RE: New honest and intelligent Dom saying "Hi." (Full Version)

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DarkSteven -> RE: New honest and intelligent Dom saying "Hi." (11/13/2011 3:13:32 AM)

Well, Richard, I see you didn't like what I wrote.  I also see that you deleted your original writings from your answer to me.  Which is understandable, because it states pretty much the same as my boiled-down version.  Your response was to wave your hands and write a bunch of stuff that really says nothing. 

You're projecting the ambivalence and lack of commitment on her, when I get the same vibes from you.  Sit down and determine whether you want a relationship with her or not.  Once you've clarified where you stand, talk with her and see where she stands.

Good luck.

JanahX -> RE: New honest and intelligent Dom saying "Hi." (11/13/2011 3:45:52 AM)


(NOTICE: For those of you who are more delicate, or do no wish to read substance with a negative flavor, you can pass on this completely.)

LOLOLOLOL!!!! Thanks for the laugh !!! I needed that this morning !!

And anyone trying to help you windbag is wasting their time. You have an itchy dick ... You obviously need to go scratch it and youre trying to rationalize to yourself and others why you need to get some new pussy.

No one needs to read your long winded bullshit to comprehend that.
Go get your pussy ... and she'll be there for you when you come back to her. That will cause drama, and then you both will be happy as bugs in a rug. Its so obvious, the more drama = the happier the two of you will be. TA=DA !!

peppermint -> RE: New honest and intelligent Dom saying "Hi." (11/13/2011 3:46:07 AM)

Well, we all know how you two do in the communication aspect. You prefer writing on an internet forum rather than have a heart to heart, face to face talk with her. I find this so very sad. You lack the skills needed for a good relationship. You also lack decision making qualities. It would seem that you need to do some soul searching before you put all the blame on your partner.

MistressDarkArt -> RE: New honest and intelligent Dom saying "Hi." (11/13/2011 12:18:04 PM)

Ain't touchin' this one with a 10 ft. pole. Hello, OP.

Fornica -> RE: New honest and intelligent Dom saying "Hi." (11/13/2011 1:56:53 PM)

This is the most passive aggressive bullshit ever. Dude, talk to her, don't play games, it makes you look like a dick. (And not in a good dick way)

MaamSpamCrapoo -> RE: New honest and intelligent Dom saying "Hi." (11/13/2011 5:12:12 PM)

Honest? Intelligent? Yezzir, you da posterchild, reeeeelly you iz.

anniezz338 -> RE: New honest and intelligent Dom saying "Hi." (11/13/2011 5:54:37 PM)

I've seen this...couples who for years and years break up and get back together. Break up and get back together. Very passionate but also very chaotic. It's almost like there becomes an addiction to the chaos. Until you fix whatever the chronic problem seems to be, it will just continue to cycle. And that is not only facing hard, cold facts but accepting them also.

You are looking at profiles with interest while still trying to cement your current relationship. I wouldn't read too much into this. Being wishy-washy is not a strength in a dominant.

lizi -> RE: New honest and intelligent Dom saying "Hi." (11/13/2011 6:00:33 PM)

Oh boy. OP, you are so long winded, I can barely make it through a quarter of your posts. I was being honest before....the two of you seem happy and deserve each other. You both have a need for this drama together or you wouldn't have lasted this long much less keep going back for more. You took my original post as being negative when I was being completely transparent in what I said, so feel free to take it as a snark-free statement in the manner it was intended....or not. I really don't care. Whoever loriellen is, she's got way more patience then I could ever muster. If you talk like this in real life I'd fall over dead before you ever got to the point. And believe me, I've had training. I've got a long winded partner, my goodness that man can talk sometimes. He's so cute though and ernest and all that. I just want to pet him when he's going on and on and I do....there's not much else to do while I'm waiting for him to get to the point.

You know, in general, anytime someone goes on and on and attempts to philosophize ad nauseum and consequently backpedal as well, it comes across as BS to me. Genuine people usually say their stuff and get on with life. Not to say I dont enjoy a good debate or conversation, I love that stuff. What you do isn't debate or conversation, it's more like masturbation.

RichardAS -> RE: New honest and intelligent Dom saying "Hi." (11/15/2011 9:35:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: ashjor911
Welcome To CM



ORIGINAL: ChatteParfaitt
Welcome to the discussion side of CM.

You look like you mean it - whatever it is.


if she's not reliable in a relationship, to the degree that you want, be honest and have a talk with her. seriously, being passive aggressive and hoping she'll dump you after she reads this, that's not a very "take-charge" quality, at least not to me... if you can't own your feelings and your decisions, then... how can you be a good leader?
ANYWAY, welcome to the CM forums.

Thanks for your welcome, and that you would put aside what you saw as negative stuff to welcome me.

I read your profile, so I imagine you mean well.
loriellen is not open or honest, and I don't know how to have a relationship like that.
OBVIOUSLY: Of course I did talk to her; why would you assume I wouldn't be honest or wouldn't talk to her? Slap on the hand for that ... tsk, tsk.
I talked and she did her song-and-dance and I told her to call me when she's able to be open with me.

But you should understand that she comes from a horribly dysfunctional family, and she has been damaged. Some of this she has worked out; but I do not believe - after 4 months, now - that she is able to be open and honest with herself - nevermind me. So I don't see it as her fault. My post is only honest; that her lack of communication has me wondering about a different relationship is a fact she already knows very well because it is obvious, and I can assure you that she is very much smart enough to know such things without my ever needing to tell her.

I can be a very patient man, but I can't wait the ten years of her therapy just so she can tell me how she feels. The fact is that - for whatever reasons - it doesn't appear she'll be able to communicate with me as I see fit that a relationship needs. But it isn't her fault and I will make certain that she is least hurt for it. You don't need to worry about her; I will handle matters as best they can be. Have some trust.

I have no intention of her dumping me; she's going to dump me because I'm unwilling to have a relationship without easy and effortless communcation? Is that what you determined? How did your brain manage that one? Perhaps you should be more careful before you make assessments such as that - and then write about them, publically.

If you don't see a "take-charge" quality, it is because I have not shown it to you.

Now, how on Earth did you come up with me not owning my own feelings or desicions?

You have confused my patience with loriellen with indecision, you have mistaken my care for her for passivity, and you have confused a change in my feelings and thoughts about loriellen with not owning them. Perhaps you should be more careful before you make assessments such as you have - and then write about them, publically.

Here: I read the profiles of the submissives who viewed loriellen's profile, and mine. I saw an effortless honesty, which is very attractive to me. I discovered, while I was writing - which real-time discovery I think is quite evident - that I had become unsatisfied by a relationship that was missing something crucial; communication, openness, and honesty. This crucial quality is well-represented here on CM, and is evident all over the place in submissive profiles.

As far as my leadership quality goes; I lead softly and with care, for those who know they need to be lead. I don't lead those who need to be kicked because they don't know they need to be lead. But I will kick those who need to be lead because they think they're leaders but actually aren't.


People who initiate attacks are called "bullies." People who put an end to such things are called "Gentlemen."
People who have inner conflicts are honest. People who deny they have inner conflicts are called "hypocrites." People who pretend to have inner conflicts are called "predators."

- Richard

MistressDarkArt -> RE: New honest and intelligent Dom saying "Hi." (11/15/2011 9:56:00 PM)


As far as my leadership quality goes; I lead softly and with care, for those who know they need to be lead. I don't lead those who need to be kicked because they don't know they need to be lead. But I will kick those who need to be lead because they think they're leaders but actually aren't.


Ummm, did anyone else get a headache trying to figure out what he was on about here? [sm=dunno.gif] Me poor bonce...

BurntKitty -> RE: New honest and intelligent Dom saying "Hi." (11/15/2011 10:05:51 PM)

(Obligatory courtesy) Welcome to CM.


RichardAS -> RE: New honest and intelligent Dom saying "Hi." (11/15/2011 11:37:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: tazzygirl
Hi Richard.
Let me start out by saying that Steven is perhaps one of the most perceptive men on these boards. He isnt always right, but he is rarely wrong.

Hi to you.
Thanks for not attacking my character automatically, and thanks for trying to apologize for the behavior of others who have attacked me.

Oh, I think I know all about Mr. DarkSteven. I've dealt with his type plenty - poseurs, cowards, and bullies. I believe I already dealt with him and said goodbye to him ... yet here he comes again, on the attack; a tiny, little man - like so many before him.

Somehow, I don't think he's as perceptive about himself as he'd have everyone believe.

Here's what loriellen had to say about him;
"Everybody has balls on the Internet."
... and;
"He must think he's real special."

Every single woman I have ever had anything to do with would be disgusted by that man. But it's your choice if you want to side with him.

People who initiate attacks are called "bullies." The people who finish such things are called "Gentlemen."

I don't believe Mr. DarkSteven has earned much gentle behavior from me. I'm just beating him with my cane, as gentlemen used to do to such foul pufferies ... and as he deserves.
Nor will I appear polite and friendly to gain 'social points', as he does. Look how he attacks me again, and then, after his attack, he pretends to be a concerned party by giving me his "earnest" advice I did not ask for nor need, and then wishes me "good luck."

It goes like this:
A person cannot respect that poseur and respect me at the same time; you can't do both, as I won't accept it.


ORIGINAL: tazzygirl
Im not being snarky, nor am I giving you a "put down". We can only go by what you tell us...

You don't need to make that statement; I can see well-enough that there is nothing negative in your post.
Go by what you can; but I think you can see a world of difference between your post and those who have rabidly attacked me, such as Mr. DarkSteven.

So, why is there this massive difference between your character and these 'attackers'' characters?

Why is it that you are trying to explain things to me rationally, yet they assault me irrationally? What I see is you, trying to apologize for their behavior. Would you consider that perceptive?

What is this world of difference?

I have complete faith that others can see this difference, too; and it is only those who would see these attacks for what they are that I would have anything to do with. If you think that I will stand idly by while a coward publically assaults me for his own fraudulous gain, you are mistaken.

Let people look, and see that difference. Let people look well and good.

Yes, I knew before posting that anyone can look up my posts from my profile. I'm not concerned, nor am I 'afraid'. I have explained my position well enough. Read my post, read them all; I sign my name to them.
As it is said;

The Truth Will Out.

- Richard

DarkSteven -> RE: New honest and intelligent Dom saying "Hi." (11/16/2011 3:33:51 AM)

Dude, I guess I should be impressed that you're so obsessed with me. I'm not.

I didn't attack you.  I simply took your own words, and removed all the excess verbiage to show what it really said.  I didn't make up stuff about you - I revealed the intent of your own words.  Frankly, the fact that you cannot recognize that would concern me a LOT if I were you. You then lost your temper and posted some hysterical weird post about me.

I stand by what I said.  You're at the crossroads in your relationship and not sure whether you should commit or not, and you need to work that out with your submissive. 

LillyBoPeep -> RE: New honest and intelligent Dom saying "Hi." (11/16/2011 3:42:56 AM)

Wow, I never popped back and saw the dramatic reply to my message. =p Richard, I don't believe I've misunderstood anything. You wrote this --

So, I suspect I'll be participating more in the CM community than I thought I would be; and by this statement alone, I can see that I am leaning away from my current relationship with a submissive who is non-committal and towards a relationship with a submissive who would be more interested in a committed relationship.

Now I'm going to have to deal with my submissive reading this - which should help the relationship to no end.

Which reads as if you were sort of planning for your current sub to read that you're looking for a new one and moving away from her. That's passive aggressive. We assume that you haven't talked about this because, before you made your intro," you made your "enjoying sadism" thread which sounded like you were in a fine, functional relationship.

Now, however, you're elaborating and giving reasons for why you feel this way -- if you'd done that in the beginning, you'd probably have a better reception. Perhaps you should be more careful before you write in vague rambling statements about your relationship to people over the internet who can only go on what you write. =p Be clear and concise -- MAKE SENSE. Then people will understand you.

Fornica -> RE: New honest and intelligent Dom saying "Hi." (11/16/2011 5:40:57 AM)

You do realize how distasteful it is for you to come on here gossiping like a little girl about your girlfriend appears to us all, right?
You came in here, flipped your hair, and started smack talking her, and are all butthurt that no one patted your head and told you that she sucks.
Keep your shit between the two of you, for christs sake. You sound like a whiney little bitch.

JanahX -> RE: New honest and intelligent Dom saying "Hi." (11/16/2011 7:30:07 AM)

this guy flounced a long time ago ... Im sure jerking off to porn. I doubt he had anyone but a rubber doll in the first place.

DoesAsIAmTold -> RE: New honest and intelligent Dom saying "Hi." (11/16/2011 7:35:53 AM)

Richard I think I have worked out what the problem is with your sub. If you post in the manner in which you speak. She is almost definitely bored stiff of you. She probably can't face a lifetime (sorry 10 yrs) listening to you waffle on and not actually say anything. She probably zones out as soon as you start talking. A bit like a nilla man with a nagging wife. Have you ever considered getting into politics? You remind me of my daughter. She talks and talks and talks thinking I will eventually give in and give her her own way to shut her up. To her, me saying no just means she hasn't convinced me yet.

Also. You are willing to commit 10 years to her. You want her to walk away from whatever she is having problems walking away from. Yet ALL you are willing to give her is 10 years. Us that are looking for relationship Dom's want more than 10 years. It is probably part of the reason she won't commit. What is she supposed to do after the 10 years.

Quick question for you. How would you feel if you read about the death of someone you were really close to, in the paper? Would you not be hurt that noone told you. You have done exactly the same thing to your sub. If she has any sense, she will tell you where to get off and walk away.

I would be careful because if she does, you would be very lucky to find another. Very few would let you anywhere near them after reading your OP. I hope she finds herself a good Dom, like DS, then she will see you for what you are.

DoesAsIAmTold -> RE: Intro thread of a wannadom (11/16/2011 7:51:42 AM)



this guy flounced a long time ago ... Im sure jerking off to porn. I doubt he had anyone but a rubber doll in the first place.

I was actually think "he uses her name an awful lot, I wonder if she exists" [sm=biggrin.gif]

Fornica -> RE: Intro thread of a wannadom (11/16/2011 8:48:12 AM)

funny, I was thinking the same thing!

loriellen -> RE: New honest and intelligent Dom saying "Hi." (11/16/2011 9:32:10 AM)


nor is she proving to be reliable in a relationship (which I am interested in), and I am looking at other submissive profiles and finding myself a little more than casually interested - none of which I expected, either.

So, I suspect I'll be participating more in the CM community than I thought I would be; and by this statement alone, I can see that I am leaning away from my current relationship with a submissive who is non-committal and towards a relationship with a submissive who would be more interested in a committed relationship.

Now I'm going to have to deal with my submissive reading this - which should help the relationship to no end.

- Richard
Now I'm going to have to deal with my submissive reading this - which should help the relationship to no end.

Dearest Richard, love of my life-
Perhaps I know all I need to know now. You are being so open with strangers, yet you will sit there on the phone with me and accuse me of NOT communicating with YOU. Really? You would discuss these things openly, knowingly do so in an open forum, all the while knowing I would eventually read what you posted? And I turn myself inside out trying to figure out why you call me unreliable and imply that I am the one not interested in a commitment, and otherwise engage me in impossible conversations. You blame ME, so you can perhaps not feel guilty about looking at the profiles of other, more desirable submissives?

You have wounded me in ways you cannot possibly imagine.

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