RE: a master needs help (Full Version)

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velvetvixen -> RE: a master needs help (10/18/2004 8:19:39 PM)

I believe all of Masters implements carry the label "Not tested on animals or Doms", although I would not object to perverseangelic's situation. [:D]

IservBlkKingPaPa -> RE: a master needs help (10/18/2004 8:20:55 PM)

yes, this slave sees that it was best for that young future dom to ask a Dom for advice. maybe asking subs/slaves would be more like the blind leading the blind. [:D] just kidding, this slave is sure that her lifestyle sisters are full of good advice and knowledge [:)]

Every Rose has her Thorns...

bottominwa -> RE: a master needs help (10/18/2004 8:34:00 PM)

LMAO at you velvet....that was funny....but this girl would object she has no want to see any men with anything inserted in their suspended...provided she could figure out how to hoist Him up there, and she had enough tranquilizer....well that might be worth the punishment...especially if He awoke really parched and she had Guiness....Lmao....maniacal laughter.brooooooooohaahaaaaaaaa....
Ofcourse then E/everyone be attending her funeral...winter is always nice for funerals...rain and
sabrina King

House of King

Estring -> RE: a master needs help (10/18/2004 11:29:27 PM)

Actually your, I wasn't prejudging anything. Your post sounds like a thinly veiled ad. And it looks like I wasn't the only one to wonder about it. If that bothers you, get over it.

Thanatosian -> RE: a master needs help (10/19/2004 12:49:34 AM)


any Dominant Males care to anti up as to if They use vibrators, anal plugs et all on themselves first?

I had mentioned this in a previous post, but will reiterate here:

Like perverseangelic's dom, I 'field test' new toys on myself, with the exception of the insertables. In my younger days, from late teens through mid twenties, yes, I did 'field test' the insertables - vibrators, butt plugs (yes, including the LARGE sized one), thermometers, etc. However, I came to the conclusion that, to me, one insertable feels pretty much like another (other than size, of course), since my rectum is not lined with all those nerves like a vagina is - hence my no longer 'field testing' insertables - it has nothing to do with latent homosexuality or anything else.

I have found that it does help me to appreciate how the 'toy' feels - speaking strictly of skin sensation here, not emotionally - whether a particular implement is thuddy or stingy or biting or sensual or what have you, and so can better guage how 'strongly' to use that particular implement to achieve the result I desire.

The better one knows ones tools, the better one can use them, or some such.

Just my tuppence.

Laura -> RE: a master needs help (10/19/2004 7:12:33 AM)

With your spelling and grammar you should avoid calling someone else dumb. If you consider yourself a Dom, behave like one. Name calling is childish.

MaitresseEden -> RE: a master needs help (10/19/2004 7:35:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: bottominwa

LoL. The girl does think this is fabulosu if it works for you..however hs ei snot at all sure this is a norm of any sort...any Dominant Males care to anti up as to if They use vibrators, anal plugs et all on themselves first?

Actually I know numerous male Doms who are pentreated by there subs.. (we call them Service bottoms here). and I beg to differ with the "no suitable orifice comment). Those Doms that I know that do so, do such because they are aware of the pleasure that can be obtained from prostrate stimulation., not be cause it is an act of submission.

furthermore, it is possible to test out an impliment without being a masochist, and I think it shows understanding of the toy. Granted you don't have to test it out in full force, but you should have an idea as to what the toy is capable of and what you are asking someone to take for your benifit.

Personally I'd like to see a better clarification as to the "help" wanted.. Seems rather vague to me. As for the SM community not discriminating.. where in heck did you ever get that idea. Discrimination exists everywhere in this world. Even among the sexually sophisticated.

Ms. Eden

Goodmix -> RE: a master needs help (10/19/2004 10:35:42 AM)

i belong to a MSN group called .O/our Lifestyle you may want to look into. The article this morning that was helpful to me was learing how to be a better sub. It was helful to me because i have a strong personallity (in the vanilla world) and sometimes have trouble making the transition when the time is called for.
BUT...there was another article for Dom's. i glanced over it, and it was advise for "new" dom's. i have to be honest i didn't read it all

velvetvixen -> RE: a master needs help (10/19/2004 12:27:32 PM)


I agree with you as I thought this was a poor attempt to disguise an ad.

I always enjoy your posts.

Mercnbeth -> RE: a master needs help (10/19/2004 12:50:22 PM)

I'll be glad to help, but have a sore back and can't move heavy furniture. Will you be providing beer and pizza?

This was about moving right?

perverseangelic -> RE: a master needs help (10/19/2004 2:00:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: bottominwa

Ummmm, this is an interesting aside..but perverseangelic if this girl understood you correctly your Master uses every implement He uses on You on Himself first? Assuredly this would not work in this house, as Master is most definitel ynot a masochist, nor latent submissive or homosexual..and several of the things He "uses" well..let's just say as He says..."Men have no holes suitable of insertion of foreign objects".

I realized I was a bit unclear. I was trying to say that he uses those objects he's going to be using to cause pain on himself. Obviously, he doesn't do the things that he doesn't have analogs to. I was just trying to say that he tries to be aware of what kind of sensation a thing produces, and just how much it hurts.

He's not a masochist either, and this isn't something he's doing for pleasure or anything, simply as a way of familiarizing himself with the sensation, so he can better gauge how to create what he intends in me. Don't think you have to be eithe a masochist or a submissive person to make sure you understand the feelings.

I appolgoize for being unclear and confusing. :)

I know it doesn't work for everyone, but it's a way we've found to make sure nothing untoward happens, y'know?

(also, though, aside from the stick-y in-y ones we pretty much haven't come accross a toy that he couldn't try on himself. We're still learning, give us time and I know we will :) )

Incedentally, though, anal penetration has nothing to do with homosexuality. It's practiced by heterosexuals as well, and many homosexuals abstain entirely. Sexual orientation isn't really an indicator for sexual practice.

Sinergy -> RE: a master needs help (10/19/2004 2:08:44 PM)


I have to agree with the poster who said that a Dominant who cannot control themselves is hardly a Dominant at all.

YDM, you do understand that allowing your temper to come to the fore can be extremely detrimental to the one who has allowed you to render him/her/it helpless with a wide variety of tools around? I suspect an outburst such as that in a public setting would result in your being invited by the Dungeon Master to leave.

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, and whether or not Estring has earned the respect as a Dominant, your response to him seemed extremely disrespectful to another human being.

As far as recommendations on how to be a Dominant, most of the books people have talked about go into the "How" of BDSM. I would recommend you find people to talk to about your own feelings in regards this lifestyle to find out "why" you are doing it. But nothing anybody recommends you to do will be worth the powder to blow it to hell if you cannot empty your mind of what you think you know and listen to what people are telling you.

Good luck,


LadySonelle -> RE: a master needs help (10/22/2004 6:29:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: perverseangelic
If you are invovled in pain play and/or scenes that can cause damage to your submissive partner, keep the lines of communication -very- open untill you can read his/her reactions well. ie- Ask how he/she's doing as you crop him/her, about the sensations from clips etc.

My personal preference is that my dominant partner try all toys used on himself before on me so he has an intimate idea of how they feel. But that one's just me.

Good lord, YES! Pain and impact play ought to learnt personally, dom trained by Dom, hands-on!

And not one of My whips, clips, paddles or other toys, when new, have *ever* touched the flesh of a sub before being tested, full force, against My own skin! I want to know exactly how hard My 'kittens' bite before I turn them loose on a submissive.

My personal preference is for any aspiring Top to spend at least six months (year is better!) as a full submissive before being handed the narrow end of a cat! Know what you are asking of a sub *first*. It makes for a far safer Dom.

Also, (again IMO) every Dom/me ought to take First Aid and CPR training, not only in anticipation of an emergency, but also because it gives a better idea of human anatomy and how to hurt/fix it! :)

Lady Sonelle

LadySonelle -> RE: a master needs help (10/22/2004 6:35:14 PM)

VERY true! I spent a year as an 'intern' so to speak, submissive and being trained.

Also, speaking as one with a nursing degree, I will say that textbook learning is *nothing* compared to 'lab' or honest-to-badness hands on WORK. Books don't correct you when you have the cat at the wrong angle and 'wrap' the tails around, cutting flesh! A hands on Master or Mistress can stop the scene and correct the action before harm befalls.

There are so MANY tiny, but significant safety tips that books may not mention. Practise is *everything*

Lady Sonelle

BeachMystress -> RE: a master needs help (10/23/2004 1:43:23 AM)

I actually have to agree with Estring here. My first impression of the person was that he is looking to score. As I pointed out in my earlier post, he has things listed under special skills that take a lot of practice to be proficient in. I've seen the results of an armature with a single tail. The person injured wears the scar from shoulder to hip five years later. I had a lot of trouble taking the poster very seriously.

If the poster has a serious desire to learn as a dominant, he has been given a lot of good books and ideas where to look. I also suggest an anger management class. Blowing up on a forum is poor form.

A good course of action, yourdarkmaster, would be to apologize to the forum in general for exposing it to your name calling. We all make mistakes. The mark of a good Dominant is to admit them, say you are sorry and learn from them.

ChrisGreen -> RE: a master needs help (10/25/2004 8:03:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: yourdarkmaster

if there are any slaves/subs out there looking to help a master out speak up or quick mail me

You are very young, tell me, what do you think is the best wax to use on a slave?

How do you administer wax?

What do you need to know about wax, that you don't find in any of the books?

I suspect that you do not know the answers to those basic questions.

Have you ever had wax poured onto you?

Do you have any idea of the sensations it causes?

Do you know that if you use wax that has colour, it melts at a higher temperature, and it will burn the victim's skin?

What about candles with scents added?

You are claiming expertise in these on your profile, along with another weapon - the single tail.

I suggest you spend time with a traditional mistress or master, where you work up from being a bottom to a trainee master.

I further suggest that you do not claim expertise in your profile, that your question at the head of this thread contra-indicates, until you have experienced being a bottom.

I think you need to spend time getting to know yourself, really well, what is it that you really want?

Is this a lifestyle choice, or is it a flash of hormones?

Are you prepared to study and become competent?

Are you prepared to spend time learning communication and social skills?

Do you want a partner?

Or do you want a flashy title, that means nothing at all?

That title does not make you anything, you could call yourself the Lord High Executioner but it won't make you sing sweetly nor float on butterfly's wings.

Take your time, spend a couple of years thinking, have vanilla relationships, and learn how to relate and socialise; if you are still of a mind then, then you are probably looking in the right direction.


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