What is wrong with people? (Full Version)

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JstAnotherSub -> What is wrong with people? (7/13/2011 2:55:03 PM)

I just saw this on the news. I am really sick to my stomach. What the hell is wrong with people?

child murdered in New York

An 8-year old Brooklyn boy whose remains were found overnight may have been killed by a man he approached for directions after losing his way home from summer camp.

Levi Aron, a 35 year old Brooklyn man who has no previous connection to the victim, has been taken into custody as a prime suspect in the apparent murder, but has not yet been officially charged. Aron made statements "implicating himself" in Liebby Kletzky's death, and pointed police towards the boy's remains when they searched his apartment.

"He has no excuse," an unnamed source told the Daily News. "He doesn't know why he did it."

The remains of Leibby Kletzky, a Hasidic Jewish boy, were found in two separate places - Aron's apartment and a nearby trash bin. The remains in the trash bin had first been put into a red suitcase.

flcouple2009 -> RE: What is wrong with people? (7/13/2011 3:25:32 PM)

I'm sorry but that POS just needs a bullet in the head.

HeatherMcLeather -> RE: What is wrong with people? (7/13/2011 3:29:16 PM)


I'm sorry but that POS just needs a bullet in the head.
And I wonder exactly what that would accomplish.

JstAnotherSub -> RE: What is wrong with people? (7/13/2011 3:35:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: flcouple2009

I'm sorry but that POS just needs a bullet in the head.

I agree.

JstAnotherSub -> RE: What is wrong with people? (7/13/2011 3:36:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: HeatherMcLeather


I'm sorry but that POS just needs a bullet in the head.
And I wonder exactly what that would accomplish.

It would rid the world of one sick fuck.

eta and save the taxpayers a bunch of money.

DarkSteven -> RE: What is wrong with people? (7/13/2011 3:38:33 PM)

I'm having a hard time following how a Chasidic Jew could do this.

flcouple2009 -> RE: What is wrong with people? (7/13/2011 3:38:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: HeatherMcLeather
And I wonder exactly what that would accomplish.

He would be dead and we would be rid of him.

There are people who have committed acts so terrible they do not deserve another breath.

slaveluci -> RE: What is wrong with people? (7/13/2011 3:39:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: JstAnotherSub


ORIGINAL: HeatherMcLeather


I'm sorry but that POS just needs a bullet in the head.
And I wonder exactly what that would accomplish.

It would rid the world of one sick fuck.

eta and save the taxpayers a bunch of money.

Yeah, it would definitely keep HIM from reoffending. But, however heinous the crime, I just can't support the death penalty. Too many mistakes made in too many cases to justify supporting it for me.......luci

JstAnotherSub -> RE: What is wrong with people? (7/13/2011 3:40:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: slaveluci


ORIGINAL: JstAnotherSub


ORIGINAL: HeatherMcLeather


I'm sorry but that POS just needs a bullet in the head.
And I wonder exactly what that would accomplish.

It would rid the world of one sick fuck.

eta and save the taxpayers a bunch of money.

Yeah, it would definitely keep HIM from reoffending. But, however heinous the crime, I just can't support the death penalty. Too many mistakes made in too many cases to justify supporting it for me.......luci

I hear ya luci, but he admitted doing it from what they said on the news.

slaveluci -> RE: What is wrong with people? (7/13/2011 3:41:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

I'm having a hard time following how a Chasidic Jew could do this.

The victim was Jewish, not the perpetrator. Also, a Jew could do it as well as a Christian or Muslim. They just wouldn't really be a PRACTICING fill-in-the-blank so much[;)]...........luci

JstAnotherSub -> RE: What is wrong with people? (7/13/2011 3:42:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

I'm having a hard time following how a Chasidic Jew could do this.

Do you mind saying why?

hlen5 -> RE: What is wrong with people? (7/13/2011 3:42:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

I'm having a hard time following how a Chasidic Jew could do this.

There is the possibility of evil in everyone, regardless of religion. Think of all the people you have ever heard say, "I could never kill anyone". Now think about the inevitable caveat after that phrase, "unless they were hurting someone I love". It is in us ALL.

JstAnotherSub -> RE: What is wrong with people? (7/13/2011 3:43:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: slaveluci


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

I'm having a hard time following how a Chasidic Jew could do this.

The victim was Jewish, not the perpetrator. Also, a Jew could do it as well as a Christian or Muslim. They just wouldn't really be a PRACTICING fill-in-the-blank so much[;)]...........luci

No, they are both Jewish.

LadyPact -> RE: What is wrong with people? (7/13/2011 3:45:34 PM)

What a terrible thing.  Even typing that out, I know that it doesn't convey just how awful I think it is.  I just can't image what this poor family is going through.  My deepest condolences for them.

hlen5 -> RE: What is wrong with people? (7/13/2011 3:47:45 PM)

That poor child.

DarkSteven -> RE: What is wrong with people? (7/13/2011 3:57:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: JstAnotherSub


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

I'm having a hard time following how a Chasidic Jew could do this.

Do you mind saying why?

The Chasidim live a life in which they study the word of the Torah damn seriously. Devout Jews do the equivalent of a thesis at the age of fourteen, including the ethical issues. His type of Judaism is NOT the kind of religion that only applies when attending services.

To me, this is kinda analogous to a tenured Women's Studies professor suddenly joining a skinhead neo-Nazi group with no warning.

slaveluci -> RE: What is wrong with people? (7/13/2011 3:59:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: JstAnotherSub

No, they are both Jewish.

Oops, my bad. I stand by the second part of the statement, though[:)]

JstAnotherSub -> RE: What is wrong with people? (7/13/2011 4:54:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven


ORIGINAL: JstAnotherSub


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

I'm having a hard time following how a Chasidic Jew could do this.

Do you mind saying why?

The Chasidim live a life in which they study the word of the Torah damn seriously. Devout Jews do the equivalent of a thesis at the age of fourteen, including the ethical issues. His type of Judaism is NOT the kind of religion that only applies when attending services.

To me, this is kinda analogous to a tenured Women's Studies professor suddenly joining a skinhead neo-Nazi group with no warning.

I think it just proves there is evil everywhere, but that does help me understand a bit better. Thanks!

frazzle -> RE: What is wrong with people? (7/13/2011 5:47:12 PM)

Am i the only one curious as to what an 8 year old was doing wandering alone in New York in the first place????

VaguelyCurious -> RE: What is wrong with people? (7/13/2011 6:11:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

The Chasidim live a life in which they study the word of the Torah damn seriously. Devout Jews do the equivalent of a thesis at the age of fourteen, including the ethical issues. His type of Judaism is NOT the kind of religion that only applies when attending services.

To me, this is kinda analogous to a tenured Women's Studies professor suddenly joining a skinhead neo-Nazi group with no warning.

Your view of the Hassidic community is idealised and naive. Some of them do drugs, some of them steal, some of them rape, and (evidently) some of them commit murder. The Hassidim are an ethnic grouping rather than a religious choice, and you're deluding yourself if you think that being born Hassidic is akin to choosing (choice being the key) to spend the amount of time necessary to get tenure studying Women's Studies.

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