RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (Full Version)

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NuevaVida -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 7:05:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: sunshinemiss

I was quoting Strong Spirit.  Who obviously is both.  I'm so sorry.  I was distracted by the Chocolate Gods of Thunder.  *blush*  and ... well... I had a little Mocha Chai too!   I'm drunk with desire now!

LOL oh no worries - I didn't want anyone else thinking I called you that, way.

Mmm, chocolate gods and mocha chai.  Yum.

DarkSteven -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 7:08:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: hausboy

When I first joined, I cmailed a bunch of folks...with no replies. Started reading about those who weren't getting replies...and why....changed my approach, and now I have no shortage of CM folks to chat with.

More people initiate cmail with me now than I with them-- to the OP and other men concerned-- if you contribute to the forums, let people get to know you a bit through your posts, you are far more likely to get interesting CMail and meet lots of nice people as a result.

hausboy, let me chime in here.  It's not that you contribute to the forums that made me want to initiate conversations with you.  It's what you said when you did it.  You sound like someone I would genuinely like to talk with.

Participating in the forums is no guarantee people will want to talk with someone who does not seem likable.

hausboy -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 7:12:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven


ORIGINAL: hausboy

When I first joined, I cmailed a bunch of folks...with no replies. Started reading about those who weren't getting replies...and why....changed my approach, and now I have no shortage of CM folks to chat with.

More people initiate cmail with me now than I with them-- to the OP and other men concerned-- if you contribute to the forums, let people get to know you a bit through your posts, you are far more likely to get interesting CMail and meet lots of nice people as a result.

hausboy, let me chime in here.  It's not that you contribute to the forums that made me want to initiate conversations with you.  It's what you said when you did it.  You sound like someone I would genuinely like to talk with.

Participating in the forums is no guarantee people will want to talk with someone who does not seem likable.

Thanks Steven. Likewise.

I guess getting to know someone can go both ways....if the poster acts like a toolbag and posts ridiculous foolishness, such as calling men "pussies," then, hmmmmm. you're right.  he probably won't get much mail from this effort either.

solution?  he could always go to a different website...

Caius -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 7:14:28 PM)

She's not doing it wrong, either.

DecadentDesire -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 7:16:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

hausboy, let me chime in here.  It's not that you contribute to the forums that made me want to initiate conversations with you.  It's what you said when you did it.  You sound like someone I would genuinely like to talk with.

Participating in the forums is no guarantee people will want to talk with someone who does not seem likable.

I can agree with that. I would also go as far to say that probably 90% of the unlikable people you meet online are actually very likeable people in real life. They have just allowed Internet access to go to their head and confused that with freedom to remove the social norms that dictate everyday human interaction.

In fact, getting a response from anyone is really quite simple. When you sit down to create your profile and then write a message, pretend your in a bookstore and your about to walk down the aisle to chat with a cute girl (or boy) who has taken your fancy. If you won't do whatever your about to do in that bookstore, then don't do it here.

You won't approach the girl fully naked with a massive erection in a bookstore so refrain from posting pictures containing either.

You won't walk up and say "Hey, nice fucking tits. Want to suck my cock?" then whip it out, so don't do the same here with a picture of the cock in question attached in the message.

In fact, all you would do is just start small talk about something interesting about them and they will almost always smile and respond in kind.

It's amazing how the same approach works with the same frequency online.

NuevaVida -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 7:19:38 PM)



Yes, you're absolutely right -- context is everything and these types of studies are cursory, general, and conducted in an artificial environment.  And I undoubtedly do believe that there are some innate differences in how men and women process stimuli. But at the same time, I am inclined to believe the tendencies have become over stereotyped.  It's not unlike the silly debate that has surrounded whether women might be somehow less gifted at math than men.  When the phenomena was ultimately examined, what little they found that was minimally conclusive was that both women and men excelled in different areas of math, but that these propensities tended to be very specific and statistically not very impressive and thus didn't really amount to much in the long run.  The differences between the sexes are often like that -- more real than some people want to believe but also much more subtle than others imagine.

Oh there are plenty of studies that show differences in the way men and women process things, but the articles I read said there are minimal studies on female sexual stimulus.  I thought that was interesting, as well.

I agree it's unwise to make assumptions and generalizations, as a lot of people use generalizations as fact.  This is why I did state that I was generalizing, and it was anecdotal.


True. But then I don't think there's a huge divide between men and women there either.  The pictures you are talking about tend to fixate on one piece of the anatomy with a kind of laughable obsessiveness. I'm sure the majority of men would rather have a full-body pic of a beautiful nude woman than a close-up of a twat being stretched out.

Agreed.  Speaking for myself, personally, while I appreciate a beautiful body (male or female), I do not become aroused by photos.

The idea, however, that the OP thinks a naked picture (albeit it with one part covered) might be enticing to the young women he shows it to, is a bit naive in my opinion.  Here's another generalization - most women do not want to be looked at as a source of sex, only. They want someone to know them, care about them, and want them. The OP believes this is a sex hook-up site, and while I'm sure it is for some, it would be my guess that it's more than that for the majority of members here.  I would be put off by someone who sent me pics like that, or with that kind of profile pic.  In fact, a few years ago there was a black man I was Cmailing with - some cool conversations - and out of the blue he sent me a half naked picture of himself.  I said "What the fuck?" to myself and considered ending contact as a result.


And yes, I'll be happy to give you directions to some of those studies, soon as I can dig them up.  I can also recommend some broad-audience authors who have written about the subject of variation between the sexes from a nativistic standpoint.   Stephen Pinker's "How the Mind Works" and "The Blank Slate; the Modern Denial of Human Nature" are both great places to look for a primer on this subject matter.

I Googled enough to realize my assumption should be reconsidered, so don't spend too much time digging.  I'll look up Stephen Pinker, though, thank you :)

fragilepieces -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 7:20:20 PM)



She's not doing it wrong, either.
  Uh ya she is---ya have to take all of it.  

JanahX -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 7:43:48 PM)



fragilepieces -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 7:44:39 PM)


stoni23 -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 7:58:12 PM)

wow this thread has really grown today lool

HannahLynHeather -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 8:25:27 PM)

wow, a whole lot of questions here. well, let's take them one at a time, shall we?

Why is it that seemingly every non-overweight, non-ugly, under 25, not obviously fake, sub white female on this site is looking for black men only?
because it pisses you off, you have some sort of fucked up racial inferiority deal going on, the old mandingo complex and you feel personally threatened and offended at the thought of white women fucking black men. so you notice it and remember it.

And why is it that none of them bother to explain this preference in their profiles?
two reasons. first, as has been pointed out, because they have no fucking obligation to explain anything to anybody. your idiot reason - so twats like you don't write and ask them is just about the stupidest thing ever, are you running some sort of collarme protection racket? besides, what the fuck makes you think you even have the right to even ask?
the other reason is because they probably can't explain it. people usually can't explain why they like what they like, they just fucking do.

At [their age], how much experience could they possibly have?
one would expect them to have at least as much as you, and in some cases <ta-da!> more than you can even begin to really wrap your lame little brain around.

Why write all white men off?
they aren't. they just want a black one. what is so hard to grasp here?

Do these girls reason that they can get enough white men in real life, so they're only going to look for Blacks online?
probably, i mean look at you, you are so fucking desperate to get at them that you ignore their stated preference and write them demanding an explanation and arguing that they should give you a try. i mean come on here buckwheat, think it through. any "non-overweight, non-ugly, under 25, not obviously fake, sub white female on this site" can have pretty much any type of guy she wants. she probably gets upwards of 100 offers a day just on this site, add in the 15 to 30 she gets in real life, and then however many other sites she's on, the odds are she has about 300 men to choose from every day, of whom, statistically 220 will be white, so yeah, she sure as fuck can get more than enough white guys.

Do they really think they've met enough white men in their lives to be able to say that none of them will be able to catch their interest?
maybe they do, but really what does it fucking matter if they have or not. women are under no obligation to conduct their fucking according to the scientific method.

Is this real life?
no this is a web site, so this is cyber. real life is what happens when you turn off the computer and go outside.

any other questions?

JanahX -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 8:42:57 PM)

Original: HannahLynHeather

i mean come on here buckwheat,

that's awesome.


MasterSlaveLA -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 8:53:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: Aderious

Don't get offended. Just answer the question if you can.

Not offended... the answer to your question is as follows:  "False premise... dumb question".

There.  Happy now?!! [8|]

Caius -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 8:55:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: fragilepieces

She's not doing it wrong, either.
  Uh ya she is---ya have to take all of it.  

Ah, but a journey of a thousand inches starts with a single glans.

SexyBossyBBW -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 9:04:44 PM)

LMAO. POOR YOU aderious. I have to laugh at this, because a serious reply might come out too harshly. [8|] M

SinzMaster -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 10:30:28 PM)

It would be better to work on your game than the blame game.

SuzeCheri -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 10:50:29 PM)

Hmmmm, now what sort of joke can I make here? It has to be something really hilarious...Oh I know!


I just sent the following PM to someone. Since I'm highly unlikely to get a response, I figure I'll post the question here:

Why is it that seemingly every non-overweight, non-ugly, under 25, not obviously fake, sub white female on this site is looking for black men only? And why is it that none of them bother to explain this preference in their profiles?

At [their age], how much experience could they possibly have? White men from liberal, SWPL states tend to be pussies. That doesn't mean that white men everywhere are pussies. Why write all white men off? There are plenty of gay blacks, effeminate blacks, blacks with small or average dicks too.

Do these girls reason that they can get enough white men in real life, so they're only going to look for Blacks online? Is that how it works? Do they really think they've met enough white men in their lives to be able to say that none of them will be able to catch their interest?

It's really an amazing phenomenon. When you come across practically any semi-attractive sub female on this site, click on the profile and, if it's not an obvious fake, bam, there it is - black men only. Is this real life?

3) You think I haven't tried that? They don't respond. Girls <30 on this site do not respond to PM's about 98% of the time. Regardless of how polite, nice, well-written, interesting, unique, personal, or how many photos you attach (I've done up to 10).

Failing to provide an explanation in their profile is simply asking to get flooded by PM's from white guys looking for an explanation, such as myself.

Sometimes, you just can't improve on the original. [:D]

VaguelyCurious -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/18/2011 12:45:07 AM)


I have nothing substantive to add to the thread, despite being young, hella sexy and with a healthy BMI (not thin by a long stretch, but in the healthy region! :D)

I do, however, love the mental image of the OP getting more and more distressed by his 2% response rate and adding another picture. But no! It doesn't work! Why not? He doesn't know. So what does he do? He adds another picture. Because what's stopping him getting laid is that women can't see enough of his body, right? Does it work? No. But why? He doesn't know. Now he's even more distressed. So what does he do? He adds another picture, because surely what's stopping him getting laid...

Repeat until you get to ten, by which point he's crying salty, salty tears into his keyboard (from out of his EYES, you perverts) and mumbling 'but...but...WHY? WHYYYYYYY? WHY AREN'T THE ADDITIONAL PICTURES OF MY ODDLY POSED BODY MAKING THE WOMEN WANT TO FUCK ME I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY WHY WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?' over and over under his breath. Ten! A picture and another picture and another picture and another picture and another picture and another picture and another picture and another picture and another picture and another picture. Ten!

That's a whole lot of failsauce to be pouring over your messages before you realise that your approach isn't working.


GeekMistress -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/18/2011 12:59:18 AM)

OP, your picture looks like an angry headless man that wants to yell at me prior to devouring me... I'm scared of it.

Also, I'm guessing that once you email them, they want black dudes just a little more.

SexyBossyBBW -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/18/2011 3:18:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: GeekMistress
OP, your picture looks like an angry headless man that wants to yell at me prior to devouring me... I'm scared of it.

Also, I'm guessing that once you email them, they want black dudes just a little more.
I'm trying to figure out if the OP is among the men, asking to be forced to suck a BBC, and trying to fool us with "why are they taking our white pretties?!" Bad Gag coming on. M

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