RE: "Occupy" Arrest All Over ... (Full Version)

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Hillwilliam -> RE: "Occupy" Arrest All Over ... (10/26/2011 12:18:56 PM)



Looks like he smells like piss eh


ORIGINAL: Hillwilliam


Damn smelly hippies.

Actually, he reminds me of Walter.

Lucylastic -> RE: "Occupy" Arrest All Over ... (10/26/2011 12:37:46 PM)

LMAO thats what I thought Hill, and he has his shirt hanging out too, respectable folks just dont do that sorta thing, damn hairless hippy
After the G20 and G8 riots last summer, yes of course they have plans set up for that sort of thing.
Of course those actively against the occupiers will believe anything they are told, will deny the protestors any rights they would want themselves, and be happy if violence comes.They are pissed that it hasnt already according to many sources out there, and has already been shown here, very well.

slvemike4u -> RE: "Occupy" Arrest All Over ... (10/26/2011 12:40:59 PM)

One of those "it's about time"voices made a damm good living as a member of CWA(local unknown) ..guess since he is retired he figure he got his....fuck everyone else.[8|]

servantforuse -> RE: "Occupy" Arrest All Over ... (10/26/2011 12:46:13 PM)

One reason that I have mine, I was actually at work, nearly everyday for 34 years. I wasn't protesting against a bank that gave me loans. I find it funny that these protestors liked the banks when they were getting student loans. They hate the banks when they have to pay back the loans. A bunch of morons.

SternSkipper -> RE: "Occupy" Arrest All Over ... (10/26/2011 12:47:31 PM)


My other thought is that they may be trying to crack down because Halloween is in a few days. Lots of children will be out and they may be worried about predators. I know there is all sorts of rules for folks on the sex predators list on Halloween, and so they may want to be sure that there is no crossover.

You're other thought would be ... just that... your other thought.

No one in the government or collective police departments has said a word even approaching that. But since these placs are pretty much away from areas kids trick or treat and THEY ARE SURROUNDED BY POLICE 24/7... Ummm this is a pretty 'interesting' theory [:D][:D][:D][:D][:D][:D][:D]

SternSkipper -> RE: "Occupy" Arrest All Over ... (10/26/2011 12:50:24 PM)


Sure looks like an angry old fuck

Look who's talkin

slvemike4u -> RE: "Occupy" Arrest All Over ... (10/26/2011 12:52:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: servantforuse

One reason that I have mine, I was actually at work, nearly everyday for 34 years. I wasn't protesting against a bank that gave me loans. I find it funny that these protestors liked the banks when they were getting student loans. They hate the banks when they have to pay back the loans. A bunch of morons.
Of course you are ignoring the fact that you "got yours" previous to this age of outsourcing American as to turn a 4 billion dollar profit margin into a 5.5 billion dollar profit.
But no need for you to worry about twhe future of your country or it's citizens....after all "you got yours".
Any kids....grandkids ?

SternSkipper -> RE: "Occupy" Arrest All Over ... (10/26/2011 12:54:11 PM)


You have evidence supporting you assertion that they have trashed parks.Everything I have read or heard contradicts that bullshit assertion.

He's talking chickens and spaghetti like he always does Mike... I demonstrated CLEARLY that the trash photos we're seeing in the news are the direct result of the cops. Fucking OWS NYC looks like a craft fair that hasn't yet open. What's next? These idiots gonna demand the old ladies with their little utility trailers and knitted craft shit get tear gassed?
SFU is should be short for So Fucked Up

SternSkipper -> RE: "Occupy" Arrest All Over ... (10/26/2011 12:56:52 PM)


I'm not "against" the Occupy folks at all, Stern. I do think they are protesting against the symptom, and not the disease, but I've stayed out of the threads about them, for the most part.

I started the thread because the timing of all the incidents struck me as unusual. I'm not sure what to make of that, yet.

Firm ... Didn't say you were I merely asked what you felt the implication of the information you posted was. Honest, I really am curious what you're thinking, sorry if it sounded otherwise. One of the things I get about you, is you seem to make a concerted effort to see two or more sides in stuff.

servantforuse -> RE: "Occupy" Arrest All Over ... (10/26/2011 12:59:11 PM)

3 grand kids with a 4th on the way. I am funding their future education needs so they can spend time in school and not some filthy tent city.

errantgeek -> RE: "Occupy" Arrest All Over ... (10/26/2011 12:59:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: SternSkipper

He's talking chickens and spaghetti like he always does Mike... I demonstrated CLEARLY that the trash photos we're seeing in the news are the direct result of the cops. Fucking OWS NYC looks like a craft fair that hasn't yet open. What's next? These idiots gonna demand the old ladies with their little utility trailers and knitted craft shit get tear gassed?

Well, playing devil's advocate he's got a bit of a point. Maybe they should chuck the keffiyehs, American Apparel clothing and Apple products, and roll up with handguns and Gadsden flags. Not only would they not get tear gassed, but they'd get police protection and extensive mass media coverage!

Hillwilliam -> RE: "Occupy" Arrest All Over ... (10/26/2011 1:02:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: servantforuse

3 grand kids with a 4th on the way. I am funding their future education needs so they can spend time in school and not some filthy tent city.

What happens after school? Will they move to India and work in tech support?

thompsonx -> RE: "Occupy" Arrest All Over ... (10/26/2011 1:07:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: servantforuse

3 grand kids with a 4th on the way. I am funding their future education needs so they can spend time in school and not some filthy tent city.

You constantly carp that no one should be given anything...that everyone should pay their own way yet your grandchildren are different. Their education is gifted to them, why is that?

slvemike4u -> RE: "Occupy" Arrest All Over ... (10/26/2011 1:07:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: servantforuse

3 grand kids with a 4th on the way. I am funding their future education needs so they can spend time in school and not some filthy tent city.
For their sakes I hope nothing derails your plans,such as I'll health or financial setbacks( I'm serious,I wish no I'll on anyone ) or that conditions do not deteriorate in this country beyond your well meaning attempts to provide for their education.
Seriously,all political discussions aside I do hope the road in front of your grandchildren is smooth as glass.....but I worry for all the futures of this countries children....a disappearing middle class does not bode well for this nation.
IIRC 69% of respondents responded to a poll that they feel this country was in decline....saw it on fox news as I was checking out the opposition [:)]
Scary thought in decline [&o]

SternSkipper -> RE: "Occupy" Arrest All Over ... (10/26/2011 1:17:49 PM)


3 grand kids with a 4th on the way. I am funding their future education needs so they can spend time in school and not some filthy tent city.

Response- You rate nothing better than the ignorant, arrogant, ill informed posts you lead off with. Want charity when posting?Be Civil... otherwise reap what ya sew.
And I could care less if you are financing monkeys into space. It still wouldn't make you less bitter or ignorant.

errantgeek -> RE: "Occupy" Arrest All Over ... (10/26/2011 1:20:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u


ORIGINAL: servantforuse

3 grand kids with a 4th on the way. I am funding their future education needs so they can spend time in school and not some filthy tent city.
For their sakes I hope nothing derails your plans,such as I'll health or financial setbacks( I'm serious,I wish no I'll on anyone ) or that conditions do not deteriorate in this country beyond your well meaning attempts to provide for their education.
Seriously,all political discussions aside I do hope the road in front of your grandchildren is smooth as glass.....but I worry for all the futures of this countries children....a disappearing middle class does not bode well for this nation.
IIRC 69% of respondents responded to a poll that they feel this country was in decline....saw it on fox news as I was checking out the opposition [:)]
Scary thought in decline [&o]

Yeah but to be fair, that same Fox poll showed another 54% feeling the country is in decline due to Democrats, 72% felt the country is in decline to Obama, and 3% (with a margin of error of 3%) felt the country is in decline for unrelated reasons, meaining 198% of all Americans blame Obama and the Democrats for America's decline.

Lucylastic -> RE: "Occupy" Arrest All Over ... (10/26/2011 1:22:16 PM)


DomKen -> RE: "Occupy" Arrest All Over ... (10/26/2011 1:23:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: servantforuse

3 grand kids with a 4th on the way. I am funding their future education needs so they can spend time in school and not some filthy tent city.

And why should grandpa have to spend the retirement he earned providing for the education of his grandchildren? What will happen to your great grand children when your children don't have excess money, due to not spending 30+ years in a union pension plan, and can't help fund that generation's education?

DomKen -> RE: "Occupy" Arrest All Over ... (10/26/2011 1:30:16 PM)

Back on the subject of police violence

SternSkipper -> RE: "Occupy" Arrest All Over ... (10/26/2011 1:30:33 PM)


For their sakes I hope nothing derails your plans,such as I'll health or financial setbacks( I'm serious,I wish no I'll on anyone ) or that conditions do not deteriorate in this country beyond your well meaning attempts to provide for their education.

Actually, he better hope these "tent city" folks he's talking about prevail. Because regardless of what paddle ass does, says, or thinks... The Corporate Oligarchy will roll on if no one impedes it. He will get the pillow in the face, cause he's outlived what little usefulness he has now, and in 15-20 years/,,, this 'education' he CLAIMS he's going to pay for, won't get you a blowjob in a dark alley.
   If you take the slice of kids I've spoken to at the protests in Boston.. We've got harvard kids, BU Kids, Boston College kids, Suffolk Law, Emerson and EVEN a kid or two from MIT that I've met... WHERE THE FUCK IS HE GOING TO SEND HIS GRAND KIDS THAT BEAT THOSE????  The Super-Secret Underground Karl Rove School of Dick Spanking? Area 51??? Like Where????

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