RE: Would love to do Your homework Mistress (Full Version)

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0ldhen -> RE: Would love to do Your homework Mistress (8/12/2011 5:28:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

The interwebs are full of entertainment this evening! This pleases me.

Well instead of watching Its a Wonderful Life on Turkey day..I was going to print the entire TapTapTap thread...we could each take turns reading the various parts aloud.......but I want Ron to come read the main character Polyamourous's parts.........

Now that's entertainment!

Hey...who can we get to play the deaf mutes?

LadyHibiscus -> RE: Would love to do Your homework Mistress (8/12/2011 5:31:47 PM)

Jeddie will! He LOVES to tap tap tap!

Epytropos -> RE: Would love to do Your homework Mistress (8/12/2011 5:36:47 PM)

This frustrates me. Why do girls get all the useful subs? I don't even WANT things clean but female subs are all about that while male subs seeking female dommes seem to be willing to do everything from fixing cars to writing term papers. So unfair :(

0ldhen -> RE: Would love to do Your homework Mistress (8/12/2011 5:46:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

Jeddie will! He LOVES to tap tap tap!

Wayyyyy cooolll...Jeddi it we need Bird treats or peanuts to help his performance along?

0ldhen -> RE: Would love to do Your homework Mistress (8/12/2011 5:48:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: Epytropos

This frustrates me. Why do girls get all the useful subs? I don't even WANT things clean but female subs are all about that while male subs seeking female dommes seem to be willing to do everything from fixing cars to writing term papers. So unfair :(

Don't look at me...all I want is a grungy ol biker on a Harley......

LadyHibiscus -> RE: Would love to do Your homework Mistress (8/12/2011 5:49:31 PM)

I would love an accounting slave.

LadyConstanze -> RE: Would love to do Your homework Mistress (8/12/2011 6:19:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

I would love an accounting slave.

Get me a dog walking one, my legs are in peek condition but they effing hurt!

MrSprocket -> RE: Would love to do Your homework Mistress (8/12/2011 6:27:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyConstanze


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

I would love an accounting slave.

Get me a dog walking one, my legs are in peek condition but they effing hurt!

I would be more than happy to walk your dog(s). I could use something to release some energy right about now.

LaTigresse -> RE: Would love to do Your homework Mistress (8/12/2011 6:29:29 PM)

Dear OP, I hate to burst your happy little homework bubble but no, that was far from being the most unusual post I've read today.

You want to do some 'home'work......I've got a pick, a shovel, and a wheelbarrow hanging out in the garage that needs to come out and play tomorrow. My home, lots of work!

LadyConstanze -> RE: Would love to do Your homework Mistress (8/12/2011 6:31:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: MrSprocket


ORIGINAL: LadyConstanze


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

I would love an accounting slave.

Get me a dog walking one, my legs are in peek condition but they effing hurt!

I would be more than happy to walk your dog(s). I could use something to release some energy right about now.

You're more than welcome, a I am about to crawl to bed, you're prepared for agility training with 2 oversized and extremely lively Dobes? The boy can take 5 hours plus walking briskly (while he is running back and forth and doing about 5 times the walking you do only running) and then wants more, bloody teenage boy dogs... Still, my legs have never been in a better shape, if only they would hurt a bit less....

HeatherMcLeather -> RE: Would love to do Your homework Mistress (8/12/2011 6:37:08 PM)

No. I was the quiet girl who sat in the back corner and kept to herself. I only spoke when I was directly asked something, I stutter, so I keep quiet most of the time. Most of my classmates would probably have a hard time remembering me. It wasn't till I met Hanners and discovered this stuff that I found any self-confidence, I discovered something I could do really really well, something really quite difficult, but that I could do better than anybody else on earth. That's what made the difference, if I could do that so well, maybe I could do other things well too.

LaTigresse -> RE: Would love to do Your homework Mistress (8/12/2011 6:40:02 PM)

And when you are done there, I've got an 85 pound 17 month old German Shepherd that needs a good tackling body. Bring your own protective gear.

ElanSubdued -> RE: Would love to do Your homework Mistress (8/12/2011 6:49:18 PM)


Your approach is original and a pleasant departure from some of the threads we get here.  However, there are a number of things marring your uniqueness and I'm guessing these contribute to the (generally) negative feedback you're getting.  Also, there is a "too good to be true" element to your offer.  I'll discuss the first issue and leave the "too good to be true" debate for others.  Here are the things that came to mind as I was reading:

1.)  You started your post with "chris".  This is a proper name and thus should be capitalized.  University profs don't usually make allowances for BDSM protocols.

2.)  Your handle ("yourhomeworkslav") is missing a letter and thus the spelling is incorrect.  I realize the cause may be a limitation in the number of letters allowed by the Collar Me software.  Still, this is something you should take into account and work around.  Also, handles embedded with the name of your primary fetish (or any fetish) make a bad impression.

3.)  I went to read your profile.  Your OP is an exact copy-and-paste of the body copy from your profile.  This looks lazy and violates Collar Me's terms of service.  What you've written, despite good intent, is a personal ad.  This belongs in your profile and not in the Ask A Mistress forum.  If you want to start a discussion about essay writing as a service, I encourage you to do so, but a straight-up, copy-and-paste effort isn't cool.

4.)  Given what you're offering, demonstrating near-perfect grammar would help your cause.  There are a number of obvious mistakes (the contraction "you're" instead of the personal pronoun "your", incorrect and/or inconsistent uses of punctuation, unbalanced lists, missing possessives, and so forth) in your OP.

5.)  Calling names (such as "the fat bald guy with body odor at Target") isn't graceful and doesn't make a good impression.

6.)  The phrase "I only desire to be a slave to those that I find attractive" outs you, which is okay, but let's be clear about something.  You wish to serve in a quid pro quo fashion and in a fashion where everyone involved gets their needs met.  From your side, part of this means you must find the woman (or women) you're serving sexually attractive.  There's nothing wrong with this, however, sugarcoating your motives with altruism is something the folks around here flag in an instant.

7.)  You've missed a critical issue when writing "what's the catch; simply put, no catch".  The catch is you're attempting to insert yourself as a conduit for women who have invested time, money, and intelligence in pursuing a course, certificate, degree, or what-have-you.  If you don't deliver or provide something unsatisfactory, you've just blown all these women have invested.

It behoves you (yes, I'm using British spelling, not American) to consider three things:  (1) you're asking these woman to cheat, (2) you're asking these woman to lose the opportunity of learning, and (3), whether intended or not, you're insulting the intelligence of these women.  I've been in the situation where required courses not related to my area of study occupied a great amount of time.  With work, school, and a somewhat minimal social life (due to work and school), I often wished there was a way to make extra courses go away.  But, that's part of higher learning.  Managing this is an essential part of the experience and of managing life.  (Alright, yes, you can make an argument that one approach to "managing" is invoking your services.)  At any rate, though your offer may be entirely legitimate, kindhearted, and made with a win-win spirit, ostensibly the issues I'm addressing in this paragraph are where you'll encounter greatest resistance.

Welcome to the forums, mate, :-)


ladynlord -> RE: Would love to do Your homework Mistress (8/12/2011 6:52:13 PM)

Home work.....Damned....I read "housework". Need to pay closer attention.
All excited for nothin'.

thishereboi -> RE: Would love to do Your homework Mistress (8/12/2011 6:55:01 PM)

Are you also going to go in and take their tests for them?

ElanSubdued -> RE: Would love to do Your homework Mistress (8/12/2011 7:02:36 PM)



Are you also going to go in and take their tests for them?

*laughs and nods in agreement*

Indeed.  This is a critical issue I missed. :-)

MrSprocket -> RE: Would love to do Your homework Mistress (8/12/2011 7:05:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyConstanze


ORIGINAL: MrSprocket


ORIGINAL: LadyConstanze


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

I would love an accounting slave.

Get me a dog walking one, my legs are in peek condition but they effing hurt!

I would be more than happy to walk your dog(s). I could use something to release some energy right about now.

You're more than welcome, a I am about to crawl to bed, you're prepared for agility training with 2 oversized and extremely lively Dobes? The boy can take 5 hours plus walking briskly (while he is running back and forth and doing about 5 times the walking you do only running) and then wants more, bloody teenage boy dogs... Still, my legs have never been in a better shape, if only they would hurt a bit less....

Sounds like a bit of a challenge. Nothing I couldn't overcome though.

ElanSubdued -> RE: Would love to do Your homework Mistress (8/12/2011 7:07:16 PM)



Home work..... Damned.... I read "housework".  Need to pay closer attention.  All excited for nothin'.

The devil is often in the details. [;)]

HannahLynHeather -> RE: Would love to do Your homework Mistress (8/12/2011 7:25:09 PM)


Why do girls get all the useful subs?
because we have cunts. what the becunted want, the cuntless give. its the natural order of things.

Epytropos -> RE: Would love to do Your homework Mistress (8/12/2011 7:28:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: HannahLynHeather


Why do girls get all the useful subs?
because we have cunts. what the becunted want, the cuntless give. its the natural order of things.

Oh, you poor, delusional little thing [;)]

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