RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (Full Version)

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rulemylife -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/19/2011 5:00:15 PM)




ORIGINAL: tweakabelle
1. Giffords seems to be on the road to recovery. Let's hope it's a full and complete one

Every day is a plus, of course, but let us await another two weeks before concluding that she will live.

Well that was very inspiring Sunshine.

tazzygirl -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/19/2011 8:33:29 PM)

It was reported the woman was standing today. Seems like the road to recovery is hers.

hlen5 -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/19/2011 8:44:43 PM)



......I hope you don't have a hot summer that side of the pond. 

Me too! I hope this tragic event will serve as a brake on some of the just plain nastiness. Hopefully things will calm down some.

On another note, it's seems the whole workd is in an upheaval. The people in Greece, Tunisia, Sudan dividing itself. There's something in the air.....

willbeurdaddy -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/20/2011 2:38:32 PM)





......I hope you don't have a hot summer that side of the pond. 

Me too! I hope this tragic event will serve as a brake on some of the just plain nastiness. Hopefully things will calm down some.

On another note, it's seems the whole workd is in an upheaval. The people in Greece, Tunisia, Sudan dividing itself. There's something in the air.....

OMG. We DO need a study of the effect of CO2 on social unrest. Wonder how many millions in grants we can pull together for that.

Hillwilliam -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/20/2011 7:30:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: willbeurdaddy





......I hope you don't have a hot summer that side of the pond. 

Me too! I hope this tragic event will serve as a brake on some of the just plain nastiness. Hopefully things will calm down some.

On another note, it's seems the whole workd is in an upheaval. The people in Greece, Tunisia, Sudan dividing itself. There's something in the air.....

OMG. We DO need a study of the effect of CO2 on social unrest. Wonder how many millions in grants we can pull together for that.

Maybe we need to do a study of rightwing dumbasses that make up 'facts'

tweakabelle -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/20/2011 8:59:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: Hillwilliam

Maybe we need to do a study of rightwing dumbasses that make up 'facts'

Excellent suggestion. I've often wondered whether the right wing dumbass condition was down to some mutant genetic flaw ....... tho' I suspect that the grandiose delusions and megalomania so often present in severe cases will be found to have their origins in unhealthy intra-family dynamics during childhood, particularly absence/lack of parental affection.
[:D] [:D]

defiantbadgirl -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/20/2011 9:15:19 PM)

I would guess that the majority of people affected by narcissistic personality disorder are republicans. The whole selfish me me me, I will step on anyone to have more, I don't want to pay for anyone else's health care seems to fit quite well.

kdsub -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/20/2011 10:36:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: defiantbadgirl

I would guess that the majority of people affected by narcissistic personality disorder are republicans. The whole selfish me me me, I will step on anyone to have more, I don't want to pay for anyone else's health care seems to fit quite well.

Maybe you need to expand your way of thinking...or try to look at things from a different angle. First let me say I am for the healthcare plan but I can see the other side.

I am a very fiscally conservative person... not cheap but responsible. I see our government spending more money than they are taking in. The debt is growing to a point where our economy will soon collapse unless we get a grip on what we can afford as a nation.

I am not defending republicans or criticizing democrats…I am just saying we can’t afford healthcare…and Iraq… and Afghanistan…and social security… and welfare…and bailouts…and maintain bases all over the world….and defend Europe…and on and on.

We do not have the industry and strong economic base of 30 years ago…we must stop spending and live within our means. If this means not being the worlds defender of democracy so be it.

Responsible people of both parties and independents see this nation heading for disaster because of our spending more than our economy can support.

Some think the healthcare bill is too expensive and we can’t afford it at this time…I understand their way of thinking don’t you?


tazzygirl -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/20/2011 11:32:35 PM)

Dialysis treatment because of High BP allowed to go unchecked... 900 + per run, three days a week, for many, many years.

Anyone want to guess what the cost of a hospital stay is for a stroke due to the same cause?

Anyone want to admit to how much their BP meds cost to maintain a healthy blood pressure?

I can assure you, the medications and Dr visits are cheaper than the alternatives... and its those alternatives that help drive up the cost of health care.

WyldHrt -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/21/2011 1:01:17 AM)


I've often wondered whether the right wing dumbass condition was down to some mutant genetic flaw ....... tho' I suspect that the grandiose delusions and megalomania so often present in severe cases will be found to have their origins in unhealthy intra-family dynamics during childhood, particularly absence/lack of parental affection.


I would guess that the majority of people affected by narcissistic personality disorder are republicans. The whole selfish me me me, I will step on anyone to have more, I don't want to pay for anyone else's health care seems to fit quite well.

Just catching the end of this but I, for one, am so very glad that this incident has brought a halt to the blanket attacks based on political affiliation....
... well, it was a nice few days, anyway. [8|]

BTW, I grabbed those quotes from the last page, but have seen equal nastiness from both sides. I don't associate with either 'party', and really think that the shit being spewed in both directions has gotten well past the point of ridiculous. That said, while it would be lovely if both sides would tone down the aggression, I do not support the idea that free speech should be curtailed because someone who is mentally unbalanced might get 'ideas'. I have to ask.... do we really want to go there? 

Rule -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/21/2011 1:14:48 AM)

This polarization may be the consequence of the two party political system in the USA. It appears to engender hatred of each other instead of cooperation and love.

Moonhead -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/21/2011 5:05:10 AM)


I am not defending republicans or criticizing democrats…I am just saying we can’t afford healthcare…and Iraq… and Afghanistan…and social security… and welfare…and bailouts…and maintain bases all over the world….and defend Europe…and on and on.

Not wishing to sound catty, but when did your country last defend Europe? There's been at least three waves of terrorist bombings in European countries that were participating in your invasion of Iraq.

kdsub -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/21/2011 9:14:55 AM)

Not being catty you are just not informed I'm sure. I posted it before we spend more than twice on defense as any other country on earth in the neighborhood of 4 percent. Europe on the other hands spends on average of 2 percent.

If we were to reduce our spending 2 percent and Europe would raise theirs 2 percent we could pay for 10 years of the healthcare plan in ONE year. Then have enough money left to pay for fast rail and upgrade our infrastructure.

But we maintain bases all over the world by treaty in agreement and at the request of various European nations. We provide research… material… and economic support for your defense. Now tell me what you provide for us other than attitude?

ps... this is not the thread for sidebar arguments so I am done commenting on world defense...sorry i got it started.


Moonhead -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/21/2011 9:41:40 AM)


Not being catty you are just not informed I'm sure. I posted it before we spend more than twice on defense as any other country on earth in the neighborhood of 4 percent. Europe on the other hands spends on average of 2 percent.

If we were to reduce our spending 2 percent and Europe would raise theirs 2 percent we could pay for 10 years of the healthcare plan in ONE year. Then have enough money left to pay for fast rail and upgrade our infrastructure.

But we maintain bases all over the world by treaty in agreement and at the request of various European nations. We provide research… material… and economic support for your defense. Now tell me what you provide for us other than attitude?

ps... this is not the thread for sidebar arguments so I am done commenting on world defense...sorry i got it started.


You don't, in fact, maintain bases all over the world at the request of any European nation. It sounds like you're assuming that nothing has changed in Europe since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

And obviously, we're providing you with cannon fodder for your occupation of Iraq, and a series of unpaid cheerleaders for whatever international law you want to break next. Afghanistan is ostensibly a UN undertaking, so you can't be held responsible for that one, but the presence in Iraq is nothing of the sort. This is why the only non American troops there besides the locals are British.

And finally, you provide absolutely no economic support for our defense, and never have. We only finished paying off the Marshall Plan bills for your contributions to this country's defence during the second world war half a decade back, and even that pales into insignificance next to the ridiculous sums we're being charged to play host to the Haliburton Trident nuclear system. How is providing grotesque amounts of money for a nuclear system that we can't even use for unilateral nuclear attacks aiding our defense any?

If you want to go around using terms like "not informed", you should keep an eye on this sort of mistake, I suggest.

(And that's quite enough off topic stuff.)

hlen5 -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/21/2011 9:58:58 AM)



Maybe you need to expand your way of thinking...or try to look at things from a different angle. First let me say I am for the healthcare plan but I can see the other side.

I am a very fiscally conservative person... not cheap but responsible. I see our government spending more money than they are taking in. The debt is growing to a point where our economy will soon collapse unless we get a grip on what we can afford as a nation.

I am not defending republicans or criticizing democrats…I am just saying we can’t afford healthcare…and Iraq… and Afghanistan…and social security… and welfare…and bailouts…and maintain bases all over the world….and defend Europe…and on and on.

We do not have the industry and strong economic base of 30 years ago…we must stop spending and live within our means. If this means not being the worlds defender of democracy so be it.

Responsible people of both parties and independents see this nation heading for disaster because of our spending more than our economy can support.

Some think the healthcare bill is too expensive and we can’t afford it at this time…I understand their way of thinking don’t you?


I totally concur!

The healthcare bill needs work, not repeal.

We (the US) needs to live within our means and expand our production.

Why can we be forward thinking rather than reactionary anymore? Why aren't we leading the way in innovation for a post petroleum economy?

rulemylife -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/21/2011 11:32:46 AM)




ORIGINAL: defiantbadgirl

I would guess that the majority of people affected by narcissistic personality disorder are republicans. The whole selfish me me me, I will step on anyone to have more, I don't want to pay for anyone else's health care seems to fit quite well.

Maybe you need to expand your way of thinking...or try to look at things from a different angle. First let me say I am for the healthcare plan but I can see the other side.

I am a very fiscally conservative person... not cheap but responsible. I see our government spending more money than they are taking in. The debt is growing to a point where our economy will soon collapse unless we get a grip on what we can afford as a nation.

I am not defending republicans or criticizing democrats…I am just saying we can’t afford healthcare…and Iraq… and Afghanistan…and social security… and welfare…and bailouts…and maintain bases all over the world….and defend Europe…and on and on.

We do not have the industry and strong economic base of 30 years ago…we must stop spending and live within our means. If this means not being the worlds defender of democracy so be it.

Responsible people of both parties and independents see this nation heading for disaster because of our spending more than our economy can support.

Some think the healthcare bill is too expensive and we can’t afford it at this time…I understand their way of thinking don’t you?


Regarding the portion I highlighted, I'm kind of curious why you think health care should not be more important.

hlen5 -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/21/2011 3:12:02 PM)





Maybe you need to expand your way of thinking...or try to look at things from a different angle. First let me say I am for the healthcare plan but I can see the other side.

I am a very fiscally conservative person... not cheap but responsible. I see our government spending more money than they are taking in. The debt is growing to a point where our economy will soon collapse unless we get a grip on what we can afford as a nation.

I am not defending republicans or criticizing democrats…I am just saying we can’t afford healthcare…and Iraq… and Afghanistan…and social security… and welfare…and bailouts…and maintain bases all over the world….and defend Europe…and on and on.

We do not have the industry and strong economic base of 30 years ago…we must stop spending and live within our means. If this means not being the worlds defender of democracy so be it.

Responsible people of both parties and independents see this nation heading for disaster because of our spending more than our economy can support.

Some think the healthcare bill is too expensive and we can’t afford it at this time…I understand their way of thinking don’t you?


I totally concur!

The healthcare bill needs work, not repeal.

We (the US) needs to live within our means and expand our production.

Why can't we be forward thinking rather than reactionary anymore? Why aren't we leading the way in innovation for a post petroleum economy?

I quoted the previous post just to correct a typo.

willbeurdaddy -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/21/2011 3:17:13 PM)



The healthcare bill needs work, not repeal.

Why can't we be forward thinking rather than reactionary anymore? Why aren't we leading the way in innovation for a post petroleum economy?

The ACA is such a labrynth of rules, without any of the tens of thousands of regulations that would be needed to implement it, that "working on it" is nigh on impossible. Want to bet that most who voted for it STILL havent read it?

What makes you think we arent leading the way in innovation for a post petroleum economy? Our innovation isnt lacking, its our anti-business environment that leaves us unable to produce and profit from the innovation. Instead we give the innovative technology away to our competitors. China is attempting to hold us hostage for more of our innovation as well. Hu woulda thunkit?

mnottertail -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/21/2011 3:30:11 PM)


How many neo-cons and various and other assorted right wing nutsuckers you wanna bet STILL aint read the US Constitution?

Hippiekinkster -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/21/2011 3:32:00 PM)



Not being catty you are just not informed I'm sure. I posted it before we spend more than twice on defense as any other country on earth in the neighborhood of 4 percent. Europe on the other hands spends on average of 2 percent.

If we were to reduce our spending 2 percent and Europe would raise theirs 2 percent we could pay for 10 years of the healthcare plan in ONE year. Then have enough money left to pay for fast rail and upgrade our infrastructure.

But we maintain bases all over the world by treaty in agreement and at the request of various European nations. We provide research… material… and economic support for your defense. Now tell me what you provide for us other than attitude?

ps... this is not the thread for sidebar arguments so I am done commenting on world defense...sorry i got it started.


Against whom should Europe defend itself?

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