You might be a sadist/masochist if… (Full Version)

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Wulfchyld -> You might be a sadist/masochist if… (5/20/2006 7:19:42 PM)

You might be a sadist if you take your g/f b/f to the pet shop for clothing accessories.

Wulfchyld -> RE: You might be a sadist/masochist if… (5/20/2006 7:27:05 PM)

You might be a sadist if... you go to the grocery store and see evil torture devices in the produce isle.

LaTigresse -> RE: You might be a sadist/masochist if… (5/20/2006 7:29:18 PM)

You might be a sadist go to the farmers supply store to buy feed and see evil torture devices in the vet. supply isle!!!!

Wulfchyld -> RE: You might be a sadist/masochist if… (5/20/2006 7:33:54 PM)

[sm=hair.gif] LaTigresse I knew this would be your kind of thread. lol

Ooops... forgot my "you might"

You might be a sadist if the crack of thunder makes you flush with satisfaction.

LaTigresse -> RE: You might be a sadist/masochist if… (5/20/2006 7:35:55 PM)

oh yeahhhhhhhh

juliaoceania -> RE: You might be a sadist/masochist if… (5/20/2006 7:37:11 PM)

You might be a masochist if.....

You were totally surprised that jumper cables belong in the trunk of your car, you thought they were a sex toy.

LaTigresse -> RE: You might be a sadist/masochist if… (5/20/2006 7:38:36 PM)

You might be a sadist if the really loud CRASH of the lightening hitting the tree....gets you ahhhhh...over heated. While the girl next to you in bed is trembling in fear and the dog is trying to fit under the bed and you are screaming out the window AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

LaTigresse -> RE: You might be a sadist/masochist if… (5/20/2006 7:40:30 PM)

You might be a sadist if you are at work staring at one of those little black and chrome tension clamp type paperclips and your mind wanders while a wicked evil smile steals over your face.

Wulfchyld -> RE: You might be a sadist/masochist if… (5/20/2006 7:41:07 PM)

[sm=biggrin.gif][sm=biggrin.gif][sm=biggrin.gif]  You must have been typing as I was editing... there is that great minds thingy. LMAO!!

OTKkindaGirl -> RE: You might be a sadist/masochist if… (5/20/2006 7:42:15 PM)

you might be a sadist if office binder clips at work really turn you on.

gmta  sorry to be repetitive 

Wulfchyld -> RE: You might be a sadist/masochist if… (5/20/2006 7:42:31 PM)

You might be a sadist if... you watch the show "Cops" for pointers.

LaTigresse -> RE: You might be a sadist/masochist if… (5/20/2006 7:45:42 PM)

You might be a sadist IF you keep a metal spoon in the freezer, in case tender damp flesh strolls by.......not that I have ever actually tried that one.....just came to me

where is that testing dog when you need him???

LaTigresse -> RE: You might be a sadist/masochist if… (5/20/2006 7:47:51 PM)

I believe Loki' previous comment regarding great minds applies to that one also

Wulfchyld -> RE: You might be a sadist/masochist if… (5/20/2006 7:51:03 PM)

You might be a sadist if... your big red toolbox is not necessarily full of tools to work on cars.

LaTigresse -> RE: You might be a sadist/masochist if… (5/20/2006 7:53:56 PM)

You might be a silly sadist if your hemostats (? spelling) do dual duty!

LaTigresse -> RE: You might be a sadist/masochist if… (5/20/2006 7:56:06 PM)

You might be a sadist if you bring home willow branches from a hike down by the creek!

Wulfchyld -> RE: You might be a sadist/masochist if… (5/20/2006 7:57:59 PM)

You might be a sadist if... you think steel toe boots are a fashion statement.

TxBlkMistress -> RE: You might be a sadist/masochist if… (5/20/2006 7:59:08 PM) I want a red toolbox....LOL

LaTigresse -> RE: You might be a sadist/masochist if… (5/20/2006 8:01:10 PM)

You might be a sadist if when you made the mistake of trying to slip thru the electric fence barefooted on wet grass, slipped and grabbed the metal fence post and touched the wire at the same time AND after you got done cussing.... you had a lightbulb moment!!
(both literally and figuratively)

Wulfchyld -> RE: You might be a sadist/masochist if… (5/20/2006 8:03:30 PM)

You might be a sadist if... you contemplated how effective a stun gun is through a doorknob.

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