RE: Gorean Master seeking once-in-a-lifetime (Full Version)

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mnottertail -> RE: Gorean Master seeking once-in-a-lifetime (11/19/2010 9:50:19 AM)

Here am I!!!!!

RapierFugue -> RE: Gorean Master seeking once-in-a-lifetime (11/19/2010 9:59:17 AM)



Don't skip the journal either.  It's a "Masterful" whinefest.

I don't normally look at people's profiles when they post. Seems a bit stalker-like.

But I'll make an exception. Hang on 2 ticks ...

Ye gods. Notwithstanding his claims concerning his current "stable", my guess would be he's never seen a woman naked in real life.

It just screams "I divide my time between World Of Warcraft and masturbation" [:D]

Edited to add: Not that I've got anything against either of those activities; but just not to the exclusion of everything else [:D]

LadyConstanze -> RE: Gorean Master seeking once-in-a-lifetime (11/19/2010 10:02:59 AM)

I am actually impressed by the fact that he considers himself an expert in vibrators, I need a mind wash now...

DarkSteven -> RE: Gorean Master seeking once-in-a-lifetime (11/19/2010 10:18:44 AM)

I just reread his profile and it says that he "tolerates" Gorean...

SpaceSpank -> RE: Gorean Master seeking once-in-a-lifetime (11/19/2010 10:27:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: RapierFugue

It just screams "I divide my time between World Of Warcraft and masturbation" [:D]

Everyone knows WoW doesn't leave time for anything else!

RapierFugue -> RE: Gorean Master seeking once-in-a-lifetime (11/19/2010 10:35:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: SpaceSpank


ORIGINAL: RapierFugue

It just screams "I divide my time between World Of Warcraft and masturbation" [:D]

Everyone knows WoW doesn't leave time for anything else!

Which is why I don't do it. I know what would happen.

LadyConstanze -> RE: Gorean Master seeking once-in-a-lifetime (11/19/2010 10:36:46 AM)

Never tried it, though sometimes I like doing the COE game on FB.

stef -> RE: Gorean Master seeking once-in-a-lifetime (11/19/2010 10:40:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: SpaceSpank


ORIGINAL: RapierFugue

It just screams "I divide my time between World Of Warcraft and masturbation" [:D]

Everyone knows WoW doesn't leave time for anything else!

Me must multitask and masturbate while playing WoW.


AlwaysLisa -> RE: Gorean Master seeking once-in-a-lifetime (11/19/2010 12:51:12 PM)

I'm afeared.   He lives too close to me for comfort.

Not sure how to address the OP, I will try Br33, hopefully that will work.  So, mom sat you down in the crib, told you to be a man?  Do manly figures in your life enter a strange place and come across like a toddler in the sandbox?  Maybe they did and it's not your fault, you can only follow by example.

I'm guessing your gorean experience comes from the WS, which has a gorean section?  Is that also where the anger issue stems from?  If you had truly hung out with men who understand the philosophy and attempt to adhere to a set of personal moral would have done a little better on your intro.  Just sayin.  The folks I know from Seattle, who subscribe to the gorean ethos, are a tad more adult like in their writings.

What makes you a gorean?   I know what makes me un-gorean, so I was curious as to the level of soul searching you have accomplished to reach your decision.   IMHO, attending a few play parties at the WS or even reading the books, doesn't do it.  You wish people to take you seriously, it might be a good idea to try a different approach.   Or...not :)   


Bear0fAr -> RE: Gorean Master seeking once-in-a-lifetime (11/19/2010 3:40:05 PM)

My thanks to the mods for moving this post. Having to reply, point by point, to the 73,952rd poser explaining why he is not "gorean" becomes a bit tedious.

At least it has for me.

For about the last 17 years or so.


angelikaJ -> RE: Gorean Master seeking once-in-a-lifetime (11/19/2010 6:52:39 PM)

This is not meant with disrespect.

You are the one who had placed your post in the wrong section and when someone (post #2) very helpfully pointed that out you seemed to become angry and act defensive (post #3).

Had you not taken offence at the first helpful post, it would not have set you up for what was to follow.

Post #4 was still trying to be helpful by giving you the lay of the land but knew it wouldn't be well received due to your over reaction to the second post.

Post #5 was ironic and funny...but probably not meant as such.

Post #6 was intentionally funny and not mean spirited.

Post #7 calls 'em as she sees 'em. Her opinion, but at that point you did not do anything not to deserve it.

Post #8 was witty.

The thing is, you are an adult and you took offense.
That is not a passive action.
That requires choice.
Why choose that?

I am glad you are successful.
I am actually sorry that you are leaving since you are bright and funny, but since you have decided there are compatibility issues, best of luck and everything.

However, why must goodbyes be filled with so much acrimony?

There is a compatibility issue.
You have decided CM and you aren't suited for each other.

It's ok; it is just a first meet after all.
There was no commitment, no need to decide who gets the dog or whose books belong to whom.

So, in my opinion, (which should hold no weight what-so-ever) the classier thing is to just quietly leave without making a scene.

However, since you've actually been here awhile and have made some friends, and have an interest in Gor, you could stay.
You might find that you learn a lot from them if you wish to... and are willing to listen.
(Otherwise they tend to eat people for breakfast whole, in a single gulp, without chewing... or so goes the rumor. I don't know; I'm not Gorean, but I did find this an interesting read: )

Best wishes where ever you end up.

edit: fix link

tiggerspoohbear -> RE: Gorean Master seeking once-in-a-lifetime (11/19/2010 7:05:59 PM)

I'ma gonna be good and simply say welcome to the boards and good luck. 

Musicmystery -> RE: Gorean Master seeking once-in-a-lifetime (11/19/2010 7:13:13 PM)


I won't return

Man, what an asshole, right out of the gate.

Let's hope he means it.


DaddysInkedSlut -> RE: Gorean Master seeking once-in-a-lifetime (11/19/2010 7:20:36 PM)

I didn't realize there was such a beast as a Gorean switch. I lived in a Gorean community for several years and NEVER once heard this term. I have read the books and I know that I never read this term there either.
I also am curious why you think simply just because you claim the title "gorean master" that people will simply kiss your feet. Even in the books, the free men didn't have to shout that they were free men. They simply showed with their actions and words their status. I'm sorry to say that your behavior on here is showing you anything but.
Reading your profile and your journal you leave me confused because neither of them match what you claim to want or be in this post. So which is true? or are you simply a bored lil boy trying to fit in and feel powerful?

MAWarGod -> RE: Gorean Master seeking once-in-a-lifetime (11/19/2010 9:49:25 PM)

Hello other CM forum people I normally am in the Gorean lifestyles section but since this is a “Introductions” I felt I should say hello to A/all..

As for the OP good luck with the fishing, honestly I hope You find the perfect person for You, But I may advice, if You’ll listen or not is up to You..

TROLLING these forums for women only shows Your desperate!

Goto "POF" and get laid like the rest of the net!!!

Maybe You’ll have better luck there..

I Wish You Well

wandersalone -> RE: Gorean Master seeking once-in-a-lifetime (11/19/2010 9:57:04 PM)



Hello other CM forum people I normally am in the Gorean lifestyles section but since this is a “Introductions” I felt I should say hello to A/all..

As for the OP good luck with the fishing, honestly I hope You find the perfect person for You, But I may advice, if You’ll listen or not is up to You..

TROLLING these forums for women only shows Your desperate!

Goto "POF" and get laid like the rest of the net!!!

Maybe You’ll have better luck there..

I Wish You Well

Welcome to the other side Robert [:)]

WinsomeDefiance -> RE: Gorean Master seeking once-in-a-lifetime (11/19/2010 10:47:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: Br33dMast3r

Wow, such a friendly crowd! My thanks for moving a non-introduction thread into an introduction forum, I guess?

I'm sure for some people, moving posts is the only real power they have in life. Whatever floats your boat, right? I'm to assume that I can at least post HERE, I would hope.

At this point you have had 2 people respond to your post, not exactly a "crowd."

Insulting those who keep the boards organized, seems needlessly hostile.


ORIGINAL: Br33dMast3r
A Gorean Master is "TO" BOASTFUL? OH my gods! Stop the presses! Are you serious?

1. I'll be sure to get permission from a sub before I post? Not likely.
2. You're not "to" intelligent, I gather?
3. Let the flames begin, you state in your post, so I gather that you're hoping to incite drama?

Again with the insults. If you become this defensive with so little provocation, I fear your ego is entirely too fragile. It is rare to find a Gorean man, or any dominant male for tht matter, with such delicate sensibilities.


ORIGINAL: Br33dMast3r
How pathetic! Is this the best that collarme has to run its forums? No wonder you folks have so many problems.

You do know that collarme is the running joke in the BDSM world? I bring friends here all the time just to look at profiles and have a good laugh. Collarme is the Craigslist of BDSM

Wow, again with more insults aimed at the site's administration - when (aside from placing your post in the correct forum) they haven't even been involved in any of the posts, thus far. You do realize that the individual who stated that this post would likely be moved is not a moderator or admin right? To clear up what must be a misconception for you, you'll know when an Admin or Moderator posts, because their screen names will state so plainly.


ORIGINAL: Br33dMast3r

'to boastful'. wow. That's the kind of logical gap that takes one's breath away.

You are obviously too easily flustered, if you are breathless over one statement that you came across as boastful (which, in my oh so humble opinion - you did.) I fear you will suffer from asphyxiation, if you make these boards a habit.


ORIGINAL: Br33dMast3r

Why yes, thank you for inviting me to your lovely [cough] board.

I'll be sure to inquire if my life meets the uber-high standards of CollarMe before I initiate any conversation? No? LOL

You should really do something about that cough. Between your fragile sensibilites, breathlessness and coughing - I worry that you are too delicate for the rigors of debate.

You really don't need to ask for our permission before posting, but you should probably seek advice from your medical and mental health professional.


ORIGINAL: Br33dMast3r
Who are YOU?

Do your opinions appear on the front page of a major newspaper? Mine do.
Do you get paid to write? I do.
Do you have multiple degrees? I do.
Are you certified in two different trades industries? I am.

So, please forgive me if I tend to think somewhat well of myself, given that I was raised in extreme poverty. You probably would never understand.

I've come a long way. My first impression of you? You've got a long way to go.

Congratulations on your achievements. They are quite impressive. Really.


ORIGINAL: Br33dMast3r

If flames are to your taste, please turn up the heat, but I don't hang around to argue much. I just happen to be up after a really long article and taking a break.

THANKS FOR THE LAUGHS! You were laughing, right?

Enjoy your marshmallows. I'm going to get back to work and forget about collarme for probably another four or five days until I finish this novel. Yes, a novel. It's a got lots of pages with many words on them. Cheers!

[sarcasm is now off. you may return to your regularly scheduled tweaking.]

While we are returning to our regularly scheduled tweaking, let me say Welcome to the Boards.

Best wishes in your search


barelynangel -> RE: Gorean Master seeking once-in-a-lifetime (11/20/2010 6:05:09 AM)

What's ironic is it says he joined CM in 2007.  I mean it took him 3 years to finally realize he doesn't like CM?

angelikaJ -> RE: Gorean Master seeking once-in-a-lifetime (11/20/2010 9:07:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: Br33dMast3r

I'm going to get back to work and forget about collarme for probably another four or five days until I finish this novel. Yes, a novel. It's a got lots of pages with many words on them. Cheers!

[sarcasm is now off. you may return to your regularly scheduled tweaking.]

I am sorry that I missed this part.

A novel... as in a real book?

I am impressed, well not quite... I mean to say I would be impressed, if we didn't already have numerous published authors, both of fiction and non-fiction books who are members of CollarMe.

We also have other people who are writers.
Some of whom are also working on novels.

I'm not sure what the purpose was about the boast but I hope you feel better now.

The joy should be in the writing, don't you think?

lizi -> RE: Gorean Master seeking once-in-a-lifetime (11/20/2010 9:32:36 AM)

He is writing a novel, but he doesn't know the difference between to and too, interesting...
It's always a shame when someone chooses to present themselves in a negative light. A shame, but also enlightening for others, so maybe it's natural selection at its best. You have to thin out the herd somehow...

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