When you hide an idiot... (Full Version)

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sunshinemiss -> When you hide an idiot... (12/15/2010 5:38:38 PM)

Do you have a particular reason?  Or is it someone who just rubs you the wrong way? 

I have 3 people on hide now -
one woman who spits nothing but bitter self-righteousness.
    Thanks, but life has enough nastiness that I don't need to read yours.
one man who spits ugliness on everythread.
    Thanks, but life has enough ugliness that I don't need to read yours.
one drama llama who takes no responsibility for her actions.
    Thanks, but life has enough drama that I don't need read about yours.  Go find a chatroom, thank you very much.

How bout you all?

Of course, if *I'm* on hide, you won't see what I wrote!  [:D]

VaguelyCurious -> RE: When you hide an idiot... (12/15/2010 5:48:31 PM)

Sunshinemiss, I know we haven't always got on the best, but aren't you going to be kind of pissed at yourself for starting this thread in an hour or so? It's pretty damned negative, and I know focussing on the positive is generally important to you.

littlewonder -> RE: When you hide an idiot... (12/15/2010 5:51:07 PM)

I don't think I've ever put anyone on hide.

No one online bothers me that much to make the effort.

Kana -> RE: When you hide an idiot... (12/15/2010 5:56:11 PM)

I have a few profiles on hide. Pretty much all are just fake ass ads that I got sick of looking at every time I logged on

poise -> RE: When you hide an idiot... (12/15/2010 6:00:00 PM)

I've only ever added one person to the Hide list, and its due to his choice of avatar.
It pains me just to look at it, and not in a very pleasing way.
The rest of the nonsense I'm pretty good at tuning out and walking away from.

gungadin09 -> RE: When you hide an idiot... (12/15/2010 6:01:07 PM)

Nobody on the forums bugs me that much.

On the other side, i've blocked three people. One of them asked me to block Him when i didn't respond to His repeated emails. Another one cannot write even simple English sentences. The third one has tried multiple times to provoke me into replying by being rude.

So, i guess i block people for being repeatedly obnoxious. At some point, i will probably take them off block, when enough time has passed and i figure it's safe. i don't like blocking people.


VaguelyCurious -> RE: When you hide an idiot... (12/15/2010 6:01:46 PM)



I've only ever added one person to the Hide list, and its due to his choice of avatar.
It pains me just to look at it, and not in a very pleasing way.

Just in case you ever want to unblock him:

1) Download Mozilla Firefox if you don't already have it
2) Download AdBlock Plus
3) Right click the image and hide it. You'll never see it again! :D

LadyPact -> RE: When you hide an idiot... (12/15/2010 6:04:38 PM)

Hi sunny.  I was just saying this afternoon that I don't have anyone on hide.  I actually had to ask somebody how the heck they were seeing the names of folks on their hidden list because I honestly didn't know. 
There are a few that I won't even spend a few seconds of My life listening to what they have to say.  There are others that I'll respond to something that they have said just so they can understand how much of an idiot (though I tend not to name call them outright) that I think they are.  Between the two categories, that includes maybe ten people at a stretch and it wouldn't surprise Me a bit if half of the forum regulars could identify at least five of them.

Which is ok.  I'm pretty sure that I'm not everybody's favorite poster either.  I'm sure I rub some people the wrong way and it wouldn't surprise Me if I've made the hidden list of one or two.  I haven't made it to being mentioned on the famous thread by Domiguy about announcing the "I'm hiding you" thing, so I guess I'm doing all right.

Icarys -> RE: When you hide an idiot... (12/15/2010 6:06:18 PM)

I don't have anyone on hide..Hack it up anyway you choose..to me it's cowardly and a sign of weakness as far as I'm concerned.

Hell I've had people put me on hide then commence to talk shit about me lol..That says more than enough about the person doing that...It's a riot.

Put on your big girl and big boy panties...dry that upper lip and grow a pair.[:D]

BonesFromAsh -> RE: When you hide an idiot... (12/15/2010 6:11:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: sunshinemiss

Do you have a particular reason?  Or is it someone who just rubs you the wrong way? 

Reasons? Only one really.

-avatar choice (the ones that flash because they bother my eyes and the ones that are explicited just because I can)

Trolls are usually easy to ignore...unless I feel like sticking them with sharp objects. [;)]

Self-righteous people make me laugh and show themselves for what they are simply by posting.

On the "other side" I have quite a few people hidden for a whole host of reasons.

There's something so empowering in just ignoring the idiots.[:)]

Hillwilliam -> RE: When you hide an idiot... (12/15/2010 6:14:51 PM)

I hide noone. I want to know what the fuckers are up to.

Aynne88 -> RE: When you hide an idiot... (12/15/2010 6:15:03 PM)

Oh Icarys this could be our first disagreement. [;)].

Sunshine I am all about dissenting opinions, even when I want to scream. However....if someone were to come here and repeatedly and repetitively post nothing but inflammatory and decidedly ignorant remarks, to me wasting the time to read them and be even remotely irritated by the little twats is similar to eating McDonald's on your way to a wonderful french bistro. I mean, yes sure it won't kill me, but why bother? When something is truly just a giant waste of keystrokes, bandwidth or hell even thought, then yes, I block them.

I don't think I block at random either, jesus I have spent 2 and a half years locking horns with Neocons and Goreans here. [8D]. It's all good, some of the best and most intellectual debates I have had were with Thadius and there are a lot of very intelligent members of the GOP on P&R. They just vote wrong. [;)]

However, outright liars, racists or otherwise petty little assholes here to incite anger and start flame wars? BLOCK. Move on. I just don't care to deal with it. I also do not think this thread is in a negative spirit VC. I just think that sometimes..you just have had enough. 

DesFIP -> RE: When you hide an idiot... (12/15/2010 6:17:47 PM)

I have a few. Over the years I've done so for various reasons: avatar or explicit picture; impossible font/color that hurt my eyes when I would strain to read it; bigotry; people who spew venom and enjoy hurting others; people who follow me around to comment negatively on what I post ignoring every other poster in a thread - it's fun to not read them and respond to the last poster before them and have the thread ignore what they say and start on the tangent I've gone off on. I just visualize them weeping and gnashing their teeth when everyone doesn't respond to them.

LadyConstanze -> RE: When you hide an idiot... (12/15/2010 6:19:38 PM)



I don't have anyone on hide..Hack it up anyway you choose..to me it's cowardly and a sign of weakness as far as I'm concerned.

Hell I've had people put me on hide then commence to talk shit about me lol..That says more than enough about the person doing that...It's a riot.

Put on your big girl and big boy panties...dry that upper lip and grow a pair.[:D]

Blocking somebody is not cowardly, it just says "I had enough of your BS and really don't need it" I mean if somebody would stand on a soap box yelling and being an annoying idiot and you could easily avoid him, why would you stand there and listen to him? Why do you want to read something that you know is just BS? Who's going to give you back those minutes of your life? Plus if you feed the trolls they come back for more...

Icarys -> RE: When you hide an idiot... (12/15/2010 6:19:44 PM)


Oh Icarys this could be our first disagreement. .

I can't deal! I must block you now.[:D]

Hell I thought we were perfect for one another.[:(]

Joking aside: I just ignore or stand and fight but I never hide.

sunshinemiss -> RE: When you hide an idiot... (12/15/2010 6:20:15 PM)

I'm ok with your version of cowardly and what else did you call me?  Weak?  If using tools that are designed to support people is weak or cowardly, I can live with that.  Heck, I've been called worse.  I'll keep my hide button here, right next to my calendar (cause I'm forgetful doncha know) and my to do list (also forgetful) and my map (hard to find where I'm going), etc.

I think there is a certain wisdom in knowing what is and isn't supportive of you and using it.

And, it's not like I *couldn't* read what they say, it's that I choose to not put myself in that environment.  I've seen enough horror in my life that I want happiness and rainbows as much as possible.  If I can close my eyes so that I don't see vomit and blood and hatred, I'm gonna close my eyes.  I'm ok with that.  I've walked through the vomit and blood and hatred enough to know that exposing myself to it doesn't help me one little iota.  And let's face it - life throws enough vomit and blood and hatred at us as it is.  I'm ok with using CM as a place that is positive for me rather than a negative rat hole that trolls and bitter, mean spirited people try to make it. 

If I were in a club and I really like it, and there was a door that said SCAT ROOM, I wouldn't open the door.  I don't need more crap in my life, thanks very much.  If that makes me a coward and weak, again, I can live with that.  I'll just stay in the bar drinking martinis (dirty, Grey Goose, in case you care) with my peeps.

It reminds me of that old story of the guy who falls into the hole... Thanks, I'll walk down a different street and put up a road block, thanks very much.


Icarys -> RE: When you hide an idiot... (12/15/2010 6:24:37 PM)

Blocking to me says you don't have enough will power to just skim over what they say. Like driving a mile around your local McDonalds cause you know your gonna have to stop for a greasy double if you don't.

IrishMist -> RE: When you hide an idiot... (12/15/2010 6:26:18 PM)

I don't put people on 'hide' or on 'ignore'. I don't allow anyone to affect me to that point.

Icarys -> RE: When you hide an idiot... (12/15/2010 6:29:08 PM)


I don't allow anyone to affect me to that point.

Seems easy enough and psychologically evident.

VaguelyCurious -> RE: When you hide an idiot... (12/15/2010 6:34:15 PM)



I don't have anyone on hide..Hack it up anyway you choose..to me it's cowardly and a sign of weakness as far as I'm concerned.

You're gonna be really shocked I know, Miss Mary, but we disagree [8D]

If the purpose of this place was solely to spar and be combative I'd agree with you (and sometimes I think that *is* your sole purpose here, which would explain your point of view, lol). But for most people it's not-people make friends here, they want to chat about hot sex and latkes and knifeplay, not row with creepy people, and I can't say I blame them.

This place is supposed to be a positive experience for people, and I'm not going to criticise them for taking whatever steps they feel necessary to do that. There's no need for CM to be heavy if people don't want it to be.

I tend not to block people because I hate the way it fucks up the narrative, though. I think I've currently got three people on block and I can cope with that because *nobody ever replies to them*, so they don't mess up the flow of the thread. Like, literally nobody. It amazes me how they don't seem to notice that they fire messages entirely into a vacuum-or at least if they notice it doesn't stop them posting....

And Aynne, maybe you're right. But given the timing it kind of looks like a thread generated out of anger.

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