Thank you! (Full Version)

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0ldhen -> Thank you! (2/5/2011 3:19:26 AM)

Is there anybody you would like to thank?

Someone who has done something nice for you that deserves a special hug?

Post it here.

I want to thank MsLadySue for my oh so cute and awesome new avatar.

I want to thank our VAA and our Mods for their unending service (as well as for putting up with us).

I want to say a big thanks to all the folks who bring such interesting topics to be discussed.

Each of you consider yourselves hugged.

KMsAngel -> RE: Thank you! (2/5/2011 3:52:24 AM)


GreedyTop -> RE: Thank you! (2/5/2011 4:50:47 AM)

too many to list.

WinsomeDefiance -> RE: Thank you! (2/5/2011 5:52:23 AM)

Lady Habiscus. She read a post where I mentioned I wanted to go to a party, but didn't have anything to wear and couldn't afford to go out and buy anything, and she very generously (having never met me) mailed me some fetish wear. I'd also like to publicly apologize for taking so long to return the clothes.


0ldhen -> RE: Thank you! (2/5/2011 5:56:16 AM)

Isn't that awesome!

WinsomeDefiance -> RE: Thank you! (2/5/2011 6:00:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: 0ldhen

Isn't that awesome!

the awesomeEST! Her generosity impressed me so very much, and I hope to have the opportunity to repay the kindness some day...

GreedyTop -> RE: Thank you! (2/5/2011 6:00:48 AM)

LadyH  so totally rocks

WinsomeDefiance -> RE: Thank you! (2/5/2011 6:05:23 AM)



LadyH  so totally rocks

Yes she does. I still kick myself for being so shy the night I met her, that I didn't take more advantage of my opportunity to get to know her better.

WinsomeDefiance -> RE: Thank you! (2/5/2011 6:06:33 AM)

I'd also like to thank Oldhen for this topic, giving me the chance to sing the praises of Lady Habiscus :)

Good job!

Phoenixpower -> RE: Thank you! (2/5/2011 7:20:42 AM)

I thank Holly for letting me know what meatloaf is and also in general for her entertainment [:)]

I thank....hrmpf...who was that now again?...if I am not mistaken then it was DesFIP, who made me aware (I was more a reader than a contributor on the special needs kids thread) due to one particular posting from her that I might have undiagnosed ADD or ADHD (after a certain comment she - or whoelse it was, if it was someone else - made I looked it up way more than I should have done [8|])

I thank the varioius posters who cheered me up again after a massive bad trip in know who you are [:)]

SexyBossyBBW -> RE: Thank you! (2/5/2011 6:49:27 PM)

I'm greatful for all of my friends, family, and the people who try to make the world a better place.   Thank God for all of them.    M

tiggerspoohbear -> RE: Thank you! (2/5/2011 7:12:45 PM)

I'd like to thank Poise, my Sweetpea who's shown me that it starts as one friend, and more come forth.  Also for being the sister I don't have.

All the people in the "I admit" thread who've been there when I've gone through some truly troubling days.

The people I know I can count on, the ones who know they can count on me as a close friend. 

The friends I have yet to make, the ones who make me laugh even though they may not be aware they're doing so.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnd the assorted douchecanoes, various twatwaffles and myriad asstards who make me glad that there are some sane people on here.  [;)]

playfulotter -> RE: Thank you! (2/5/2011 7:20:17 PM)

I would like to thank tiggerspoohbear for keeping the food game thread going even though we are a small crowd keeping it alive and it lets me  keep posting on it as I enjoy it....I would also like to thank sirsholly for all her neat emoticons I copy and keep in a special place to send to others.

VideoAdminAlpha -> RE: Thank you! (2/6/2011 12:14:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: 0ldhen

Is there anybody you would like to thank?

Someone who has done something nice for you that deserves a special hug?

Post it here.

I want to thank MsLadySue for my oh so cute and awesome new avatar.

I want to thank our VAA and our Mods for their unending service (as well as for putting up with us).

I want to say a big thanks to all the folks who bring such interesting topics to be discussed.

Each of you consider yourselves hugged.

Awwwww, I needed that and Im sure the others do too!!!![:)]

GreedyTop -> RE: Thank you! (2/6/2011 12:39:00 AM)

I hope, VAA.. that you (and 21) in particular are always on my Thanks list.. ALL the mods are.. but since I have spent more time interacting with you two..


I have to thank the many friends I have met here, RT or not, who have helped me laugh through my troubles, been angry with/for me when needed, and have given me reasons to focus outside myself when things have been really dire in my world.  Also those who have helped me with resources in trying to resolve things...

Silliness, laughter, troll smacking( obviously not OUR Troll!!), tears, kitty tales..

you all make me smile, and be grateful.

I am not going to name names.  I know my wifty brain, and I would certainly miss a name or so, and I dont want to feel like I have accidentally slighted anyone or have anyone feel slighted (although I trust that ya'll would know it would be unintentional)

KMsAngel -> RE: Thank you! (2/6/2011 12:50:17 AM)

<feels slightly slighted> [:D]

GreedyTop -> RE: Thank you! (2/6/2011 12:54:30 AM)

*hugs Angel*

0ldhen -> RE: Thank you! (2/6/2011 4:38:15 AM)

Good moring and hugs to all who dropped in to say thank you.

Reading the complained about bad service thread made me think.
How often do we complain when something is wrong versus the times we say a simple Thank You for all the times something is right.

Being human it is so easy to fall into this.

So everybody thank someone today, your mailman, your paperboy, your grocery bagger, a friend. You and the person you thanked will both feel good.

tiggerspoohbear -> RE: Thank you! (2/6/2011 9:12:23 AM)

I forgot to thank VAA and her Mod squad and shame on me.  There's been some teasing on the boards, she helped me out when I asked for a favor and is a gracious lady.

The Mod squad (now ain't that a handy-dandy name? [;)]) for keeping me in checks at times and for moderating the insane, the inane, the trolls, the out-of-hand and the rest of the Looney Tunes gang that makes this a fun place to hang out.

0ldhen -> RE: Thank you! (2/7/2011 2:09:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: tiggerspoohbear

the inane, the trolls, the out-of-hand and the rest of the Looney Tunes gang that makes this a fun place to hang out.

The thhhheee thheeeee that's all folks.

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