Dominique looking up from the cash. "What is it you have in mind?" She asked trying to sound as calm as she could under her excitement.

Alex grinned and began.

"Like many of your clients I imagine, I have some pretty crazy ideas. I don't know where they came from, but for my whole life I've done a pretty good job ignoring them... Up until now. Lately... well, lately I'm finding this more difficult." He paused for a moment and sighed thoughtfully. "It's getting to the point where I can't even concentrate anymore. When I'm lying in bed with my wife these thoughts are with me, clawing at me. Hell, I can't even get aroused without them--I have to let my mind wander into these dark places just to satisfy my wife... and yet, for the sake of my family..." He clenched his teeth. "... and my dignity, I cannot allow myself to submit to them--to these ridiculous desires. I refuse to."

"You see, unlike your other clients I'm not about to embrace these urges. I'm struggling to resist them, and I'm willing to pay dearly for you to help me--help me get rid of these awful thoughts. I just want, like any normal person, to feel sick instead of aroused when they enter my head."

"So, here is my proposition to you. I've acquired a home just outside the city. I want you to live there with one other willing occupant--a young man--for five years."

Alex paused for a moment. He was pleased to see that Dominique was still listening.

"This man will be constrained to a single room. It is in this room that he will live out all of my fantasies." Alex stared at Dominique seriously. "I'm not talking about sessions you are used to giving your clients... I mean live them out for real. Every day. For the rest of his life. At the end of the five year contract, this man will succumb to his fate, and you will be paid handsomely for your time and talents."

"My hope is that... through this man--through a continuous stream of audio and video... I will come to truly realize how horrible my fantasies are. I want to brand the suffering and degradation of this man into my subconscious. I want to be horrified. I want to be disgusted."

"And as I said before, in return I will make you a very rich woman. At the start of your contract, I will open a brokerage account in your name. In it will be a certificate of deposit worth, with five years interest, just over 10 million dollars."

10 million dollars!

Dominique's expression changed. Until she heard the amount Alex was willing to pay her, she was preparing in her head the words she'd use to gracefully reject Alex's offer... now he had her full attention... suddenly five years didn't seem too long at all.

"I should emphasize that this man will be fully aware of what he is signing up for. He will consent to absolutely everything before we begin, but once we do, he nor you will be able to leave until the end of our contract. If you leave, if you try and set your slave free, or if you refuse to carry out tasks I assign, the contract will expire immediately and you will receive no money. And... the only outside contact you will be permitted during your contract is written letters."

Alex leaned back in his chair and raised his eyebrows. "Questions? Thoughts?"

Dominique's mind was stuck on the money. With this money she could see to it that her and her parents never work again. After what my family has been through, nobody deserves it more.

She cleared her throat. "This man--the man you'll restrain in the room--are you sure he will want this to happen to him?"

Alex nodded. "Oh yes. In fact, he's begging for it... but I'll let you make that conclusion yourself. If you accept my offer, I'll give you his contact information. You can talk with him until you are comfortable that he wants to go through with this. Believe it or not, this man was hand picked out of many applicants--hundreds of them. Based on his background and interviews, I am confident in his complete willingness to undergo whatever I ask you to do to him."

Dominique nodded her head. "And what would I be doing? I mean... can you tell me some of your fantasies?"

Alex leaned forward. He gestured awkwardly towards the bathroom.

"Okay." Dominique nodded, understanding immediately what he was meant.

Alex looked relieved that he didn't have to say the words. He wanted her to use this man as her toilet. It's a fantasy that Dominique was familiar, but had ruled out as one of her "hard limits" to her normal clients -- something that she refused to do. Years ago, when she was just beginning, she had tried it. A young man wanted her to defecate into his mouth. She refused at first, but when he offered her more money she decided to give it a try. She still remembered that creepy expression on his face as she squat over him... and despite having to, she was just too self-conscious to go. In the end, she refunding the man his money and never tried it again... but for 10 million dollars... well, for 10 million dollars there's not much she wouldn't do.

Dominique took a deep breath. She was being careful about how she reacted to his request--she didn't want to insult him. "You want me to ..." She figetted uncomfortably. "... I mean, how often do you want me to do this?"

"There won't be a toilet in the home." Alex said bluntly. Dominique's eyes widened and she nodded. Why the fuck would anyone would willingly sign up for such a fate.

"I have other fantasies too..." Alex explained. "... and quite honestly, it makes me uncomfortable to discuss them in person. I will never ask you to do anything that might cause you harm, but other than that you must be willing to do whatever I ask."

Alex leaned forward. "Dominique, I'm paying you very well for a reason. I don't want you to go into this thinking that it will be easy. It won't. Understand that you are agreeing to make this man suffer... suffer horribly for five years. Towards the end of your contract the brutality of my requests will intensify until the young man is dead. Be honest with yourself before agreeing. There's no harm in turning down my offer. Many women--I suspect most women--wouldn't have the capacity to go through with this. You get to keep the ten grand no matter what your decision."

Dominique nodded. "Well, I just don't see how someone would willingly sign up for such a thing."

Alex smiled. "You'd be surprised. I've had second thoughts about going forward with this plan myself. It was this man who convinced me. He's written me several persuasive letters. Trust me. When you speak with him, you will know that he wants this."

"Yeah, but even so... you know that he's not going to want it once this begins, don't you. The reality of it will be much different than his fantasy."

Alex nodded. "We both know he is foolish for wanting this. You'll have a chance to reason with him. If he decides after your warnings that he still wants to go forward, than ask yourself whether or not, to at least some degree, he deserves it. See Dominique, I promise you that this is going to happen to him whether or not you agree to do it. If not with you, then with someone else. The only question is: who's going to walk away from this with ten million dollars?"

"But for 5 years? And I can't talk to my family at all during this time? And I cannot leave the house?"

"You can write letters to your family, but that's the only contact you will be allowed--correct. You can tell your family and friends that you've hired as a personal assistant to an anonymous client and that due to the confidential nature of the information you'll have access to, you are forbidden non-written outside contact for the period of your employment."

"You may enjoy the grounds surrounding your home, which includes a large pool, and beautiful gardens, but there will be no outside contact whatsoever for the entire duration. Make no mistake about it, Dominique--you are essentially giving me 5 years of your life in exchange for this money. This won't be easy."

She nodded. "And if he doesn't live that long? I mean... it can't be very healthy to be used like that for so long."

"If he dies before five years is up, I have hundreds of men lining up for the chance to fill his place."

"And if he does? I mean... wouldn't there be legal consequences if he went to the authorities after all of this?"

Alex smiled. "Remember, his contract is life. Like I said, at the end of your contract the tasks I'll have you do to him will intensify. He won't live beyond the end date of the contract."

Alex and Dominique continued to discuss the details over champagne and strawberries on a balcony looking out over Time Square. She found Alex very charming and persuasive. He was a very eloquent speaker and quite handsome for an older man.

It didn't take her long to accept his strange proposition. She reiterated that her acceptance depended on how comfortable she felt that the man truly wanted this fate.

Upon agreement, she was handed another lump of money, which Alex explained sealed the contract. Before she departed with twenty thousand dollars worth of crisp hundred dollar bills in her purse, he warned her once again never to mention their agreement with anyone. Dominique was smart enough not to want Alex as an enemy.

The Letters

6 months later, two days after Dominique met her future slave at the City Diner two unmarked letters were received by private courier. The letters contained individual instructions:

To Dominique:

[indent]My heart swells with thanks to you for your acceptance of our contract. I'm sure you are anxiously anticipating the day we begin. I'm happy to tell you that arrangements are in place and we are finely ready to proceed. I'm writing you today to tell you this as well as give you your instructions.

On the beginning of each week you will be delivered groceries and other personal needs by an assistant of mine with no knowledge of the details of our contract. As I explained to you during our initial meet, the terms of our agreement are to be kept between us. If details of our arrangement is leaked to him or anyone else, the contract will be cancelled immediately.

I've taken the liberty of furnishing your place with only items deemed suitable for a queen. From this day forward, you will be treated as such by both your new slave and myself. If there's anything you want, there is a phone in the kitchen you can use to communicate with my secure voicemail. I will be notified immediately upon receipt of messages from you. Anything you ask for, if it's in my power to provide, it will be yours.

A black SUV will arrive to pick you up next Monday at 1pm. Please don't be late. You will be arriving about five hours before the young man you've been corresponding with, so you will have some time to get accustomed to your home before his arrival.

On the front porch next to the door is a lamp. Just under the lamp is a biometric security system. Lift the lid and place your hand over the glass. The system will initialize itself with your fingerprints, and the door will open. From that point on, only you will be able to open the door to your home.

I'll let you explore and make sure it is to your liking, but I want to explain the bathroom to you in more detail--this is where your new slave will live. The room is sound proof, so as long as the door is shut, you can do your work without worrying about noise being heard from the outside. You won't be disturbed by noises your slave makes while you are not in his presence. On the wall opposite the door, you will see an LED screen. From there you will receive your instructions for each day on exactly what to do to your slave. Use your fingers to scroll down/up the screen as needed. Your first set of instructions will be waiting for you when you arrive.

I hope that you enjoy yourself. I have already placed money into your account, which you can login and see with the information provided with this note. In exactly 5 years time my custodial privileges over the account will end and you will have full control of the funds contained. As discussed, your money is sitting in a CD compounded at 4% annually, which will bring your principle to just over 10 million dollars in 5 years. That's about $5,555 a day or $2 million a year.

Best wishes!

* Please destroy this note once you have finished reading. *

Dominique used the credentials and URL provided by Alex to login to the account. The current balance of the CD read $7,835,300.00 with an end guaranteed principle of $10,000,048.93. She'd never been more excited in her life.

To Dominique's new Slave:
[indent]The day has finely come. You are about to become a slave of the beautiful Dominique. I am both grateful and incredibly envious as you finely embark on your journey--a journey many men including myself spend their entire lives fantasizing about without realizing.

I trust you have taken care of any loose ends and are ready to begin. Make sure you are well groomed, showered, and clean.

A car will pick you up at your home at 6pm sharp next Monday. Please don't be late.

When you arrive at your new home, you will be greeted by your new mistress--your owner. Show her the respect she deserves.

I hope you thoroughly enjoy your enslavement!

Best wishes!

* Please destroy this note once you have finished reading *

Dominique's Arrival

The car picked Dominique up outside of her old apartment building. The drive was about an hour out of the city.

The driver was an older man--probably in his 70s she figured. Desperate to calm her nerves she tried to start conversation a couple of times during their trip, but he wasn't much of a talker. He was clearly making an effort to be as brief as possible without being rude. He called her by "ma'am" and had the over-polite mannerisms of a butler. She was relieved when she was offered to help herself to the cooler of drinks behind his seat--a collection of fine scotch, beer, soda, and mineral waters. Dominique grabbed a Corona.

She leaned against the window and thought about her parents as she slowly sipped her beverage. She'd miss talking to them dearly. Her mother was quite alarmed to hear that she wouldn't be reachable for such a long time. She was worried and skeptical at first... until Dominique showed her the brokerage account.

Dominique used some of the money Alex had forwarded her to fly her parents out to visit for a week--they had just left on Wednesday--just two days ago. That week was one of the best she'd ever had. It was so wonderful to be able to treat her parents to a week of the city. They'd never been to a city like NYC before. They were overwhelmed! The three of them talked for many hours about what they would do with the money when her contract was finished. Only one thing was absolutely sure--none of them would ever work again.

She remembered the look on her mom's eyes when she handed her the remaining money--about $12,000 to return home with. Even that small amount of money was more than her mother had ever had at one time. It would be memories like these that would get her through. What a reunion it will be in five years from now! It brought tears to her eyes to think about it.

"And we're here." The driver finely said.

A long well-groomed white gravel driveway lined with pine trees led up the the moderately sized Victorian home nested in the woods. There were no other homes in sight. Dominique giggled when she saw it. With fresh light pink paint and white trim, it looked like a giant doll house! She smiled at the lovely garden surrounding the home and the large pool on the side. There was an inflatable raft floating in the water and Dominique imagined she'd be spending much of her time on it sunbathing and reading.

The driver refused to accept any money from her as she stepped out. She found the biometric security pad under the lamp as Alex described and placed her hand on it. A horizontal beam of light travel up and down the palm of her hand and within seconds, the door unlocked and jut open several inches. As soon as she stepped inside, she could hear the car's tires on the gravel as it drove back up the long driveway.

This is it. There's no backing out now.

The furnishings were as beautiful as Alex said they would be. The floor was an exotic light colored wood with a dark fascinating grain unlike any she'd never seen before. Original paintings decorated the 9 foot high walls of the home. The kitchen walls were scattered with decorative Geek style tile and she was certain that all the fixtures were made of solid gold. The island in the center of the kitchen as well as the counter tops were solid granite. The living room was furnished with a large leather couch and a huge flat screen TV--the biggest TV she'd ever seen. In the cabinet under the TV was a DVD collection that would put blockbuster to shame. Attached to the living room was a large walk out porch that overlooked more gardens. The bedroom upstairs pretty much took up the entire floor. The king bed was made with dark pink satin sheets beneath a mountain of goose feathered pillows. The room had the biggest walk-in closet she'd ever seen. It had a treadmill and weight machine right inside as well as a huge vanity with a full-size mirror. On the walls were a collection of shoes and outfits varying from casual to formal to extreme fetish (7-inch stilettos, rubber boots, full body latex outfits, gas masks, etc) as well as a gigantic collection of fetish toys (butt plugs and strap ons ranging in size from tiny to absolutely ridiculously large, enema gear, needles, rope, tape, whips, chains, flogs, and all sorts of crazy stuff she didn't even recognize).

Her jaw dropped as she stared at the collection.

What did I get myself into?

She walked back downstairs and made her way to the bathroom. Not surprisingly, it was huge as well.

The floor and counter tops were tiled in white marble. There was a whirlpool bath that sat next to a large brick fireplace (yes, there was even a fireplace), carved and polished from a large piece of granite. The sink and tub fixtures appeared to be gold just like the ones in the kitchen.

There were mirrors all over the room--in the ceiling, behind the door, on the cabinets of the sink, above the sink, and all over the walls. No matter where you were in the room you would be able to see a reflection of yourself.

The first thing that caught her eye was the big medieval-style cage sitting in the center of the room. Imagining what it was going to be like for that poor young man trapped in that scary thing gave her goose bumps. At less than 4 by 4 feet, there would not be much room at all for the 6 foot plus young man to move around.

The floor under the cage was untiled bare cement which the bottom of the cage was set into--it was built right into the floor.

On the wall opposite the door was the LED screen Alex had described in his letter. As he promised, her first instructions were printed on the black screen in white text.

[indent]Welcome my Queen to your new home. I hope you find it meets your expectations. Today you will finely give to the young man whom you've been corresponding exactly what he's wanted his entire life--you will lead him gracefully but unmercifully on his journey from a man to your slave.

Folded on the chair next to the vanity upstairs, there is a special outfit along with a watch that I'd like you to wear. Please put them on before your slave arrives.

Your slave will arrive with a special collar attached to his neck. On the left side of your watch there is a button which will send your slave an agonizing jolt of electricity. Use this if you ever lose control of your slave. It should immediately incapacitate him.

When he arrives, ask him to remove his clothes. All of them including his boxers, socks, and shoes. The only thing he should be wearing into the home is his collar. Dispose of them along with the contents of his pockets into the trash on the front porch. I will see to it that they are all properly destroyed.

Next, lead him directly into the bathroom and carefully attach the wrist and ankle restraints. They have already been fitted appropriately for his build and will lock into place once closed. There is no key for these restraints, so please use care when attaching them.

Your slave is now under your control.

At this point, having been waiting for several hours, I'm sure you must have to use the bathroom. As you can see, there is no toilet in this house. From now on, your slave will facilitate that function completely. Allow your slave to finely taste what he has been eagerly waiting for, for all these months... and what he has to look forward to constantly from this point on.


The note went on to describe the rest of the slave's first night of slavery. Dominique gasped as she continued to read the details.

As she finished reading she pushed back the tears that swelled in her eyes thinking about what she was about to do.

Why am I feeling sorry for him? She thought. This is what he wanted. I gave him so many opportunities to back out of this. This is his own fault.

Dominique took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Relax Dominique. Just, Relax. Remember: 10 million dollars... 10 million dollars... 10 million dollars.

She walked over to the gigantic whirlpool bath and reached for the hot water nosel.

Her Slave's Ride

I walked outside at 5:30 to be sure not to miss the black SUV that Alex described in his letter. The cool evening air that whisked against my hair would be the last I'd ever feel. I breathed in long breaths savoring each one. This is my last few moments as a free man. The truth was, I did have second thoughts. There were plenty of times I picked up the phone and dialed the first 6 digits of Alex's private number... but each time something stopped me. Sure, there are plenty of guys who would be envious of me right now... but I wasn't sure that many would actually go through with it if given the chance. So why was I going through with it?

My mind went blank as I remembered the smell of her perfume. That wonderful sent that would soon be with me constantly. Images of her long black hair reaching down just past the arch of her back, and those beautiful tan legs of hers wrapping around my face as she shared with me her most intimate moments... filling me with herself... using me... degrading and humiliating me... To experience that, to me at least, is worth suffering for... and even dying for.

But for a moment, when the car arrived 5:59pm, I felt that panicked sensation once again. My life is over if I step into that car. My heart raced as it pulled to the curb. I nearly turned around and walked away before I heard his voice. It was Alex. He stepped around from behind the car and opened the door for me.

"I was afraid you might get cold feet."

Alex said with a big smile.

My mind went blank again. I smiled back and stepped inside the SUV.

That's it. I'm done. I'm fucking finished.

Alex reached over and pat me on the shoulder. "I bet you are excited." He said grinning. "I have to say that envy is a relatively unfamiliar emotion for me... but today, I'm genuinely envious of you."

His eyebrows raised. "Do you want to see what you've got to look forward to?" He gripped a large laptop out of his briefcase, twisted it open, and handed it to me. As the page loaded, he pulled down the privacy shutters on the windows so the sunlight wouldn't interfere with the display. On the screen was a video expanded to fit its entire size. I was staring straight down into a bathtub. Dominique was in it. I could see the top of her breasts poking through the bubbles. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

"You can zoom in like this." Alex reached over and pinched the screen with his fingers and zoomed up close. The screen's clarity was amazing--It was so clear that I could see each of her eyelashes. "This is happening right now--in real time." Alex explained excitedly. "Why don't you hold onto that and enjoy the view while we drive." Dominique rolled her head back and she smiled. As she did, the faint sound of the bath bubbles popping came through speakers of the car with crystal clarity. It was like I was in the room with her. She looked so comfortable and beautiful laying there.

"Can she hear us?" I asked.

"No. The sound goes only one way." Alex said as he reached for another item in his case.

"I'm going to need to put this on you okay?" In his hands was some sort of collar. "I know, it's a little weird, but bear with me a moment okay?" Alex held the collar out in front of me. It was metal and opened on a hinge.

I leaned forward and felt him pinch it shut around my neck.

"There." Alex smiled widely and reached down grabbing a couple of cool Heineken's from a cooler built into the back of the seat in front of him. He popped them open and handed me one.

"Now... I guess I should explain the rules." Alex said as I continued to stare down at Dominique's beautiful face. I took a sip of my beer--the last cool beverage I'd ever enjoy. "Besides doing absolutely everything your lovely mistress tells you to do, there is only one." His face turned serious. "Under no circumstances will you ever ask Dominique to let you go." He paused for a moment. "If you do, I will hear it."

"That collar around your neck--they use them in Chinese prisons. If a prisoner escapes or is out of control, the guard simply presses a button..." Alex gestured toward the keyboard with his finger. "... and ZAP!" He leaned forward smiling. "And let me tell you that it ain't a pleasant experience at all." He chuckled. "An assistant volunteered to test the thing for me awhile back. The poor guy fell to the ground and pissed all over himself! He said it felt like his whole body was engulfed in flames--the worst agony he'd ever experienced in his life."

I got the message and nodded my head. Don't ask to be let go... no matter what. Got it.

Dominique finely leaned forward. I pinched the screen to zoom out and get a clearer view as her perfect D-cup breasts emerged from the bubbles. She reached for a towel and stood up. I could hear every drip of water falling off of her perfect body as if I was right there in the room. It was the most spectacular view I'd ever seen in my life. She wrapped a large pink towel around her perfect body and stepped out of the bath... and she proceeded to get ready for me, as I watched.

Alex was leaning back enjoying the show as I was. As she moved about the room he continued to toggle the camera to get the best possible view. There must be cameras all over the room!

She picked up a single piece black latex tank top/skirt and slipped her arms into it. Down the middle was a zipper that she zipped up. She struggled to fit it around her perfect ass and then struggled even more to fit it around her huge breasts. The tailer maid latex fit perfectly up her body accentuating her amazing proportions. My mouth hung open wide as Alex gloated about picking the outfit out himself. "I knew you'd like it." He said smiling. She sat on the edge of what looked like it would soon be my cage and slipped into a pair of high-heeled boots, which were latex as well. She slowly threaded leather laces up the length of her boots, which extended up past her knees half way up her thighs. Alex toggled the view so we could see right up her short skirt. Oh my god!

As she stood up and posed for herself in the mirror, I could feel my hard-on jammed against my jeans. "You are one lucky man." Alex said as he shared the amazing view.

I could hear gravel under the car wheels.

"This is it. You're up kiddo. Good luck." Alex said extending his hand one last time. I nodded my head and shook his hand as the car slowed to a stop in front of the house. The door of the car opened and the evening sun warmed my skin for the last time.

"Thanks for everything Alex."

Alex grinned back at me. "No kiddo. Thank you."

There was something about the tone of Alex's voice just then that gave me the chills.

As I walked toward the house, the front door opened.

Her Slave's Arrival

She stood their half hidden behind the front door. The sun glistened off her latex boots.

It was such a surreal feeling stepping out of that SUV and approached that large pink house. I can still remember the hum of insects from the woods surrounding me, the birds, and the crispy sound of the tires grinding on the gravel as Alex departed.

She pulled on the endges of her short skirt as she stood there waiting for me.

When I got to the porch she asked me to undress. Her voice was soft and authoritative, but there was something else there too. There was an uneasiness that was uncharacteristic and made me even more nervous.

She was so beautiful I couldn't bear to look up into her eyes, but I could feel her glare, and it numbed my brain into obedience. I proceeded mechanically trying hard not to think about how ridiculous I felt... or what I was doing... and how fucking crazy I was for willingly coming here today. There was no use resisting at this point. If I ran, Alex would just shock the hell out of me with this collar.

No, I had my chances to back out. This is really going to happen now.

She watched quietly, fidgeting with her sexy outfit, as I undressed. Her skirt was so short that if I had dared to look up when I bent down to remove my shoes, I would have seen that she wasn't wearing any panties. I would have seen her neatly groomed stripe of black pubic hair--those short thick prickly hairs that would over time, over countless hours under her weight, under the relentless heat and sweat of her crotch, sting and irritate the sensitive skin of my face, causing me a great deal of pain.

Soon I was naked and as red as a tomato, cupping my privates awkwardly in my hands. She stepped out to gather my clothes heaped next to me. When she bent over, my hard on returned, pressing into my sweaty palms at the sound of latex clinging to her skin. Her skirt rode even further up her thighs.

I heard the sound of my belt buckle as it clanged against the side of the metal garbage can that she jammed the last of my belongings into. A wave of nausea surged through me as I watched the last remnants of my free self thoughtlessly discarded.

Dominique stepped back into the house and gestured for me to follow. I did.

The wood floor felt cool on the bottom of my naked feet as I stepped inside. She continued onward without looking back, and I followed closely behind staring down at the shape of her butt as it shifted wonderfully from side to side with each of her steps. The tall walls seemed to be closing in as we continued down the hall, descending deeper and deeper into my dark fate with each "CLACK" of her high-heels on the hard wood floor, until finely we were there. I followed her into the familiar room. It was the room I was looking at through Alex's laptop just moments ago.

On the counter were two sets of thick metal cuffs chained together. She grasped the smaller set. I could tell they were heavy from the sound as she dragged them off the marble counter.

She asked me to hold out my hands. I closed my eyes as my sweaty hands lifted from my crotch unhiding my hard-on which stuck out in front of me ridiculously. She pretended not to notice and carefully squeezed each cuff around my wrists. I could feel hidden latches fastening together inside of them. The latex of her outfit scrunched as she squat down with the pair of ankle restraints. I stared down at the top of her head hiding my hard-on in my restrained hands as she proceeded to carefully tighten them. Her hair shined beautifully under the light and for a brief moment I could feel their soft strands delicately caress my toes sending shivers of pleasure up my naked body.

Those cold metal cuffs locking around me were both the most terrifying as well as the most wonderful feelings I've ever felt in my life. It was the sound of me losing control, and it was the sound of her taking it from me. When she latched the last one around my right ankle I knew that was it. I was no longer a free man. I was now a slave--Dominique's slave--forever.

I closed my eyes and savored the moment as Dominique walked over to the sink counter and leaned up against it.

I finely had what I was fantasizing about for so long. This was real now.

Now what?

When I opened my eyes, she was staring at me with that same uneasy look she had earlier.

There was this awkwardness and anticlimatic feeling as we stood there in front of each other in silence. I painted this scenario in my head so many times, but my fantasies fell short of including that look on Dominique's face. She stood there screaming at me with her eyes. Why did you come here despite my warnings?

She finely broke the silence.

"You are so fucking stupid."

I'm not sure why, but for whatever reason, that comment caused me to smile. It was an irrational awkward smile, but a smile nonetheless... and it totally pissed her off.

"You think this is a joke? Listen to me you dumb little fucker. I warned you. I told you that Alex was going to make me hurt you. I told you that if you came here today you would suffer for a long... LONG time... until you are dead. And let me assure you that it isn't going to be a dignified or merciful death... it won't be like anything you are imagining it to be. It will be slow. It will humiliating... and it will be fucking horrible."

Her boots clacked on the marble floor as she stepped over to me.

"I mean... I practically begged you not to come here today."

I cringed as she slowly circled around me half expecting her to strike me from behind.

"And so you ignore me. You come here today and you smile at me like this is some sort of joke?"

She curled her lip upper lip in disgust and pointed to the floor.

"Get on your knees."

As I followed her order and fell to my knees I felt unbearably hot and was completely flustered by her sudden rage. I'm not sure why I smiled... I just wanted to apologize and to tell her that I didn't mean anything, but she cut me off before I got a single word out.

"No you don't!" She snapped raising her finger to my mouth. "Don't you talk. Don't you ever talk again unless I ask you to. I want to remember you exactly as you were just then, with that stupid grin. It will make what I'm about to do to you a whole hell of a lot easier."

She smiled and stepped over to me--right in front of my face and placed her hand on the top of my head. She smelt lovely--like scented soap and perfume.

"You must have thought I was lying to you. Or perhaps you think pain coming from me won't really hurt? You think my piss will taste like lemonade? Hmm? Do you think my shit will taste like chocolate? Well I hope for your sake that you're right."

She pulled her skirt up and took another small step forward until I felt the bristles of her pubic hair on my nose... and I could smell her. Not her perfume or the soap, but the pungent stink of her pussy.

"Well, let's see shall we?"

This wasn't how I expected it to go. I imagined this experience being amazing--to be here in front of my Goddess about to drink her devine golden nectar... but she had me second guessing whether I even wanted this to happen at all. Rather than savoring this moment, which I had fantasized for, for so long, my mind was instead on the pain in my knees, and that smell... the smell of her pussy... that stinky pussy smell. I opened my mouth wide and tilted my head back as she pushed herself forward. She grabbed my hair with her fists angrily and pulled my head into herself. I could feel my bottom lip sink into her slime.

"Does this feel nice?" She asked tauntingly as she continued to sink her fingers into my scalp, taking clumps of my hair with them. I whimpered trying desperately not to scream out in agony, but I could feel tears welling in my eyes as she pressed her crotch deeper into my mouth. I could see her eyes glaring down at me angrily between her breasts.

Then, I finely tasted it. At first just a thin salty stream and then, very suddenly, my mouth was completely filled. Warm streams of piss burst through the corners of my mouth and flowed down my body.

Realizing that I wasn't taking it all in, Dominique pushed me forward to avoid getting it on herself, but she continued to piss on me as I kneeled their in front of her. When she let go of her fistfulls of hair, my attention was diverted from the pain in my scalp to the taste in my mouth. I began to gag uncontrollably. Oh god... the taste was awful!

Oh god.

I began to choke while her piss continued to spatter against my face and body. She moved her hips in a circular motion purposely soaking every inch of my front with her filth. I could feel it streaming down me and accumulating in a huge warm puddle under my knees.

It slowed to a dribble and then when it finely stopped, she dried her urine soaked stinky crotch with the top of my head (in my hair) before backing away and examining the state she left me in.

I was in complete shock kneeling in her piss... It was everywhere--it's smell... it's taste... I was completely soaked. She was right. This wasn't at all what I expected. This wasn't a good or erotic feeling whatsoever. My knees and scalp ached, and I felt more filthy than I've ever felt before. I smelt like a fucking porta potty. I wanted a shower. I wanted a toothbrush! What the fuck was I thinking?

"Awww... what's the matter? So it doesn't taste like lemonade after all? You idiot."

She pointed down at the puddle beneath me. "Well, what are you waiting for? Drink."

Seconds later, she had me pinned between the piss covered floor and the sharp heel of her boot.

Sack of jelly

Dominique lowered her boot heel onto my lower spine. It hit me on the bone with a dull thud scraping down my back as I recoiled in agony.

She cursed and stumbled forward. "Hey! Don't you ever squirm away from me!" Dominique scolded, sticking out her finger as if disciplining a puppy.

Her boots splashed towards me. I curled myself defensively into the massive puddle of piss beneath me, but I was helpless. With little effort, she kicked me onto my stomach. Latex stretched around her hourglass figure as she bent down. She lifted her skirt. Her weight dropped onto my lower back, knocking the wind out of my lungs and pinning me there against the filthy floor. My metal wrist restraints pressed painfully into my gut under our combined weight. She was sitting on my lower back facing away from me over my exposed backside. Despite the pain and filth, for a brief moment I savored that feeling of lying there beneath her--the warmth of her perfect body pressed against me. How many hours had I spent fantasizing about it over the months leading up to this day? Too many. And now here it was, right here on top of me--her lovely ass spreading wonderfully over me under her weight. Her skin felt as smooth as silk against mine. Her inner thighs grazed my backside as she leaned forward sending shivers of pleasure up my body.

But that pleasant moment disappeared as quickly as it came. I gasped as her right hand slipped between my upper thighs. "Now, this is what happens when you try and squirm away from me." She spoke in a patronizing tone like a mother scolding a toddler... and then she began. Her cold fingers wrapped tightly around my crotch. She squeezed. I screamed.

She'd done this before. She knew exactly how to do it--how it would hurt the most. My body tensed and wiggled desperately under her as she slowly rolled my testicles in the palm of her hand like a pair of Chinese exercise balls. I moaned in agony. Fresh tears streamed down my already tear-soaked cheeks. I'd never felt pain like that. Oh God, it was horrible!

I managed to get out a few words. I don't remember what I said... probably a plea for mercy... or perhaps my mind was in too much of a disarray to say anything legible. But whatever I said, she gave it little interest. She just laughed. "What? You mean this doesn't feel as nice as you thought it would?" She asked, twisting and squeezing my balls in her hand ruthlessly. "No silly. There's no mercy here. You knew that."

"I'll tell you what though... and this is a promise. If you don't stop squirming right now, I'm going to crush them completely. You hear me? You lay here still and take it or I'm going to squeeze your balls into a sack of jelly! That's right. I'll castrate you right here with my bare hands if you don't stop moving!"

Her brutal words cut through the pain. The tone of her voice was dead serious. It scared the shit out of me. I tried my hardest to stay as still as possible while she continued, but the pain was unreal. Her long nails dug into the loose skin of my scrotum while she slowly twisted them in different directions. It felt like she was doing damage... horrible damage... and every natural instinct was screaming at me to try and get her off of me. I moaned as loud as I could thrusting involentarily against the floor... Desperately pressing my pelvis into the floor like a whore. I'd never felt so fucking pitiful.

"Are those moans of pleasure?" She asked giggling.

"Next time when I decide to jam my boot up your ass, you'll hold still for me and take it, won't you?"

She pinched one of my testicals between her index finger and her thumb sending a horrible pain up through my guts.

The beginnings of Alex's plan

The young man's unfinished heineken rolled in the cup holder of Alex's black SUV as it turned onto the Manhattan Bridge. Alex sat next to it smiling widely. He was pleased with himself that this was all coming together so smoothly. Both Dominique and the young man were working out even better than he imagined--the dynamic growing between the two of them was absolutely beautiful.

If there's one personal quality that Alex credits more than any other for his life's success it would be his exceptional ability to read people. According to him, in this economic climate, if you can't read false confidence and bullshit from between the lines of quarterly reports, you have no business being in this business. This keen sense of awareness served Alex well today and throughout the process of setting this up. After all, these two people weren't just picked out of a hat. He'd treated each as he did any of his potential investments--he did his research. He delved deep into their respective histories. He knew their backgrounds, he knew their personalities, and most importantly he knew what strings to pull in order to manipulate them. Over the last few weeks, he'd seen through the young man's efforts to conceal his growing apprehension. That's why he met with him personally today--to give him that last nudge of momentum he needed.

Dominique was less complicated. With ten million dollars, Alex could afford to be fairly discriminating in his selection for her role. Beyond her beautiful appearance, he picked Dominique because of what she'd been through. She was a strong woman hardened by a difficult childhood, fully capable of the tasks Alex would require. In their meeting back in march, he sensed right away a strong mutual respect that made him even more confident. She wasn't really the sociopath that she is so good at pretending to be.

Dominique was doing an amazing job. They both were.

Agonizing screams blasted through the car's speakers with crystal clarity. He could hear the sound of his skin, sticky with her filth, clinging against the cold wet floor as he quivered in his restraints under her. It was the most beautiful thing Alex had ever seen. He'd never felt lust for a woman like he felt for Dominique, and as he watched her he could feel his darker side overcoming him--tearing down opposing feelings of guilt in its path.

Alex was even a bit shocked at himself for the sense of satisfaction he was feeling listening to the young man scream... and how excited he was to watch her go further. He could see the regret in the young man's eyes and could tell that, if given the chance, he would take this all back. But the intensity of Alex's dark desires made it easy to quell his guilt with thoughtless notions.

I'm only giving him what he begged me for.

Alex's car slowed as it approached his building.

In his office, the horrific fate that he scripted for the young man would be broadcast through large monitors and his BOSE surround sound system. From there--from the comfort of his plush italian office chair and a glass of cognac--he would savor the finest details of his misery. And he would thoughtfully craft Dominique's instructions for the next day.

He grabbed the young man's unfinished heineken out of the cup holder and poured the remains of it out the window. As Alex stepped out of the car and made his way hurriedly to his office, the last cool beverage the young man would ever taste seeped into the filthy cracks of the street.

Licking it up

If I hadn't felt her stand up off my back, I wouldn't have even realized she'd finely let go of me. I continued to squirm and moan on the floor in agony for some time. The lingering pain and cramps seemed to deepen... like her fingers were reaching deep up into my guts, picking and twisting at my intestines with her long sharp fingernails.

Dominique towered over me. I stared at the beads of piss covering her boots like shiny little golden pearls, and grasped at my tender balls.

As the blinding pain gradually changed into a deep dull ache, humiliation set in. While I'd fantasized about this scenario my entire life, I'd never before really been treated like this... I'd never really been hurt like that before or felt so helpless and completely out of control. It was disorienting. I felt out of my element and completely uncomfortable. There was nothing erotic about this. This was nothing at all like my fantasies. More than anything in the world I graved to be back at home... with a toothbrush and a hot shower running. I craved that more now than I ever craved any of my deepest sexual fantasies!

My teary eyes looked up over her giant D-cup breasts into her cold dark eyes. She pointed to her mess on the floor. I knew what she wanted me to do... and I didn't dare waste any time.

I let go of my balls and they flopped into the puddle of her piss beneath me. My skin peeled from the filthy floor as I slowly lifted myself off the ground.

My mind went numb as I lowered my lips to the puddle of filth. I slurped a mouth full of it. That horrible bitter salty taste caught me off guard again. It was fucking disgusting--so much worse than its pungent stink. I tried hard not to gag after each painful swallow, but I often couldn't hold them back. It took all I had to avoid throwing it all back up.

"Don't worry. You'll get used to the taste eventually." Dominique promised, seemingly amused by my struggle. "How could you not? I mean, how much do you think you'll dring in five years? One... maybe two hundred gallons?"

She smiled smugly sliding fingers under her skirt.

"I imagine you're going to find this much easier than what's also coming." She giggled. "If you think this is tough, just think about that. All that fresh warm poop you'll be eating. Thousands of pounds of my warm stinky shit..."

I was trying hard not to think about it as I slurped. The soaked floor made for a reflective surface, and I could see her through it grinning down at me. My watery eyes wandered up those shiny latex boots, past her tan legs, and into the shadow of her short black skirt--a foreboding blackness that impressed upon me the horrific realization of what I was becoming. For the rest of my life every ounce of the rottenness that flows out of her--thousands of pounds--would all flow into me. I would become intimately familiar with it--all of it--through all my senses: Its grotesque noises as it spurted out of her, its smell, taste, and I would feel it--not only the fowl textures slipping past my tongue and down my throat, but this sick rotten feeling deep inside of me. I could already feel it--this warm pool of nausiating filth that felt like a lump of lead in my gut.

Oh god what did I do? Please... please give me one last opportunity to get out of this. It can't be too late! For god's sake if I could just leave right now I could get back before anyone even notices I'm gone!

But it was too late. I began to sob and found myself imagining my parents standing over me. Oh god if they could see me now... how fucking disgusted they would be. This is what we put you through college for? My father would say; my mother sobbing next to him shaking her head in horror at how pitiful her son has become. I imagined my friends and coworkers circling around me as I hunched over that puddle of piss. They were curling their lips, gagging and throwing up in disgust. Fucking pervert! One would scream at me as I slurped.

waytoextreme -> RE: Becoming Dominique's Toilet (11/2/2010 1:46:29 PM)

... forgot to attach this picture...


Loftguy -> RE: Becoming Dominique's Toilet (11/2/2010 3:03:38 PM)

Wonderful; very well written.

waytoextreme -> RE: Becoming Dominique's Toilet (11/3/2010 6:21:49 AM)

Much appreciated Loftguy--thanks for the feedback. I'm not sure that this type of story is typical for this forum... just testing the waters. Originally I started this story at

MCLady -> RE: Becoming Dominique's Toilet (11/3/2010 12:52:45 PM)

I loved it! Can't wait to read about the next 5 years! This will continue.......riiiighht?????[8D]

waytoextreme -> RE: Becoming Dominique's Toilet (11/3/2010 1:39:13 PM)

Thanks MCLady! Yep - there will be more when I have time :-).

MCLady -> RE: Becoming Dominique's Toilet (11/3/2010 5:17:25 PM)

FIND the time![;)]

MistressA25 -> RE: Becoming Dominique's Toilet (11/4/2010 11:52:03 PM)

Yeah I agree with McLady you should really find the time. This story was awesome and can't wait to read more about the human toilet!!!

waytoextreme -> RE: Becoming Dominique's Toilet (11/5/2010 6:03:44 AM)

It's interesting (and inspiring!) that this story is not only grabbing the attention of men :-). Thanks for your expressed interest!

Unfortunately, my plate is pretty darn full and I can only post updates once in awhile (I'm also a slow writer)--once every couple months or so is about as fast as I can manage. Knowing that there are people out there anxious for more helps inspire me to find time though!

MCLady -> RE: Becoming Dominique's Toilet (11/5/2010 12:04:52 PM)

You have time to post a response, OP you have time to finish another chapter![8D]

waytoextreme -> RE: Becoming Dominique's Toilet (11/5/2010 2:20:22 PM)

Well, maybe someday if my dream of being locked away similarly to the main character in my story (not necessarily a toilet...) I'll have endless free time to work on stories :-)... Until then, real life is in the way...

MCLady -> RE: Becoming Dominique's Toilet (11/16/2010 7:59:25 AM)


MistressA25 -> RE: Becoming Dominique's Toilet (12/2/2010 6:52:36 PM)

[:@] Still waiting!!! (impatiently I might add)

waytoextreme -> RE: Becoming Dominique's Toilet (12/21/2010 7:35:25 PM)

Here's a pic... not sure why it was taken down. It's censored because the uncensored version got me banned from another site. I'd be happy to send you the explicit version privately if you pm me.


Loftguy -> RE: Becoming Dominique's Toilet (12/23/2010 11:07:42 AM)

Would it help speed up the next episode if I said, "pretty please?"

Steponme73 -> RE: Becoming Dominique's Toilet (12/27/2010 9:08:19 AM)

Excellent story and superb writing skills...please find the time to continue.

Elisabella -> RE: Becoming Dominique's Toilet (12/27/2010 8:55:13 PM)

Wow that's fucking awesome. It is so twisted. Write more please.

subinlife -> RE: Becoming Dominique's Toilet (12/29/2010 10:58:53 AM)

Excellent begining, hope you find time for the next chapter soon.
Happy New Year

sexyred1 -> RE: Becoming Dominique's Toilet (12/30/2010 10:57:08 AM)

I don't care for most writing on this site but that was very well written.

I am not sure I can read your next installment as it made me sick, but the whole intensity of it was compelling.

MzKitty023 -> RE: Becoming Dominique's Toilet (1/13/2011 8:33:55 PM)

May we have the next chapter, please?

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