RE: Hello World! Any Lesbians out there into CBT?? (Full Version)

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BOUNTYHUNTER -> RE: Hello World! Any Lesbians out there into CBT?? (5/21/2011 2:29:16 AM)

For the same reason that they rant about cocks and the very first thing out if their toy bag is a strap on. go figure smile..Bounty

LaTigresse -> RE: Hello World! Any Lesbians out there into CBT?? (5/21/2011 5:26:31 AM)



For the same reason that they rant about cocks and the very first thing out if their toy bag is a strap on. go figure smile..Bounty

What KIND of human beings do you hang out with anyway??? Seriously.

I know an awful lot of lesbians and have never seen one whip out a plastic dick right off the bat. A few hetro sluts at 'toy' parties yes, but that's about it.

Madame4a -> RE: Hello World! Any Lesbians out there into CBT?? (5/21/2011 5:30:47 AM)

That's a very narrow view... sexuality is a lot more complicated than that..and yes, I've had a straight male play partner.. and enjoyed it very much.. while we don't play anymore, we're still very close...

not everyone fits a very narrow mold...


ORIGINAL: tiggerspoohbear

Welcome to CM and the boards. Uhhh, yeah, good luck with that. A lesbian is a lesbian for a reason, she doesn't like to be with men. And not meeting if ever? Why not if I may ask? You want to do things with women but you don't want to meet with them. How's that gonna work out? Just a gentle hint, this isn't gonna work unless you get realistic in what you want and forget the fantasy porn you've been watching or reading. Get out and get thee to some munches. Meet real people who live this real life everyday. It'll work out better for you, trust me.

DEPL -> RE: Hello World! Any Lesbians out there into CBT?? (5/21/2011 2:46:57 PM)


Hi, just me again,
Thank You 'Lucylastic', I appreciate that. And by the way, I checked out your profile, I loved your pics, especialy the picture of (your?) camel toe! Laughed myself silly - as a person, I think maybe you're my kind, and it shows that you care about people, me too. Not trying to flirt, just showing due appreciation. I know you're not in the market for more than friends, and I think I'd like that. If you'd like to expand on "that makes things a whole lot different in my mind", I'd appreciate your point of view. That's what I'm here for, to learn.

Uh, 'sunshinemiss', maybe I should of put a (sic) after that, but I thought it was so obviously said 'tongue-in-cheek', that it wasn't necessary, and I was refering to that spot in my profile where it's a bit better presented. If you'd read further, you would've come to the part that says "there is something intrinsically different between a heterosexual woman and a lesbian", and that was my point exactly, a hetero woman is looking for a man (with a man's brain), not a mans body with a lesbian brain. So, believe it or not, I actually AGREE with you. Thanks for the comments, though.

Maybe what I am looking for is a bi-sexual woman, someone that can appreciate both sides of me. Maybe I'm too old fashioned, I don't (at least haven't) pick up women online, and in the real world, they don't have "bi-sexual" tattoed on their foreheads, and it's hardly polite to ask before you ask them out. I meet who I meet, I might get to know someone, and if I like her, and she's single, I'll ask her out, and it goes from there. (CollarMe is the first online meet n greet type service I've participated in.) Assuming we get along, she generally falls madly in love with me, even before I'm ready for that, it seems to work for awhile, but then I struggle to meet her expectations of a "man", and have to prop it up to maintain the relationship (I don't like or enjoy pretending to be something I'm not), but that just prolongs it a bit, and sometimes the kindest thing is to just kill it off quickly. But then I'm alone again, and then it starts all over again.

I read somewhere, that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again, and expect a different result. If you want a different result, then you need to change something! That's what I'm trying to do, I'm just not sure what is going to work! Given my fantasies and kinks, this seemed like a reasonable place to start, or at least try, as it is a place that caters to people with non-vanilla interests. Like everyone else, I'm just looking for a little happiness, twisted though it may be.

Now, 'MistressDarkArt', I know it looks like I,I,I,me,me,me, and maybe it is.

But for me, I'm new to this, and I know that there is a whole "standard" and "script" that you're supposed to follow. I don't mean to offend here, but I think that's a load of BullShit. I'd guess there are at least as many different definitions of exactly what BDSM "really is", and what a Dom/Domme, and sub/slave "really is" as there are members of this site.
So excuse me if I'm different from you, I think that BDSM is more of a spectrum than that, maybe "old-school" BDSMers would disagree with that, as is their right and privelidge - they were here first, but you also need new blood to enter the fray, and they've got other ideas. From what I've seen, it ranges all the way from frilly little girls who play dress up in PVC boots and things to get the boys hot, all the way through to the hard-core, edge players who are into blood and severe body mods, even if that is kept under the table and only ever whispered about.

I say again, I'm NEW AT THIS, maybe this isn't the right place for me, and maybe I'm more dominant than what you think of as a sub, I did mention I have switchy inclinations, and who knows where that will lead; I call myself sub simply because I want to submit to a woman - not just ANY woman, or ANY Domme, but the Right one. Maybe she doen't exist, I don't know, but I'm a lover first and foremost, and I go years at a time between sex BECAUSE an emotional connection is not just paramount to me, but the Most Important thing - sex is Only good for me because of it, because it pleases her, and in that I take my pleasure. Without Love, or at the very least an emotional connection of some sort, it's just a wank, and to be honest, a wank is more enjoyable than sex, though the sensations can be nice, it just doesn't satisfy. But then, too, love is a risk, if/when it goes wrong it can be far more painful than anything you could do to my cock and balls, so I don't fall in love with just anyone, and I DON'T submit to just Anyone.
Submission for me is to Love, and the Woman is the source, destination and symbol of that to which I submit to, and she, in turn controls and dominates me with and by it.
But love is what I'm looking for, we play within that, because we both want and need that to be fullfilled and happy.

I Don't need any kind of life support system for my self-absorption and kink; if need be, I can do that all on my own, I don't need a Domme for that.

On the contrary, why would a man of any stripe want to be objectified as the life-support system for Your self-absorption and kink??

How ever we dress it up, or deny it to ourselves, or others, the TRUTH is that EVERYONE here is here to get what they want, we're all here to find something that We want, personally. I am not, and am not ever likely to be Your sub, so don't expect me to submit to You. I will only submit to someone who I can admire and respect, at least on some level, no matter how hot, sexy, or beautiful she may be. And respect has to be earned, not simply given, or it really isn't worth much.

I reserve the Right to Choose who I submit to, if at all, and to terminate that submission if the terms of that submission are breached. I submit to NO man, and to Love, and maybe temporarily to some hopefuls along the way. This is a journey, not a destination.

Having said that, it seems to me that having a castration and penectomy fantasy is basically a sub thing, so that's why I said I'm sub. Originally I clicked the "Switch" category (there wan't a "I Don't Know" category) so maybe "Switch" is more correct, I'm a fiesty sub at best. I think I might change that, at least until I'm a bit more sure. Certainly in the vanilla world I can be domineering if I have to be.

Is it possible to be a Dominant castrated eunuch, should I be a Dom and order my submissive woman/women to castrate me, or have her cut off my dick as I cum inside her. The thought of that certainly turns me on no end. It certainly wouldn't stop me from dominating her, and instead of needing to find a Domme who's interested, I simply order my sub to castrate me, and I can have sex with her afterwards (artificial testosterone) - that's sort of like having my fantasy and eating my sex too. (That's a play on words, for those that missed that).
All sorts of wicked, imaginative, sick, kinky and twisted possibilities there!! Hmmmmmm, certainly would be easier...

Ah, now 'tigerspoohbear', I thought I went through that in my profile, yes, essentially I'm a lesbian trapped in a mans body, but I'd make a really FUGLY woman, 23+" accross the shoulders when I'm skinny, let alone with a few extra pounds as I'm likely to have after I'm castrated and on oestrogen (you generally put on weight with either of these, let alone both). Besides, to get through the physch' tests, you've got to live as a woman for at least a year, you know, wear frilly dresses, stockings, high heels, get into shopping and be real girly gurl. I doubt most butch type lesbians could qualify, let alone me. You know how hard it is to get size 13-14 (mens) pumps?? I have enough trouble as a man, and usually have to wear some obnoxious, goofball, out-of-proportion, scaled up shoes as it is!! You can't just take a size 6 or 8 and blow it up and it's ok, you know! I'm sure they try out their experimental designs on the 13+ shoes - certainly I've had some god-awful designs that I was embarrassed to wear, but if that's all there is, that's all there is.

Ah, "Going on about your size", is that in reference to 6incehes, or my large frame?? If the 6inches, that was just a generic, 'average' size thing, I'm not sure if I'm that big to be honest, I don't measure it.
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to make a comment. Hope that answers your questions.

And now 'Madame4a' THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU VERY MUCH, VINDICATED AT LAST, well - at least I feel a bit less of a fool for my heading/topic anyway!! You see, you're the kinda person I'm hoping to meet (email's fine), doesn't have to be for sexual contact or anything, just friends is great. I see you're from Maryland, so I guess there's little chance we'll be meeting anytime soon, been there; there used to be a great little French restaurant there, can't remember the name now, ate there sometimes.

Anyway, I suppose that was what I was getting at; I don't think there really are such things as "Gay", "Hetro", and "Lesbian". They're just intellectual pidgeon holes used for classification and communication with language constructs between humans. The reality, I think, is far more of a linear continuum from one to the other, however the probabilty spread clusters around these points, and so it is convenient to give those clusters a name. I don't think there is such a thing as a "pure" lesbian, simply some who are relatively more or less lesbian. That obviously goes for all sexuality, gender, and even physicality. However, until recently, we were chastised fiercley if we stepped outside our alloted gender roles, and so it is only now that the artificiality makes itself evident.

Anyway, you say you've had a "straight" male play partner, well I'm not straight, I'm gay, gay in the sense that I'm a woman who is attracted to women sexually, but I've got some extra dangly bits. Of course, that's my opinion, and you could call me straight if you wanted to, most people in the vanilla world do.
I've tried a dress, etc, what a joke, I've seen a bloke like that in Quebec once, moustache and beard, badly applied makeup, purple highlight hair (more purple than highlight), high heels that kept falling over, stockings with long black hair poking through or in clumps -EEEEEEEEEEEEKKK!! (Shivers up my spine!!!!)
I don't think that'd make me anymore attractive to someone like yourself (a lesbian) , or anyone else for that matter.

By the way - you've got a killer smile (that's a good thing), and yeah, I'd like to finish off your Dairy Queen. It's a shame, really, I think I'd like to get to know you, as a friend, but it's over 20,000 miles (or is that kms, I forget), and that's a hell of a long way on a motorbike, especially for an ice-cream. Besides, I don't think I can hold my breath anywhere near long enough, and the roads pretty slippery.

Still, I would apreciate your perspective on what I should do. (Mini-pop-Quiz).
Essentially, if You were to meet me, and it transpired that you were interested in some sort of relationship with me as a lesbian in a man's body, which would you prefer.
The options are:-
1./ A full sex-change?? (There's the fugly imitation women issue.)
2./ I have considered going SRS on the genitals only , leaving the rest alone (i.e. a male looking body with a man-made neo-vagina. A la Ron Angel. Yes. I know, FTM.).
3./ Castrated with Penectomy (i.e. Nullo)
4./ This is a recently available option - castration with penectomy, but with essentially a sensate clitoris (tiny) [I rather like that possibility, 40-80% possibility of orgasmic response, a nullo tht cums, hmmm], OR with the EXTERNAL ONLY appearance of labia and no hole (using the scrotum). This is much cheaper, and allows for the possiblity of orgasm (about 40-80%) and the posssibility of making a vaginal tube made from colo-rectal tissue at a later time (if I should choose that/change my mind), which seems to be the prefered method now, as it's self lubricating, although without the penile skin, it's depth is limited. I have toyed with this option, without the hole that is, I don't think I need that - what do You think??
5./ Something Else.
6./ Nothing is going to increase my chances to get a lesbian lover.
7./ Only a familially challenged lesbian, who isn't "OUT" could love me, as it satisfies her and visually, her family!
(I saw a documentary about an ethnic lesbian in the UK and her lover, and she was practically disowned by her "asian" family. I think they were Pakistani, I can't quite remember. "asian" as a term in the UK generally refers to the dark skinned varieties, at least when I was there, that was the euphanism. That was what this girl was.)

(Any other lesbians like to comment, please do - I'd really like to know what YOU would prefer, if you were interested, it doesn't mean that you are or want to be, if that's the case please send me a message or a friend invite, OK??)

I wouldn't be a woman, but at least I'd no longer be a man, and I've pretty much accepted that's probably where I'll end up, eventually. I just sort of hoped maybe there'd be some woman somewhere, hopefully a lesbian or couple, maybe both a touch bi, or one of them bi, that'd be interested in playing for awhile, and maybe have a long term thing if it works out. Of course if you're a hetro woman, and all this doesn't put you off, by all means, contact me. I've mostly been with hetro women, and they generally think I'm a really nice guy, even afterwards.

Thanks again for your concern and perseverance in reading all this.


Copyright user DEPL at, permission to display in forums ONLY.
Any institutions or individuals using this site or any of its associated sites for studies or projects or any other purpose - You DO NOT have my permission to use any of my profile, pictures, comments in forums, or anything else of mine, anywhere else on this or any other site in any form or forum both current and future. If you have or do, it will be considered a violation of my privacy and will be subject to legal ramifications and copyright infringement legislation.
It is recommended that other members post a similar notice to this or you may copy and paste this one.

OohAahMrs -> RE: Hello World! Any Lesbians out there into CBT?? (5/22/2011 5:09:09 AM)

Welcome DEPL, it's a fantasy right, you don't really want it, not really!

Arpig -> RE: Hello World! Any Lesbians out there into CBT?? (5/22/2011 3:48:04 PM)


CBT = "cunt and boobie torture" ???
Beautiful!!! Absofuckinglutly beautiful!!

Oh yeah, welcome Dude...and best of luck

HeatherMcLeather -> RE: Hello World! Any Lesbians out there into CBT?? (5/22/2011 8:05:51 PM)


(Any other lesbians like to comment, please do - I'd really like to know what YOU would prefer, if you were interested,
You asked for a lesbian's view, well I'm a lesbian, so here's mine. Full sex change. I'm into women, not some sort of  surgical halfway creation.

tiggerspoohbear -> RE: Hello World! Any Lesbians out there into CBT?? (5/22/2011 8:32:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: HeatherMcLeather

(Any other lesbians like to comment, please do - I'd really like to know what YOU would prefer, if you were interested,
You asked for a lesbian's view, well I'm a lesbian, so here's mine. Full sex change. I'm into women, not some sort of  surgical halfway creation.

Well, he does say he fantasizes about a female cutting off his balls and dick??? [8|]  [:D]  Castrato?  Anyone?  Anyone?

DEPL -> RE: Hello World! Any Lesbians out there into CBT?? (5/22/2011 10:28:04 PM)


* I want to get off, completely off, it's just a matter of how, when, and with who. MY CHOICE!
* To make it perfectly clear :-
* I WANT it to happen in a BDSM scene.
* My Preference is by a LESBIAN, or a LESBIAN/bi, or a Straight woman.
* A LTR is mandatory, Before, During AND Afterwards. This is for Life.
* In the mean time, I would like to correspond with ANY woman that has ANY interest in this. Maybe it's you I'm looking for.(see Note1)
* Any women interested in watching me being Nullified are MOST WELCOME!
* (Please email me, so I can advise early, should she be OK with that.)

If this does not interest you, FINE! I wish you well in pursuit of whatever your particular kink is. Really.

Just "stop wid dem negative waves, man!"

However, currently I am rather partial to option #4a - that is castrated and dickless, but with a sensate clitoris like structure, basically nothing but skin between my navel and anus, except for a small pimple sized clitoris where my cock was. As this is a highly skilled procedure, I don't expect that it can be done in a BDSM setting - although it'd be great if the woman had surgical skills, and was into BDSM, but the chances of that are so vanishingly slim that it's either a surgeon in a hospital, and no BDSM scene, or a BDSM scene and no sensate clitoris.

Of course, lots of castration play, and then proper surgery is the safer option, and I'm pretty sure I can get the surgeon to hand the scalpel to her, at least for the castration, and then I can see her cut them off. I'm not sure if the sensate clitoris can be done under a local, but I doubt it.

If you would like to know more, please check out my blog. That's where I'll be posting from here on, apart from maybe a 1 or 2 liner.

{By the way, I've changed my profile from sub to switch - or rather, I've changed it back again - I'm obviously too agressive for some, and in the vanilla world, I can be quite dominant in the workplace when needed , but my style is, usually, more co-operative and persuasive, with a less pleasant alternative lurking in the shadows; rarely agressive. I can generally get along with just about anyone, but every once in a while (maybe once every couple of years), World War III. Castration should take care of that!!}

Note1 - If you want to get to know me, I want to get to know you, email me.
It may take awhile, but if we click, then we can talk about playing (by that I mean, FANTASY play). If you're just curious, and don't want to play, that's good too. Love is what I hope for, but a frienship with or without benefits, as they say, can sometimes be as good or better. I'm not interested in one night stands, or short term. I'd like it to be a lifelong connection, whether we hit it off long term or not.

I have some crazy fantasies for sex, but this is only a part of my life, not all of it. I'd just like to be with a woman who can share this part of me too.

Note2 - It may be years away yet, but who knows. Contact me, and keep in touch, or at least maintain your ID ON collarme/or the email you gave me.


Copyright by user DEPL at, permission to display in forums ONLY.
Any institutions or individuals using this site, or any of its associated sites, for studies or projects, or for any other purpose - You DO NOT have my permission to use any of my profile, pictures, comments in forums, or anything else of mine, anywhere else on this or any other site, or in any form or forum, both current and future. If you have, or do, it will be considered a violation of my privacy, and my rights as the creator of such works, and will be subject to legal ramifications and copyright legislation infringement, and the penalties persuant to that.
It is recommended that other members post a similar notice to this or you may copy and paste this one.

MistressDarkArt -> RE: Hello World! Any Lesbians out there into CBT?? (5/22/2011 10:42:29 PM)




Now, 'MistressDarkArt', I know it looks like I,I,I,me,me,me, and maybe it is.

I Don't need any kind of life support system for my self-absorption and kink; if need be, I can do that all on my own, I don't need a Domme for that.

On the contrary, why would a man of any stripe want to be objectified as the life-support system for Your self-absorption and kink??

Whewwww! Thanks for clearing that up! I guess you don't need to have a profile here after all then?

In all seriousness, the point it appears you missed is that people...women especially...even on a kinky dating to be approached and connected with as individuals. It has absolutely zilch relation to whether you are submissive, dominant, straight, gay or anything in between so remove that cop-out from your behind. So when you broadcast ad-nauseam your requirements that some as-yet unknown stranger needs to be three dozen unrealistic things to be suitable to cater to your kink with absolutely no mention of the person you are outside it and the qualities (outside kink) of the person you might be compatible with it's off-putting. If this is all you can present in a profile and project on the boards, you'll get back exactly what you put out.

Regarding your comment about why a man would want to be objectified as a life-support system for my kink or anyone else's: That's never been a requirement of mine because it isn't something I enjoy. However, if it was, there is a butt-load of submissive male profiles here which state in the narrative, interest list or both that is exactly what he wants. Indeed I have occasionally indulged this desire in my past partner because we had a loving relationship both in and out of the lifestyle and liked to accommodate each other.

Dude (future dudette?) I know you are trying very hard. To me and possibly others, it presents as obsession and self-absorption with your gender and body mod issues whether you intend to project that or not. All we have here to go on is what we read from you. Why not try putting your kink dilemmas aside for a while and get to know some people as friends here and in the RL kinky community? If a friendship seems to blossom into something more, the two of you can figure out the parameters as you go along. Focus more on the fundamental essence of the person you want to connect with, not whether she can check off every box on your kinky laundry list.

MistressDarkArt -> RE: Hello World! Any Lesbians out there into CBT?? (5/22/2011 11:05:29 PM)




* I want to get off, completely off, it's just a matter of how, when, and with who. MY CHOICE!
* To make it perfectly clear :-
* I WANT it to happen in a BDSM scene.
* My Preference is by a LESBIAN, or a LESBIAN/bi, or a Straight woman.
* A LTR is mandatory, Before, During AND Afterwards. This is for Life.
* In the mean time, I would like to correspond with ANY woman that has ANY interest in this. Maybe it's you I'm looking for.(see Note1)
* Any women interested in watching me being Nullified are MOST WELCOME!
* (Please email me, so I can advise early, should she be OK with that.)

If this does not interest you, FINE! I wish you well in pursuit of whatever your particular kink is. Really.

Just "stop wid dem negative waves, man!"

However, currently I am rather partial to option #4a - that is castrated and dickless, but with a sensate clitoris like structure, basically nothing but skin between my navel and anus, except for a small pimple sized clitoris where my cock was. As this is a highly skilled procedure, I don't expect that it can be done in a BDSM setting - although it'd be great if the woman had surgical skills, and was into BDSM, but the chances of that are so vanishingly slim that it's either a surgeon in a hospital, and no BDSM scene, or a BDSM scene and no sensate clitoris.

Of course, lots of castration play, and then proper surgery is the safer option, and I'm pretty sure I can get the surgeon to hand the scalpel to her, at least for the castration, and then I can see her cut them off. I'm not sure if the sensate clitoris can be done under a local, but I doubt it.

If you would like to know more, please check out my blog. That's where I'll be posting from here on, apart from maybe a 1 or 2 liner.

{By the way, I've changed my profile from sub to switch - or rather, I've changed it back again - I'm obviously too agressive for some, and in the vanilla world, I can be quite dominant in the workplace when needed , but my style is, usually, more co-operative and persuasive, with a less pleasant alternative lurking in the shadows; rarely agressive. I can generally get along with just about anyone, but every once in a while (maybe once every couple of years), World War III. Castration should take care of that!!}

Note1 - If you want to get to know me, I want to get to know you, email me.
It may take awhile, but if we click, then we can talk about playing (by that I mean, FANTASY play). If you're just curious, and don't want to play, that's good too. Love is what I hope for, but a frienship with or without benefits, as they say, can sometimes be as good or better. I'm not interested in one night stands, or short term. I'd like it to be a lifelong connection, whether we hit it off long term or not.

I have some crazy fantasies for sex, but this is only a part of my life, not all of it. I'd just like to be with a woman who can share this part of me too.

Note2 - It may be years away yet, but who knows. Contact me, and keep in touch, or at least maintain your ID ON collarme/or the email you gave me.


Copyright by user DEPL at, permission to display in forums ONLY.
Any institutions or individuals using this site, or any of its associated sites, for studies or projects, or for any other purpose - You DO NOT have my permission to use any of my profile, pictures, comments in forums, or anything else of mine, anywhere else on this or any other site, or in any form or forum, both current and future. If you have, or do, it will be considered a violation of my privacy, and my rights as the creator of such works, and will be subject to legal ramifications and copyright legislation infringement, and the penalties persuant to that.
It is recommended that other members post a similar notice to this or you may copy and paste this one.

My head hurts after reading this. [8|][sm=gaah.gif] If you find a (sane) taker, we'll be standing by with bated breath...

DEPL -> RE: Hello World! Any Lesbians out there into CBT?? (5/23/2011 1:58:29 AM)



To "HeatherMcLeather" thanks for the comment. It's really why I came here, I WANT to know what LESBIANS think, I'm basically in the closet, I've tried asking lesbians what they thought & felt in the flesh, and from what I could gather, a post-op SRS wasn't really accepted as a "Woman" anyway, whether its a "inny" or an "outty", he was still born male, and they, at least personally, wanted a woman. The irony is I'm the same, so I understand, maybe that makes me "trans prejudiced", but emotionally, I just can't quite get it out of my mind that 'she' was a man.

I want to go the whole way, but would you, honestly, be interested in Arnold Schwarzenegger if he had a full sex-change - the technology is amazing, and maybe with the money he has access to, he could afford lots and lots of plastic surgery, but I'm just not in that boat. Besides I'm more the butch type, and also seem to go for that type too, so to some extent I have some leeway. I've just gotten tired of it, and I'm trying to come out of the closet online, because if I can't do it in here, then I won't be able to do it out there, were it matters. I'd love you to say yes and mean it, but I'm not holding my breath.

As for "MistressDarkArt", you ain't making it any easier, I certainly don't expect YOU to understand, I've met lots of your kind in the States. I can see it in your face. We will Never see eye to eye. This is the last time I will reply to you, OK? You remind me of a man I met in the US when I went to the bar to get a beer - he said hi, I said hi back, we started to talk, and within 5 minutes he wants to know my name, job, type of car, where I live, where I'm from, what nationality my parents were, how much I earn, what color jocks I wear, weather I'm married, how many kids I've got, the number of girls and boys, what are their ages, do they live at home, what shcools do the go to, wheather I'm a homosexual, my mothers maiden name, my social security number - WHOA. I ask him if he's a cop, he says no, I ask what's with the third degree, he says "what I'm just trying to get to know you."

Well down under, that's called PRIVATE information. It's something you Might tell someone if they have a reasonable reason for knowing, but only after you've known them for awhile, and even then, only those bits that they need to know. There are guys I've known for 6 months and never knew their surname, or if they're married. Usually you find out that sort of stuff because their wife picks them up when his car's died. You talk about the races, cars, girls, gadgets, tools, jike around, stir each other up, or whatever; and women talk about clothes, makeup, kids, houses, fashion, home-beautiful, love, men, women, etc. Now don't get me wrong, we're a friendly bunch down here, renowned all over the world for it. But we RESPECT each others privacy, for the most part, and it get's up our nose when people think that they have a RIGHT to know it. And you DON'T!
Asking someone how much they earn is considered unbelievably RUDE, even asking how much someone paid for their house is touchy. Any one who makes a habit of talking about such things quickly finds themselves shunned. If someone knows you and likes you, and you hang with them, you'll figure it out, takes time, sometimes a lot of time, or maybe they'll tell you if they want you to know, or talk it over with someone. One of my best friends here, didn't know him by anything but a nickname for 3 years, or where he lived. But I KNEW him; what he thinks, how he thinks, what he feels, what he likes, what he doesn't like, what makes him laugh, what makes sad, what makes him angry. The important stuff, the stuff that matters. Not the supficial stuff.

You say, I haven't told you anything about myself, geeez, I been here 2 days, gimme a break. I foced on my kink, because this is a knk site, how long do you want my profile to be - if someone is interested, we'll talk, I'm in no hurry, even if everyone else is in a big rush to get to the sex. If sex was all that important to me, I wouldn't be wanting it cut off. I'd just like to go out with a bang, with the one that I want to live with for the rest of my life. I'ts a gamble, I know, but I'm going there with or without her, it'll just be a hell of a lot more fun with her.

I don't WANT some woman to cater to MY needs, I want to meet a woman for whom this fulfills her needs. She maybe one in a million, or one in a billion, or maybe one in a trillion, so maybe she doesn't exist at all - my cock and balls are still going to get cut off.

This is a SEX site, specifically catering to people with "Out There" SEXUAL kinks. If I wanted a regular woman, with regular sexual tastes and needs, there's a zillion of them. I can get to know them, then tell them I wanna be castrated and lose my dick, I can see that'll go over like a lead balloon.
That's why I'm here! Now EVEN HERE, I don't expect to find many, if any, women that MIGHT be interested in my particular kinks. If I go by your approach, I might get a relationship going, only to have the same issue as with vanilla women. Then what, either I stay with her, and don't get what I came here to find - i.e. a woman I can have a relationship with that has the same kinks as me, or at least is tolerant or understanding of them. To NOT say what I came here for is just a recipe for heartache for both of us.
You, and others like you, complain that all the men want is sex - well, this is a site that tags people according to their sexual inclinations, categorizes them, and puts them in a nice, neat pidgeon hole so that other people with the same sexual inclinations can find each other.
This isn't a site where you come for love and romance, vanilla style - sure, there are some who do, and some who don't, but everyone is here to hook up with someone that has the same kinks as they do - without that this site would't exist. It works because it allows people to make contact, with the same kinks, and from there all the normal relationship stuff develops, or not. For some, it's just sex, for others, you want a relationship. BUT PLEASE, DON'T presume to speak for ALL or even SOME of the other women; don't put words into their mouths, they have a voice, and a brain, and feelings, show some respect and let THEM say it to me if they choose to, or not. I asked

Just because I don't fit into YOUR view of the world, doesn't mean YOU are right. If you wish to do so with your own subs/slaves, that's between you and them. But DON'T FOIST YOUR idea of the perfect world on others who are unwilling - that is largely the reason for all the wars that we have ever been faught, dressed up quite often as a fight over resources, or religion, but usually over the power to tell others what to do, and force their compliance.

We've had more than enough Stalin's and Hitlers, and Adii Amin's, And Gadaffi's to stain the planet red, and still we haven't learnt, have we??

We can't individually change the world, but we can influence those around us for the better, I try to do that.

You should be careful who you infer is insane, I've certainly heard a friend of mine who is a clinical phycologist say that he thinks about BDSMers "That Lot are all fucking insane, and oughta be put in straight-jackets, locked up, and throw away the keys". I asked him whether he thought I was crazy, he's known me for years, I argue that it's just his religion, not mine, he has his beliefs, and I have mine. The debates been going on for years - we stir each other up, and it get's quite heated sometimes, but mostly we just ham it up a bit for the audience. He says I'm just crazy enough to be sane - then he went on to say anyone who thinks their completeley sane is crazy - and means it. I tend to agree - the fact that I'm a little crazy keeps me sane. I told him I'm a lesbian, or at least half of one anyway, he tends to agree.

I WILL NOT BE ANSWERING ANYMORE POSTS ON THIS THREAD - I Shouldn't have to defend myself for being me, and refuse to do.
I may check it, but all comments will be posted on my blog.
Feel free to email me, if you are a woman of course. Better yet if you have a secret fantasy...
maybe a bad lover, husband, or, God forbid, you've been raped, or worse.

Be advised that "MistressDarkArt" will be blocked! But thanks for your effort to "enlighten" me.


Copyright by user DEPL at, permission to display in forums ONLY.
Any institutions or individuals using this site, or any of its associated sites, for studies or projects, or for any other purpose - You DO NOT have my permission to use any of my profile, pictures, comments in forums, or anything else of mine, anywhere else on this or any other site, or in any form or forum, both current and future. If you have, or do, it will be considered a violation of my privacy, and my rights as the creator of such works, and will be subject to legal ramifications and copyright legislation infringement, and the penalties persuant to that.
It is recommended that other members post a similar notice to this or you may copy and paste this one.

Arpig -> RE: Hello World! Any Lesbians out there into CBT?? (5/23/2011 3:32:04 AM)


Focus more on the fundamental essence of the person you want to connect with, not whether she can check off every box on your kinky laundry list.
You know, in most cases I would say this is good advice. But not in this case. He doesn't have check list of kinks he's shopping for. The guy has one very specific and extreme desire he wants fulfilled. He's trying to find somebody who wants to fulfill that desire, that's the key characteristic of the woman he's looking for.

Under the circumstances, it makes perfect sense to me that he focuses on his castration fantasies. If you don't share them you aren't a match for him, no matter how well you click or match up in other ways.

Good luck DEPL, you're going to need it. But somewhere out there, there's a man-hating dyke who dreams of cutting off some poor bastard's cock and balls and keeping him around afterwards...I hope you find her.

DEPL -> RE: Hello World! Any Lesbians out there into CBT?? (5/23/2011 7:03:00 AM)


Thanks "Arpig", I suspect somehow that your few words will have more weight around here, than all those that I carefully crafted of my own.

In essence, you get it.

There's not much point to geting a relationship going with someone that can't understand that part of me, or get into it. Either it turns you on, or it doesn't - like Vegemite, if you know what that is - people either love it or hate it, there's really no middle ground.

And it's hardly fair to a woman, especially a heterosexual woman, to let her fall in love with me, even encourage it, when she expects to have a man, with a cock, balls, and intercourse, when I already know it's going to be cut off, sooner or later. Or a Domme, who wants to use and abuse it as a handle to control and manipulate me. How's she going to do that with no cock, and no balls between my legs?

Thats why I asked for "Any Lesbians out there into CBT?" I had meant to put some more words in there, but writing the rest of it, I checked it, sent it, then realised I hadn't put in "hetro or bi" yet.

Anyway, thanks for the vote of support, even if you can't quite understand it. We need to accept our differences, gracefully, in here, 'cause shure as hell no one else is!


MistressDarkArt -> RE: Hello World! Any Lesbians out there into CBT?? (5/23/2011 12:23:14 PM)



The guy has one very specific and extreme desire he wants fulfilled. He's trying to find somebody who wants to fulfill that desire, that's the key characteristic of the woman he's looking for.

I know the OP stated twice in his post he's not going to respond to me and has me blocked/hidden, so I'm going to speak in the third person as though he's not reading this.

Arpig, if the above is genuinely the case, I find the one-dimensionality of his outlook incredibly sad. While he somehow mistakenly got the idea I or others wanted to see an income statement, the foreign equivalent of a driver's license and social security number on his profile, integrating the 'who am I as a human being' would have been as simple as adding 'I enjoy bowling, picnics, a day at the beach, classical music, panang curry and connecting with my close friends and family' (insert whatever he actually does enjoy besides cogitating on his kink issues...assuming there is something.)


We've had more than enough Stalin's and Hitlers, and Adii Amin's, And Gadaffi's to stain the planet red, and still we haven't learnt, have we??

As for his reference to Hitler and Stalin tied into how I think, I'm sure that will bring a chuckle from my Uncle Moishe, you know, my relative with the number tattooed on his arm. Also from the spirit of my maternal grandfather Zaide who was driven out of Minsk during the pogroms at the turn of the last century. Also from my paternal grandfather David, who escaped to the US after being severely beaten senseless by an officer in the Czar's army because he was Jewish.

Good luck with all of that, OP. As others here have stated, you are going to need it. Best wishes to you.

ResidentSadist -> RE: Hello World! Any Lesbians out there into CBT?? (5/23/2011 12:32:38 PM)

you give a new meaning to CBT . . .

Cock & Ball Truncation
Cock & Ball Termination
Cut Balls Totally off

Welcome aboard . . . good luck "getting off". 

CreepyStalker -> RE: Hello World! Any Lesbians out there into CBT?? (5/23/2011 7:21:59 PM)


the difference between a man and a 'Butch Lesbian' is only about 6 inches.


The fact is I'd make an ugly woman, that was obviously a man, so what's the point.


you've got to live as a woman for at least a year, you know, wear frilly dresses, stockings, high heels, get into shopping and be real girly gurl. I doubt most butch type lesbians could qualify, let alone me.


I wouldn't be a woman, but at least I'd no longer be a man

You have a very very strange idea of what being a woman is.

I'm all for queerness and genderfuckery, but you don't seem to have a very clear idea of gender/sex to start from. If you feel that you are a woman, then you are a woman. Simple as. Getting SRS doesn't make you a woman, it just adjusts your body to fit. If not passing makes you think it's not worth 'becoming' a woman then you're probably not someone who needs to transition.
(And for the record I know a fair few (mostly fucking gorgeous) butch trans women who have never attempted to 'femme-up' in order to pass, mainly because, as I said, being a woman has bugger all to do with that.)

I hope things work out for you eventually, whatever you end up doing.  :-)

sunshinemiss -> RE: Hello World! Any Lesbians out there into CBT?? (5/23/2011 10:48:01 PM)

Smart people - lesbian, straight, pink polka dotted - think that having surgery in a BDSM scene instead of a hospital has "psych issues" written all over it.

MistressDarkArt -> RE: Hello World! Any Lesbians out there into CBT?? (5/23/2011 10:58:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: sunshinemiss

Smart people - lesbian, straight, pink polka dotted - think that having surgery in a BDSM scene instead of a hospital has "psych issues" written all over it.

<puts on splash-guard to deflect more verbal diarrhea from the OP>

WyldHrt -> RE: Hello World! Any Lesbians out there into CBT?? (5/24/2011 1:08:44 AM)

~ Edited to avoid a golden cmail. Not worth it.

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