A very pleasent surprize (Full Version)

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RavenMuse -> A very pleasent surprize (5/27/2006 11:53:03 AM)

Well I did put a post in here mentioning I was going to be meeting a young lady and that whilst I wasn't going to "Do a Kevin", I was pleasently hopeful about the outcome.

The post still hasn't been passed, presumably they wondered "What if it doesn't work out?"

*Pokes modkins with a pointy stick* Oh yea of little faith! [:D]

If I'm saying I'm pleasently hopeful about a young lady then the least that is going to happen is a fun meeting, nice chat and something that would definatly count as a good experience and be quite at home on this forum..... In this case it turned out to be quite a bit more.

We had continued talking in the meantime and frankly there was but one question left to find the answer too, wether that spark was there in real life in any was as strongly as it appeared to be over mail/MSN/phone. As we made eye contact across the station entrance way I already knew the answer from my side.

We 'said hello' and as our lips finaly parted, the way she had responded, almost melting in my arms, I was pretty certain of her answer too though I did let her catch her breath before asking directly.

We headed off, her hand in mine, to the place I had selected for coffee. Middle of a busy shopping mall, but quiet enough to talk. Gave her the money to fetch the drinks, didn't have to tell her what I wanted as she remembered from our conversations.

Did cause her momentary panic as I'd switched tables whilst she was away after deciding I wanted one where we could sit together rather than across the table from one another. But she soon spotted me and we started chatting.

Surprizingly little shyness from her, apparently she felt very at ease and safe with me, a feeling that would prove to only get stronger over the day. It didn't take long to be sure that she was in a calm and unrushed frame of mind, so I broached the subject that had been hanging in the air between us, that of wether she also felt that spark between us.... Oh yes, she certainly did. We went over a few things we had discussed prieviously, but both of us where quite clear about wanting to see where this could go and she (Breaking almost every SSC 'rule' there is, but hey I'm not perfect either *g*) felt more than safe enough to come back with me to talk things over in more privacy.

Well with that spark of attraction and dynamic behind it things went very well indeed the day simply seemed to vanish and MY girl was soon curled up with her head her Masters lap feeling safe and that this was the way thing where supposed to be. Sure enough, the feeling between us was more as you would expect between a Master and his girl who have been together for years rather than between a Master and a girl who had submitted only that day.

Alas she did have to return home and also I had made plans to head into the London munch, so we traveled into the center of the city with her just relaxing in the feeling of having my arm around her. Till she had to get off a couple of stops before me. The munch was fun too, but niether as fun nor as important as the rest of the day had been.

She is of course, as those who know me would expect, Bright and very much her own person (kneel bitch brigade, you have been warned *g*), polite and deeply submissive to her Master. Though she can be shy.... but she WILL be posting... won't you dear [:D]

spoilt26981 -> RE: A very pleasent surprize (5/29/2006 5:57:46 AM)

well this is my first post and have stuggled with how to word this reply,  as i can get really shy.

Well i'd really just want to say thank you to my Master for such a wonderfull day on Friday, when i boraded the train i was feeling very shy and was sure that feeling would stay for most of the day but as i walk though the ticket gate and saw you standing there the feeling just disappeared and soon i found myself as you rightly said melting in your arms.

i was amazed at how quick the time flew by and by how relaxed and safe i had become in such a short period of time, i really could have stay curled up there in your lap all night, as i left you on the train and walked to the bus it was like walking on air, the smile firmly on my face and warm feeling though out my body.

So i truely want to say thank you my Master for such an amazing day and i  look forward to spending many more days making you happy and to growing and developing under your controll.


champagnewishes -> RE: A very pleasent surprize (5/29/2006 4:12:04 PM)

This sub smiles, grins and is tickled pink for you RavenMuse...i have a deep seated feeling that this is nothing but right for the both of you...

RavenMuse -> RE: A very pleasent surprize (5/30/2006 11:05:24 AM)

Well my sweet girl, as you have noticed time does have a habit of disapearing quickly when we are together, but then again as you have noticed by now, there are always more days to come.


ORIGINAL: champagnewishes
This sub smiles, grins and is tickled pink for you RavenMuse...i have a deep seated feeling that this is nothing but right for the both of you...

Many thanks dear. She is a rare and special girl.

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