RE: Manipulation? (Full Version)

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needlesandpins -> RE: Manipulation? (4/4/2011 12:05:52 PM)

i guess when it comes to a D/s relationship it is all subjective as to how you see each other's roles. that's why i said my thinking wasn't from that stand point. but also, just from a 'you are a person not just a D' point of view, meaning everyone in everyday life, we do have a choice as to how we present ourselves to those in our lives. we can either bring them down with our outside baggage or deal with it. there are always going to be things that affect our mood; road rage, lack of manners in youngsters, inconsideration of others etc etc and i have no problem with someone coming to me and having a rant, in fact my playpartner does it sometimes and to great effect, but then drop it or at least push it aside. especially when it comes to work as it's such a huge part of our life. unless you know you can change it in the short term then it's going to be crappy for a while. i don't think you can afford to keep taking it home to others and it doesn't matter what sort of relationship it is for that.

i used to dread my ex coming home sometimes because of the moods he'd be in. it wasn't just a case of him needing to rant, he'd take these moods out on me. so i was getting the brunt of something someone else had caused. he'd go to work the next day and say nothing to the person involved, but i'd get the brunt again when he got home. i'd try to help by suggesting things he could maybe try doing but he didn't want to know. in the end i told him i didn't want to know as it was having a very bad effect on us as a couple. i was starting to really resent him for it and finding myself getting worse in my own mood as the day went on. i told him to either get it sorted out at work or leave his mood there because i couldn't take it anymore. not being in a D/s relationship i could do that without having to think about anything else. i don't know how that situation would work for anyone else.


DesFIP -> RE: Manipulation? (4/4/2011 12:18:07 PM)

That's my view on it also, and for the same reason. I've been in a relationship where I had to walk on eggshells, never knowing what would set him off. I'm not willing to do that again.

As far as a dominant setting himself up to teach life skills? I really dislike that. He isn't objective, he has his own view about how the people he trains should approach things. It's a cookie cutter approach and not geared towards the individual's needs. Because although one submissive may need to learn to use discretion instead of approaching everything as though the only tool she owns is a hammer, the next one may need to learn strong boundaries and how to say not only no, but hell no. Setting yourself up as a quasi-therapist leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Not to mention what it says about someone who sets himself up as a white knight, for people with no life skills. I have a problem that the only people he feels qualified to teach skills to are those with that poor a background.

LaTigresse -> RE: Manipulation? (4/4/2011 12:23:38 PM)

I also look at it this frame of mind is MY responsibility. My behaviour is not something I would ever consider making a slave responsible for.

That being is very rare for me to be in a bad mood anyway. Most especially at home.

porcelaine -> RE: Manipulation? (4/4/2011 12:28:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: needlesandpins

but also, just from a 'you are a person not just a D' point of view, meaning everyone in everyday life, we do have a choice as to how we present ourselves to those in our lives. we can either bring them down with our outside baggage or deal with it.

Greetings needles,

i can't argue with that at all. i acknowledge that choice everyday and do my best to make the right decisions, but there are moments when i fall short. That awareness prohibits me from raising a bar that i'm unable to scale myself. i'm not suggesting that i will become a pseudo dumping ground. But i know my brethren ere and i'm compassionate. In a perfect world it would never happen. But it does and i try to be mindful of my imperfections and exhibit some measure of empathy.


unless you know you can change it in the short term then it's going to be crappy for a while. i don't think you can afford to keep taking it home to others and it doesn't matter what sort of relationship it is for that.

i think it's easier said than done when the behavior is ingrained and habitual.


i told him to either get it sorted out at work or leave his mood there because i couldn't take it anymore. not being in a D/s relationship i could do that without having to think about anything else. i don't know how that situation would work for anyone else.

When i encounter this behavior in my partner i have to remind myself that i am not the problem and the situation has nothing to do with me. Sometimes i have to say that little mantra more than once. i gauge their reactions and temperament carefully. In some instances the climate is not conducive to present an opinion. It won't be received in the manner intended and could escalate something that needn't be flamed. i won't pretend this is easy, especially when you're on the receiving end and feel helpless. i try to draw on the things i've learned in conflict resolution, take a deep breath and ride it out.

And when i'm ready to react, because i have my moments of not so good things as well. i remember when i have lost my spool and how he deals with that. i remember all the other things i have brought to him that have nothing to do with us and he addresses it without personal insult. But most of all i look at him. And i think about this thing we're building and how this issue cannot be bigger than that. i haven't always had the benefit of someone that would restrain themselves. Nonetheless i had to do so. And doing it has made me a better person in the long run.



0ldhen -> RE: Manipulation? (4/4/2011 5:24:05 PM)

Hmm........the topic of this thread has strayed beyond it's intent. Granted this is a regular occurrence, lol, I often am part and party to this. Yet it seems to me that instead of "hearing" the original intent, there is much being "heard" that was not stated, as well as assumptions made regarding the "how" of my friends handling the individuals he works with. Again, a common occurrence, yet one I am not willing to expound upon further.

Given this state of affairs, and with his advice, I am going to let this one go gracefully into the old threads home, offering my Thanks to all who posted, and declining to make any further comment at this time.

I will revisit this particular topic at a later date, taking time to articulate my intent in a fashion that is both more user friendly and leads to a discussion of the topic not the examples used to illustrate the topic.

This is my only exception "Training people to make the environment best for what the M wanted is in their best interest".

LadyP, YES, your perception of the intent of my post, whether or not I made a plain enough statement, is amazing.

JstAnotherSub -> RE: Manipulation? (4/4/2011 5:39:19 PM)

Too bad.  I was enjoying the different viewpoints.  I do understand your reasoning though.

I would try to manipulate you into continuing, but that would just be wrong!


rosanegra -> RE: Manipulation? (4/4/2011 5:54:42 PM)

This brings to mind a conversation I had with a dear friend of mine in Texas. I had been called manipulative by a D and it bugged the heck out of me because I didn't see how she had come to that conclusion. In talking it over with my friend, he and I came to the agreement that indeed I was manipulative... I was not, however, conniving. I believe manipulative is finding a way to make something happen in such a way that everyone is happy. Conniving is figuring out a way to get what you want regardless of how it is going to make anyone else feel.

ranja -> RE: Manipulation? (4/5/2011 9:52:15 AM)

oh manipulating is such a handy thing to be good in if you like to get what you want... and who doesn't?
before i knew how to go about it properly i was more into the 'be honest and straightforward... even transparent' sort of corner... it never got me anywhere but misunderstood and in trouble

NuevaVida -> RE: Manipulation? (4/5/2011 6:43:52 PM)

Whether the OP chose to beg out of this thread or not, it's still an interesting discussion worth having, and so I'll throw in my 2 cents.  No line of thinking is going to be agreed upon by all, but I understand that some folks might want to step away from a thread in which there are more in disagreement than agreement.

That said, my thoughts:


ORIGINAL: 0ldhen


Now to begin I realize that the word manipulation has bad connotations for some of you, so I am going to ask that for the moment you temporarily let go of the knee jerk reaction the word may cause in you, at least until I explain where I am going with this one. Thank you in advance for hanging in here for this.

Definition of MANIPULATE
(as defined for this discussion)

: to manage or utilize skillfully b: to control or play upon by artful means

: to change by artful means so as to serve one's purpose

This is but one set of definition.  Manipulation can be used for good for bad or indifferently.  After all, I manipulate data at work all the time, to report trends, find deficiencies, etc. I tend to be cautious, however, when it comes to manipulating people to achieve selfish results.  I try to function on the honest, up & up.  So I need to be sure my behavior reflects that.


A very good friend of mine trains slaves, not submissives, slaves. Damn, there I go again, another one of those knee jerk reaction words, I am on a roll, once again, I ask your indulgence here.

He trains them for THEMSELVES, he trains them to be strong, to be proud of their worth, to educate themselves for a career if possible/necessary, he trains them to keep up with the world around them, he trains them in service, in surrender, how to pay CLOSE attention to those around them, in time management, as well as teaching them what to look for in an exceptional match for themselves.

This is all well and fine, although these are basic life skills that are of benefit to everyone.


But, hang on here comes that word again, he trains them to be master manipulators.

"Master  manipulator" is pretty strong and teeters too close on the line of dishonesty for me.


Here is the how; The D type comes home from a bad day, the trained manipulative s type sees this and begins to ply her/his training. Using the eyes they glance at the D’s face, giving a hint of a smile. Coaxing with words and posture they draw the D type into a chair, remove his/her shoes, pulling the sock away from the bottom of their foot, rubbing lightly while softly and gently asking about their day. Manipulating their D they begin to direct the conversation away from the subject that caused the irritation towards a subject that they, the s type, knows the D type finds relaxing/amusing.

Would not work here.  Maybe he just wants to be left alone, and here I am, interfering in his space.  And directing conversation away from the topic that caused irritation is called "avoidance" in our world.  We don't find that to be healthy.


Shortly the D goes from stressed and irritated to relaxed and comfy, ready for the evenings activities.

Or, he's annoyed as hell at me for taking it upon myself to determine what he needs, thus causing him further irritation.


Are you with me so far?

Yes but so far it wouldn't work for us.


I see this as a good thing.

Understandable, since that behavior would work for you.  But it doesn't work for everyone.

Did the s do it for the D? Perhaps, to some degree. Did the s do it from a selfish (see FT’s definition of selfish) point of view? Oh, yeah.

Why? Is the s types evening going to be pleasant if their D is cranky? Probably not.

Sometimes life gives us cranky.  While i try not to create cranky, it's not my job to eliminate it.  And if I can't just let him be in a bad mood once in awhile, I've got issues.  If you said this is just an occasional occurrence, then what the hell kind of slave would I be to him if I can't endure a bad mood of his once in awhile?


Do they both benefit? Again, oh yeah.

I disagree, regarding my relationship.  We don't benefit from avoiding problems and trying to veer each other away from a bad mood simply to avoid having to deal with it.  I understand the intention was good here, but it's just not in our best interest.


Back to the training; A successful human being is one who manipulates both their environment and those in their environment until by dint of their hard work and dedication, it is an environment that they are happy living in. This trainer teaches the slaves to manipulate everything they must to secure their own, and not incidentally, their partners happy.

I disagree.  A successful human is one who can change his or her own mindset to not allow outside influences to penetrate to the degree in which it has a detrimental effect.  I change my response to the environment.  The environment itself is not always mine to change.  Knowing the difference is key.


We all manipulate the environment around us, the slaves my friend trains become manipulators extraordnaire.

To a degree we do, yes.  More importantly, I understand and influence my own mindset to ensure inner peace and happiness.


(Note1: ” so as to serve one's purpose” what is a slaves purpose/ To see to their D’s happy, thereby seeing to their own)

My purpose is not to see him happy.  He owns his own happiness.  He owns his unhappiness.  He owns his feelings and his mood.  He does not heap that kind of responsibility on me, as he would find it irresponsible of himself to do so.  Conversely, I own my own feelings, as well, and they are for me to process - sometimes with his help, sometimes without it.

Let's also not forget that many slaves do not have the purpose of having to make their owner's happy.  You've selected a particular demographic but this is not at all universal.

LaTigresse -> RE: Manipulation? (4/6/2011 3:34:29 AM)

That was so excellently said. What I wish I had been able to find the words for.

NuevaVida -> RE: Manipulation? (4/7/2011 6:38:36 AM)

Just popping back in to thank LaT. I didn't see your post earlier.  So, thank you. [:)]

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