-=Do you avoid posting volatile topics or replies?=- (Full Version)

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-=Do you avoid posting volatile topics or replies?=-

  24% (13)
  31% (17)
Sometimes, depends on the topic.
  44% (24)

Total Votes : 54
(last vote on : 10/8/2012 8:24:31 PM)
(Poll will run till: -- )


ResidentSadist -> -=Do you avoid posting volatile topics or replies?=- (5/14/2011 6:26:54 PM)

I have a handful of things I wrote and then upon proof reading, decided that it wasn’t worth the trouble posting.  I just didn't have time to attend the thread properly and put out all the flames and derailment.  Has this happened to you? 

littlewonder -> RE: -=Do you avoid posting volatile topics or replies?=- (5/14/2011 6:31:10 PM)

I don't really post much because to be honest most things just aren't that important to me and most things just don't get on my nerves much enough to post about it.

I only post when I really need advice for something or want to hear other people's experiences with certain things and they're usually boring "vanilla" topics to most people...household repairs, hair extensions, blah blah blah.....

LaTigresse -> RE: -=Do you avoid posting volatile topics or replies?=- (5/14/2011 6:35:08 PM)

I don't create many threads. When I do, and what post, I do not consider the volatility, I consider whether or not I want to say/post it.

gungadin09 -> RE: -=Do you avoid posting volatile topics or replies?=- (5/14/2011 6:57:39 PM)

When i started posting i was worried about offending people. After a while i stopped worrying about it so much. i still try not to offend people, but i worry more now about being totally honest. i guess i hope that people give me credit for not being mean spirited or catty, and that they read my posts with that in mind. But i'm not gonna stress out about it if someone can't see that. i don't post much anymore because most of the topics don't interest me.


pahunkboy -> RE: -=Do you avoid posting volatile topics or replies?=- (5/14/2011 7:11:16 PM)

I only post threads that will upset- SOMEONE.   lol

Tantriqu -> RE: -=Do you avoid posting volatile topics or replies?=- (5/14/2011 7:27:59 PM)

I post if the question is thought-provoking or if someone's given snakeoil advice or it's vastly different from my experience or someone's being a rightwing bully, but not if there are plenty of trolls pooing in the waters; love me the 'Hide' button, but it can only go so far in keeping the sociopath scheisse level down.
Posting is for entertainment, education and the occasional vicarious nipple engorgement, so if I ain't providing or getting any, it ain't worth it.

JstAnotherSub -> RE: -=Do you avoid posting volatile topics or replies?=- (5/14/2011 7:32:40 PM)

I don't shy away, but I probably should. I just answer when I wanna, and it somehow makes me smile. It is all about me right?

ETA I try to not post on death penalty threads because it is one thing that no one is going to change their mind about and everyone feels strongly about.

juliaoceania -> RE: -=Do you avoid posting volatile topics or replies?=- (5/14/2011 7:36:38 PM)

I like contentious subject matter, but there are topics I do shy away from because they have no answer...

One of the topics I try not to post about is abortion, I have posted on a couple of threads about this topic, but usually I run the other way because there is no debating the topic with people.

I have posted on religious topics, but I usually avoid those as well...

I avoid Obama threads to some extent.

Other than that I post where I like

Icarys -> RE: -=Do you avoid posting volatile topics or replies?=- (5/14/2011 7:37:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: ResidentSadist

I have a handful of things I wrote and then upon proof reading, decided that it wasn’t worth the trouble posting.  I just didn't have time to attend the thread properly and put out all the flames and derailment.  Has this happened to you? 

Yes that happens to me all the time!

LadyPact -> RE: -=Do you avoid posting volatile topics or replies?=- (5/14/2011 7:44:15 PM)

I'm one of your "sometimes" votes.  (Shocker, huh, since it seems like I never shut up.)

I don't mind thread drift so much.  I expect some of that during the course of any thread.  I'm also a firm believer in the fact that it's not My thread.  People are going to take any original idea and take it where they will as they are discussing what comes up during the course.

There are some topics that I don't start originals on due to the problems that arise due to certain subjects.  I won't start a thread just prior to going away for the weekend, for example.  There's no way for folks to get clarification that way.

As to responses, there are definitely threads that I prefer to stay out of.  The Jane Fonda/feminism thread is a good example.  While that one in particular wasn't bad, I've watched threads on feminism become nothing but pages of mess and it literally isn't worth it to Me.  I try to be polite and explain My position to anyone who replies to one of My comments on any thread, but when I know it's going to be a cesspool, I'd rather not read it.

crazyml -> RE: -=Do you avoid posting volatile topics or replies?=- (5/14/2011 7:53:37 PM)

Some times.

Its not the volatility of the topics, it's the replies. There have been quite a few times of late that I've drafted something and thought better of it. And a couple of times when I've edited a post down to nothing because it was not worth the stress.

Like you, it does depend on how much time I can devote to a thread or topic.

That said, I avoid the entire Pols and Religion section of the site entirely.

NocturnalStalker -> RE: -=Do you avoid posting volatile topics or replies?=- (5/14/2011 8:56:59 PM)

Topics - Yep.  There have been a few I've avoided just because they weren't "of my usual" type of humour/silly fun.  I don't like to get serious too often.

Replies - The amount of times I have threatened someone's life when they post a spider picture is legendary before I calm myself down.

LinnaeaBorealis -> RE: -=Do you avoid posting volatile topics or replies?=- (5/14/2011 8:57:15 PM)

When I was fairly new here, I tried starting a couple of threads up above the fold, like in Ask a Master or some such. The answers I got were so outlandish that I decided not to do that anymore. When I asked a question about something to do with my Owners, I was told to run far & fast & that they were going to kill me. So, of course, I went to them & asked them if they were going to kill me & they said, "Of course not!! Who'd clean the house then???"

I have responded to some posts & what I said got removed because apparently I was a little too harsh. LOL So I guess that I don't hold back always. I do try to get my point across without being volatile, but sometimes something just hits that last nerve & before I really know it I've posted.

SexyBossyBBW -> RE: -=Do you avoid posting volatile topics or replies?=- (5/14/2011 9:07:26 PM)

I'm with the "sometimes." I definitely post WAYYYYYYYYY less than I used to years back. I more often than not, stay away from Obama threads. M

Tantriqu -> RE: -=Do you avoid posting volatile topics or replies?=- (5/14/2011 10:26:59 PM)

Lol, same. Plus no posting Gorean gore!
And the Fonda thread is really short once the usual perps are hidden.


I'm with the "sometimes." I definitely post WAYYYYYYYYY less than I used to years back. I more often than not, stay away from Obama threads. M

sunshinemiss -> RE: -=Do you avoid posting volatile topics or replies?=- (5/15/2011 12:44:12 AM)

No, I don't avoid volatile topics that interest me and that I will have actual conversations about. When people call me names or something, I'll tend to ignore the response and do my best to maintain a decent conversation with the other people.

I've recently stopped being so diplomatic or lovey dovey with my posting. I've always been fairly clear I think even when I couched my words in soft language. I am not soft anymore. One of the things that has happened for me has been that I've learned to draw my own line in the sand. The forums have helped me do that tremendously. It's funny - I don't get angry anymore either. I just ignore idiots and smart people who are acting like idiots. Makes my life less complicated.

There are sections of the board that I rarely go to - Goreans, Pols/Religion, Health - for various reasons (mostly because they don't interest me enough to want to have a discussion with others in the manner by which people post. I'm quite interested in the topics (most of them anyway) but have learned that while I care, I don't care enough to argue with a zealot who is hell bent on changing my mind. I just shut down with ... "Yeah, ok. I'm glad it works for you; it doesn't work for me." If you recognize that there is a hole in the road, do you drive your car up to the hole or do you turn down another street? I do go to those sections for the QoTD - sometimes deliberately looking for something there because I don't want to leave folks out.

Because life is boring here, I post a whole lot more than I did when I lived elsewhere. But, maybe that is changing... Una nunca sabe!

I rarely post in P and ORS anymore. I love to read the threads and keep up on how folks are doing, but I just don't feel like I have anything really to say that folks haven't already heard. I guess I'm kind of boring in that sense. (Heck maybe I'm boring everywhere!)


tazzygirl -> RE: -=Do you avoid posting volatile topics or replies?=- (5/15/2011 12:47:01 AM)


That said, I avoid the entire Pols and Religion section of the site entirely.

Awww come on, I dont bite that hard.. lol

sunshinemiss -> RE: -=Do you avoid posting volatile topics or replies?=- (5/15/2011 12:48:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: tazzygirl


That said, I avoid the entire Pols and Religion section of the site entirely.

Awww come on, I dont bite that hard.. lol

That's not what I read on the bathroom wall...

Kana -> RE: -=Do you avoid posting volatile topics or replies?=- (5/15/2011 12:48:40 AM)

I also tend to steer clear of the P&R sections.

tazzygirl -> RE: -=Do you avoid posting volatile topics or replies?=- (5/15/2011 12:49:16 AM)

Good, then all that work I did to put that up there is working.

~nods nods

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