RE: Primal Power Exchange (Full Version)

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sexyred1 -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/24/2011 9:52:58 AM)

No, I agree that it is difficult to express exactly how one feels when they feel that connection. It is a rare type of energy.

My point is not to belabor that I was hurt from my most intense D/s relationship ever, but to answer your question about which scenario you cited resonated most with people.

And I chose the Troll because that seemed closest to my current mood.

I can assure you that I have experienced elements of all those romantically stated intense connections and I find it deeply upsetting to have felt that and had it go all wrong; sort of like being on a very high mountain that you scaled and scaled to conquer with a partner, and then you start sliding down because the other person keeps forgetting the safety net.

FukinTroll -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/24/2011 10:18:46 AM)

Well darlin, ya know tha Troll will catch ya... of course I will maneuver you into a perfectly slurpable landing.


0ldhen -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/24/2011 4:39:34 PM)



Allow me to add that I'm an alpha. Most dominant men would tell you I'm not submissive. For me to feel submissive I need to be with someone higher on the scale than I am.

I wanted to say, yes, this is me as well. I tend to get this knee jerk reaction where I can actual feel myself wanting to turn around and growl at them. Odd, isn't it?

LillyBoPeep -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/24/2011 9:11:08 PM)

i will say, i'm not an alpha. i've never wanted a bigshot leadership position (much to the chagrin of my relatives, eh); all i've really wanted is to be owned, be a mom, and have a couple of pets. hahaha
that said, i still respond to this "higher on the scale" feeling; people who make me feel as though submission is almost compulsory.

ownedbyPF -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 12:20:58 AM)



i will say, i'm not an alpha. i've never wanted a bigshot leadership position (much to the chagrin of my relatives, eh); all i've really wanted is to be owned, be a mom, and have a couple of pets. hahaha
that said, i still respond to this "higher on the scale" feeling; people who make me feel as though submission is almost compulsory.

I'm with you on this. I've never wanted to be the leader... in anything, really. A slave, and a mom, were all I wanted... much to the utter dismay of my family. (Not that they know the slave part, but the whole idea of being a stay at home mom floors them) Anyhow, I can lead, I can lead well, I've been pushed into that position many times, but I don't like it. I don't want it, and am always entirely happy to shed that skin the moment I can.

I've always been able to spot the Dom in any group... moth to a flame. Indescribable, instantaneous zeroing in on. I swear I'd know if one had been in the room and left minutes before I had even entered. It's a pull that makes something inside of me stir... like butterflies flitting deep in my core. My head gets fuzzy and I can feel a glow hit my face, a light radiate all the way through me... that says boom... him. Friends would lament to me, when I was dating, where do you find them? My answer... everywhere. They were just as drawn to me. It is that mutual energy that collides.

I bought an olive wood cutting board for my Owner recently. It's beautiful and is the size of a paddle. The man who sold it to me wanted to know if I was married, when I said yes, and that was for my husband, he told me it would make a great paddle. And what's funny is that in 2 minutes with that man, I can tell you that he isn't a Master, it isn't something that breathes deep from his soul... he's a top who enjoys hanky spanky stuff for fun. When it is something that is so utterly intertwined in you, you know in a flash who has what level of Dominance, if any, coursing through them. It's like a barometer that hits and measures their level. For me, the higher their spike, the fuzzier my head gets. And when it collides to the point of hair pulling, clothes being ripped off, slams against the wall, begging, crying, screaming, being utterly used and taken, completely primal... wow... I couldn't be in a relationship that didn't have it. I like that my Owner strokes my hair, kisses my face, and pulls me close, but if he didn't beat the ever loving shit out of me for his pleasure, without any regard to my pleasure, if he didn't demand everything from, and totally consume me, it would all go by the wayside.

LillyBoPeep -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 6:06:31 AM)

was just having a convo with someone via c-mail that drifted to the "experience of play" vs. the "experience of leadership" angle. and yeah, i agree there is a difference for me, too. dominance isn't about playing well; the two can totally exist together, but they are not one and the same. when that's not what you're using as your litmus test, it seems like people don't understand that, either. "isn't he awesome! he's been playing for 10 years and knows all about toys!"
okay, that's cool, but where's the part of him that wants to possess? where's the part that wants to take every inch of me and make it his?

LadyPact -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 6:14:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: FukinTroll
My gawd, thank you!

I tore your post down to the stuff that was making me go "Tilt". I get the whole hand shaking junkie stuff around the hard wired /s types. More often than not I have to stuff my hands in my armpits just to keep from reaching out and grabbing them by the hair... catering to that primal instinct... and indulging my black little heart.


You're welcome.  My thanks to you and the OP as well for your comments. 

I always feel like I do a crap job of explaining it.  I think it's difficult to describe 'energy'.  It's there.  You can definitely tell the difference from one person to the next whether it's present or not.  At the same time, I couldn't tell you why it exists with one person rather than another.  It's difficult as all get out to explain it, but you certainly can't deny it when you feel it.

OsideGirl -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 7:15:30 AM)



i will say, i'm not an alpha. i've never wanted a bigshot leadership position (much to the chagrin of my relatives, eh); all i've really wanted is to be owned, be a mom, and have a couple of pets. hahaha
that said, i still respond to this "higher on the scale" feeling; people who make me feel as though submission is almost compulsory.

I love being an alpha. I also love trusting someone enough to be able shut that off.

I'm actually in the process of starting my own company. And he's totally behind me on it. He appreciates what I bring to the table in terms of both roles. He calls me his lioness.


And what's funny is that in 2 minutes with that man, I can tell you that he isn't a Master, it isn't something that breathes deep from his soul... he's a top who enjoys hanky spanky stuff for fun. When it is something that is so utterly intertwined in you, you know in a flash who has what level of Dominance, if any, coursing through them. It's like a barometer that hits and measures their level.
  Over my years in the scene I've really come to the conclusion that a large chunk of  "Dom" men in wiitwd aren't really dominant. My bff and I once broke the scene down into groups while at the LA social (which at that point was probably 200 people):

Guys who like control (this doesn't mean they're not dominant, just not what I would term as an alpha)
Natural Alphas
"Domineers" with issues (want to be dominant but aren't and act like bullies)
Guys who like kinky sex but found out you get more girls if you call yourself a "Dom", rather than a Top
Guys who like D/s because submissive women are an easy target

Natural alpha males intrigue me and the percentage in the scene is small, IMO.

LillyBoPeep -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 7:22:35 AM)

note: i wasn't discounting your particular personality, just explaining my own.
i can related to ownedbyPF in that i often end up being a leader and do a good job at it, but it isnt something i actively seek out.

that last chunk of your post -- yes i agree 100%
a lot of people who are demanding and mistake demands for dominance -- kids are demanding, too. =p
Natural alphas are the smallest group so it makes finding what you need pretty hard at times.
i have a Top friend who is very blatant and honest that that is what he is -- i wish the horde of others would be that honest, too. =p

OsideGirl -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 7:47:05 AM)



note: i wasn't discounting your particular personality, just explaining my own.
  I didn't think you were. I was just explaining that the alpha role isn't something I do reluctantly, it's actually something I enjoy. It's all good.

FukinTroll -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 9:34:38 AM)

~in general~

Very profound posts here which leads me to this post that I would love some feed back from both D and /s'.

As I stated before, women gravitate to me... will go out of their way to approach me in public. Wal-mart is quite an adventure... ownedbyPF gave me enough comfort to post this cuz this stuff happens to me all the time and I see how receptive she is to that energy.
Lilly and Osidegirl made very valuable input on this thread. A top is a top and a D is a D, ownership of such, IMO is very noble, however I see the tops wanting to don the D armor because they feel that is what the boys and girls are attracted to. I know from my own experiences that not all girls are after the D type, that some just want a top and the topping that I do is just hands on primal hair pulling rip the clothes off and own your ass stuff. To me it really isn't topping, it is taking what is MINE. I am very intense and on more than one occasion, too many to list actually, women have given me the Dear John talk cuz they found themselves very willing to abandon their own ideas and goals and just simply, albeit blissfully, live for me- all about me.

ownedbyPF posts really resonated with me cuz when I get around a hard wired /s, they are ON and there is no OFF for them, I get really fuzzy as well. I poke my hands in my pockets, stuff them under my arm pits or even just walk away, cuz try as I might I will grab hair, pull her to me and own it. Even for just a moment, the fog of energy settles in and the next thing I know I have a handful of hair and am a bit shocked and stymied as to how it got there... not an altogether good thing when her D/top is standing there.

I am curious if:
D's: Does this happen to you often?
/s': Are you drawn to that energy as ownedbyPF described, and like my own experiences of interaction in public, are you sucked in to D energy.


LadyPact -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 10:07:12 AM)

Try finding pockets in a leather corset and skirt.  [8D]

It's not so much an idea of on or off for Me.  Depending on the surroundings, it's more like a dimmer switch.  I'm more in tune with it in certain settings than others.  I'm absolutely more tuned in with spotting the person(s) in the room where the effect is happening when I'm surrounded by kinky folks.  I'll stumble across it in other places that would be considered vanilla environment but it's less frequent.  I'm more likely to question it or try to ignore it.  I've even been known to attempt to convince Myself that it isn't there.  My other half gets a kick out of that last one.  We have some very interesting conversations during the drive home when that happens.

I'm in firm agreement that some D types are not tops and not all tops are D types.  As much as I'd like to say that folks should enjoy just being who they are and enjoying what they do, I know it doesn't really work like that.  There probably is some envy for some folks.  Some people have the expectations that everybody should be both and there's a subtle pressure in that.  It might be exactly why some people give a shot at passing themselves off as something they're not.  (The other reasons listed above are in there, too.)  I could go on here but it probably deserves a topic of it's own.

FukinTroll -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 10:50:05 AM)

I would love to hear clips experience... perhaps first encounter with you.


TotalDiscipline -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 10:53:03 AM)

at OP

I had those feelings with "vanilla"relations too.
It is just about meeting the right person..and those feelings come to.

porcelaine -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 11:55:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: 0ldhen

I'd like you, fellow posters, to read all three then answer, if you will, these questions; Have any of you experienced this? Can you describe what it felt like to you? My own description is bolded below.


Niceties get my attention but they will never keep it. I'm looking for something specific, a definite energy or aura of sorts that's magnetic. I've experienced it in the past and immediately tune in when I encounter someone (to my liking) in possession of it. I generally label this as audacity which includes a confident commanding presence that compels. It is seemingly unspoken yet amazingly intrusive. In some respects it feels as if the individual has coiled himself around my person. He didn't bother muttering come, but brought me to him instead.



LillyBoPeep -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 12:35:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: FukinTroll
/s': Are you drawn to that energy as ownedbyPF described, and like my own experiences of interaction in public, are you sucked in to D energy.

in a word, yes.

and i agree with FT and LP -- not all Ds are Tops and all Tops certainly aren't Ds. there's a big difference but, like Osidegirl said, a lot of people throw on the Dom label because they think they'll get more chicks that way.


ORIGINAL: porcelaine

I generally label this as audacity which includes a confident commanding presence that compels. It is seemingly unspoken yet amazingly intrusive. In some respects it feels as if the individual has coiled himself around my person. He didn't bother muttering come, but brought me to him instead.

beautifully said, as always, porcelaine. i really can't add to it in anyway.

what i feel when i DON'T feel this particular "something," is something akin to apathy. i'm a really passionate person, and apathy is close to death for me. =p haha

LaTigresse -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 12:38:12 PM)

And on the flip side of that, at least for me, I know if I am not feeling that 'something' with another person, it just isn't worth the bother. I don't care if she is the most gorgeous woman in the world, if that energy isn't there, I am not going to pursue her.

porcelaine -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 1:34:12 PM)



beautifully said, as always, porcelaine. i really can't add to it in anyway.

what i feel when i DON'T feel this particular "something," is something akin to apathy. i'm a really passionate person, and apathy is close to death for me. =p haha

Thank you Lilly. I always enjoy your comments. :)

Ditto on the apathy. It's a no go if the energy isn't present. But then again I fancy the beast in gentleman's attire. Cruelty is my shtick.



leadership527 -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 1:37:25 PM)

I find this thread interesting because I feel like it ought to be "right down the center" for me... I'm not really interested in anything else. But somehow it reads like it's coming out of a different galactic quadrant and I don't yet get why I think that.

LillyBoPeep -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 2:51:52 PM)

care to elaborate on your own galactic quadrant, leadership527? which directions do your thoughts go on this topic? 

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