"An American Haunting" (Full Version)

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NakedOnMyChain -> "An American Haunting" (5/5/2006 8:51:31 PM)

I wouldn't normally do this, but I feel it's my civic duty to give you all fair warning about the movie "An American Haunting".  It sucks.  Horribly.  I lost an average of ten brain cells for every moment I sat there watching it.  And I spent seventeen bucks to do it.  (Which is why I rarely go to the theater to see movies.  Maybe once a year, twice if I'm feeling frisky.)

It's based on the classic, and actually well documented case of the Bell Witch Haunting in Tennessee.  They had a lot to work with and they ruined it.  The dialogue was inane, the plot was incoherent where it actually existed, and even I could have done a better acting job (which is odd because it stars Sissy Spacek and Donald Sutherland). 

I feel like I would have been better off lighting seventeen one dollar bills on fire and toasting marshmallows.  It would have been more amusing, and it would have cost less than the five dollars they want for a small tub of popcorn.  Alright, you've been warned.  The ball's in your court now.  Watch at your own risk.

Gauge -> RE: "An American Haunting" (5/5/2006 9:14:35 PM)

What the HELL is it with Hollywood ruining horror films? Hostel and Wolf's Creek were painful to watch... just horrible. I haven't seen a decent horror movie in a while.

Actually, I lie. I saw Silent Hill and I thought it was very well done. A little long, but nicely done and sufficiently creepy.

I wait for DVD on most of these things anymore. That way I don't dump a ton of money for a shit film.

cloudboy -> RE: "An American Haunting" (5/5/2006 9:21:09 PM)

THE RING stands out to me as the best, most recent Horror Film. Of course Hollywood ripped that off from Japan.

NakedOnMyChain -> RE: "An American Haunting" (5/5/2006 9:27:07 PM)

Eh, it was alright.  At least the concept was original.  I, for one, like my "House of 1,000 Corpses" (which is completely against my movie philosophy).  The sequel sucked.  I think that was the last really decent horror/scary movie they made, though.  Then again, I haven't seen "Saw" yet.  I have an objection to gore for lack of plot, so I'm choosy.  I miss decent scary movies.  Every one I've rented in the past six months has blown big ol' donkey dick.

siamsa24 -> RE: "An American Haunting" (5/5/2006 10:05:49 PM)

I loved Saw, more of a mind game then a horror movie (just keep in mind that if you think you might want to cover your eyes and ears then trust your gut and do it!)

Hated Hostel, no real plot, the first half of the movie about sex and the second half was all gore.  Not my idea of a good movie, but that's just me I guess.

I recommend The Corpse Bride, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (both Tim Burton and very well done) and Harry Potter [:D]

perverseangelic -> RE: "An American Haunting" (5/5/2006 10:08:45 PM)

I was surprised by how badly Hostle sucked. It got a good review in our independant newspaper over here, and it was just awful!

I both loved and hated Silent Hill. I thought the movie was visually stunning. Even the grotesque scenes were beatfully composed and had amazing colors, however the plot and acting was....ick.

I like horror films, but it seems like lately everything's been bad slasher or...I dunno...mush.

WeeIttyBitty -> RE: "An American Haunting" (5/5/2006 10:58:40 PM)

Iam getting bad vibes from the betty paige movie, but Iam going to see Kinky Boots on sunday... Its supposed to be good.

IronBear -> RE: "An American Haunting" (5/5/2006 11:11:07 PM)

I usually wait then hire the DVD. If it is good I then buy it... Mind you I'll probably get hooked on the extras like the XF aspects too..... For me it's like books, ever tried to borrow a series of books at a library in sequence?  I love owning movies and books.... I can sit and read or watch, stop them when I want coffee and enjoy a whisky and several cigarettes whilst reading or watching.....

Vendaval -> RE: "An American Haunting" (5/6/2006 12:42:00 AM)

Thank you for the review, NakedOnMyChain.  I the advertisement in the local paper
and was thinking of going.  I may still catch a matinee if the timing is right.
Went to see the Betty Page movie last weekend with some friends and liked it.
Gretchen Mol is absolutely enchanting and charming and oozes innocent
sex-kitten appeal.
Some movies do work best on the big screen, like the first "Jurassic Park"
movie, but then again I am a sucker for dinosaurs.   I usually rent the DVDs
for others.
Between the book version or the movie version of a story, I will usually go for
the book version.  Far too many of the movie writers hack up the plot into
pieces and let the story die.
I have "Corpse Bride" rented for the weekend, finally going to view it.
And if you want a good double header, rent the old "Nosferatu" and
"The Shadow of the Vampire" at the same time and watch both over
a weekend.  Great spooky fun!  [:D]

meatcleaver -> RE: "An American Haunting" (5/6/2006 3:28:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: cloudboy

THE RING stands out to me as the best, most recent Horror Film. Of course Hollywood ripped that off from Japan.

Japanese horror films are wonderful. I have a whole collection at home. The Ring, 1 and 2, the Grudge, 1 and 2, Audition, Dark Water etc. They really should be seen in the original Japanese with sub-titles.

Hollywood also copies a lot of French films, Thelma and Louise was originally Bais Moi, The Bird Cage, Breathless, etc.

For me the best American films are about America, Easy Rider, Midnight Cowboy, The Graduate etc. I understand that these were voted the worse American films of all time by Americans cinema goers. They are critiques of America but great films and I wonder if they got voted the worst because of misguided patriotism confusing art with sedition.

Dustyn -> RE: "An American Haunting" (5/6/2006 4:33:53 AM)

You want a really good, recent horror flick?  Try anything with Britney Spears... her acting could give the dead nightmares... LOL

- Dustyn

NakedOnMyChain -> RE: "An American Haunting" (5/6/2006 6:26:11 AM)

Oh, Dustyn, now that's just cruel.  I like horror movies, but not being personally tortured.  (Britney's way past my pain threshhold.)

Siamsa, I'm a Harry Potter freak!  LOL.  It happened by accident, but I'm an addict.  I've seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and it just scared me.  [:D]  I'm going to have to pick up Saw, though.  I've heard it's good.

WeeIttyBitty, THEY AREN'T SHOWING THE BETTY PAGE MOVIE HERE!  Grrrrrrr.  I love Bettie Page... even went as her for Halloween.

Vendaval, ooooh, Nosferatu.  I love old vampire movies.  Shadow of the Vampire is excellent.  I need to watch it again.  Thanks for the idea!

To everyone, even my fourteen year old brother said Hostel sucked, and he usually loves crappy movies.  I don't think I'll be seeing that one.  As for Silent Hill, I was so excited when it came out.  Then it got a bad review from someone whose film taste I trust.  (He's a huge fan of the games, too.)

Evanesce -> RE: "An American Haunting" (5/6/2006 7:11:04 AM)


Eh, it was alright.  At least the concept was original.  I, for one, like my "House of 1,000 Corpses" (which is completely against my movie philosophy).  The sequel sucked.  I think that was the last really decent horror/scary movie they made, though.  Then again, I haven't seen "Saw" yet.  I have an objection to gore for lack of plot, so I'm choosy.  I miss decent scary movies.  Every one I've rented in the past six months has blown big ol' donkey dick.

I hated House of 1,000 Corpses, and the sequel was simply disjointed and stupid.  Saw was incredible.  Saw II, on the other hand, wasn't nearly as good, although some of the traps were interesting.
"Horror" movies don't scare any more.  Most of 'em go for the gross-out factor, which is why I can't stand slasher flicks.  However, I will say The Ring got to me.  It was that girl coming out of the TV that unnerved me just a bit.
I'd rather watch psychological thrillers and suspense.  Things like Phone Booth, The Bone Collector, and a handful more that I can't think of right now.

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