RE: I tried (Full Version)

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FirmhandKY -> RE: I tried (11/25/2010 10:18:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: flcouple2009

You my dear sir are hilarious.  Are you considering taking this on the road as a one man show?

Do you remember making this statement?


Palin is not a "Presidential candidate", except in the fevered imagination of the left's minds.

Palin is not a "Presidential candidate", would have been a true statement. 

When you added, EXCEPT(my emphasis) in the fevered imagination of the left's minds, you went wrong.

You would say that the people who are sporting "Palin 2012" bumper stickers and T-shirts don't believe she is a candidate?  The tea party members and right wingers who are already raising campaign money don't believe she is a candidate?

Have you missed the excerpts from her upcoming ABC interview or just ignoring them?

When Palin herself is making comments about "seriously considering running" it changes the way you view what she does.  You start looking at the things she does as exposure and ground work for a campaign.  Or do you not believe her own words mean anything?

You tried to take what you thought as a jab at liberals.  Man up, stop playing your silly  word games, and just own what you say.

Do you know how?

Talk is cheap.

You stated that she was a Presidential candidate, and have done nothing but use those very same "silly word games" that you claim that I do in order to bolster your claim.

The "except" part is accurate as well.  Her supporters know that she hasn't declared.  She isn't a candidate until she does. They are actively attempting to convince her.  You have already concluded that she is running.

You, like many, constantly confuse "what you wish to believe" with what "is".

May she declare, in the future?  Yup, she can.  And, truthfully, I think it would be a mistake for her, and her supporters.  She needs to do more work, and gain more influence behind the scenes, and a bit more seasoning.  Kinda like Ronald Reagan did.

If she is indeed as unaware and as small-minded as you and many others claim, running in 2012 would not be the best path for her success (in the current environment: a great change in the current political situation could alter this judgment). I an not convinced that that is her strategy or goal.  Rather, I believe her intent is to be able to affect the choice of Republican candidates.  At this, she's been very successful, in cooperation with the TEA partiers, and I believe that she can actually have a greater, more long term impact staying on the path she is currently on.

And let all of you lefties scream and hope and waste your energy against a mirage.


MrRodgers -> RE: I tried (11/25/2010 10:48:06 PM)




ORIGINAL: flcouple2009

Your dear Firm are a laugh riot.

Let's not back track now.  Your "suggestion"  was that Palin is not a Presidential candidate except to a few left wingers who want to keep throwing her up to try an make fun of Republicans.

You can quickly find tea party and right wingers who are either begging her to run or already consider her a candidate.

Has she officially declared?  Nope none of the likely candidates have yet.  But your assertion that she is not a candidate except to a few liberals who keep wanting to throw her name up is obviously untrue.  Part of her base not only thinks of her as a candidate but think she has already won the Republican primary.

Try being man enough to own what you say.

There is a difference between attempting to convince someone to run (the sites you linked to), and claiming that she is running (what you did).

Own it yourself, big guy.


Look, a candidiate:  is any person who is deserving of or seems destined for a certain end or fate. That's makes us all presidential fucking candidates. Can't ya just feel it ?

So you don't have to be running and you don't have to announce. Her followers will tell you straight out...she is also a fucking candidate and it ain't for dog catcher, although she might...might be able to handle that.

The left swoons for Sarah..she being clearly destined to get crushed in any pres. race but simply will never...never get the nomination unless the repubs have gone totally off the reservation.

flcouple2009 -> RE: I tried (11/26/2010 6:01:30 AM)

Thank you so much.  I've come to count on your for my morning laugh to start the day and you never fail to disappoint.

I am looking back over what I wrote, trying to find where I said, Sarah Palin is a candidate for President.

Maybe it was here


ORIGINAL: flcouple2009
Yes, damn those liberals websites pushing Sarah for President.

no, then maybe it was here,


ORIGINAL: flcouple2009
Just a small sampling of what you can find.  I guess it's only the "liberal" tea party members and right wingers who think she is worthy of being President.

no, let's try again


ORIGINAL: flcouple2009
Let's not back track now.  Your "suggestion"  was that Palin is not a Presidential candidate except to a few left wingers who want to keep throwing her up to try an make fun of Republicans.

You can quickly find tea party and right wingers who are either begging her to run or already consider her a candidate.

damn it's not there either,  let's try again


ORIGINAL: flcouple2009
Has she officially declared?  Nope none of the likely candidates have yet.  But your assertion that she is not a candidate except to a few liberals who keep wanting to throw her name up is obviously untrue.  Part of her base not only thinks of her as a candidate but think she has already won the Republican primary.

OK, it wasn't there either.  I am now really confused because your response was......


There is a difference between attempting to convince someone to run (the sites you linked to), and claiming that she is running (what you did).

I made the emphasis because I really would like you to go back and find where I said she was running.  I am asking for your help because apparently I am just too dumb to be able to find it in my own post.

let me try one more time


ORIGINAL: flcouple2009
You would say that the people who are sporting "Palin 2012" bumper stickers and T-shirts don't believe she is a candidate?  The tea party members and right wingers who are already raising campaign money don't believe she is a candidate?

Nope I can't find where I said she was actually a candidate there either.  But here again you said........


You stated that she was a Presidential candidate, and have done nothing but use those very same "silly word games" that you claim that I do in order to bolster your claim.

The obvious question would be, do you have a reading comprehension problem?  I never once claimed she was a candidate. 

I firmly (pun intended) stand behind my statements that you can find tea party members and those of the far right who not only consider her already running but who believe she has already won the primary.

I did misspeak once.  It is the Fox interview (I for some unknown reason said ABC) with Hannity where she is talking about the consideration she is giving to running.  Once those words start coming from her own mouth (or do those not count for you?) then one needs to start viewing the comments she makes and the way she presents herself as preparing to run.


If she is indeed as unaware and as small-minded as you and many others claim, running in 2012 would not be the best path for her success (in the current environment: a great change in the current political situation could alter this judgment). I an not convinced that that is her strategy or goal.  Rather, I believe her intent is to be able to affect the choice of Republican candidates.  At this, she's been very successful, in cooperation with the TEA partiers, and I believe that she can actually have a greater, more long term impact staying on the path she is currently on.

That is simply your opinion and your wish that she doesn't run.  It is certainly not a wish or opinion shared by many of her supporters.  Personally I have never thought she is going to run.  That would require actual work and making decisions she would have to stand by.  Tweets are more her style.  No responsibility in a tweet.

Funny how you and Hannity both make the same assumptions about her effectiveness.  Hannity claims right of the bat in the introduction that Sarah was the most sought after endorsement.

Funny little aside here in Florida, Rubio avoided her like the plague.  Not only that but after using them to win the primary he moved further and further away from the tea party during the election.  I have to give him mad props, that was brilliant on his part.  He took what once was a close race and pulled away by avoiding Palin and ditching the tea party.

I am eagerly awaiting where you point out the spot I actually wrote that Palin was running.

thishereboi -> RE: I tried (11/26/2010 6:05:24 AM)

I managed to watch about 10 minutes before I thought of something else I would rather do. I may try again later because I really like Alaska and usually like shows on it, but I can't promise anything.[8D]

thishereboi -> RE: I tried (11/26/2010 6:08:23 AM)



That must be because you are a moderate...but you'll never know I said that[:D]

Why, does he have you blocked? I could always requote it for you. I like to be helpful like that you know[8D]

Hillwilliam -> RE: I tried (11/26/2010 6:13:06 AM)

Her form with a rifle is terribly lacking. I bet her shoulder HURT.

FirmhandKY -> RE: I tried (11/26/2010 7:56:51 AM)

If you want to stop playing games, then I'll clarify that it was rml that simply stated that she is a Presidential candidate, but you are the one which tried to support him, and have continued to claim he was correct. 

You've adopted his words and own them.  Now you are just squirming around.


flcouple2009 -> RE: I tried (11/26/2010 8:32:21 AM)

Oh now, after insisting I said she was a candidate you'll clarify that is was rml who made those comments and that I never did.

How generous of you.

I never made any comments to support rml.  My comments were directed to you and your statement that nobody except those on the left believe she is a candidate.  I never once claimed she was running but that we can find plenty of tea party and right wingers who believe she is.  I'll happily own every word of that.

Once again I'll ask you if we are supposed to ignore the words from her own mouth?  In the excerpts from the soon to be aired Fox interview she plainly talks about how she is considering running.  It is not just Palin but anyone who says they are considering running.  Once they utter those words you have to look at everything they say and how they make themselves appear in relation to a campaign.

Just because you wish her not to run, doesn't mean that is what's gonna happen.  Personally I don't believe she actually will.  It would force her to produce something more substantial than tweets.

What game were we playing by the way?  The one where you just simply won't own up to the fact that I never said Palin WAS a candidate?  It was funnier by the moment watching you insist I had.

popeye1250 -> RE: I tried (11/26/2010 8:32:46 AM)

I wonder why the liberals and lefties are so afraid of Sara Palin?

mnottertail -> RE: I tried (11/26/2010 8:34:01 AM)

same reason rightists and conservatives are afraid of intelligence.

flcouple2009 -> RE: I tried (11/26/2010 8:36:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: popeye1250

I wonder why the liberals and lefties are so afraid of Sara Palin?

I think the question you should be asking yourself is, "Why they are so eager for her to run for President?".

jaimelove32 -> RE: I tried (11/26/2010 8:52:38 AM)

hi people pray for good things to come to them and god always answer prayer

hlen5 -> RE: I tried (11/26/2010 9:02:00 AM)


Welcome to cm and the forums! Have you considered saying hello in the introductions section?

Hjack over -

I think anyone thinking Palin could be a serious candidate should read the book "Game Change". It's an account of the 2008 election, Hielemann/Halperin, authors.

ETA: Nevermind, jaimelove32 doesn't have a profile up.

rulemylife -> RE: I tried (11/26/2010 9:37:46 AM)



If you want to stop playing games, then I'll clarify that it was rml that simply stated that she is a Presidential candidate, but you are the one which tried to support him, and have continued to claim he was correct. 

You've adopted his words and own them.  Now you are just squirming around.


Let me help you out with that short-term memory loss problem you have.

What I said was she has the intention to run.

It is you trying to play word games here.


ORIGINAL: rulemylife


Palin is not a "Presidential candidate", except in the fevered imagination of the left's minds.

Of course she will be.

Do you honestly think she is doing all this for any other intention?

rulemylife -> RE: I tried (11/26/2010 9:41:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: popeye1250

I wonder why the liberals and lefties are so afraid of Sara Palin?

I don't know, I'm a moderate Independent.


popeye1250 -> RE: I tried (11/26/2010 10:04:22 AM)

Oblunder will be a cinch to beat. So far he's been a Terrable president.
RML could run against him and win.

mnottertail -> RE: I tried (11/26/2010 10:06:20 AM)

W was the worst president in history and he went two terms.

rulemylife -> RE: I tried (11/26/2010 10:08:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: popeye1250

Oblunder will be a cinch to beat. So far he's been a Terrable president.
RML could run against him and win.

Then nominate me Popeye.

We moderate Independents have to stick together.

Moonhead -> RE: I tried (11/26/2010 12:32:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

W was the worst president in history and he went two terms.

Though it has been suggested that he was only actually elected for the second one, of course.

nighthawk3569 -> RE: I tried (11/26/2010 3:11:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: popeye1250

Oblunder will be a cinch to beat. So far he's been a Terrable president.
RML could run against him and win.

I'm running for President, as a write-in candidate, in 2012. No obligations to anyone, except the American public. Just write my name in, when you go into the election booth. If the American citizens want their country back, by peaceful means, vote for me.


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