RE: Deal Breakers Anyone? (Full Version)

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tj444 -> RE: Deal Breakers Anyone? (10/1/2011 9:19:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven
When a vanilla guy says that sex didn't occur often enough, my bet is that his woman was unhappy in the relationship and the bedroom suffered.

well,.. the vanilla men i have talked to, its pretty much bait and switch, once the vanilla women get the ring on their finger... then things change.. probably cuz the women never were really into that in the first place..

GreedyTop -> RE: Deal Breakers Anyone? (10/1/2011 9:30:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

I feel like I missed something...someone was discussing the bouncy-bouncy?

I used to talk to lots of vanilla guys who said their wives hadn't touched them in years. Saddest...the ones who said that marks weren't a problem because they were never naked together. :(

A woman's sex drive is very hormonally driven. When a middle aged dude tells me she's not interested anymore, my first question is, How old is she? My sex drive literally switched off! I can reactivate it, and I am not hating sex, but it doesn't*occur* to me. I think many women are the same.


tj444 -> RE: Deal Breakers Anyone? (10/1/2011 9:53:37 AM)



hmmm.. dont they have female viagra for those little lags?...

My ex was 10 years older than me and while things seemed good at the start.. he was the one that said not tonight, dear.. Its not that he couldnt get it up, he just didnt want to have sex anymore.. [:(]

I dont want a repeat of that situation,.. I'd rather be single.. [sm=river.gif]

GreedyTop -> RE: Deal Breakers Anyone? (10/1/2011 9:59:57 AM)

I dont know if they do.. and frankly, I dont care. until/unless there is an So in my life, it doesnt matter.

Iamsemisweet -> RE: Deal Breakers Anyone? (10/1/2011 10:03:15 AM)

Hmm, I hope my sex drive doesn't switch off because of hormones. I am 52 and loving it more than ever.

LadyHibiscus -> RE: Deal Breakers Anyone? (10/1/2011 10:04:52 AM)





hmmm.. dont they have female viagra for those little lags?...

My ex was 10 years older than me and while things seemed good at the start.. he was the one that said not tonight, dear.. Its not that he couldnt get it up, he just didnt want to have sex anymore.. [:(]

I dont want a repeat of that situation,.. I'd rather be single.. [sm=river.gif]

Not really, no. HRT, of course, and I am on the fence about that.

The point is, it's not always lack of interest, and if there is an issue it needs to be ADDRESSED, because for the man, it could just be low testosterone, which is very easily addressed, or there could be some underlying medical condition.

CountDice -> RE: Deal Breakers Anyone? (10/1/2011 10:16:14 AM)

Good morning,

This thread seems to be getting more interesting on a daily basis.  So far, this is the only one I have been inclined to follow to any significant degree.

In response to tj444: It is my assessment that vanillas don’t have any other goal or aspiration beyond simple, plain, generic sex.  If that is one’s only goal, why not just get a hooker and be done with it? Many of us in this lifestyle actually need more than just sex.  For some of us, this lifestyle is so integral to who and what we are; the play is a significant, if not absolute, prerequisite for anything else.  Simple, plain, generic sex is so boring, to me anyway, that I’d rather have nothing than vanilla.

In response to DarkSteven: Poor writing skills, which usually equate to poor communication skills, as well as racial, religious, political intolerance, etceteras… are all indicative of inadequate education and/or intellect.  Personally, I prefer to associate with people who are better educated than I am and/or have a higher “IQ” than I do.  Now, while not all well-educated/intelligent people possess a sense of humor (some take things much too seriously), most I know do, at least, have an appreciation of humor.

Of course, “must haves” are precisely those and are, typically, non-negotiable.  The absence of any will only result in eventual dissatisfaction for one or both participants, and consequently, should be sufficient justification for disqualification.  Attitude and perspective should be on that list.  If both are not present, no relationship, regardless of type, will survive, without considerably more effort than it is worth. For me, cigarette smoking is not an issue.  Actually, if I don’t watch myself somewhat closely, 3 packs a day could be typical for me.  Fortunately, I do watch myself and have stayed just under a 1½ pack per day
average for the last 3 years.

LadyHibiscus: We’re a tough bunch?  In this lifestyle, to some extent, we have to be; someone’s safety could be at risk.

I absolutely agree with the perspective of no children.  The presence of children, regardless of proximity, is always going to be a potentially negative influence on a lifestyle relationship.  My wife and I were both smart enough to have never had children: they would have been an unacceptable encumbrance. While I am apolitical, beyond being a registered Libertarian, and completely non-religious, I would have few problems with someone who has either a political or religious perspective, like Endivius, I will not participate or convert… a tall, a short, a long, or otherwise.  Basically, as long as she keeps it to herself, we’ll get along without any problems.

Jane Fonda fans?  I don’t even want to get started on that subject.

Nasty Nancys?  Unfamiliar reference.

Have fun and play safely.

LadyHibiscus -> RE: Deal Breakers Anyone? (10/1/2011 10:19:18 AM)


Generic sex is NOT boring if it satisfies the desires of those having it.

CountDice -> RE: Deal Breakers Anyone? (10/1/2011 10:23:32 AM)

I pasted from MS Word and lost ALL formatting.  Very frustrating.  Hopefully, it will display properly now.

LadyHibiscus -> RE: Deal Breakers Anyone? (10/1/2011 10:33:00 AM)

Yay! Thanks!

Hisprettybaby -> RE: Deal Breakers Anyone? (10/1/2011 12:58:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus
A woman's sex drive is very hormonally driven. When a middle aged dude tells me she's not interested anymore, my first question is, How old is she?


ORIGINAL: Iamsemisweet
Hmm, I hope my sex drive doesn't switch off because of hormones. I am 52 and loving it more than ever.

I'm almost 54 and on no hormones, and more feisty than ever before. Gawd, I hope I don't change. lol


kalikshama -> RE: Deal Breakers Anyone? (10/1/2011 1:47:35 PM)


well,.. the vanilla men i have talked to, its pretty much bait and switch, once the vanilla women get the ring on their finger... then things change.. probably cuz the women never were really into that in the first place..

I wonder if the vanilla men forgot to mention that she was tired after working all day then coming home for a second shift taking care of him, the kids, and the house and, btw, his interest in foreplay is non-existent.

tj444 -> RE: Deal Breakers Anyone? (10/1/2011 1:47:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus
Not really, no. HRT, of course, and I am on the fence about that.

The point is, it's not always lack of interest, and if there is an issue it needs to be ADDRESSED, because for the man, it could just be low testosterone, which is very easily addressed, or there could be some underlying medical condition.

hmmm,.. no, i did read something but after googling, seems some drugs for that have been turned down by the FDA..

Yes, I agree, its not always a lack of interest for women,.. someone i am very fond of has a wife that has medical conditions (not hormones) that have affected her sex drive, so there can be various reasons..

zephyroftheNorth -> RE: Deal Breakers Anyone? (10/1/2011 1:59:48 PM)


The point is, it's not always lack of interest, and if there is an issue it needs to be ADDRESSED, because for the man, it could just be low testosterone, which is very easily addressed, or there could be some underlying medical condition.

Or for that matter a medication. All possibilities should be thoroughly checked out.

tj444 -> RE: Deal Breakers Anyone? (10/1/2011 2:01:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: kalikshama


well,.. the vanilla men i have talked to, its pretty much bait and switch, once the vanilla women get the ring on their finger... then things change.. probably cuz the women never were really into that in the first place..

I wonder if the vanilla men forgot to mention that she was tired after working all day then coming home for a second shift taking care of him, the kids, and the house and, btw, his interest in foreplay is non-existent.

That can be a problem for both sexes, some couples share parenting, shopping, cleaning, etc more equally too now imo,...

but it was also that bjs went the way of the dodo bird, never to be seen again.. things they did before but disappeared after.. lets face it, a lot of vanilla women just dont like giving bjs or anal sex, those seem to be the most prominant things many vanilla women just dont like to do but many/most? guys do love those things..

but, lets say there are some vanilla women that are tired after work, etc.. why is it that (so far) the guys here dont mention lack of sex or the type they want as a problem/deal breaker? I am guessing that many female subs do the same thing, work at a job, come home and take care of Mr Dom and the kiddies.. is that just something sub women expect to do and do so without complaining or changing?

kalikshama -> RE: Deal Breakers Anyone? (10/1/2011 2:07:58 PM)


When a vanilla guy says that sex didn't occur often enough, my bet is that his woman was unhappy in the relationship and the bedroom suffered.

Or vanilla just didn't do it for her.

kalikshama -> RE: Deal Breakers Anyone? (10/1/2011 2:10:12 PM)


A woman's sex drive is very hormonally driven. When a middle aged dude tells me she's not interested anymore, my first question is, How old is she? My sex drive literally switched off!

How old were you when this happened?

DesFIP -> RE: Deal Breakers Anyone? (10/1/2011 3:02:22 PM)

My sex drive turned completely off for about two years at menopause. It's about half of what it was before now. The worst part is that before a charging rhinoceros down the hall wouldn't have stopped it, and now a gnat in the room will. A definite pita.

For both of us smoking is a deal breaker. The Man because he grew up in a house of chain smokers where you literally couldn't see across the room for the smoke. Me because even third hand smoke kicks off a sinus infection.

LadyHibiscus -> RE: Deal Breakers Anyone? (10/1/2011 3:24:43 PM)

I'm 48 Kalilshama. Just startin menopause. Granted, I've been on antidpressants forever, but that only affects my response, not my desire. Now, I have to actively THINK to engage that part of my brain.

SoulAlloy -> RE: Deal Breakers Anyone? (10/1/2011 3:27:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: Hisprettybaby
I would love to hear some male input also.

Ponders my maleness not showing through [8D]


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven
Having some of my must-haves on her list of limits.
Having some of my limits on her list of must-haves.

I missed this before but is definitely added to my list...

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