Iceland and mainstream media cover up (Full Version)

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Aneirin -> Iceland and mainstream media cover up (12/9/2011 3:11:36 AM)

Near honestly, I expect this piece of writing to be deleted from here as it is everywhere else I seem to link it, but I believe people do need to know how one small country has handled the banking crisis, and that because it could very well be of benefit to us all in these hard times ;

What Mainstream Media doesn�t want you to know: Iceland �beat the EU in �sovereignty� loss�


Newsnet Scotland for the complete story

Iamsemisweet -> RE: Iceland and mainstream media cover up (12/9/2011 7:38:47 AM)

Ireland should have paid attention to how Iceland handled it's crisis. Guaranteeing those loans insures that Ireland will not recover for many, many years.

bossman777 -> RE: Iceland and mainstream media cover up (12/9/2011 7:40:40 AM)

Keep posting man. You reached me.

wilddreams17 -> RE: Iceland and mainstream media cover up (12/9/2011 8:06:42 AM)

the linked article as such is less interesting than the reactions on it on the blog - describing all the factual errors in it and that its source from some Italian news agency(paper has been apparently withdrawn in the meantime anyway

btw what actually IS happening in Iceland is an attempt to actually meet the guidelines for joining the EU (and probably the Euro zone) that were mutually agreed on in 2009 ...

Anaxagoras -> RE: Iceland and mainstream media cover up (12/9/2011 9:38:36 AM)

Not a good article due factual errors, e.g. I was surprised to learn Iceland is a member of the EU - its only part of the free trade area, and it misses the vital point that there would be infinitely more pressure on a larger economy in the EU, probably bringing down the entire EU edifice if it defaulted but it at least raises one worthwhile point about the bullying nature of the international community. What follows is what could have been more fruitfully written about.

In Ireland a few weeks before the IMF/EU came in late last year, the G8 met and basically decided Ireland would take an IMF bailout. Notwithstanding others deciding such a thing, which is a shocking loss of sovereignty, Ireland didn't even have any presence at the table! Essentially Ireland was perceived as threatening the Euro because the markets were responding unfavourably to it, especially after Merkle said certain bonds in the EU wouldn't be paid back a few weeks earlier. The Irish government was extremely weak (rudderless was a common media description at the time), with a useless taoiseach (prime minister), and a finance minister (Brian O'Lenihan) who was a good politician but had cancer (he died a few months later) and was a lawyer rather than an economist anyway. There were whispers coming out of Europe that Ireland was due a bailout but no one told the government, which kept insisting it was financed for quite a few months into the future and economic prospects were slowly improving after an austerity budget. Basically the EU and IMF marched in and forced the bailout. Cue the world's media showing dishonest images of homeless Irish people, paddies on horses a la the 19th Century etc. The IMF, contrary to what many people think, were not the bastards in all this. They actually offered these loans at a far lower percentage rate than the EU, who were supposed to be our partners, and stressed somewhat less punitive actions. Essentially the ECB wanted to protect the money they had put into the banks here, and deliver a big "fuck you" in the process.

I'm not ideologically against Ireland paying to an extent for the mistakes of its banks. Why? Because this is a capitalist society and we bear a burden from it in good times and bad. If we want the country to survive economically we have to take it in the ass like the Greeks (pun intended) etc. and then ensure such a thing never happens again. What appals me is the way our partners "the EU", which is supposedly a community of equal nations, shafted the country after absurdly mismanaging their dealing with the crisis, and then forcing the government's hand with contempt, and burdening the nation with a crippling interest rate (over 6%) that was almost as high as Ireland’s interest rate if it was going to the markets, when the money wasn't even needed at the time! This rate for an immense loan saddled on a relatively small population, would have crippled the economy, preventing it from growing again. It emerged the EU was making significant profits from the rate also!

Then when Ireland sought to reduce the extremely high interest rate that stupid cunt Sarkozy, amongst others, demanded Ireland bring up its corporation tax rate. The country always had a low rate long before it joined the EEC in 1973. The idea was forwarded to appeal to his voters in France, even though bringing it up would also completely prevent the country from recovering since attracting foreign investment was key to bring it out of recession and restoring the faith the markets had lost. With any chance of growth gone, it would have put many in a virtual penury with crippling austerity used as the sole tool to bring the country’s finances into kelter. Now surprise surprise the EU have completely failed to reassure the markets, and are demanding absolute fiscal unity compromising sovereignty, which again is an attempt to force Ireland to raise the rate. Now it seems we need a new treaty to pull all this off but there is no chance such a treaty would pass a referendum so it looks as if some countries will have to leave the EU, and any sense of EU intra-national democracy has been totally destroyed by Merkle/Sarkozy, with it becoming a centralised France n’ Germany superstate.

Kirata -> RE: Iceland and mainstream media cover up (12/9/2011 10:03:33 AM)

~ FR ~

A Deconstrution of "Icelands Ongoing Revolution"
    Last night, ‘Shock Doctrine’ author Naomi Klein tweeted: “#Iceland is proving that it is possible to resist the Shock Doctrine, and refuse to pay for the bankers' crisis” with a link to an article called, “Iceland’s On-going Revolution,” by Deena Stryker.

    This article is full of factual errors, so we tweeted back: “@NaomiAKlein We are fans of yours, but we are sad to say that your tweet and the article it cites are both dead wrong. #Iceland”

    She replied: “@rvkgrapevine tell me and i'll correct”.

    So here it is, a deconstruction of that error-ridden article, “Iceland’s On-going Revolution,” which is unfortunately making rounds in the Twitter-sphere.

Termyn8or -> RE: Iceland and mainstream media cover up (12/9/2011 11:06:48 AM)


If this doesn't illustrate the point nothing ever will.

How can ALL countries be in debt al the time ? Who the fuck is that money owed TO ? If it's all owed to China or Israel say the fuck so. Everyone owes each other, big fucking deal.

Wars are fouight over money. Come and fucking get it motherfucker. You didn't send us enough plasma TVs to pay off the Rocky Mountains, Nevada or even the football stadium. We owe you for what ? We use our own fucking blood in this taking over the world shit and as far as I am concerned, if you think you own any goddamn thing in this country I am at war with YOU.

You paid pff the last government and too fucking bad you wasted your money. Now get the fuck out of here unless you want a limp.


Aneirin -> RE: Iceland and mainstream media cover up (12/9/2011 12:28:16 PM)

Call it conspiracy if you like, but to me there is some method in this madness that is sweeping the world, yeah the greedy bankers fucked up, but I suspect there is something behind even them, something that is set to enslave whole countries via their economies.

Italy is no longer democratic, which country is next ?

But I suppose the truth will eventually come out in the wash, but by that time will it be too late, I highly suspect so, as there is a lot of information suppression going on, this thing whatever it is, whoever it serves is very very clever and I believe has been manipulating events for years, perhaps decades.

Anaxagoras -> RE: Iceland and mainstream media cover up (12/9/2011 3:09:19 PM)


Call it conspiracy if you like, but to me there is some method in this madness that is sweeping the world, yeah the greedy bankers fucked up, but I suspect there is something behind even them, something that is set to enslave whole countries via their economies.

But I suppose the truth will eventually come out in the wash, but by that time will it be too late, I highly suspect so, as there is a lot of information suppression going on, this thing whatever it is, whoever it serves is very very clever and I believe has been manipulating events for years, perhaps decades.

Translation: Aneirin subscribes to all those fruity tinfoil ZOG conspiracies that he has been hinting about for what must be years now but unlike Termy doesn't even have the balls to occasionally acknowledge it! [:D]

Termyn8or -> RE: Iceland and mainstream media cover up (12/9/2011 3:14:58 PM)

Yup, folks like you shield your brain with something much more impenetrable.


Anaxagoras -> RE: Iceland and mainstream media cover up (12/9/2011 3:35:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or
Yup, folks like you shield your brain with something much more impenetrable.



A tin foil hat is a piece of headgear made from one or more sheets of aluminum foil or similar material. Alternatively it may be a conventional hat lined with foil. One may wear the hat in the belief that it acts to shield the brain from such influences as electromagnetic fields, or against mind control and/or mind reading; or attempt to limit the transmission of voices directly into the brain.


Termyn8or -> RE: Iceland and mainstream media cover up (12/9/2011 3:48:37 PM)

Oh dear, I never knew you cared ........... I am so touched thaqt you would..........

I'd be in tears because I'm so touched but I happen to be rolling up a hundred dollar bill to do my first line of coke in about three years. I'm only doing it because I have a cold.


Anaxagoras -> RE: Iceland and mainstream media cover up (12/9/2011 3:53:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or
Oh dear, I never knew you cared ........... I am so touched thaqt you would..........

I'd be in tears because I'm so touched but I happen to be rolling up a hundred dollar bill to do my first line of coke in about three years. I'm only doing it because I have a cold.


It saddens me to think you thought I don't care! I worry about the mind control waves affecting the independence of your thoughts, hence the tin-foil hat! [:D]

[Edited because my prior attempt at Termy-esque humour would probably be against TOS]

luckydawg -> RE: Iceland and mainstream media cover up (12/9/2011 4:23:49 PM)

He used to Anax, back before you were posting.

With an emphasis on the Z

He got coached and doesn't do it anymore.

Aneirin -> RE: Iceland and mainstream media cover up (12/10/2011 5:00:00 AM)

You disagree with others, so you poke fun and insult, that really says a lot about you as a person(s).

Anaxagoras -> RE: Iceland and mainstream media cover up (12/10/2011 6:36:47 AM)


You disagree with others, so you poke fun and insult, that really says a lot about you as a person(s).

The words "pot" and "kettle" come to mind since you actually started threads on here attacking others. [:D]

Aneirin -> RE: Iceland and mainstream media cover up (12/10/2011 11:35:08 AM)

When, yesterday, I don't think so, and I have been away off this forum for a while where I have seen petty sniping at those one does not agree with achieves nothing, all it does is make the petty sniper feel good about themselves for having something to say and to others, well you are judged by your actions.

But for something you claim to be a pot and kettle situation, by our actions we are judged and if we are judged on this website to be out of order the usual response for repeat offenders is being gagged for a while via moderation, and I have not yet been moderated, have you ?

So Anax, I will admit, you know a lot and you talk a lot of sense and I usually enjoy reading what you have to say, but it really dismays me when it is you resort to unprovoked nastiness for no reason that so brings down your character.

Anaxagoras -> RE: Iceland and mainstream media cover up (12/10/2011 11:52:07 AM)


When, yesterday, I don't think so, and I have been away off this forum for a while where I have seen petty sniping at those one does not agree with achieves nothing, all it does is make the petty sniper feel good about themselves for having something to say and to others, well you are judged by your actions.

But for something you claim to be a pot and kettle situation, by our actions we are judged and if we are judged on this website to be out of order the usual response for repeat offenders is being gagged for a while via moderation, and I have not yet been moderated, have you ?

As you would know very well, I'm referring to activity some months ago, threads you posted which were rapidly deleted. I've never been put on moderation. Ask a mod if you wish.


So Anax, I will admit, you know a lot and you talk a lot of sense and I usually enjoy reading what you have to say, but it really dismays me when it is you resort to unprovoked nastiness for no reason that so brings down your character.

Well that's news to me. Last time we communicated a few months ago you said seeing my posts made your skin crawl! I might add that that "opinion" was unprovoked too. [:D]

Aneirin -> RE: Iceland and mainstream media cover up (12/10/2011 12:02:20 PM)


Can you not see I am trying to make peace here ?

Or is it your ego enjoys the aggro ?

Termyn8or -> RE: Iceland and mainstream media cover up (12/10/2011 12:02:36 PM)


He got coached and doesn't do it anymore.

Ya think ? Fuck, I got friends now. You just ain't been watching close enough.

Maybe DK has been paying attention, ask him to show you about a million posts that he thinks should have gotten me banned, tarred and feathered, burnt at the stake and beheaded. If anyone would comply he would. With repleat and fervor I would suppose.

I really am going to miss him when someone puts him in a rubber room.


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