RE: Girl Scout troops disband over admittance of transgender child (Full Version)

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xssve -> RE: Girl Scout troops disband over admittance of transgender child (1/10/2012 8:11:27 AM)

There is also the matter of breeding privileges, i.e., there is a distinct feeling expressed in the homophobic camp that homosexuals should be barred from breeding, and they tend to be pretty one way on the subject, i.e., there's no such thing as being "a little bit gay", you're either all in or nothing - which might explain to some degree why homophobes tend to be more turned on by homoerotic images than less militant straights - denial can lead to obsession, i.e., trying not to think about something is really just thinking about it all the same, the same way erotophobes are obsessed with sex - this phenomena could turn what may be merely mild curiosity into a full fledged obsession.

In any case, social communication theory would argue that homophobes are basically advertising their desire to breed by wearing their heterosexuality on their sleeves so to speak.

It usually strikes me as an act of desperation - they can't get laid because they're assholes, and they worry that it might be becuase people think they're gay since that's the only criteria they recognize, and there you are, thinking about being gay, only with the added element of fear and hysteria.

Arturas -> RE: Girl Scout troops disband over admittance of transgender child (1/10/2012 9:15:38 AM)

To live well one must be true to themselves and one's truth is defined by one's values and we use our individual values to determine what is true. More to the point, a transgender person is being true to themselves when choosing what to them is the correct gender role and a girl scout leader has no reason to not accept the transgender person's individual values and gender role. At the same time the leaders are being true to themselves when they do not accept a transgender person's values and gender role when imposed outside that individual and on the organisation they were charged to lead. The girl scout leaders who would not submit to someone else's values and their impact on their own lives and the organization and girls they were charged to lead are being true to themselves and living well in doing so.

Live well,

Aswad -> RE: Girl Scout troops disband over admittance of transgender child (1/10/2012 10:29:26 AM)

Edit: This post has been altered by request and reposted. To those that have read the original, there's no point rereading it, as the change is only in regard to the profanity filter circumvention used in the original post. My most recent posts on the thread are #316 and #317 on page 16, not this one. My apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused, as well as for the lost formatting.


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

There was enough in your post to suggest that your position has evolved considerably over time. My impression is that the main drivers of this change were your honesty and courage in dealing with your needs, emotions, feelings and desires; and acquiring knowledge, thinking things through and then applying the lessons to your life.

In fact, a lot of it came with moving on to a Gorean worldview, as stripping back the excess is characteristic of the main part of the process. There are a lot of things we internalize, that become part of our assumptions and implicit worldview, which have to be disinternalized in order to get down to the basics of a naturalistic worldview. Otherwise, you're building on the patchwork underlying the conventional, modern western worldviews we've been raised into. The majority of the additive change has been a matter of letting things sink in. Integrity is the main driver of change. You think about things, and just make sure your views are consistent and coherent, a complete and unbroken whole (which is pretty much one of the dictionary definitions of integrity).


This in turn suggests that homophobic influences are largely acquired from the environment, that social phobias that are learned can be un-learned.

There is a fair bit of implicit learning (i.e. assimilating from environmental exposure) involved in establishing the degree of homophobia that is common. But a lot of it is also a question of having people around that are openly homosexual, as familiarity is the primary factor in getting rid of unwarranted phobias.

Consider racism, for instance. My old man can remember the first black man on the city's football team. Back in the day, a lot of people in the city had never even seen a black person. These days, most have one in their social circles, and there isn't a person around that hasn't seen several. The level of racism is significantly diminished by that. Still, his generation is comfortable with a lot of words, terms and jokes that are not kosher to my generation. The tooth isn't in it anymore, as the myths and misconceptions have been dispelled, so I don't much care. But it does offer some exposition as to how the process works.

By exposure, the negative cultural norms are first diminished to the point of tolerance, then to acceptance, then to taking for granted. I expect that as people grow used to having LGBT people around, it will make its way into the culture by all the usual routes. Media will probably play a significant part, since the number of LGBT people is lower than e.g. blacks, and since LGBT doesn't become evident in early life stages and thus doesn't "bypass" the social conditioning as much as is the case with e.g. race. Lesbians have gotten more screen time than gay men (Buffy, anyone?), but once it reaches a certain critical point where the ratings won't be hurt by it, networks will risk depicting them, and that will get the ball rolling.

I'm not sure whether that will fully address the question of internal comfort, though, as the male behavior of using sex as a part of dominance games (cf. prison rape, dogs mounting each other, etc.) appears to be instinctive, not learned. I think that may be part of why the prospect invokes less reluctance when considered in the context of M/s, though I'm not sure. Also, stoicism, rather than intimacy, is fairly normative in social relations between men, so it seems likely there will be a bit more of a hurdle for gays than for lesbians in the long run.


It makes perfect sense to me to assert that hate is acquired, that hate is unnatural.

I think what people hate is acquired, but the mechanism is probably innate.

Or, at least, hating individuals is probably an innate mechanism. Hating people 'by template' almost certainly leverages a lot more wetware, the same way other basal feelings can be invoked by 'higher' functions, giving rise to more complex responses that even extend into the realm of language (e.g. connotations with a conditioned response embedded in them). What templates are tied to this response will be learned, obviously, and the mechanism is probably counterproductive in a culture that has poor control over what it targets.

As an example of another such mechanism, patriotism is a compound emotion, and can be invoked by symbols (words, items, images, actions, etc.; anything that can be a symbol, i.e. stand for the idea itself). While able to do great harm in some cases, the mechanism can also be a great boon in others. It can also be useful in reinforcement, as the swell of pride at seeing a particularly iconic interaction can be internal positive feedback around the interaction, and we usually build an idea of what we are (including what we are as citizens of wherever, members of whatever, etc.) that is positive in its nature. As such, the iconic will be more iconic of how we wish to be, than of how we are, and the feedback reinforces in the direction of the ideals to which we aspire. It can be subverted and perverted, of course, but that's true of all "higher" mechanisms.

Don't knock hate. If it's only ever correctly applied, it will only do good, by definition.

The question is one of preventing the misapplications.


Are my impressions accurate? If you like, would you care to share the path you travelled over the years to arrive at your current position. Please don't feel any need to respond to this if you prefer not to. Thank you

I don't have a problem with sharing. I just don't know that I have much more in the way of details that could be relevant.

A lot of it comes down to having a thought and questioning it.

Why did I take the long way round at the top of the mall? Why didn't I cross the bridge spanning the gap in the middle? It feels uncomfortable, somehow, that glass bridge with the 50ft drop under it. Why is that uncomfortable? Am I worried about the structural soundness of it? Is it a healthy respect for heights? Or is it a fear of heights? The moment of vertigo says it's a fear of heigths. Fine. So I make a point out of going up there anytime I'm in the building, to walk out to the center of the bridge, look down and stay until there's no vertigo. It's dysfunctional and unneccessary, so I grind it down.

One doesn't need to actively grind away everything that doesn't have a purpose, or even everything that is dysfunctional, but it is useful- perhaps necessary- to identify these things and be aware of them, or else they might hold us back in that critical moment where an important decision is made, or weigh us down in the general business of living, or fuck things up for others around us while we're not even aware of it. Or maybe it just nags that the 'complete and unbroken whole' is incomplete and fragmented.

Here's a good exercise: say the N-word, loudly.

Edit: The profanity filter registers it as a racial slur, hence my mistaken decision to bypass the filter. The compromise suggested by the moderators ('the N-word') is quite acceptable to me, and this incident serves to further underline the point of the exercise.

Even though there's nobody around, and you're saying it with no ill intent toward anyone, it still feels damn unpleasant, long before opening your mouth, doesn't it? A simple sequence of sounds has centuries of history behind it, none of it good, and still it wields power over us. It holds our tongue. It's not our word, yet it's in our vocabularies. We know it. We could wield it. But it has a hold that it shouldn't have. It compromises our free speech, even when we don't intend to speak it. Changing it isn't very worthwhile, but for most of us, it's pretty damn illustrative.

I'm neither homosexual, nor interested in shaping my sexuality in that direction.

But I've no interest in being restrained by it, either.


ETA: Just to be clear in case anyone took offense at the post, edited or unedited, I do not use the slur in question, and am not invoking it to give offense, merely to illustrate a point on the power that words and ideas can hold over us, even when divorced from their original context and used to a different purpose.

GotSteel -> RE: Girl Scout troops disband over admittance of transgender child (1/11/2012 7:56:19 PM)


At the same time the leaders are being true to themselves when they do not accept a transgender person's values and gender role when imposed outside that individual and on the organisation they were charged to lead. The girl scout leaders who would not submit to someone else's values and their impact on their own lives and the organization and girls they were charged to lead are being true to themselves and living well in doing so.

I don't think that's true. I don't think these social phobias come from within, I don't know if brainwashing is exactly the right word but it gets the idea across. I had quite a few opportunities last year to talk with people who were less than excepting of alternate lifestyles. I don't think those people were inherently evil or secretly gay or somehow fundamentally different from people who aren't bigots. What I did notice is that their really dumb worldviews stemmed from and were held together by bad data.

tweakabelle -> RE: Girl Scout troops disband over admittance of transgender child (1/12/2012 3:43:11 AM)

If readers would like to do something to little Bobby, to help resolve hate, and to support organisations like the Girls Scouts of USA who promote inclusion, here's one very easy step everyone can take:

There's a petition congratulating GSUSA on its stand at:

Please think about signing it. It will only take a few seconds of your time and you can help reduce the level of hate in this world. And let little Bobby know that the world is full of people who love her too. Thanks.

xssve -> RE: Girl Scout troops disband over admittance of transgender child (1/12/2012 7:05:40 AM)


Or, at least, hating individuals is probably an innate mechanism. Hating people 'by template' almost certainly leverages a lot more wetware, the same way other basal feelings can be invoked by 'higher' functions, giving rise to more complex responses that even extend into the realm of language (e.g. connotations with a conditioned response embedded in them). What templates are tied to this response will be learned, obviously, and the mechanism is probably counterproductive in a culture that has poor control over what it targets.
Well the basic trait likely has something to do with avoiding things that should be avoided, like toadstools - if you don't know the difference between a mushroom and toadstool, it's probably safest to avoid anything that resembles a mushroom, to "hate" mushrooms.

But it is a sort of mindless trait, one that as GS suggests, can be failrly easily overcome with a little understanding and attention to detail, the symbol is not the thing, and to treat a thing as if it were merely a symbol connotes a certain crippling of healthy cognitive function.

It's a form of delusion really, since when being confronted with one thing, one reacts not to the thing but to an abstract symbol that represents it, an imaginary quality projected onto the actual thing.

GotSteel -> RE: Girl Scout troops disband over admittance of transgender child (1/12/2012 7:34:12 PM) couldn't find that page.Seems to be a bad link.

tazzygirl -> RE: Girl Scout troops disband over admittance of transgender child (1/12/2012 7:43:57 PM)

GotSteel -> RE: Girl Scout troops disband over admittance of transgender child (1/13/2012 7:40:01 PM)

Thanks, I like this one because it has an entirely positive message.

However, people signing this should be advised that according to wiki is a for profit company that sells your info.

tweakabelle -> RE: Girl Scout troops disband over admittance of transgender child (1/21/2012 2:15:25 PM)

Here's an interesting contrast to Bobby's story. Here, the parents refrained from imposing a gender on their child for as long as they felt they could;

xssve -> RE: Girl Scout troops disband over admittance of transgender child (1/27/2012 7:05:40 AM)

Update: newer data supports the alternative theory: homophobes and racists are just stupid.


The second study analyzed by the Canadian researchers examined Americans' attitude toward homosexuality. The study found that people with poorer abstract reasoning skills tended to be more homophobic, even when researchers controlled for education level. The Canadian researchers hypothesize that people who "have trouble grasping the complexity of the world" may tend toward prejudice and conservatism because they crave structure and can't process chaos and nuance. Religion, authoritarianism, and isolationism appeal to a desire for order in a world that offers few absolutes.

Predjudiced, Conservative People Probably Stupid, Says Science.

tweakabelle -> RE: Girl Scout troops disband over admittance of transgender child (2/1/2012 3:39:47 PM)

This is an interesting insight into the phenomenon of transgender children. It contains several interviews with TG kids and their parents.

tweakabelle -> RE: Girl Scout troops disband over admittance of transgender child (2/1/2012 3:40:50 PM)


homophobes and racists are just stupid.

Like we needed research to tell us this ......[8|]

DesFIP -> RE: Girl Scout troops disband over admittance of transgender child (2/1/2012 8:50:28 PM)

Arturas is wrong to congratulate the GSA leaders for following their own moral compass when it is directly opposite to that of the organization. If they disagree with what the GSA says, they should resign as leaders. When they accepted the position, they promise to uphold the values of the GSA and not those of their own which are in direct opposition to it.

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