What's going on ? (Full Version)

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Aneirin -> What's going on ? (3/26/2011 11:19:28 PM)

Now my paranoid, conspiratoral, nutter mind can come up with theories upon theories on what I am asking below, so I ask the more level headed experts on this forum, what do you think :

Are there any others here that are wondering what exactly is going on in this world, is there more hassles, less or about the same as normal ? I am talking about the unrest in North Africa, the Middle East, the banking crisis, the cuts forced by the banking crisis and lets not forget two wars not quite resolved and another one kicking off. Is any of this linked, did something trigger something else or what ?

And now we have natural disasters first Japan and the problems with the nuclear reactors and a recent 6.8 earthquake in Myanmar, again people killed and people in need of aid in inaccessible areas, all of which is going to cost.

Now we can't help natural disasters, but the result of these disasters is going to cause a financial strain, that strain coupled with wars, banks, cuts in resources due to reduced funding and people turning against their leaders in political unrest abroad, and yesterday in the UK again.

Is this just normal or is the civilised world turning to shit

Lucylastic -> RE: What's going on ? (3/27/2011 5:25:44 AM)

Take into account the last ten years that the internet has spawned insta news, from almost every corner of the globe factor in tweets, facebook, forums, news and opinion has never been so easy so instant and so in your face.
Humankind is shit, we are just more aware of it.
we get to hear about ME/japan/disasters in  countries less than anhour after it happens.
The  "regular"  people not just journalists are spreading information, pictures, opinions about things we never knew existed to the level they do.
Banking and corporations greed and ugly practises have never been under such scrutiny by "regular" people
theres a lot of anger, fear and paranoia,
will it get worse? probably.

joether -> RE: What's going on ? (3/27/2011 6:31:08 AM)


Now my paranoid, conspiratoral, nutter mind can come up with theories upon theories on what I am asking below, so I ask the more level headed experts on this forum, what do you think :

Are there any others here that are wondering what exactly is going on in this world, is there more hassles, less or about the same as normal ? I am talking about the unrest in North Africa, the Middle East, the banking crisis, the cuts forced by the banking crisis and lets not forget two wars not quite resolved and another one kicking off. Is any of this linked, did something trigger something else or what ?

And now we have natural disasters first Japan and the problems with the nuclear reactors and a recent 6.8 earthquake in Myanmar, again people killed and people in need of aid in inaccessible areas, all of which is going to cost.

Now we can't help natural disasters, but the result of these disasters is going to cause a financial strain, that strain coupled with wars, banks, cuts in resources due to reduced funding and people turning against their leaders in political unrest abroad, and yesterday in the UK again.

Is this just normal or is the civilised world turning to shit

Seriously, go to a nice resturant, have a good, juicy T-Bone steak. As you eat it, enjoy every tiny bite, chewing it eight times before swallowing it. Make sure to use your napkin instead of your sleeve, and have some good wine.

The problems we have now, are not much different then those of a decade previous. or a century before that, or a millennium beyond it. The faces, the moments, and of course, the stories, are different. There are good people and bad people in the world. Rich, poor, and everything inbetween. There are 'haves' and 'have-nots'.

Got back to the start of the Gulf War (2003), and people had predictions of 'gloomy and doom'. Go back to 2000, and the 'Millennium Bug' crisis. Further still, into 1997, when the world was suppose to have been sundered by Mother Nature, as predicted by some prophet. What happened in each case?

Seriously, Aneirin, your fine. Keep your cool, help your neighbors when they need it, and promote being healthy and happy.

Aneirin -> RE: What's going on ? (3/28/2011 10:41:15 AM)

Yeah, good point, and perhaps spend less time on the internet too, as although information is good, perhaps sometimes that information is too much information.

As it is I rarely watch the tv, hardly listen to the radio and certainly do not buy newspapers.

Sometimes I do wonder if life would be much better if we were not worrying about things we cannot help nor hinder, things totally beyond our control.

LaTigresse -> RE: What's going on ? (3/28/2011 11:12:16 AM)

Life. That is what is going on.


ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: What's going on ? (3/28/2011 11:29:34 AM)



Is this just normal or is the civilised world turning to shit

Both, I would say. Start with the question of whether there really is any such thing as "the civilized world." In my opinion, it's debatable. How "civilized" is a society in which people can watch news footage of children starving to death on a $4,000 television set, then get up and enjoy a steak and lobster dinner? What we call "civilization" is just a veneer. We're still the same monkeys who were flinging bananas at each other 100,000 years ago, just a little better dressed.

This construct that we call "civilization" is a fragile one, and I would say increasingly so as we rely more and more on technology to sustain the artificial standard of living that we in the Western world have created for ourselves. Much of what you cite - the banking crisis, the unrest in the Middle East, the global recession  - are a direct result of more and more people competing for fewer and fewer resources. That's inevitably going to get worse in the years to come, as our population continues to explode and people around the world continue to demand an increasingly higher standard of living. Our species has exceeded the carrying capacity of our environment, and the environment will correct the imbalance, as it always does.

Aneirin -> RE: What's going on ? (3/28/2011 4:31:03 PM)

You have a fair point there Panda, for yes, it is true that the more we educate others to our way of life, the more they will demand what we have if they can afford it, which is great if a country has something to sell on the world market, but probably means the countries that can't will dissolve into internal fighting, blaming leaders and governments ad finitum, revolution followed by revolution, more blood shed, but perhaps that is the truth of life, survival of the fitest or in this case those who have something every one else wants. Perhaps we have exceeded natures's quota for human life, perhaps there will be a levelling and if survival of the fitest is a truth, the poor will fade, until a new poor is made to take their place.

But as regards myself, today I got an opening out of the rat race, something real and tangible that I can have tommorrow if I want, and if it works, less time on the internet to get angry at what I cannot influence and more time for life in a community, where people are within spitting distance, my own country locale. No more shitty , sorry city for me as I despise the rat race.

FirmhandKY -> RE: What's going on ? (3/28/2011 7:33:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

Take into account the last ten years that the internet has spawned insta news, from almost every corner of the globe factor in tweets, facebook, forums, news and opinion has never been so easy so instant and so in your face.
Humankind is shit, we are just more aware of it.
we get to hear about ME/japan/disasters in  countries less than anhour after it happens.
The  "regular"  people not just journalists are spreading information, pictures, opinions about things we never knew existed to the level they do.
Banking and corporations greed and ugly practises have never been under such scrutiny by "regular" people
theres a lot of anger, fear and paranoia,
will it get worse? probably.

Pretty much what Lucy said.


Rule -> RE: What's going on ? (3/29/2011 5:33:56 AM)


Now my paranoid, conspiratorial, nutter mind can come up with theories upon theories on what I am asking below, so I ask the more level headed experts on this forum, what do you think :

Are there any others here that are wondering what exactly is going on in this world, is there more hassles, less or about the same as normal ? I am talking about the unrest in North Africa, the Middle East, the banking crisis, the cuts forced by the banking crisis and lets not forget two wars not quite resolved and another one kicking off. Is any of this linked, did something trigger something else or what ?

Is this just normal or is the civilized world turning to shit

It may be that the unrest and revolt in Tunesia was orchestrated. It may also be that the revolts in Egypt and Libya took the West by surprise - but they subsequently adroitly took advantage of the developments to influence the outcomes of those revolts.

Moonhead -> RE: What's going on ? (3/29/2011 5:35:43 AM)

Who was orchstrating that? They don't have a lot of jews in Tunisia.

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