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I'm not very good at sharing, but I would like to. So here's a try = ) I have been interested in the life for about 7 to 8 years. I have looked and looked for the "right" one. I have given up and left and come back and looked again. I have met wannabee's, fakes, subs posing as Doms, and just plain assholes. Oh and I met a few real ones too, just none right for me. Being very picky and after 8 years of looking, I new excatly what I wanted. I wasnt sure if I'd ever meet this Dom that I knew would be perfect *for me* At one time I thought he was a mythical and majikcal creation only residing in my fantasies. Eventually I decided to just look for a good one, not the perfect one, but one that'll do. I was getting oh so damn frustrated, among other things. (anyone heard of things come when you least expect it?) And one day, just one day as I was talking to the many supposed Doms I talk to, He IM's me. Just out of the blue that little IM box appearing. Being a skeptic, dealing with alot of jokers, and not actually looking for the one, i obviously didnt know it was Him knocking on my door. He had found my profile on collarme. He is perfect and fabulous and fantastic and just down and out the best man I have ever met.. did i say wondeful and extrondairy, amaziong awesome and God's gift to the world? Of course those are just a few puny descriptive words that dont even come close to describing Him, but it gives you an idea! My message to those who havent found there "one" yet. Keep looking, perserve, dont give up. Dont turn back keep traveling forward because there is a light at the end of the tunnel. If its possible for me, then its possible for you. Sometimes it may seem too long and it seems impossible, but the faster you walk it the faster you'll get there. If i can walk it (and turn back a few times) for 8 years until i found my first and most Perfect (perfect for me) Master, then you can do it too. And after reading the guidlines, i guess it should be be said that I met him in person about a couple of months. Although it feels as if i've known him for ages.
< Message edited by RiotGirl -- 10/18/2004 1:26:48 PM >