RE: UK Poor encouraged to breed (Full Version)

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Lucylastic -> RE: UK Poor encouraged to breed (12/1/2010 6:08:00 PM)

I lived on a naval base during the Falklands (I used to be much more pacifist than I am now) the suffering those submariners, helicopter pilots and squaddies and their families took up a lot of my time and taught me a lot, but still she is an pus filled throbbing wart on the backside of humanity.
My dad was a  union man, nad the strikes etc etc etc caused a lot of hardship yes..It would be nice if they had learned the right lessons from that fiasco, but they didnt
they just made it worse.
I know we will never agree on Maggie :) which is fine, Id still like to make you laugh:)

Aneirin -> RE: UK Poor encouraged to breed (12/1/2010 6:11:59 PM)

Yeah, and a lot of those who served in the Falklands are lining the ranks of the unemployed now, one of my pals beiung one of them. Fine reward I must say, fight for your country only to descend to the lowest orders to be abused by later tory government policies

Lucylastic -> RE: UK Poor encouraged to breed (12/1/2010 6:49:37 PM)

and made to feel like they are the ones abusing regular brits by being on benefits.
My hubby was in for 12 years,  after three tours of NI they pretty much fucked him off
mind you... I dunno what its like now, this was 25 years ago and more

PeonForHer -> RE: UK Poor encouraged to breed (12/1/2010 7:07:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

My hubby was in for 12 years,  after three tours of NI they pretty much fucked him off
mind you... I dunno what its like now, this was 25 years ago and more

I know that a big proportion of the homeless are ex-services and that the rate of suicides amongst them is horrifically huge.  But to be fair, Lucy, the treatment of these guys in the UK has always been despicable, no matter what the government, from what I've seen. 

Politesub53 -> RE: UK Poor encouraged to breed (12/2/2010 3:38:08 AM)

Peon has it right, no government we have had seem to look after ex servicemen.

Politesub53 -> RE: UK Poor encouraged to breed (12/2/2010 3:41:57 AM)



But isn't that the very essence of conservatism ?

In which case they were only being true to what they believed in.

Its true of Politicians in general I would say. This is the main reason I am dismayed with all of them.

Aneirin -> RE: UK Poor encouraged to breed (12/2/2010 7:16:26 AM)


ORIGINAL: Politesub53

Peon has it right, no government we have had seem to look after ex servicemen.

Exactly, and this is what people who join up with notions of serving their country don't realise, once they out of the service with whatever damage they have received in the course of that service, they are basically useless, the shit on the shoe of society, no one cares. Not only that, but the very transition from military life to civvy life is so difficult, as the service basically institutionalises a person, creates ideals that are just not there in civvy street. The result is many ex servicemen end up on the streets, unemployed and not wanted by anyone, cast off by a society that used the best of their life and dumps them afterwards.

Laymedown60 -> RE: UK Poor encouraged to breed (12/2/2010 8:31:59 AM)

We here in the US were no better than you at taking care of our servicemen... But as soon as the problems came to light during the Bush administration we the people demanded action and the politicians responded. Now things are better but not as good as they should be.

Here at least society does care for the sacrifices of our soldiers and I'll bet they do over there as well. But there is no doubt we need to do more to assure our soldiers a better transition back to civilian life....especially in these economically challenging times.


SL4V3M4YB3 -> RE: UK Poor encouraged to breed (12/3/2010 3:19:17 PM)


As I was telling Moonhead I have no idea how your system works

It doesn't, people have been tinkering with it for years. The latest idea is that people should do unpaid menial jobs IOW become slaves. This will mostly benefit local authorities as they'll be able to sack all their unskilled staff and re-employ them as job seekers for less than minimum wage. This fits in with the 'big society' where we should all be offering our time for free. Soon we'll be able to eliminate paid work altogether and people will just do things for others out of the goodness of their hearts.

The idea of universal benefits was that it halted the stigmatism of receiving state aid. You have to consider that there is a bigger return in terms of a life of paid taxes than the cost of child benefits. However the conservatives don't do long term calculations. This is why in less than five years their ignorance of the past will catch up with them.

Aneirin -> RE: UK Poor encouraged to breed (12/3/2010 3:38:25 PM)




As I was telling Moonhead I have no idea how your system works

It doesn't, people have been tinkering with it for years. The latest idea is that people should do unpaid menial jobs IOW become slaves. This will mostly benefit local authorities as they'll be able to sack all their unskilled staff and re-employ them as job seekers for less than minimum wage. This fits in with the 'big society' where we should all be offering our time for free. Soon we'll be able to eliminate paid work altogether and people will just do things for others out of the goodness of their hearts.

The idea of universal benefits was that it halted the stigmatism of receiving state aid. You have to consider that there is a bigger return in terms of a life of paid taxes than the cost of child benefits. However the conservatives don't do long term calculations. This is why in less than five years their ignorance of the past will catch up with them.

It is already happening, an unemployed pal, ex falklands soldier with a Master of Arts in American history has just completed a months unpaid work with Ground Force clearing scrub in a country estate, but they did pay for him to get there, about one and a half hours travel each way by our glorious bus service.

frazzle -> RE: UK Poor encouraged to breed (12/3/2010 6:35:52 PM)

Master of Arts in WHAT???????? Oh American history!!!! And we the tax payer should pay for this!!!!

frazzle -> RE: UK Poor encouraged to breed (12/3/2010 6:49:10 PM)

Had you bothered to actually read the proposal, most students wont start paying back til a lot later, and the students with the most debt will be those doing useless degrees. Those doing Science, Maths etc, will end up with very little debt.

Aneirin -> RE: UK Poor encouraged to breed (12/3/2010 8:06:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: frazzle

Master of Arts in WHAT???????? Oh American history!!!! And we the tax payer should pay for this!!!!

Well, I believe it was done after the falklands war where said person was injured and retired from the service, so that would be early 1980's. Now I don't know if you know anything about ex servicemen in the UK, but once out, you are on your own, nobody cares, least of all any government so far. This chap wanted to be a career soldier, but due to action and injuries sustained, he got booted, end of career. But he had had a bellyful of the UK and it's attitude, a common feeling amongst ex servicemen that have served their country only to be dumped at the end, so said person with an interest in the US civil war studied with a view to emigrating to the US. He did do some work experience in the US at various Civil War historical centres, but for whatever reason, his planned escape from Britain did not happen. He regrets that even today as he is currently homeless and on benefits, a not very fitting situation for a war veteran, but jobs, he will take anything, but his age is against him, and the growing unemployed depressed mind set, which is deadly and the real reason the unemployed won't move.

But, as to the student fees situation, the trouble is no one understands the plan, it is not the fees or repayment that is so much of the problem, but the fear it is creating regards the new interest rates.

See here, for the best analysis I have found yet

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