RE: Would mental illness bar a submissive from being picked? (Full Version)

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SweetDommes -> RE: Would mental illness bar a submissive from being picked? (1/30/2011 8:55:34 PM)

Feel free to read my lastest journal posting on the topic. My opinion is that it must be treated. Medications are good things, although not always the answer. If a potential submissive needs to be on medications, then he had better be on them or we'll move on. If he's getting other treatment that works for him, then that's ok - but he must continue treatment. Stopping treatment is not an option. I know how I am without my meds and I will not deal with any more submissives who need to be treated and are non-compliant with their treatment.

Chulain -> RE: Would mental illness bar a submissive from being picked? (1/30/2011 8:58:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: angelikaJ
According to that opinion. There are many respected people in the psychiatric profession who disagree with that.

And they're wrong.

tazzygirl -> RE: Would mental illness bar a submissive from being picked? (1/30/2011 9:18:54 PM)

Why are they wrong when the source you offered says MPDs do exist?

DarkSteven -> RE: Would mental illness bar a submissive from being picked? (1/30/2011 9:53:10 PM)




ORIGINAL: angelikaJ
According to that opinion. There are many respected people in the psychiatric profession who disagree with that.

And they're wrong.

I'd be skeptical as well, but after personally interacting with three of them, each for several months to three years, as well as two others over the phone, I'm incl;ined to say that multiples do exost.

Chualin, I have no clue how you could definitively prove that something such as multiples DO NOT exist.  Just postulating isn't sufficient.

hausboy -> RE: Would mental illness bar a submissive from being picked? (1/30/2011 9:55:24 PM)

I'm not a psychiatrist or psychologist...but didn't they just replace the term MPD with Dissociative Identity Disorder?  Different name, same symptoms? 

tazzygirl -> RE: Would mental illness bar a submissive from being picked? (1/30/2011 10:00:19 PM)

Yes, same disorder, different name.

pyroaquatic -> RE: Would mental illness bar a submissive from being picked? (1/30/2011 10:51:29 PM)

I would like to thank everyone for the replies to my topic.

I still have a semblance of hope and a modicum of fear. There are many paths to choose from and my options are varied and open.

Understand that this condition I am in is more than simple depression but I am too stubborn to be placed on disability. I am an incredibly creative, intelligent, and resourceful person and I want to bring value to society (take THAT society! not what you expected from ME!)-not detract from it.

I choose to embrace my illness not push it down or away or onto anyone else. I simply can not do it on my own.

That is what I am taking away from these responses.

If my mood swings, depression, anxiety, suicidal idealizations, or whatever increase within the next few days I must check myself into some sort of center.

Almost a year ago I discovered how far down the rabbit hole I really was and it blew my mind. There is a heavy stigmata placed on the mentally ill and it is quite unfair. I'm young so knowing I have a problem and tackling it head on will be my best bet before it gets worse. If it gets worse. Or even if it can get any better or stabilized.

Ahh more testing, probing, and poking.

Again, thanks! It is nice to find comfort and supporters in low times. That in of itself helps.

TheRaptorJesus -> RE: Would mental illness bar a submissive from being picked? (1/30/2011 10:55:11 PM)

I'm clinically insane and absolutely love drugs and the bitches flock to my cloaca.

It's all a matter of your sort of insanity, how good looking you are, and how shallow your potential partner is... or other factors too, I'm a bad listener.

Criminal insanity would need to be treated most assuredly and it would be a good idea for things that would damage relationships to be treated as well. But I see no reason to stop some good ole detachment from reality and visual hallucinations when you're an otherwise charming young lad. The sky is so pretty.

SoSexyAlmostEvil -> RE: Would mental illness bar a submissive from being picked? (1/30/2011 10:59:20 PM)

In my opinion, it really depends upon the situation, and what type of mental illness it is. Will the submissive use it as a crutch to get sympathy, or as a reason to misbehave?  Would you be able to look past the mental illness when it was time to administer punishment?  How do you determine what is bad behavior, and what are warning signs of a potentially serious problem, such as medication needing to be adjusted, or something of the like?

(I am currently speaking from personal experience)  If you're going to run a poly home, having someone with a mental illness serve in your home can be emotionally taxing for everyone involved.  That is as far as I am willing to elaborate on that subject. 

You just have to know the person.  And yourself.  Sometimes, it's right.  Even people with mental illnesses are still people.  Wonderful people who want to be loved.

hlen5 -> RE: Would mental illness bar a submissive from being picked? (1/30/2011 11:00:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: TheRaptorJesus

I'm clinically insane and absolutely love drugs and the bitches flock to my cloaca.

It's all a matter of your sort of insanity, how good looking you are, and how shallow your potential partner is... or other factors too, I'm a bad listener.

Criminal insanity would need to be treated most assuredly and it would be a good idea for things that would damage relationships to be treated as well. But I see no reason to stop some good ole detachment from reality and visual hallucinations when you're an otherwise charming young lad. The sky is so pretty.

I can't tell if this was supposed to be funny or your usual mocking (and othertimes entertaining) style. It's a little flip, in either case.

TheRaptorJesus -> RE: Would mental illness bar a submissive from being picked? (1/30/2011 11:39:30 PM)

Shades of truth, shades of levity, shades of sleep deprivation.

A glorious, ambiguous mix that leaves you grasping for reason to the rhyme. I liken my posting style to a James Joyce novel.

Rule -> RE: Would mental illness bar a submissive from being picked? (1/31/2011 1:32:52 AM)

My impression is that it was supportive.

Rule -> RE: Would mental illness bar a submissive from being picked? (1/31/2011 1:41:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: pyroaquatic
I am too stubborn to be placed on disability. I am an incredibly creative, intelligent, and resourceful person and I want to bring value to society (take THAT society! not what you expected from ME!)-not detract from it.

I choose to embrace my illness not push it down or away or onto anyone else. I simply can not do it on my own.

Bravo! There is your motivation and your means: purpose and stubbornness. Suicide is not an option for you. Never. Simply persist stubbornly. Be confident.


ORIGINAL: pyroaquatic
If my mood swings, depression, anxiety, suicidal idealizations, or whatever increase within the next few days I must check myself into some sort of center.

You must do what you must do. Just persist stubbornly.

I give you strength.

RapierFugue -> RE: Would mental illness bar a submissive from being picked? (1/31/2011 2:20:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: pyroaquatic

I choose to embrace my illness not push it down or away or onto anyone else. I simply can not do it on my own.

That is what I am taking away from these responses.

If my mood swings, depression, anxiety, suicidal idealizations, or whatever increase within the next few days I must check myself into some sort of center.

Again, thanks! It is nice to find comfort and supporters in low times. That in of itself helps.

I genuinely wish you all the best in your attempts to get your situation under control.

I hope things work out well for you. Understanding that you need some form of help is often the most difficult thing, so you're already one step ahead of many.

YSG -> RE: Would mental illness bar a submissive from being picked? (1/31/2011 3:52:19 AM)

There you go, thats a good attitude to have. Recovery is a long road, and if you need to talk to someone who has been there, my inbox is open.

lizi -> RE: Would mental illness bar a submissive from being picked? (1/31/2011 5:46:55 AM)

Pyro, good to hear from you again on this thread. I am heartened by your words - so glad you are choosing to work at things. It's very hard to keep slogging away at times, but you are worth it and having things get better is a worthy goal. I liked your list of what you will do over the next few days, breaking things down and taking away the personal element can be very useful- viewing it as information instead of yourself.

I was suicidal at one time and it was very hard to work through that, you can do it. I know it sounds counterintuitive but I watched myself like a hawk during that time and got through it intact. I'm glad you seem to be vigilant. You are so right, the stigmata is unfair. Be careful who finds out, in my own life it wasn't/isn't information I could share with just anyone.
My inbox is open as well as well, good luck and strength to you.

PeonForHer -> RE: Would mental illness bar a submissive from being picked? (1/31/2011 6:54:55 AM)


Good luck Pyro. Hang in there, eh?

Best from Shelf-butt. [;)]

OttersSwim -> RE: Would mental illness bar a submissive from being picked? (1/31/2011 7:21:49 AM)

Friend Pyro,

Certainly you are walking a path that many before you have walked.  I am encouraged by your positive attitude and seeming determination to not let this rule your life, but to deal with it in a way that allows you to have as much as life can give to you - because you remain open to taking it

I think that is the key - consistent determination to stay a positive overall course - even in the face of the highs and lows that life brings us.  And so I will encourage you to continue to embrace that positive spirit in yourself and don't let anything keep you from standing back up, saying "Well, that was a learning experience!", and starting your feet and your life moving forward again...

Our best to you.  :)

chiaThePet -> RE: Would mental illness bar a submissive from being picked? (1/31/2011 7:49:12 AM)


Sometimes they make for great lawn ornaments that keep those pesky solicitors at bay.

"You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Then who the hell else are
you talking... you talking to me? Well I'm the only one here. Who the fuck do you
think you're talking to? Oh yeah? OK."

chia* (the pet)

mistressko -> RE: Would mental illness bar a submissive from being picked? (1/31/2011 5:48:09 PM)

For me, it would not. I understand some mental illnesses both 'off and on' and ones that will always be there. For some people depression comes and goes depending on severe life stress, for others its' there no matter what.

It's more (for me) about being able to understand, assist with caring for that illness (make sure they take their meds, if they seem "off" question it and point them toward help). If they refuse help or don't reliably take meds or do what they need to in order to be healthy? Same as the sentence below:

Untreated mental illness? Would not touch that with any length of pole.

- K

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