RE: Screw the Roses.... (Full Version)

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LadyHibiscus -> RE: Screw the Roses.... (9/13/2011 8:28:00 AM)

I apologize in advance to the moderators:

Okay, imaginary poll: Who is more pathetic, Artie or Kevin?

GreedyTop -> RE: Screw the Roses.... (9/13/2011 8:28:14 AM)


I just almost choked on my sandwich!!



Iamsemisweet -> RE: Screw the Roses.... (9/13/2011 8:31:22 AM)

That was crass, even for this place.




"The Shitter".

Sometimes when I'm sitting on the shitter and pass a big one, and there's nothing to read to help pass the time between that Big One and the next potential record holder, I'm reminded of CM and boot up and pick a CM thread to play a little game I call "The Shitter".

The rules are simple. To play I read the Opening Post and then jump to the last few posts and see if and how they relate. If they do, no matter how remotely, then I get to do as many "early flushes" needed so things don't get too, well, too full of shit. But if they don't relate at all then I have to leave the lever alone until the bitter end which always means after adding paper and more shit that I'll have to reach for the trusty bowl plunger and cross my fingers and get ready to do a dance or jump up on the seat cause I'm not wearing boots at the moment. It's dicey and risky at best, you know, and it can get real shitty everywhere you look, just like a thread.

I'm fucked on this one in case you're keeping score. Maybe I'll have more luck in the Gorean threads...

Daddysredhead -> RE: Screw the Roses.... (9/13/2011 8:37:15 AM)



and they are absolutely DELICIOUS titties!!

Fankew! [:)] So are yours... [8D]

HeatherMcLeather -> RE: Screw the Roses.... (9/13/2011 9:27:55 AM)


it's because they want my attention
You need a chest to play this game with me.


LadyPact -> RE: Screw the Roses.... (9/13/2011 10:12:55 AM)


Early on I learned that when women follow me around and stick their chests out it's because they want my attention and I'm not complaining cause it's all good. So, what a surprise, here you are again, first to respond, chest out and chasing my whip and the rest of my shit. You know you want to sniff my leather up close. You dream of it and lurk in CM hell waiting for a chance to get my attention.

Good Girl.

Perhaps you need to revert to the other thread where I told you exactly why that would never happen.  If I ever consider bottoming to anybody, it will sure as hell be someone more competent than the likes of you.  My chest isn't that big, anyway.  Those moobs of yours would be too big for My bra.  However, if it came to competency in S/m, there's no way that I would be bottoming to anyone that I didn't feel had skills that exceed My own.

In this, I think the book is quite valuable to new folks just entering the scene.  While it is on the lighter side and being a bit preachy at times, I feel that sections such as "Philip's Ten Commandments of Flagellation" are helpful as a guideline in determining who to play with and who a person should not.  Even if a person has never seen the potential top play before, there are various clues that a person can pick up by simple human interaction and conversation.  While not universal, a person could certainly turn those ten commandments into questions to help determine if someone makes a good play partner or if the person is good potential relationship and/or D/s material.

1.  How does the person handle anger?

2.  Is the person known for damaging their current or prior sub, physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually?

3.  Does the person respect limits?

4.  Just how much does the person know about anatomy?

5.  How often is the person seen not abiding by rules in other areas?

6.  Does the person bottom themselves, talk about testing toys on themselves, or even relate stories about the marks they've come up with trying things out?

7.  How does the person display stance and technique in other situations?

8.  Do they talk about how they learned their topping skills?

9.  Do they relate stories about their practice methods or how often they practice?

10.  Last but not least, just how good are that person's skills at observation?  Do they pay attention to detail in other situations?  Exactly where is that person's focus? 

Now that sounds like a lot and I'm sure it is, but even here on the boards, someone could go through a person's past posts and make something of a determination whether that person would be a good potential top or not. 

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