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RE: America land of the feudal, even I didnt "really" believe it!

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RE: America land of the feudal, even I didnt "real... - 11/20/2010 7:06:31 AM   

Posts: 60698
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I have been paying taxes since 1968.   You haven't had a cogent thought since before then.  


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to pahunkboy)
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RE: America land of the feudal, even I didnt "real... - 11/20/2010 7:10:27 AM   

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From: Central Pennsylvania
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No.  You were not obedient and adoring it until a later year-  like now- total bliss.

MN- has been obediently paying taxes since 1989.  He loves it. He adores it.  He craves it.

Why not pay the tax of the others as well?     What?   Like the big boys.   Do you pay more tax so the big boys do not have to?

You becha.

But do so with craving in, and adoration.

(in reply to mnottertail)
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RE: America land of the feudal, even I didnt "real... - 11/20/2010 7:12:44 AM   

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You are a fool.  You are an illegal alien.  You are a convicted sex offender.  You are a fool.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to pahunkboy)
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RE: America land of the feudal, even I didnt "real... - 11/20/2010 7:16:14 AM   

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So if it is YOURS- why do you need to pay, and pay and pay and pay?

Did you know such taxes are only about 100 years old in the US?

//   for the record no want enjoys paying taxes.....

(in reply to mnottertail)
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RE: America land of the feudal, even I didnt "real... - 11/20/2010 7:17:26 AM   

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so that people like you might post inane drivel (and nothing else) on the internet. 


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to pahunkboy)
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RE: America land of the feudal, even I didnt "real... - 11/20/2010 7:18:09 AM   

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I am not on the Internet. 

(in reply to mnottertail)
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RE: America land of the feudal, even I didnt "real... - 11/20/2010 7:18:58 AM   

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You do inane drivel stand up in person here then?


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to pahunkboy)
Profile   Post #: 307
RE: America land of the feudal, even I didnt "real... - 11/20/2010 7:50:13 AM   

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ORIGINAL: mnottertail




ORIGINAL: Elisabella

Nah he's totally right, it's just the nobility hacked your account so they could cover up the truth.

Supreme Court Of The United States, 1828.

(8 Wheaton, 5*3.) Discovery gives a valid title to territory occupied by uncivilized peoples. The right of the North American Indians to the lands which they possessed was that of occupancy merely
Judgment—Marshall, C. J

"On the establishment of these relations, the rights of the original inhabitants were, in no instance, entirely disregarded, but were necessarily, to a considerable extent, impaired. They were admitted to be the rightful occupants of the soil, with a legal as well as just claim to retain possession of it, and to use it according to their own discretion; but their rights to complete sovereignty, as independent nations, were necessarily diminished and their power to dispose of the soil at their own will, to whomsoever they pleased, was denied by the original fundamental principle, that discovery gave exclusive title to those who made it.

"In this first effort made by the English government to acquire territory on the continent, we perceive a complete recognition of the principle which has been mentioned. The right of discovery given by this commission is confined to countries ' then unknown to all Christian people;' and of these countries Cabot was empowered to take possession in the name of the king of England, thus asserting a right to take possession notwithstanding the occupancy of the natives, who were heathen, and, at the same time, admitting any prior title of any Christian people who may have made a previous discovery. * * *
" Thus, all nations of Europe, who have acquired territory on this continent, have asserted in themselves and have recognized in others, the exclusive right of the discoverer to appropriate the lands occupied by the Indians. * * *
" The power now possessed by the government of the United States to grant lands, resided, while we were colonies, in the crown, or its grantees.
" The validity of the titles given by either has never been questioned in our courts. It has been exercised uniformly over territory in possession of the Indians. The existence of this power must negative the existence of any right which may conflict with, and control it. An absolute title to lands cannot exist, at the same time, in different persons, or in different governments. " An absolute, must be an exclusive title, or at least a title which excludes all others not compatible with it. All our institutions recognize the absolute title of the crown, subject only to the Indian right of occupancy, and recognize the absolute title of the crown to extinguish that right. This is incompatible with an absolute and complete title in the Indians."

right of discovery = right of title huh....  I wonder what low down scoundrel sunna bitch group pf terrorists came up with that idea?

Again, and still, with great braggadacio, and copious and tedious pages of nothingness consisting of no material value you say See? I've pulled a rabbit!!!!  Yet all assembled here see only empty hat.

Talking in your sleep again.......


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to mnottertail)
Profile   Post #: 308
RE: America land of the feudal, even I didnt "real... - 11/20/2010 9:14:03 AM   

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ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

There's also this .. Robin Hood Tax and likely several other 'methods' to overthrow existing dynamics.

The problem with serfs is that they can never come together.

the word overthrow is a dangerous word to use around america because little do people know that the lieber code is still well in effect and as soon as those words are uttered by someone on american soil they just pained a target on their back for assassination.   So I hope everyone keeps that in mind as I would hate to see anyone get hurt through improper understanding of the law in force and its ramifications.

Dude, the serfs will not come together until they get over themselves. And people like Alex Jones are not helping with that. (was it you that uttered NWO?, if not sorry)

May I ask what you feel should be done?

Nothing. ....You could get a Chinese/English dictionary and learn to say yes sir in Chinese. Actually the Chinese are going out of their way learning to speak English so maybe you won't have to.


I used to love anal until I ran into people who's heads I had to remove first.

(in reply to pahunkboy)
Profile   Post #: 309
RE: America land of the feudal, even I didnt "real... - 11/20/2010 9:22:37 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Elisabella

ORIGINAL: Politesub53

I suspect you're asleep now ya pantload.

Nah he's totally right, it's just the nobility hacked your account so they could cover up the truth.

No, they messed with GMT. They are that powerful. Remember the excuse he used for sleeping earlier. I knew he was sitting there, tongue out, paws on the table and panting, waiting to chase the ball again.


I used to love anal until I ran into people who's heads I had to remove first.

(in reply to Elisabella)
Profile   Post #: 310
RE: America land of the feudal, even I didnt "real... - 11/20/2010 9:27:39 AM   

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ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

Given the age of the planet, compared to our own insignificant individual presence on it, it's fleas arguing about who owns the dog.

Ya'll have fun.

And additionally, the argument that we are just a variety of feudalism goes back to at least Marx and Engels, perhaps further.

(in reply to TheHeretic)
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RE: America land of the feudal, even I didnt "real... - 11/20/2010 9:29:05 AM   

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From: Central Pennsylvania
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MM is not on the computer. 

(in reply to Musicmystery)
Profile   Post #: 312
RE: America land of the feudal, even I didnt "real... - 11/20/2010 9:58:16 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Musicmystery


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

Given the age of the planet, compared to our own insignificant individual presence on it, it's fleas arguing about who owns the dog.

Ya'll have fun.

And additionally, the argument that we are just a variety of feudalism goes back to at least Marx and Engels, perhaps further.

I was not aware of that.

Yeh its all in the property title.  "fee simple"

fee is in fealty in every "better" book I have seen so far.

fealty is beholden to a lord.

beholden to a lord "paramount" means taxes


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to Musicmystery)
Profile   Post #: 313
RE: America land of the feudal, even I didnt "real... - 11/25/2010 8:40:55 AM   

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We shall call this lessons in law 101!  LMAO

When you buy your house you buy "REAL" estate and all titles deeds indentures in the states of the united states et al fall under ESTATES IN FEE SIMPLE.

You dont own squat!  you are renting!  All land from coast to coast was originally granted under the English common-law and "land rights" have transferred from the origin through to today.  That said you are a "Serf" paying tithes to the Lord.  

ESTATE. A so-called owner of land has, according to English law, no absolute right of ownership; all that he has is an interest varying in extent and duration, and known in technical language as an "estate" in the land. The largest estate known to the law is an "estate in fee " (fee simple), which gives the owner as complete rights of enjoyment and alienation as the nature of the property will admit; an estate tail (see Entail), being convertible into an estate in fee—by the tenant alone, if in possession, and otherwise by him jointly with the tenant for life — confers rights nearly as complete. An estate for the life of the tenant, or for the life or lives of another person or other persons, gives the tenant the privileges of ownership during his life or during the life or lives of such other person or persons; but a tenant for life—unless the estate is conferred upon him "without impeachment of waste"— is not allowed to pull down buildings, cut timber, or open mines. An estate for the life of another person is called an "estate pur autre vie." Estates in fee or in tail, and estates for life, are called "freehold" estates, estates for a definite number of years, howevor large the number may be, are "leasehold," also called '' less than freehold" (see Leaseholds). The word estate is also used as a comprehensive name for the assets of a bankrupt or of a deceased person. In the latter case a distinction is made between freehold land and houses (real estate) and other property (personal estate).

Above is an explanation of how the law works, NOT how the average joe thinks the law works. 

You are called an owner and this was originally devised so that people in England would take better care of the property and work harder if they had a stake hold in it.  (I have the references on that stated from one of the kings.)  Its by design.  The reality is that you are NOT THE PARAMOUNT owner, the state is.

Thankfully its not a conspiracy, just stoopidity!  (on the part of the people)  LOL

There you have it folks realone as always gettin it done.

We will subtitle this what you did not know about freedom!

ref:   Dictionary of political economy



"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to Real0ne)
Profile   Post #: 314
RE: America land of the feudal, even I didnt "real... - 11/25/2010 8:53:04 AM   

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We shall call this lessons in law 101!  LMAO

When you buy your house you buy "REAL" estate and all titles deeds indentures in the states of the united states et al fall under ESTATES IN FEE SIMPLE.

You dont own squat!  you are renting!  All land from coast to coast was originally granted under the English common-law and "land rights" have transferred from the origin through to today. 

No, we call this lessons in bullshit 101.

Did I mention that I was a self-taught surgeon?

Just give me a call if you have any problems, I know a lot more than those quacks that went to medical school.

(in reply to Real0ne)
Profile   Post #: 315
RE: America land of the feudal, even I didnt "real... - 11/25/2010 9:03:41 AM   

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List one king that pays himself taxes! 

I posted earlier what an "in fee" simple land title is.

Free does not mean free the way you think, nor does ownership mean absolute control over your property. 
Its all been subrogated.

Puhlease prove me wrong!  

I wish it were different but I am not the type to scoff at the reality that everyone pays taxes with no way out and there it is right in front of you why it is this way.

Now that I found the roots of the no way out you scoff?  Scoff and a dollar will buy you a cheap cup of coffee.

Lets see your research that shows these law books to be incorrect.

oh btw is your implication that you are a "land attorney" and presume you are the last word on law?

How does the saying go?  People in glass houses should not throw rocks.

What you do not understand is that I do not want to be correct on this.   I want someone to put law in front of me that shows this to be bullshit.  no one has and from all the citations I have posted so far I am getting to the point that I question if its even possible to refute this on a basis of law.

Remember the revolution was fought over taxation without representation not the form of government and being subinfeudated under the king.

< Message edited by Real0ne -- 11/25/2010 9:14:52 AM >


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to rulemylife)
Profile   Post #: 316
RE: America land of the feudal, even I didnt "real... - 11/25/2010 9:44:27 AM   

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I will list one king that pays himself taxes, as soon as you list one (and I am thinking of one specific one) idiot that knows hes an idiot, and freely admits it.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to Real0ne)
Profile   Post #: 317
RE: America land of the feudal, even I didnt "real... - 11/25/2010 12:50:11 PM   

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List one king that pays taxes! 

Stephen King. He pays a lot of taxes. Huge income that boy has...


I like to think he was eaten by rats, in the dark, during a fog. It's what he would have wanted...
(Simon R Green on the late James Herbert)

(in reply to Real0ne)
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