RE: "Peaceful" protest.....yeah right (Full Version)

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SternSkipper -> RE: "Peaceful" protest.....yeah right (11/4/2011 8:44:23 AM)


Laughable, how you suggest that mass murder is the answer to our nations ills then pretend that the ows hooligans you stand for are these peaceful innocent bystanders
Come back when you get your story straight, skipper

Ummmm and your point about my pointing out that history may repeat itself IS??????

Least I know I've got your DESPERATE little nubs beating the keyboard up every time I post a statement on here. Heh ... That's actually satisfying in it's own peculiar way.  See, with you... I know everybody's got your fucking number boy. And I don't need to get all girly and go scurrying around looking for the next gotchya post.
    Fact is, if this country stays on the track it's on, with Congress doing EXACTLY what Wall St tells it to, you won't recognize this Republic in 5-10 years because it will be part of the 4th World, ie- an emerging post-technological society.
   OWS is probably the BEST wake-up call this country's had since Abolition. Too bad all the ignorant fucking trolls can't get past their orders from Roger Ailes and do some actual research. If you set out from the start to destroy a movement, it defines you.
    It might seem odd to you that I was in attendance at that first symbolic rally in Boston with genuine curiosity because had sensed for a long time there was something catastrophically wrong with the legislature on both sides. And I went to two more before I gave up on them. Merely switching parties will solve nothing.
   Whatever, talking to you is like talking to a wall. You indicate no probability of ever listening in earnest.

Lucylastic -> RE: "Peaceful" protest.....yeah right (11/4/2011 8:53:57 AM)

they are just itching for there to be horrendous violence to blame the whole movement on.
The fact thats its been six weeks and they cant, is making them so pissed off they are taking any tiny shot they can.
They wont leave the teat, they cant, they fear too much.
Violence wether thru right wing infiltration, teaparty infiltration, anarchists, agent provocateurs, violent little shits from the left and just plain affiliated or not criminals, will all get blamed on the OWS regardless if its true or not.
Can you imagine wht would happen if the 99%ers turned up armed?

thompsonx -> RE: "Peaceful" protest.....yeah right (11/4/2011 9:04:53 AM)


Either way. Violence is often an end result in things like this. Therefore, dispersing the crowds before that happens is always a good idea. They've had a couple of weeks, set up some tents, beat some drums and whined about shit that ain't gonna change. It's time to pack it in.

Isn't that pretty much what king george said about franklin,adams jefferson and the rest?

thompsonx -> RE: "Peaceful" protest.....yeah right (11/4/2011 9:13:36 AM)




fuck 'em, right?

That is exactly the demonstrators thinking, fuck”em…the streets running red with the blood of our citizens is inevitable,

With your constant rants against the illegals how could it be possible that only citizens would die in this scenario?

the outcome highly predictable,

predictable by whom?

millions of law abiding middle aged citizens will die,

How is it than no criminals will die? How is it that none of the old or young will die?

a nation will cease to exist. Chaos, rape and plunder the new order but many of us will resist and 20 to 30 million of our nation’s youth will have gone to their graves without even a remote understanding of why the cowarde setting in chat roome or typing on billboards forfeited their lives.

And those in chat rooms caused this how???

subrob1967 -> RE: "Peaceful" protest.....yeah right (11/4/2011 9:15:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Why didnt those supposedly 'lawful and honorable' piece of shit cops arrest that man for brandishing? Or shoot the fuckhead to death like he was holding a wallet?

Certainly, there were innocent people in the crowds around there.

Because it's only illegal to defend yourself and property from unruly asshat mobs in liberalland.

Lucylastic -> RE: "Peaceful" protest.....yeah right (11/4/2011 9:18:11 AM)

there speaks a defender of the peace!
I take it you arent one of the 99% hey Rob

mnottertail -> RE: "Peaceful" protest.....yeah right (11/4/2011 9:26:25 AM)

Only corrupt and worthless cops would defend one side of the law. Since they don't have an actual brandishing law and they are charged with disorderly conduct it should have been that or shot for this slimey asshole.

Only in corrupt cop land is 'unruly' and 'bad vibe' legal reason to pull a gun, even for a lowlife and corrupt cop there has to be clear and present danger to self.

subrob1967 -> RE: "Peaceful" protest.....yeah right (11/4/2011 9:30:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Only corrupt and worthless cops would defend one side of the law. Since they don't have an actual brandishing law and they are charged with disorderly conduct it should have been that or shot for this slimey asshole.

Only in corrupt cop land is 'unruly' and 'bad vibe' legal reason to pull a gun, even for a lowlife and corrupt cop there has to be clear and present danger to self.

Call a whambulance, sounds like your wittle feewings were hurt because the guy protected his 50 million dollar property... He was only one man, if the protesters were so adamant about their cause, they could have easily subdued him, but like all liberals, they ran like a bunch of pawn shop pussies.

Lucylastic -> RE: "Peaceful" protest.....yeah right (11/4/2011 9:35:56 AM)

I thought they were all violent punks, thugs, mobs, scummm murdering dangerous people?

Fuck, keep your mind straight

mnottertail -> RE: "Peaceful" protest.....yeah right (11/4/2011 9:39:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: subrob1967


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Only corrupt and worthless cops would defend one side of the law. Since they don't have an actual brandishing law and they are charged with disorderly conduct it should have been that or shot for this slimey asshole.

Only in corrupt cop land is 'unruly' and 'bad vibe' legal reason to pull a gun, even for a lowlife and corrupt cop there has to be clear and present danger to self.

Call a whambulance, sounds like your wittle feewings were hurt because the guy protected his 50 million dollar property... He was only one man, if the protesters were so adamant about their cause, they could have easily subdued him, but like all liberals, they ran like a bunch of pawn shop pussies.

I notice the criminally negligent gestapo cops were the pussies and the law violators in that little vignette.

subrob1967 -> RE: "Peaceful" protest.....yeah right (11/4/2011 9:51:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail
I notice the criminally negligent gestapo cops were the pussies and the law violators in that little vignette.

Then you need a real eye examination... Stop wearing Grandma's pawned glasses, they're obviously not the prescription you need.

Arienos -> RE: "Peaceful" protest.....yeah right (11/4/2011 9:52:49 AM)


Call a whambulance, sounds like your wittle feewings were hurt because the guy protected his 50 million dollar property... He was only one man, if the protesters were so adamant about their cause, they could have easily subdued him,

I submit not so easily, as they continue their mission to undermine murder and kill the youth of our nation, their beneath the lines battle plans and war efforts are becoming readily recognizable to even the blind observer. I certainly hope not but strongly suspect a far more highly organized and better funded weapons ready movement will evident itself in opposition to the deceitfulness of this so-called peaceful demonstration of public disobedience.

Lucylastic -> RE: "Peaceful" protest.....yeah right (11/4/2011 9:56:04 AM)

oh I bet you are just throbbing to that little thought arent you, yipeeeee for violent angry people

mnottertail -> RE: "Peaceful" protest.....yeah right (11/4/2011 10:00:57 AM)




Call a whambulance, sounds like your wittle feewings were hurt because the guy protected his 50 million dollar property... He was only one man, if the protesters were so adamant about their cause, they could have easily subdued him,

I submit not so easily, as they continue their mission to undermine murder and kill the youth of our nation, their beneath the lines battle plans and war efforts are becoming readily recognizable to even the blind observer. I certainly hope not but strongly suspect a far more highly organized and better funded weapons ready movement will evident itself in opposition to the deceitfulness of this so-called peaceful demonstration of public disobedience.

Yeah, Heil Hitler, just in case we lose; there feller.

mnottertail -> RE: "Peaceful" protest.....yeah right (11/4/2011 10:03:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: subrob1967


ORIGINAL: mnottertail
I notice the criminally negligent gestapo cops were the pussies and the law violators in that little vignette.

Then you need a real eye examination... Stop wearing Grandma's pawned glasses, they're obviously not the prescription you need.

I bet the gestapo were hands out getting their payoff money and covering for other criminal acts they perpetrated that day.

Arienos -> RE: "Peaceful" protest.....yeah right (11/4/2011 10:13:01 AM)


yipeeeee for violent angry people

Your comment, was that meant as a description of the planned pillaging and rioting soon to follow or just the unruly mob mentality of the demonstrators?

Edwynn -> RE: "Peaceful" protest.....yeah right (11/4/2011 10:13:05 AM)



I certainly hope not but strongly suspect a far more highly organized and better funded weapons ready movement will evident itself in opposition to the deceitfulness of this so-called peaceful demonstration of public disobedience.

"Lock and Load!" on the OWS folks.

No Question, the media would have a LOT more fun with this version.


Yeah, I know, even never having owned a gun in my life, I know that the actual term is "load and lock," but we have to go with Hollywood on this one.

Lucylastic -> RE: "Peaceful" protest.....yeah right (11/4/2011 10:15:58 AM)




yipeeeee for violent angry people

Your comment, was that meant as a description of the planned pillaging and rioting soon to follow or just the unruly mob mentality of the demonstrators?




yipeeeee for violent angry people

Your comment, was that meant as a description of the planned pillaging and rioting soon to follow or just the unruly mob mentality of the demonstrators?




yipeeeee for violent angry people

Your comment, was that meant as a description of the planned pillaging and rioting soon to follow or just the unruly mob mentality of the demonstrators?

your sad mentality only.

Sanity -> RE: "Peaceful" protest.....yeah right (11/4/2011 10:31:51 AM)

Are firestorms considered peaceful?

And how much control does MSNBC have over the rioters.


Larry O'Donnell Calls for Occupy D.C. to Bring 'Firestorm' to Nat'l Restaurant Association's HQ

Read more:





I certainly hope not but strongly suspect a far more highly organized and better funded weapons ready movement will evident itself in opposition to the deceitfulness of this so-called peaceful demonstration of public disobedience.

"Lock and Load!" on the OWS folks.

No Question, the media would have a LOT more fun with this version.


Yeah, I know, even never having owned a gun in my life, I know that the actual term is "load and lock," but we have to go with Hollywood on this one.

Edwynn -> RE: "Peaceful" protest.....yeah right (11/4/2011 10:33:26 AM)

Damn Lucy, I only contemplated participating in OWS because I thought I could steal your children.

Alas, I am stuck with learning how to be an oil or financial industry lobbyist for that purpose. I been a grown-up now, and I understand the need for proper education for such pursuit.

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