RE: ass worship (Full Version)

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angelsubchris -> RE: ass worship (11/16/2011 2:49:09 PM)

mistress asked me to come up with 100 ways i would worship her ass and so far i can only think of 19. not even sure if some of them are really ways to worship an ass. asking for help to think of other ways. thanks to all!

HaytchHouse -> RE: ass worship (11/16/2011 2:52:29 PM)

100 ways, eh? And you could only come up with 17? We here at Haytch House feel for you, so we did a little brainstorming and came up with 100 different methods of worshipping her ass. It took us about 15 minutes.

Here's the list.

1. Kiss it
2. Lick it
3. Tongue-fuck it
4. Praise it
5. Write an ode to it
6. Think about it
7. Stare at it
8. Dream about it
9. Touch it
10. Stroke it
11. Massage it
12. Write it love letters
13. Allow it to smother you
14. Keep a picture of it in a locket around your neck
15. Extoll its virtues to a stranger
16. Compare it favourably with other asses
17. Sniff it
18. Sketch it
19. Make a shrine to it in your room.
20. Randomly tell people your Mistress has a better ass
21. Make sockpuppet accounts online to praise it
22. Hold rigged "Best Ass" competition.
23. Be its cushion, allow it to sit on you.
24. Paint a picture of it
25. Keep a photo album exclusively dedicated to it.
26. Announce to your family that you worship it.
27. Apply for official religion status as its worshipper.
28. Make and post you tube videos of yourself ranting about how perfect it is
29. Buy it presents.
30. Make daily tribute to it.
31. Regularly provide it with new panties to wear.
32. Start a savings account to provide it with lifts later in life.
33. Purchase it every form of glute exercise device
34. Let it fart in your face.
35. Prostrate yourself before it several times a day.
36. Never look at it without permission.
37. Recruit others to service it at your expense
38. Only masturbate to it
39. Always think about it and only it when you cum
40. Drink from it
41. Suck and clean it whenever it gets fucked.
42. Become its toilet - and thank it after each meal
43. Provide it with a bodyguard at your expense
44. Replace every chair or cushion it uses with the most expensive variety available.
45. When it leaves a seat, immediately kiss that seat
46. Never allow any other ass to use the same chairs and cushions it does.
47. Suck clean anything that has come in contact with it
48. Wipe it
49. Replace toilet paper with your tongue
50. Pray for its safety in every church in town on a weekly basis.
51. Get a picture of it printed on all your pillows.
52. Oil it and perfume it with the most expensive products available.
53. Never look at any other ass
54. Keep a journal of your thoughts about it
55. Blog about it.
56. Get t-shirts with logo's praising it.
57. Write hymns to it
58. Sing those hymns in church
59. Write a love song to it.
60. Hire a band to record those songs
61. Beg for punishment whenever you think about or look at any other ass.
62. Always kneel with your face near it
63. Meditate on it.
64. Write a philosophical disertation on its importance to humanity.
65. Bathe it daily
66. Provide it with its own loofas and washclothes.
67. Get a tattoo proclaiming your love of it.
68. Legally change your name to refect that you adore it.
69. Commission a professional to paint a picture of it.
70. Have a statue of it made.
71. Get a tattoo depicting it
72. Write a 3000 word essay describing it.
73. Commission a survey on it.
74. Include some catch phrase referring to it in everything you say.
75. Insist on taking your oath in court by swearing on a picture of it.
76. Make a needlepoint praising it.
77. Knit it a little bum warmer
78. Provide it with its own blankets.
79. Provide all its coverings/clothing at your own expense.
80. Insure it.
81. Wear a dog tag listing it as your owner.
82. Ask people's opinion of it. reward those who like it, and file suit against those who don't - all at your expense.
83. Speak to it directly as if it were a seperate entity.
84. Petition the city to name a street or park in its honour.
85. Give to charities in its name
86. Hire it its own personal trainer.
87. Provide it with a 2nd slave entirely at your own expense
88. Start a petition to have a day set aside to celebrate its wonders
89. Buy it jewellry
90. Provide it with its own sex toys.
91. Make a cake shaped like it.
92. Commission a scientific study of its perfection.
93. Establish a scholarship in its honour.
94. Provide it with a golden toilet seat.
95. Have an extra bathroom installed so it never has to share a toilet.
96. Have a bidet installed
97. Learn how to describe its beauty in as many languages as possible.
98. Always carry a cushion with you so it never has to touch anything touched by another ass
99. Take out a full page newspaper ad praising it
100. Make an hour long documentary about it and have it aired.


PeonForHer -> RE: ass worship (11/16/2011 3:07:46 PM)

I've counted 138 creases on my anus, angel. You should write a sonnet in commemoration of each one of them. This will serve you well when it comes to writing a Greek tragedy in honour of your Mistress's dungfunnel.

angelsubchris -> RE: ass worship (11/16/2011 3:39:09 PM)

anyone know of any other ways? just incase she wants more?

Ninebelowzero -> RE: ass worship (11/16/2011 3:42:54 PM)

LMAO! Fuck me mate you want the moon on a stick. Oooeeer that's an idea, mount it!

seekerofslut -> RE: ass worship (11/16/2011 3:48:41 PM)

101. Petition Congress to establish it as a National Shrine

TraciTv -> RE: ass worship (11/16/2011 3:58:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: angelsubchris

what are some ways a slave can worship his mistress' ass?


Well, a book, a bell, and a candle are generally a good place to start....

Ninebelowzero -> RE: ass worship (11/16/2011 3:58:29 PM)

Carve a likeness into Mount Rushmore.
Open it as a national Park.
Make it the 53rd State
Fill it with hydrogen & use it to power a dragster.
Fuck it!

rulemylife -> RE: ass worship (11/16/2011 4:03:30 PM)



Sprinkle it with glitter and call it Mary.

Mmmm............I think I want to marry Mary.

rulemylife -> RE: ass worship (11/16/2011 4:07:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: Ninebelowzero

Carve a likeness into Mount Rushmore.
Open it as a national Park.
Make it the 53rd State
Fill it with hydrogen & use it to power a dragster.
Fuck it!

We would have to find two more states first.

rulemylife -> RE: ass worship (11/16/2011 4:17:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: HaytchHouse

100 ways, eh? And you could only come up with 17? We here at Haytch House feel for you, so we did a little brainstorming and came up with 100 different methods of worshipping her ass. It took us about 15 minutes.

Here's the list.

1. Kiss it
2. Lick it
3. Tongue-fuck it
4. Praise it
5. Write an ode to it
6. Think about it
7. Stare at it
8. Dream about it
9. Touch it
10. Stroke it
11. Massage it
12. Write it love letters
13. Allow it to smother you
14. Keep a picture of it in a locket around your neck
15. Extoll its virtues to a stranger
16. Compare it favourably with other asses
17. Sniff it
18. Sketch it
19. Make a shrine to it in your room.
20. Randomly tell people your Mistress has a better ass
21. Make sockpuppet accounts online to praise it
22. Hold rigged "Best Ass" competition.
23. Be its cushion, allow it to sit on you.
24. Paint a picture of it
25. Keep a photo album exclusively dedicated to it.
26. Announce to your family that you worship it.
27. Apply for official religion status as its worshipper.
28. Make and post you tube videos of yourself ranting about how perfect it is
29. Buy it presents.
30. Make daily tribute to it.
31. Regularly provide it with new panties to wear.
32. Start a savings account to provide it with lifts later in life.
33. Purchase it every form of glute exercise device
34. Let it fart in your face.
35. Prostrate yourself before it several times a day.
36. Never look at it without permission.
37. Recruit others to service it at your expense
38. Only masturbate to it
39. Always think about it and only it when you cum
40. Drink from it
41. Suck and clean it whenever it gets fucked.
42. Become its toilet - and thank it after each meal
43. Provide it with a bodyguard at your expense
44. Replace every chair or cushion it uses with the most expensive variety available.
45. When it leaves a seat, immediately kiss that seat
46. Never allow any other ass to use the same chairs and cushions it does.
47. Suck clean anything that has come in contact with it
48. Wipe it
49. Replace toilet paper with your tongue
50. Pray for its safety in every church in town on a weekly basis.
51. Get a picture of it printed on all your pillows.
52. Oil it and perfume it with the most expensive products available.
53. Never look at any other ass
54. Keep a journal of your thoughts about it
55. Blog about it.
56. Get t-shirts with logo's praising it.
57. Write hymns to it
58. Sing those hymns in church
59. Write a love song to it.
60. Hire a band to record those songs
61. Beg for punishment whenever you think about or look at any other ass.
62. Always kneel with your face near it
63. Meditate on it.
64. Write a philosophical disertation on its importance to humanity.
65. Bathe it daily
66. Provide it with its own loofas and washclothes.
67. Get a tattoo proclaiming your love of it.
68. Legally change your name to refect that you adore it.
69. Commission a professional to paint a picture of it.
70. Have a statue of it made.
71. Get a tattoo depicting it
72. Write a 3000 word essay describing it.
73. Commission a survey on it.
74. Include some catch phrase referring to it in everything you say.
75. Insist on taking your oath in court by swearing on a picture of it.
76. Make a needlepoint praising it.
77. Knit it a little bum warmer
78. Provide it with its own blankets.
79. Provide all its coverings/clothing at your own expense.
80. Insure it.
81. Wear a dog tag listing it as your owner.
82. Ask people's opinion of it. reward those who like it, and file suit against those who don't - all at your expense.
83. Speak to it directly as if it were a seperate entity.
84. Petition the city to name a street or park in its honour.
85. Give to charities in its name
86. Hire it its own personal trainer.
87. Provide it with a 2nd slave entirely at your own expense
88. Start a petition to have a day set aside to celebrate its wonders
89. Buy it jewellry
90. Provide it with its own sex toys.
91. Make a cake shaped like it.
92. Commission a scientific study of its perfection.
93. Establish a scholarship in its honour.
94. Provide it with a golden toilet seat.
95. Have an extra bathroom installed so it never has to share a toilet.
96. Have a bidet installed
97. Learn how to describe its beauty in as many languages as possible.
98. Always carry a cushion with you so it never has to touch anything touched by another ass
99. Take out a full page newspaper ad praising it
100. Make an hour long documentary about it and have it aired.


Works for me.

Can we start tomorrow?

I'll even bring along what's his name.

DarkSteven -> RE: ass worship (11/16/2011 6:35:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: angelsubchris

anyone know of any other ways? just incase she wants more?

Yer kidding!  You had four drop dead gorgeous women spend 15 minutes each working on YOUR fantasy, and you want MORE?

BonesFromAsh -> RE: ass worship (11/16/2011 6:58:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: angelsubchris

anyone know of any other ways? just incase she wants more?



Fornica -> RE: ass worship (11/16/2011 7:20:34 PM)

I'm thinking he must not have seen their post? Because if he did, and ignored that masterpiece, he sucks ass.
Actually, that's probably a poor choice of words.

ORIGINAL: DarkSteven


ORIGINAL: angelsubchris

anyone know of any other ways? just incase she wants more?

Yer kidding!  You had four drop dead gorgeous women spend 15 minutes each working on YOUR fantasy, and you want MORE?

Fornica -> RE: ass worship (11/16/2011 7:25:49 PM)

Also, you might want to take the underage references out of your profile.

HeatherMcLeather -> RE: ass worship (11/16/2011 7:55:41 PM)


anyone know of any other ways?
Well that's gratitude for you.

<Insert dramatic flounce>

Lockit -> RE: ass worship (11/16/2011 8:02:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: angelsubchris

mistress asked me to come up with 100 ways i would worship her ass and so far i can only think of 19. not even sure if some of them are really ways to worship an ass. asking for help to think of other ways. thanks to all!

Hand her a hundred bucks, kiss her ass and done deal. [8|]

Kaliko -> RE: ass worship (11/16/2011 8:05:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: HaytchHouse

100 ways, eh? And you could only come up with 17? We here at Haytch House feel for you, so we did a little brainstorming and came up with 100 different methods of worshipping her ass. It took us about 15 minutes.

Here's the list.

1. Kiss it
2. Lick it
3. Tongue-fuck it
4. Praise it
5. Write an ode to it
6. Think about it
7. Stare at it
8. Dream about it
9. Touch it
10. Stroke it
11. Massage it
12. Write it love letters
13. Allow it to smother you
14. Keep a picture of it in a locket around your neck
15. Extoll its virtues to a stranger
16. Compare it favourably with other asses
17. Sniff it
18. Sketch it
19. Make a shrine to it in your room.
20. Randomly tell people your Mistress has a better ass
21. Make sockpuppet accounts online to praise it
22. Hold rigged "Best Ass" competition.
23. Be its cushion, allow it to sit on you.
24. Paint a picture of it
25. Keep a photo album exclusively dedicated to it.
26. Announce to your family that you worship it.
27. Apply for official religion status as its worshipper.
28. Make and post you tube videos of yourself ranting about how perfect it is
29. Buy it presents.
30. Make daily tribute to it.
31. Regularly provide it with new panties to wear.
32. Start a savings account to provide it with lifts later in life.
33. Purchase it every form of glute exercise device
34. Let it fart in your face.
35. Prostrate yourself before it several times a day.
36. Never look at it without permission.
37. Recruit others to service it at your expense
38. Only masturbate to it
39. Always think about it and only it when you cum
40. Drink from it
41. Suck and clean it whenever it gets fucked.
42. Become its toilet - and thank it after each meal
43. Provide it with a bodyguard at your expense
44. Replace every chair or cushion it uses with the most expensive variety available.
45. When it leaves a seat, immediately kiss that seat
46. Never allow any other ass to use the same chairs and cushions it does.
47. Suck clean anything that has come in contact with it
48. Wipe it
49. Replace toilet paper with your tongue
50. Pray for its safety in every church in town on a weekly basis.
51. Get a picture of it printed on all your pillows.
52. Oil it and perfume it with the most expensive products available.
53. Never look at any other ass
54. Keep a journal of your thoughts about it
55. Blog about it.
56. Get t-shirts with logo's praising it.
57. Write hymns to it
58. Sing those hymns in church
59. Write a love song to it.
60. Hire a band to record those songs
61. Beg for punishment whenever you think about or look at any other ass.
62. Always kneel with your face near it
63. Meditate on it.
64. Write a philosophical disertation on its importance to humanity.
65. Bathe it daily
66. Provide it with its own loofas and washclothes.
67. Get a tattoo proclaiming your love of it.
68. Legally change your name to refect that you adore it.
69. Commission a professional to paint a picture of it.
70. Have a statue of it made.
71. Get a tattoo depicting it
72. Write a 3000 word essay describing it.
73. Commission a survey on it.
74. Include some catch phrase referring to it in everything you say.
75. Insist on taking your oath in court by swearing on a picture of it.
76. Make a needlepoint praising it.
77. Knit it a little bum warmer
78. Provide it with its own blankets.
79. Provide all its coverings/clothing at your own expense.
80. Insure it.
81. Wear a dog tag listing it as your owner.
82. Ask people's opinion of it. reward those who like it, and file suit against those who don't - all at your expense.
83. Speak to it directly as if it were a seperate entity.
84. Petition the city to name a street or park in its honour.
85. Give to charities in its name
86. Hire it its own personal trainer.
87. Provide it with a 2nd slave entirely at your own expense
88. Start a petition to have a day set aside to celebrate its wonders
89. Buy it jewellry
90. Provide it with its own sex toys.
91. Make a cake shaped like it.
92. Commission a scientific study of its perfection.
93. Establish a scholarship in its honour.
94. Provide it with a golden toilet seat.
95. Have an extra bathroom installed so it never has to share a toilet.
96. Have a bidet installed
97. Learn how to describe its beauty in as many languages as possible.
98. Always carry a cushion with you so it never has to touch anything touched by another ass
99. Take out a full page newspaper ad praising it
100. Make an hour long documentary about it and have it aired.


This is officially my favorite post ever.

..."knit it a little bum warmer"...LOL great!

Hillwilliam -> RE: ass worship (11/16/2011 8:08:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: HaytchHouse

100 ways, eh? And you could only come up with 17? We here at Haytch House feel for you, so we did a little brainstorming and came up with 100 different methods of worshipping her ass. It took us about 15 minutes.

Here's the list.

1. Kiss it
2. Lick it
3. Tongue-fuck it
4. Praise it
5. Write an ode to it
6. Think about it
7. Stare at it
8. Dream about it
9. Touch it
10. Stroke it
11. Massage it
12. Write it love letters
13. Allow it to smother you
14. Keep a picture of it in a locket around your neck
15. Extoll its virtues to a stranger
16. Compare it favourably with other asses
17. Sniff it
18. Sketch it
19. Make a shrine to it in your room.
20. Randomly tell people your Mistress has a better ass
21. Make sockpuppet accounts online to praise it
22. Hold rigged "Best Ass" competition.
23. Be its cushion, allow it to sit on you.
24. Paint a picture of it
25. Keep a photo album exclusively dedicated to it.
26. Announce to your family that you worship it.
27. Apply for official religion status as its worshipper.
28. Make and post you tube videos of yourself ranting about how perfect it is
29. Buy it presents.
30. Make daily tribute to it.
31. Regularly provide it with new panties to wear.
32. Start a savings account to provide it with lifts later in life.
33. Purchase it every form of glute exercise device
34. Let it fart in your face.
35. Prostrate yourself before it several times a day.
36. Never look at it without permission.
37. Recruit others to service it at your expense
38. Only masturbate to it
39. Always think about it and only it when you cum
40. Drink from it
41. Suck and clean it whenever it gets fucked.
42. Become its toilet - and thank it after each meal
43. Provide it with a bodyguard at your expense
44. Replace every chair or cushion it uses with the most expensive variety available.
45. When it leaves a seat, immediately kiss that seat
46. Never allow any other ass to use the same chairs and cushions it does.
47. Suck clean anything that has come in contact with it
48. Wipe it
49. Replace toilet paper with your tongue
50. Pray for its safety in every church in town on a weekly basis.
51. Get a picture of it printed on all your pillows.
52. Oil it and perfume it with the most expensive products available.
53. Never look at any other ass
54. Keep a journal of your thoughts about it
55. Blog about it.
56. Get t-shirts with logo's praising it.
57. Write hymns to it
58. Sing those hymns in church
59. Write a love song to it.
60. Hire a band to record those songs
61. Beg for punishment whenever you think about or look at any other ass.
62. Always kneel with your face near it
63. Meditate on it.
64. Write a philosophical disertation on its importance to humanity.
65. Bathe it daily
66. Provide it with its own loofas and washclothes.
67. Get a tattoo proclaiming your love of it.
68. Legally change your name to refect that you adore it.
69. Commission a professional to paint a picture of it.
70. Have a statue of it made.
71. Get a tattoo depicting it
72. Write a 3000 word essay describing it.
73. Commission a survey on it.
74. Include some catch phrase referring to it in everything you say.
75. Insist on taking your oath in court by swearing on a picture of it.
76. Make a needlepoint praising it.
77. Knit it a little bum warmer
78. Provide it with its own blankets.
79. Provide all its coverings/clothing at your own expense.
80. Insure it.
81. Wear a dog tag listing it as your owner.
82. Ask people's opinion of it. reward those who like it, and file suit against those who don't - all at your expense.
83. Speak to it directly as if it were a seperate entity.
84. Petition the city to name a street or park in its honour.
85. Give to charities in its name
86. Hire it its own personal trainer.
87. Provide it with a 2nd slave entirely at your own expense
88. Start a petition to have a day set aside to celebrate its wonders
89. Buy it jewellry
90. Provide it with its own sex toys.
91. Make a cake shaped like it.
92. Commission a scientific study of its perfection.
93. Establish a scholarship in its honour.
94. Provide it with a golden toilet seat.
95. Have an extra bathroom installed so it never has to share a toilet.
96. Have a bidet installed
97. Learn how to describe its beauty in as many languages as possible.
98. Always carry a cushion with you so it never has to touch anything touched by another ass
99. Take out a full page newspaper ad praising it
100. Make an hour long documentary about it and have it aired.


101 Fuck HELL out of it.

bighappygoth39 -> RE: ass worship (11/17/2011 8:22:35 AM)


ORIGINAL: HaytchHouse

100 ways, eh? And you could only come up with 17? We here at Haytch House feel for you, so we did a little brainstorming and came up with 100 different methods of worshipping her ass. It took us about 15 minutes.

Here's the list.

1. Kiss it
2. Lick it
3. Tongue-fuck it
4. Praise it
5. Write an ode to it
6. Think about it
7. Stare at it
8. Dream about it
9. Touch it
10. Stroke it
11. Massage it
12. Write it love letters
13. Allow it to smother you
14. Keep a picture of it in a locket around your neck
15. Extoll its virtues to a stranger
16. Compare it favourably with other asses
17. Sniff it
18. Sketch it
19. Make a shrine to it in your room.
20. Randomly tell people your Mistress has a better ass
21. Make sockpuppet accounts online to praise it
22. Hold rigged "Best Ass" competition.
23. Be its cushion, allow it to sit on you.
24. Paint a picture of it
25. Keep a photo album exclusively dedicated to it.
26. Announce to your family that you worship it.
27. Apply for official religion status as its worshipper.
28. Make and post you tube videos of yourself ranting about how perfect it is
29. Buy it presents.
30. Make daily tribute to it.
31. Regularly provide it with new panties to wear.
32. Start a savings account to provide it with lifts later in life.
33. Purchase it every form of glute exercise device
34. Let it fart in your face.
35. Prostrate yourself before it several times a day.
36. Never look at it without permission.
37. Recruit others to service it at your expense
38. Only masturbate to it
39. Always think about it and only it when you cum
40. Drink from it
41. Suck and clean it whenever it gets fucked.
42. Become its toilet - and thank it after each meal
43. Provide it with a bodyguard at your expense
44. Replace every chair or cushion it uses with the most expensive variety available.
45. When it leaves a seat, immediately kiss that seat
46. Never allow any other ass to use the same chairs and cushions it does.
47. Suck clean anything that has come in contact with it
48. Wipe it
49. Replace toilet paper with your tongue
50. Pray for its safety in every church in town on a weekly basis.
51. Get a picture of it printed on all your pillows.
52. Oil it and perfume it with the most expensive products available.
53. Never look at any other ass
54. Keep a journal of your thoughts about it
55. Blog about it.
56. Get t-shirts with logo's praising it.
57. Write hymns to it
58. Sing those hymns in church
59. Write a love song to it.
60. Hire a band to record those songs
61. Beg for punishment whenever you think about or look at any other ass.
62. Always kneel with your face near it
63. Meditate on it.
64. Write a philosophical disertation on its importance to humanity.
65. Bathe it daily
66. Provide it with its own loofas and washclothes.
67. Get a tattoo proclaiming your love of it.
68. Legally change your name to refect that you adore it.
69. Commission a professional to paint a picture of it.
70. Have a statue of it made.
71. Get a tattoo depicting it
72. Write a 3000 word essay describing it.
73. Commission a survey on it.
74. Include some catch phrase referring to it in everything you say.
75. Insist on taking your oath in court by swearing on a picture of it.
76. Make a needlepoint praising it.
77. Knit it a little bum warmer
78. Provide it with its own blankets.
79. Provide all its coverings/clothing at your own expense.
80. Insure it.
81. Wear a dog tag listing it as your owner.
82. Ask people's opinion of it. reward those who like it, and file suit against those who don't - all at your expense.
83. Speak to it directly as if it were a seperate entity.
84. Petition the city to name a street or park in its honour.
85. Give to charities in its name
86. Hire it its own personal trainer.
87. Provide it with a 2nd slave entirely at your own expense
88. Start a petition to have a day set aside to celebrate its wonders
89. Buy it jewellry
90. Provide it with its own sex toys.
91. Make a cake shaped like it.
92. Commission a scientific study of its perfection.
93. Establish a scholarship in its honour.
94. Provide it with a golden toilet seat.
95. Have an extra bathroom installed so it never has to share a toilet.
96. Have a bidet installed
97. Learn how to describe its beauty in as many languages as possible.
98. Always carry a cushion with you so it never has to touch anything touched by another ass
99. Take out a full page newspaper ad praising it
100. Make an hour long documentary about it and have it aired.


That is just brilliant, as many have already said. Love it! Thanks girls, and I think I'll be pointing the list out to my partner... [;)]

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