RE: Ron Paul Getting ready for my first trip to New Hampshire since our huge success at Ames. I leave in (Full Version)

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Hippiekinkster -> RE: Ron Paul Getting ready for my first trip to New Hampshire since our huge success at Ames. I leave in (8/18/2011 11:58:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: HannahLynHeather


Your source is hearsay.

Ask icky how the work on his backyard cold fusion reactor is coming along.

A reading suggestion for you...
Society of the Spectacle

pahunkboy -> RE: Ron Paul Getting ready for my first trip to New Hampshire since our huge success at Ames. I leave in (8/18/2011 11:58:54 AM)




ORIGINAL: HannahLynHeather

yes hunky, i'm sure he will be. anyway, i'm done here, i made my fucking point, and you and icky gave all the evidence any thinking person needs to see the truth of it.

happy landings to both of you, cmail me, i want your dealers' numbers - that's some good shit they're selling.

Lazy ass argument.[:)]

She has no candidate- because they are all NWO globalists- she will make no signs-  display no bumper stickers-    BTW_  money bomb on Saturday!  YES

Icarys -> RE: Ron Paul Getting ready for my first trip to New Hampshire since our huge success at Ames. I leave in (8/18/2011 12:08:00 PM)


Ask icky how the work on his backyard cold fusion reactor is coming along.

Why don't you get back to that bottle and continue drowning your sorrows, ThinkIknow.[:D]

BTW..The miniature steam engine conversion went fine. I have an older thread on it. Go find it between shots willya.

HannahLynHeather -> RE: Ron Paul Getting ready for my first trip to New Hampshire since our huge success at Ames. I leave in (8/18/2011 12:09:36 PM)

ok, one more post, just for old times sake


Listen you idiot, my patience has almost ran out.
translation: shut up, you're messing up my bullshit with your fucking facts.

I've looked. You go look.
translation: there's fuck all to look for, but i'm going to pretend there is to impress people.

If you actually have then that's the end of the story aint it.
translation: since you obviously have looked, i'm going to ignore you.

I'm not here to DEFEND no more than you should be attacking.
translation: how dare you speak out against my sacred cow when we both know i can't dispute what you say? it's not fair!

I don't owe you or anyone else a single line of anything.
translation: i got fuck all, so just shut up.

We disagree. Period.
translation: i can ignore it, why can't you?

When you can stop using men without regard to them as human beings and you can wash the cum stains from your intestinal track then come and talk to me about integrity and the failings of people. Till then, I aint gonna listen to you. Know what i mean.
translation: you used to be a hooker! so there! nya, nya, nya, nya!

as always, it's been a fucking hoot ickster - ttfn

flcouple2009 -> RE: Ron Paul Getting ready for my first trip to New Hampshire since our huge success at Ames. I leave in (8/18/2011 12:12:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

He is gonna be running against adlai stevenson before this is over.

But Hunkie says they have signs.

I am wondering if w he can finally win the nomination if he runs about 8 times like McCain did.

pahunkboy -> RE: Ron Paul Getting ready for my first trip to New Hampshire since our huge success at Ames. I leave in (8/18/2011 12:15:19 PM)

I wish I did have a good drug dealer.      just sayn-

anyhow-  the base for RP is pumped-  if you think 08 was wild- just wait.   and if you doubt it- check his facebook page.

Icarys -> RE: Ron Paul Getting ready for my first trip to New Hampshire since our huge success at Ames. I leave in (8/18/2011 12:19:42 PM)


as always, it's been a fucking hoot ickster - ttfn

You haven't looked Hannah because if you had you'd seen videos on him speaking out for gay rights. You'd seen ones talking about civil liberties for all. You'd also see the ones about him pardoning people that had been unfairly placed in jail over pot and specifically referring to blacks and how they'd been unfairly targeted.

So even though I said. "If you had" translation is "I doubt fucking seriously you had or you'd see those things"

So continue to be ignorant, it's becoming apparent, you like the fit.

Oh BTW...while you're feeling so put upon by my hooker statement..It's the truth. You're casting stones about integrity..I thought it pertinent to point out the irony.

No translations needed with me necessarily needed..what I say is what you get.FFS

NeedToUseYou -> RE: Ron Paul Getting ready for my first trip to New Hampshire since our huge success at Ames. I leave in (8/18/2011 12:26:12 PM)

He didn't write the newsletter articles in question, a ghost writer did, that has been confirmed by those involved in the news letter at the time, most if not all the controversial newsletter stuff was written when Ron wasn't in office, and presumably not thinking he'd return, so more than likely he wasn't watching it like he should have.

However, for someone with a 30 year history in politics, and the worst thing is some articles written by some else in his name, that is forgivable in my opinion. Hell, if someone scrubbed my history for 30 years, I've said some pretty vulgar shit, in spats. Like I've said all women are stupid before, lol. I've said we should just nuke Iraq, I've said all kinds of shit, I didn't "really" mean.

Anyway, God isn't running for office, if the standard is the appearance of perfection, all you will ever get is liars as that is the only way a man can appear perfect.

Romney doesn't give two shits about anything that is for sure, He's a blood thirsty nut job, just watch his old campaign ads, Obama sure aint against useless war, corporate welfare, and any welfare in general, So, if the choice is war, killing, more debt, corporate dick sucking, versus a few mistakes in 30 fucking years and less war, less corporate dick sucks, less bullshit, well I don't know it's such a hard choice. Hrmmmmmm, life versus a mistake, or a misstep of speech, hrrmmmmm, this is so fucking hard........

Nope I think I'll still take Ron Paul until someone better decides to run, and by better I mean absolutely 100% drastic military reduction, 100% against corporate welfare, 100% against an ever expanding nanny state.

Really, why do such fucked up people expect such perfection from others, this site is full of border line nutjobs (not anyone reading this of course[8|]) , and then demand perfection from others for 30 years in the public eye. LOL. Give me a break.

You know I stole a pack of chewing gum 30 years ago from the store, now I was like 6 or something. I also called my mother a bitch once about 20 years ago. I called a woman fat before, like 10 years ago, I made fun of someone I shouldn't have years ago, man I'm horrible. I've done like 10 really wrong things, oh god, I'm fucking human, according to some that just tabulate the bad, that would make me a completely horrible person. I've done far more good though without a doubt, and I think I've become better with age, but yeah fuck it, vote for the big liars, I mean he failed the god standard, might as well vote for satan. LOL.

Yes, I think voting for Obama, Romney, Gingrich, etc... is equivalent to voting for Satan. LOL.

I hope I had enough fucks and fuckings in there and over the top comparisons and ascertions to relate to some of our more over the top collarchat members to relate and comprehend.

Icarys -> RE: Ron Paul Getting ready for my first trip to New Hampshire since our huge success at Ames. I leave in (8/18/2011 12:30:16 PM)


anyhow- the base for RP is pumped- if you think 08 was wild- just wait. and if you doubt it- check his facebook page.

Look pa, I like the guy too and am hopeful. His facebook page isn't a big seller to me because Barack's is MUCH larger lol.
(I was thinking this but didn't write it: There are of course many variables to Barack's numbers which include but aren't limited to his time in office and so on)

I have recently done some "random" searches with all of the candidates names to compare what's being searched and his names stands out by usually double so people are interested.

It's a long race yet and I plan on putting in my time and money as much as I can so we'll see...again I won't count out the negative stories that might approach in coming months so hopefully he's telling the truth.

If I find out different, then I'm done as I won't be voting for none of the pieces of shit running against him either.

willbeurdaddy -> RE: Ron Paul Getting ready for my first trip to New Hampshire since our huge success at Ames. I leave in (8/18/2011 12:31:15 PM)



He didn't write the newsletter, most if not all the controversial newsletter stuff was written when Ron wasn't in office, and presumably not thinking he'd return, so more than likely he wasn't watching it like he should have.

However, for someone with a 30 year history in politics, and the worst thing is some articles written by some else in his name, that is forgivable in my opinion. Hell, if someone scrubbed my history for 30 years, I've said some pretty vulgar shit, in spats. Like I've said all women are stupid before, lol. I've said we should just nuke Iraq, I've said all kinds of shit, I didn't "really" mean.

Anyway, God isn't running for office, if the standard is the appearance of perfection, all you will ever get is liars as that is the only way a man can appear perfect.

Romney doesn't give two shits about anything that is for sure, He's a blood thirsty nut job, just watch his old campaign ads, Obama sure aint against useless war, corporate welfare, and any welfare in general, So, if the choice is war, killing, more debt, corporate dick sucking, versus a few mistakes in 30 fucking years and less war, less corporate dick sucks, less bullshit, well I don't know it's such a hard choice. Hrmmmmmm, life versus a mistake, or a misstep of speech, hrrmmmmm, this is so fucking hard........

Nope I think I'll still take Ron Paul until someone better decides to run, and by better I mean absolutely 100% drastic military reduction, 100% against corporate welfare, 100% against an ever expanding nanny state.

Really, why do such fucked up people expect such perfection from others, this site is full of border line nutjobs (not anyone reading this of course[8|]) , and then demand perfection from others for 30 years in the public eye. LOL. Give me a break.

You know I stole a pack of chewing gum 30 years ago from the store, now I was like 6 or something. I also called my mother a bitch once about 20 years ago. I called a woman fat before, like 10 years ago, man I'm horrible. I've done like 10 really wrong things, oh god, I'm fucking human, according to some that just tabulate the bad, that would make me a completely horrible person. I've done far more good though without a doubt, and I think I've become better with age, but yeah fuck it, vote for the big liars, I mean he failed the god standard, might as well vote for satan. LOL.

Yes, I think voting for Obama, Romney, Gingrich, etc... is equivalent to voting for Satan. LOL.

I hope I had enough fucks and fuckings in there and over the top comparisons and ascertions to relate to some of our more over the top collarchat members to relate and comprehend.

If hell froze over and he actually got the nomination, these newsletters that, afaik, he has never disavowed, will become the fodder of the left in their campaign of personal destruction. Yes, when you have moveon and mediamatters in the mix, perfection is mandatory. And its more than an appearance of perfection, there better be NOTHING, including stupid pranks you pulled in HS.

pahunkboy -> RE: Ron Paul Getting ready for my first trip to New Hampshire since our huge success at Ames. I leave in (8/18/2011 12:36:39 PM)


Icarys -> RE: Ron Paul Getting ready for my first trip to New Hampshire since our huge success at Ames. I leave in (8/18/2011 12:38:41 PM)

Rational post. Well Done.

HannahLynHeather -> RE: Ron Paul Getting ready for my first trip to New Hampshire since our huge success at Ames. I leave in (8/18/2011 12:53:40 PM)

hey, thanks for actually addressing the issue.

He didn't write the newsletter articles in question, a ghost writer did, that has been confirmed by those involved in the news letter at the time, most if not all the controversial newsletter stuff was written when Ron wasn't in office, and presumably not thinking he'd return, so more than likely he wasn't watching it like he should have.
and he didn't feel it necessary to keep an eye on what people were writing and publishing under his name? and didn't bother to look for 20 years? that's where the 'fucking stupid" bit comes in. he's either an idiot for actually letting it happen, or he's an idiot for expecting anybody to buy that shit. i sure as fuck don't. to the best of my knowledge the "those involved" who've confirmed things have all been anonymous. it couldn't just be some staffers on his campaign could it? no - couldn't be. [8|]

and - here's the kicker - if it really was just some ghost writer, then why did he try to defend some of the statements?


Really, why do such fucked up people expect such perfection from others
i don't think it's asking for perfection. publishing and distributing racist and homophobic bullshit for years is not "a slip". it's what's called a pattern.

anyway. like i said, he was almost the guy to back, but this isn't horseshoes or hand grenades, so almost just doesn't cut it.

HannahLynHeather -> RE: Ron Paul Getting ready for my first trip to New Hampshire since our huge success at Ames. I leave in (8/18/2011 12:58:41 PM)

yea, yea, i know i said i was done, but this is fun.


Oh BTW...while you're feeling so put upon by my hooker statement..It's the truth. You're casting stones about integrity..I thought it pertinent to point out the irony.
actually i'm not feeling put upon by it, i regularly make jokes about it myself. i pointed it out to emphasize just how juvenile you are being.

now what i do find interesting, is that you equate prostitution with a lack of integrity. that says much about you. hmmm. maybe a poll is in order here.

rulemylife -> RE: Ron Paul Getting ready for my first trip to New Hampshire since our huge success at Ames. I leave in (8/18/2011 12:59:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: willbeurdaddy

Do us all a favor. Could you keep it down to one "Ron Paul" election thread until he drops out?

I've got to hand you one Willbeur.

Occasionally we agree on things, and that was funny.

Icarys -> RE: Ron Paul Getting ready for my first trip to New Hampshire since our huge success at Ames. I leave in (8/18/2011 1:10:30 PM)


now what i do find interesting, is that you equate prostitution with a lack of integrity. that says much about you. hmmm. maybe a poll is in order here.

What so you can get your own supporters for not feeling put upon? [:D]

I don't need you to read into anything, I'll tell you what I feel about it.

My thoughts on it are more complex than you might be able to see. I think it does damage to the fabric of peoples minds, yours is a case in point. You have a real shitty outlook on the men who came to you..You might not have seen that and ,may have lived a more peaceful and pleasant life. I also see it as a right if a person wants to do such a thing..morally speaking I see it as wrong which I eluded to above because it has a propensity to damage ones soul. I can see many sideds to it but the bottom line..on a personal level I don't agree with it even if I agree it should be passed into law.

It gets more complicated than that but that's about the fill of it.

You are seriously fucked, though and your life will ever be changed in ways that probably aren't very healthy for you.

Were you a Vegas hooker?

One more thing...I also notice how you pass right by the other comments. Not gonna go look for those videos huh.

Oh and don't forget how I mentioned you using men with disregard to them as human beings. Your integrity blinded you there? [:D]

It's okay Hannah, I like your style regardless of your shortcomings.

Lucylastic -> RE: Ron Paul Getting ready for my first trip to New Hampshire since our huge success at Ames. I leave in (8/18/2011 1:16:40 PM)

Facebook fans in no particular order
Bachmann 15,622
Gingrich 146,000
Palin 3 million
Romney1.5 million
Santorum 26,000
Paul 700,000
Rick perry 126,000
Obama 23 million

just to add to the foot stomping against Paul cos hes a wad

rulemylife -> RE: Ron Paul Getting ready for my first trip to New Hampshire since our huge success at Ames. I leave in (8/18/2011 1:17:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: HannahLynHeather


I'm pretty confident that enough people are ready to hear what he has to say...
you mean shit like


“Order was only restored in L.A. when it came time for the blacks to pick up their welfare checks three days after rioting began,”

“mostly black welfare recipients will feel justified in stealing from mostly white ‘haves.’”

“want to keep white America from taking action against black crime and welfare,”
or maybe

"If you have ever been robbed by a black teenaged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be."
or this

"I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal."

"we are constantly told that it is evil to be afraid of black men, it is hardly irrational. Black men commit murders, rapes, robberies, muggings and burglaries all out of proportion to their numbers."

"We don't think a child of 13 should be held responsible as a man of 23. That's true for most people, but black males age 13 who have been raised on the streets and who have joined criminal gangs are as big, strong, tough, scary and culpable as any adult and should be treated as such."
or this

"homosexuals were far better off when social pressure forced them to hide their activities. bring back the closet!"

oh yea, this guy is just sooooo fucking dead on in his thinking. i don't fucking think so. look, he's the closest to my views on government and individual rights, but sorry some shit you just can't overlook for the sake of political convenience - this shit is just un-fucking-palatable.


You only have to look into the guys eyes to know he is bat-shit crazy.

HannahLynHeather -> RE: Ron Paul Getting ready for my first trip to New Hampshire since our huge success at Ames. I leave in (8/18/2011 1:21:03 PM)

hey cool, that's all very interesting but i don't see a fucking thing about integrity there. meh, icky talking out his ass again, who'da thunk it?

Oh and don't forget how I mentioned you using men with disregard to them as human beings. Your integrity blinded you there?
how do you figure that?

Not gonna go look for those videos huh.
they prove nothing except that he cleaned up his spiel when he decided to run for office again.

anyhoo, as i said before, his stupidity is a much more troubling factor.

you want an idiot in charge again?

fair enough. your guy fits that bill.

pahunkboy -> RE: Ron Paul Getting ready for my first trip to New Hampshire since our huge success at Ames. I leave in (8/18/2011 1:22:00 PM)

I love our Constitution.   

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