Who says OWS doesnt have any good ideas? (Full Version)

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YSG -> Who says OWS doesnt have any good ideas? (11/5/2011 9:12:14 PM)

This is how we hurt them.
Hit 'em right in the pocket book!

SternSkipper -> RE: Who says OWS doesnt have any good ideas? (11/5/2011 9:19:10 PM)

We Have AWESOME Ideas... Right now the Idea I am proliferating is eye witness participation:


TheHeretic -> RE: Who says OWS doesnt have any good ideas? (11/5/2011 9:25:07 PM)

Big banks buy little banks all the time. Choose wisely, or you could wind up leaving Wells Fargo, to get played by Bunch of Assholes (B of A) six months down the road.

YSG -> RE: Who says OWS doesnt have any good ideas? (11/5/2011 9:35:43 PM)

Heretic, Im investing my money in a credit union, so no worries there

midmichiganguy -> RE: Who says OWS doesnt have any good ideas? (11/5/2011 9:52:46 PM)

You do realize right that the OWS movement did NOT start nor have the original idea for this don't you?

"Though the push for the bank transfer movement began with Kristen Christian, a 27-year-old Los Angeles-based entrepreneur, Occupy Wall Street protesters have become some of the most visible supporters of Bank Transfer Day, allowing them to drive the conversation surrounding Saturday's deadline."

Berman, Jillian. (11/2011) Bank Transfer Day, Occupy Wall Street Share Sentiments But Take Different Approaches. Huffington Post. Taken from the website: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/04/bank-transfer-day-occupy-wall-street_n_1077088.html

Point in fact, after this article was posted and in light of recent disgust for the OWS movement and their criminal behavior she has taken to quite vocally both on her facebook page and on various media outlets such as (gasp) Fox News, to making it quite clear that she started an independent movement with no affiliation nor desire to be attached to anyone elses movement. http://video.foxnews.com/v/1260149571001/bank-transfer-day-begins/?playlist_id=87485

So please get your facts straight before posting ideas that are erroneous and non-factual.

Termyn8or -> RE: Who says OWS doesnt have any good ideas? (11/5/2011 10:21:06 PM)

Interesting because it wasn't so long ago I was reading about "move your money". That might be worth a google on it's own, maybe later.


YSG -> RE: Who says OWS doesnt have any good ideas? (11/5/2011 10:38:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: midmichiganguy

You do realize right that the OWS movement did NOT start nor have the original idea for this don't you?

"Though the push for the bank transfer movement began with Kristen Christian, a 27-year-old Los Angeles-based entrepreneur, Occupy Wall Street protesters have become some of the most visible supporters of Bank Transfer Day, allowing them to drive the conversation surrounding Saturday's deadline."

Berman, Jillian. (11/2011) Bank Transfer Day, Occupy Wall Street Share Sentiments But Take Different Approaches. Huffington Post. Taken from the website: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/04/bank-transfer-day-occupy-wall-street_n_1077088.html

Point in fact, after this article was posted and in light of recent disgust for the OWS movement and their criminal behavior she has taken to quite vocally both on her facebook page and on various media outlets such as (gasp) Fox News, to making it quite clear that she started an independent movement with no affiliation nor desire to be attached to anyone elses movement. http://video.foxnews.com/v/1260149571001/bank-transfer-day-begins/?playlist_id=87485

So please get your facts straight before posting ideas that are erroneous and non-factual.

You really want to talk to me about facts? Try not using Fox News as a reference.

While its technically true that OWS didnt start it, it is true that it probably wouldent have gotten this far without our support.

Also, the only violence in the whole Occupy movement has been started by the police, despite what the right-wing corporate parrots say.

Termyn8or -> RE: Who says OWS doesnt have any good ideas? (11/5/2011 10:58:46 PM)

"While its technically true that OWS didnt start it, it is true that it probably wouldent have gotten this far without our support. "

I would have to agree. I heard about move your money well before the "crash". If it were going to resurface on it's own it would've done it around the time of the bailout.

Planned bank runs or boycotts are nothing new. In the old days a bank run would cause it to simply shut down. The customers lose confidence and it's over. What's more is that they know for a fact that the bank doesn't have all that money, it is in use. They know the bank run will cause the collapse and the rest of the people will not get their money. It's a run because you want to be there first. Fuck the other guy. Not that there's anything wrong with that in this particular case but that's how it is.

The difference here is that all the little people taking their money out of a big bank wil not hurt them at all in assets. Just in fees. They have big depositors, but those customers don't pay fees. This is all gravy on top of gravy.

They will find a way to recoup those profits. No matter what, the little people will pay. The only way to pay less is to be willing to do without. Most of you don't have alot of money anyway, so what the fuck do you need a bank for ? Get back to thinking the old way. They drag you into a cashless society and you don't even notice the fact that you used to have cash and now you don't.

Uh-huh. Doh.


Hippiekinkster -> RE: Who says OWS doesnt have any good ideas? (11/5/2011 11:02:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: SternSkipper

We Have AWESOME Ideas... Right now the Idea I am proliferating is eye witness participation:


Yeah, wow, fuck-a-doodle-doo. I had a bunch of shit I wanted to donate. SO I registered w/ OA. No confiming email. SO I sent an email to the IT "Team" asking if they could see their way clear to send the email. Not a fucking peep.

I had such high hopes, but the retarded youth of Suburbia have taken root. The message is getting lost in all the chaff.

Me on OccupyTogether:
" "Today I was with some retired women that I have known for some time and they wanted to know what OWS was all about. Every time I explained from my perspective or from the running themes in these forums it did not sink in. I talked of corporate influence in politics, which they didn't really argue with. Then when I said there was such a disparity in income and that 1% owned 40% of the wealth. They said, "So you want to take money from people that have earned it." or "this country is getting very much like socialism," or "they look like a bunch of freeloaders." The thing is they agreed with me when I said how about getting back to true democracy as in "we the people, for the people, by the people,"..."

Way back in the Day, when I was a little Hippieling, there was a movement to get the US out of Viet Nam. There were, as most are aware, some simultaneous movements, such as legalizing weed, the beginnings of the Green movement, and so on. There was also the Civil Rights movement, which preceeded the Antiwar movement. But it was the Antiwar movement which eventually galvanized much of the country.

The message was simple, and on point: US out of Viet Nam. Once that was accomplished, then our energies could be focused on the rest of the issues. I was certainly concerned about the war, since my draft number was 8 and I most certainly would have ended up taking an extended vacation in beautiful SE Asia. They wuz lookin' for me, they wuz. I wuz a draft-dodger. And protester. Got myself tear-gassed in D.C., I did.

Point is, in my aged and pre-Alzheimer's opinion, there should be a single, simple message, that people can affirmatively respond to. As Betsy noted above, many people have no idea why people are gathering in Central Business District public spaces around the country.

I believe that the number one priority is to get the corrupting influence of money out of Washington (and all the State Capitols as well). I think that there is no possibility of peaceful evolutionary change without first achieving that goal. I don't think most folks would deny that there is a gross wealth distribution inequality in our country. But that has never occured, at any time in History, without the wealthy being able to influence the government. In Rome the Patricians owned the Senate. In Athens a very select group of Citizens controlled the "Democratic" process. In pre-revolutionary France it was the Nobility, and before that, the Catholic Church.

And Russia? Holy cow,...
"Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich: Establishes the Ulozhenic {law code} of 1649;
Statute of limitations is extended to 9 years,,,then to 15 years,,,then eliminated;
Peasants are declared to be serfs. {chapter 11 of the code}; Serfs are forbidden to move away from the land holder on whose land they currently live; Serfs are no longer allowed to testify in court; If a non-serf marries a serf, he/she automatically becomes a serf; Children born of serfs are automatically serfs; Serfs are now, for all intents & purposes, the "property" of the land holder. Ulozhenic Law also restricts people who reside in towns to the town, & to their current occupation.

I think it's beyond the scope of this discussion to recap how the Nobility became the Nobility, and Feudalism, and all that, good people. The point is is that wealth, corruption, and oppression have always been best of friends. And it is the wealth that fuels the corruption and oppression.

Remove the wealth from the equation, and then we can go about the redressing the wrongs that have been perpetrated upon us.

I agree with virtually all of The 99% Declaration; as a first draft it is fantastic (it contains redundancies, and needs some judicious editing, I think). However, I believe that there needs to be a very simple theme initially: Money Out Of Politics! (US Out Of Viet Nam!)

Obtain affirmative answers...
"Ma'am, do you think that Washington is corrupt?"
"Why, yes!"
"Do you think that there's just too much money in Washington, that's causing all the corruption?"
"I sure do, young man. Anybody ever tell you you have a nice smile?"
"Well, thank you ma'am. Would you like to try and put an end to all that corruption?"
"Of course I would. Nice legs, too..."
"Thank you, ma'am. I want to do the same thing. That's why I'm supporting the OccupyWallStreet Movement. They want the same thing that you and I do."
"Pretty eyes, too. Wanna go dancin' tonight, young fellow?"

I'm convinced that, if the money isn't taken out of Politics first, nothing will change.

THEN we work on strengthening the Unions, increasing the minimum wage, forgiving student loans, getting people back in their foreclosed homes, reducing the military, building high-speed rail, putting Single-Payer health care in place, and so on and et cetera.

Just my thinking on the matter."

YSG -> RE: Who says OWS doesnt have any good ideas? (11/5/2011 11:03:51 PM)

Ok Termy, think about it in basic numbers. Even if the 1,000,000 people who withdrew their money only had $50 in their accounts, thats still $50,000,000 out of the hands of these big banks. Any buisness that loses that much will notice, trust me

Hillwilliam -> RE: Who says OWS doesnt have any good ideas? (11/6/2011 4:18:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

Bunch of Assholes (B of A)

Damn, when you're good, you're good. Can I use that one in the future?

TheHeretic -> RE: Who says OWS doesnt have any good ideas? (11/6/2011 5:59:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: Hillwilliam


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

Bunch of Assholes (B of A)

Damn, when you're good, you're good. Can I use that one in the future?

If you put it on t-shirts, I want a cut, otherwise, enjoy. [:D]

Toucan -> RE: Who says OWS doesnt have any good ideas? (11/6/2011 6:04:09 AM)



This is how we hurt them.
Hit 'em right in the pocket book!

OWS didn't come up with that idea. The lady who came up with it doesn't even agree with OWS ppl. You have to understand that most of the original OWS people are College failures. People who studied worthless things and then found out how up a creek they truly are. They are just making a ruckos hoping for a bailout or bribe of some sort.

OWS Just tried to hijack it at the end of it. The original supporters got over what? 4+ Billion dollars transferred since Sept 29. Then towards then end of October the OWS crowd jump in, try to co-opt it and then take credit. OWS are nothing but a bunch of wanna be Brownshirt's for the Obama administration. Of course since America is a Citizen Militia Nation(Meaning a heavily armed populace) they have to act differently then in nations were the citizenry are disarmed. They have to play the role of the victim in order to garner support. I wouldn't be surprised if the Obama administration got the police to be extra violent just to increase sympathy for the OWS. + It makes a good case for his national gestapo.. err national police force. If the OWS merely demanded the criminal bankers be prosecuted for their crimes I could agree. If they demanded regulators do their job, I could agree. But what they are asking for isn't for job's that pay living wages. They want a communist state.

Heck look up the bigoted/sexist "Progresive forums" or whatever. That told me all I needed to know about the OWS people.

tazzygirl -> RE: Who says OWS doesnt have any good ideas? (11/6/2011 7:00:48 AM)

You do realize this isnt an original idea the "lady" came up with, yes?

kdsub -> RE: Who says OWS doesnt have any good ideas? (11/6/2011 7:11:50 AM)

I agree this is great...although I don't attribute all the credit to the occupiers... I did the same months ago. But there is no doubt that the occupiers are keeping the banks and their raping of America in the forefront.


OrionTheWolf -> RE: Who says OWS doesnt have any good ideas? (11/6/2011 7:36:01 AM)

Actually you might want to look up the raw data about the diversity of OWS that has been done by several places. You will probably be surprised, but will you admit it if you do?

As to OWS having the idea of the bank transfer day, as stated it did not originate there, but they support it.

SternSkipper -> RE: Who says OWS doesnt have any good ideas? (11/6/2011 11:05:51 PM)


You do realize right that the OWS movement did NOT start nor have the original idea for this don't you?

No, we didn't What WE DID was make it known worldwide and get behind it. And my understanding is that the MERE THREAT of it had prior to the actual blessed event, Two MAJOR Banks cancelled plans quite publicly to raise rates on Debit Carded accounts to wit, BAC and TD Banks...  Fact is though, even the article you cite credits the movement with material contribution to the event.
  Don't like it all you want bud, won't affect things in the least.

SternSkipper -> RE: Who says OWS doesnt have any good ideas? (11/6/2011 11:11:49 PM)


OWS Just tried to hijack it at the end of it. The original supporters got over what? 4+ Billion dollars transferred since Sept 29. Then towards then end of October the OWS crowd jump in, try to co-opt it and then take credit.

You're fucking high kid  OWS WAS the first big wave of supporters and Kristen is in fact a big supporter. And she's even spoken at a GA or two.
   Part of that 4+ Billion was myself and many other people in my group transferring their moneys to credit unions.
   But let me point out the Larger idiocy of this statement... it doesn't fucking matter who thought of it. What's really important? It has now been proven the Model works.

SternSkipper -> RE: Who says OWS doesnt have any good ideas? (11/6/2011 11:23:05 PM)


You really want to talk to me about facts? Try not using Fox News as a reference.
While its technically true that OWS didnt start it, it is true that it probably wouldent have gotten this far without our support.

You had it right, Kristen was in touch with OWS LA and all the other sites within hours of beginning to publicize her idea.
  Like it FUCKING matters 'who'?
Really... If economic equity is returned to this country, do any of really think we're going to care who gets credit for it?

Hillwilliam -> RE: Who says OWS doesnt have any good ideas? (11/7/2011 4:58:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic


ORIGINAL: Hillwilliam


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

Bunch of Assholes (B of A)

Damn, when you're good, you're good. Can I use that one in the future?

If you put it on t-shirts, I want a cut, otherwise, enjoy. [:D]

So the baseball caps, binders, book deals, happy meal toys and franchised billboards are all mine? Cool.

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