Interrogation (Full Version)

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CBTboyAZ -> Interrogation (3/28/2011 3:20:04 AM)

I meant to type out a fantasy and an entire story appeared lol.
First of all, I do not condone torture in real life. this is just a piece of fiction. If CBT, interrogation, heavy torture are not for you, then please move along. But if you are a sadist or a masochist, this story might be for you. It's my first story I've ever written. I hope you like it.

Chapter 1

Everything was black.

I had just woken up to find I couldn’t see and I couldn’t move. I was blindfolded and my arms were shackled to the ceiling and my feet were shackled to the floor forcing my legs apart. I struggled in my restraints, but they did not budge. I could feel the coolness on the air against my back. My shirt had been removed along with my socks, shoes, and pants. I was tied up half naked in my underwear. I don’t know how I got here, and I don’t remember being bound and gagged. The last thing I remember I was riding shotgun in the Humvee when I saw a flash. I must have been some sort of explosion.

My unit was on a recon mission in the city to gather intel. Where was my team? Where was I? The idea that I was captured by our enemy began to sink in. I started to sweat and my breathing increased. What was going to happen to me?

I heard a door open and footsteps enter the room.

“What is your name and rank?” the voice asked.

It was a female voice. I assumed it was going to be a man, but I remember in basic training we were taught many times the enemy will use a female to make us feel more comfortable and less threatened.

She repeated the question. “What is your name and rank?”

I did not answer.

Then she said, “I am an agent and interrogator with Russian Intelligence and I am here to extract information from you, including passcodes you hold to hack into the US military mainframe. It is in your best interest to cooperate with me, so I will ask for the last time, what is your name and rank?”

I debated on answering this time. She said she was with Russian Intelligence, but had no accent. She sounded American actually. That threw me off a bit.

“Private John Keller, United States Army. I request to be treated as a prisoner of war according to the Geneva Convention.”

I felt a hard slap across my face.

“No bullshit please. It is insulting when prisoners lie. I know you are not a private. You are an officer. And we will not treat you as a prisoner of war because we are not at war. You have entered this country illegally as a spy and will be dealt with accordingly.”

“You can believe what you want. I answered your question. Now please remove the restraints and the blindfold and move me to a proper holding cell following procedure as a military prisoner.”

She didn’t respond to that. Instead I heard her walking around me. Her footsteps were clam, but I assumed I might have angered her since I just gave her a command. Interrogators don’t usually like that.

Her fist slammed into my stomach taking my breath.

“UGGGH!” I coughed and tried to regain some air.

Chapter 2

She removed my blindfold. The light hit my eyes for the first time in a while. As my eyes adjusted, I could see I was in a small, plain room. There was one door to my right and a one-way mirror in front of me. I also saw my captor for the first time.

She was about 5’8” tall, average to slender build, blonde hair falling to her upper back. She was wearing business attire and looked professional. She had nice legs and part of her bra was visible from under her low cut suit. She was actually quite attractive.

She replied, “I think you will regret asking me to remove the blindfold, that is, unless you choose to answer my questions.”

“I regret nothing, and I will not answer any more questions.”

“Oh but you will. I am sure you are aware I can do whatever I want with you to get what I need. The last two Americans refused to talk just as you. That is why I am here. I am an expert interrogator with…let’s just say I have specific skills to get you to talk, and you will tell me what you know just as they did.”

She ran her hand over my body, touching, poking, and exploring me like I was an animal being inspected for an auction. She dug her fingernails into my side. “I will get what I want. It’s up to you if we do it the easy way or the hard way.”

I calmed myself down as best as I could. Of course I was nervous from being captured and restrained, but my training took over and I remembered this was going to happen. My mind wandered and my imagination took over trying to guess what she meant by easy way or hard way.

“Give me your name, rank, and passcodes to the mainframe and I will release you back to the holding cell where you will be processed and given fair treatment. What is it going to be?” she asked.

I did not want to find out what she had in mind. We had heard rumors on the base that Russian Intelligence used extreme torture methods on prisoners, but nothing had been confirmed. I figured I will give my real name and rank to get her off my back, but there was no way I was divulging secret passcodes to the Russians.

“Major Andrew Davis, US Army. I do not have any passcodes that you speak of.”

“So you choose the hard way,” she replied. With that, she left the room. She was gone for about ten minutes. When she returned, she had changed clothes into a black tank shirt, cargo pants, and boots. The tight tank accentuated her physique. Her arms were muscular and defined, and her breasts were more visible now, slightly large for her body shape, which was well-proportioned. She also carried in a large case or tool chest.

As she set the case down and opened it, she asked, “Are you sure you do not want to cooperate Major?”

“I told you, I do not know what you are talking about,” I replied.

She motioned to the one-way mirror with her hand as if to signal she was going to start something.

“Very well. Let’s get started. I am going to torture you Major. The torture will continue until you choose to reveal the passcodes. It is that simple. We will see how much it takes. When I administer torture to a prisoner, I increase the level of pain you are going to feel each time around until you talk…and you will talk.”

“Torture is against the Geneva Convention and you will be severely punished if you do this.”

She smiled and picked up some sort of whip or flogger. She brought her arm back and swung hard striking me on my back.


It stung, I will admit that. She recoiled and hit me again, over and over a few more times. My back began to turn red. I stayed strong and did not budge.

She stopped and tried to question me, “Do you have anything to say?”

I remained silent.

Chapter 3

She walked over to me. She said, “I don’t have time for this.” She took out a cell phone from her pocket, punched a few keys, closed the phone and put it away. Then she took out a knife, which startled me for a moment. She could not kill me though. I can’t tell her anything if I am dead.

She ran the blade over my skin, letting the tip scratch the surface. I felt the cold knife along my neck and she traced the blade down my chest.

“There is a way to torture a man that works every time. It is why I am here. Do you know what method that is Major? It is a method to get any man to tell you anything? I am sure you have heard rumors about it.”

She stood right in front of me. Face to face. She looked me in the eyes, then she looked down, then she looked back up at me.

I got a chill down my spine. I knew what she was referring to, not that it took a genius to figure it out. She looked back down and cupped her left hand around the bulge in my underwear.

She started to squeeze and manipulate my genitals. It was humiliating, but did not cause much discomfort. She then showed me the knife again. I was very nervous at the sight of that. Oh my god, what was she going to do? Only one thing went through my mind.

I blurted out, “Please don’t cut off my balls. Not that!”

She laughed. “Oh I am not going to cut off your balls. How can I torture your genitals if they have been removed from your body? Although, you might wish I would just cut off your balls and your dick when I am through with them.”

She could tell I was starting to crack just a bit.

“Major, I am going to torture your genitals. It is by far the most effective way to extract Intel from a prisoner. A man’s penis and testicles are his most prized possession, and they are also the most sensitive. He would do anything to protect them. Sure, I could torture you other ways, but this is my field. I have years of experience and training. I know the anatomy of the penis, and how to cause it the most pain possible. So…Major…do you understand me? Now what are the passcodes to the US Military mainframe computers?”

I could not tell her. Thousands, maybe millions of lives are at stake. If they knew the codes, we would be in serious trouble.

“I don’t know any codes.”

“Oh, I was hoping you would say that. We get to have some fun now.”

Chapter 4

My heart skipped and started to beat faster. I had been prepared to deal with some mistreatment if I had been captured, but not this. She took the knife and cut my underwear off of my body, leaving me completely naked and exposed.

“Let’s see what I have to work with.” My penis hung limply over my balls as she examined and fondled me. It was degrading to be fondled this way. “This will work. And Major, thank you for keeping yourself shaved and groomed down here. It makes my job easier.”

The door opened and two guards wheeled in a cart with some sort of computer or machine-like device. I could see wires and attachments and cables.

“Thank you. That will be all. Oh and since I will be starting in a few minutes, transfer the remaining prisoners to the next room so they can hear.”

The guards left with a smirk on their faces.

My captor pulled a strap out from inside the case and fastened it around the base of my cock and looped the strap around each one of my testicles, separating them from each other. I could feel my dick fatten up slightly.

“For lack of a better term, this is a cock ring and ball-spreader and it will make sure plenty of blood remains in your genitals. More blood, more oxygen, the more sensitive you will be.”

She put on a pair of latex gloves and swabbed my penis and scrotum with alcohol. She took three syringes out of the case. One she filled with a clear liquid, the other two with a pink liquid. With the clear syringe in one hand, she picked up my cock with her other hand pointing my cock up. She then placed the tip of the needle to the underside of my cockhead and began to inject.

“OWW! Oh, stop. What is that? What are you doing to me?”

She finished and picked up one of the pink syringes. She found one of my balls pulled tight from the spreader. She held it tight and stabbed the needle into my left testicle.

I screamed as she carefully injected the fluid into my body. I had never felt anything like that, but I knew it was about to happen one more time as she picked up the last syringe. She did the same to my other testicle and it hurt just as badly.

“Stop please! Don’t do this,” I begged.

“I injected you with various chemicals and compounds that excite the nerves and temporarily strengthen the tissue allowing you to take more pain.”

She grabbed my balls with her thumb and finger tips, one in each hand, and slowly began to squeeze. I started to moan and struggle in my shackles. It felt as if my nuts were between two cement blocks.

“It hurts, doesn’t it? The nerve drugs are starting to work.”

Finally she released. I desperately wanted to hold my aching manhood, but I couldn’t move. Next she started to slap and hit my cock, stopping to squeeze the head of my penis. It was painful, but it was as if she was just toying with me.

Chapter 5

For the next couple of hours, she put my cock through hell. She hit, slapped, squeezed, and kicked my genitals. My dick and balls were whipped and flogged. She rubbed my shaft and cock head with a burning cream. I thought my cock was on fire. At one point she pulled out a thin, metal nail with barbs running backward.

“I created this one myself. The nail slides into your urethra. Once it is all the way in, I pull backward on the top and the barbs catch, ripping the inside of your penis, which ruins your cock forever on top of the incredible pain you will feel.”

I had taken so much. My cock and balls had turned red and swollen from all of her abuse. “God, no, don’t use that. Please stop.”

“I’m not. If I use that, I cannot continue my torture and you haven’t talked yet, but I want you to know it is there. I have to say I am a bit impressed with your stamina and pain tolerance. Most men have given in by now, but you have not. Never fear, the next torture will break you.”

She rolled the cart to the middle of the room. She plugged in two prongs into the electrical socket on one of the walls. She flipped four switches on a gray box sitting on the cart, and turned a black dial on the side. I heard a click then a faint buzzing sound.

“I designed this myself too. This is the most painful torture device ever created. It will shock your genitals without mercy.”

She began to connect my manhood to the device. Two electrodes were placed on my testicles, one for each. She lubricated a conductive rod and slowly inserted it down my shaft. Once it was in, she placed a ring around the head of my cock. And finally, she connected the leads of each electrode to the gray box.

“This is your last chance to give me the codes.”

I was hurt, but I stayed strong. I had come this far and was determined not to give in. I knew what was about to happen, but I knew I couldn’t talk.

Chapter 6

“I’ve told you all I know.”

She nodded and looked into the mirror again and motioned she was ready. She placed her hand on a second dial on the box and began to turn it.


I felt the sting and tingle enter the electrode down my shaft first, then quickly enter my testicles and finally around my dickhead. The pain quickly intensified.

I cried out as the electric shocks began to hit. For the first time, my cock filled and became hard. The shocks lasted for what felt like hours, but was probably only a few seconds. I looked down in shame as I now had a full erection. I didn’t understand why, and I didn’t care much. The cock ring was doing its job as I felt my dick begin to throb.

When she stopped she chuckled, “I see your penis is reacting to the stimulation. Good, a hard cock will cause you more pain. That was level 3 of 15. Shall we try more or are you going to talk?”

I was trying to collect my thoughts. All I could think about was the electricity. No, I am not giving in. I said nothing.


I screamed, and moaned and wailed, but the electro torture continued.

My torturer said, “Level 7 that time. I know your penis must be killing you. Talk and it is all over.”

I felt weak, and I was exhausted, yet I was still defiant.

“You will feel Level 10 this time.” She turned the dial and I screamed.


She watched in amazement. No prisoner had gone past level 9 before and here I was at level 10. What fascinated her even more was my complete erection. She removed the cock ring to see of my erection would subside. It didn’t. Occasionally, she had seen prisoners become hard during torture, but not like this, not during extreme electro shocks.

Wave after wave hit me. I thought my cock and balls were going to explode. She was right, I did want her to cut off my penis. Do it and get it over with, end this pain and suffering.

It stopped. She walked over to me as I hung in the shackles, trying to catch my breath. She wrapped her hand around my shaft. She couldn’t believe how hard this cock was. She could feel every ridge, every vein, every contour from the glans to the base. It was a deep angry red color. The heat emanating from the erection was remarkable.

She refocused. “Major, you cannot take much more of this…”

I interrupted her. “I…I’ll…I’ll talk. I tell you anything you want to know. Please don’t turn that machine back on. Please.”

“What are the codes?”

I rattled off every code I could think of. It was difficult to concentrate. I was tired and weak. When she was satisfied, she said, “You see, that was not so hard. And you could have saved yourself a lot of pain. On a side note, that was the most genital torture it has taken me to break someone. You may still be a valuable asset. Most men pass out from the pain at level 9 if not sooner.”

I didn’t care what this sadistic woman was talking about. I was starting to feel better knowing my torture was over although guilt was setting in knowing that I had given up the codes.

She pulled out her phone and answered it. “Yes….yes I agree…..remarkable….no, that was the highest level I have administered…..yes it does….ok let’s see what happens.” She put her phone away.

She walked back over to the gray box.

“No, what are you doing? You said it was over. If I talked, you would stop this.”

“Major, you withstood more electric shocks than we thought was possible and while attaining a complete erection. You are a perfect candidate to test the capabilities of this torture device.”

“NO! No! I beg you, stop. You don’t have to do this.” But it was too late. I knew what she wanted to see.

She turned the dial to 10 and I writhed and flailed from the pain. She continued until the dial reached the maximum of level 15. My screams and moans probably didn't sound like a man anymore.

Every nerve and every pain cell in my genitals was firing on overload. I could tell my cock was harder than ever. It felt like it would burst.

Then I heard the interrogator gasp. I did not feel it start, but my balls tightened and my cock began to ejaculate rope after rope of cum. My testicles emptied for almost 2 minutes until there was nothing left, but my cock still spasmed and kept trying to shoot cum that wasn't there anymore.

She finally turned the machine off for good.

She smiled. She had found the perfect test subject for all of her male genital torture experiments.

gothikbutterfly -> RE: Interrogation (3/29/2011 8:13:14 AM)


CBTboyAZ -> RE: Interrogation (3/30/2011 10:30:35 PM)

Lol, thanks for checking it out

thedavezone -> RE: Interrogation (3/31/2011 10:08:11 AM)

"Everybody breaks.  The exercise doesn't STOP until you break.  Don't get caught boys and girls!"

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