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Can we talk about rope? - 1/9/2012 10:52:20 AM   

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Shibari, Kinbaku, Western style tying-her-up, I don't care what you call it. Please discuss the fibers, the colors, the purchase locations of your favorite ropes, and what they are good for.

We have some 'Japanese Bondage Rope' and some drapery cord that both work wonders, and since we are cheap and eager to DIY, other ideas are good. Official places to purchase, short of shows, would be good as well, as I'm having trouble finding reliable places on line.

While I have no problem listening to how natural fibers are good for leaving marks, that is not the appeal right now. I'm looking mainly for pretty comfy rope that does it's job of making me look pretty and quite immobile.

And obviously, rope for suspension is completely different. :)

So, please. Talk about rope?
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RE: Can we talk about rope? - 1/10/2012 7:08:23 AM   

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no one uses rope? Darn. :(

(in reply to Alida)
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RE: Can we talk about rope? - 1/10/2012 8:05:31 AM   

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This is a topic that comes up a lot but the bondage gear forum isn't the most used forum on collarme, that you didn't get a reply in under 24hours *shrug* it happens.

I'd advice you to head over to fetlife and check out the rope groups there or at least run a search of this forum because everything you're looking for is already sitting on the net waiting for you to read it.

(in reply to Alida)
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RE: Can we talk about rope? - 1/10/2012 8:32:48 AM   

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Probably. I just thought a discussion would be fun, not just doing a search. I found what I hope will be an awesome corset here, afterall.


I did do a search here before posting, but saw nothing at all recent. I will go to fetlife. Thank you. I will also hope someone will want to chat here.

(in reply to GotSteel)
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RE: Can we talk about rope? - 1/10/2012 12:50:36 PM   

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Sorry, I'm not a natural fiber rope guy so I'm not who you want to talk to. I've noticed that the search feature on collarme doesn't always actually work for whatever reason so if you're not getting results trying again later or running a search of the site from google can make a difference.

That said fetlife still tends to be better for finding info on bdsm gear, I expect you'll find the conversations you're looking for there.

(in reply to Alida)
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RE: Can we talk about rope? - 1/10/2012 3:58:58 PM   

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I go to Lowes and buy their 1/4 inch nylon rope in large lengths and then cut it to 25, 12 and three foot lengths and then using white duct tape to bind the ends. I only use white because it looks great in any light and I am too cheap to buy colors from specialty sources. I use nylon because it has a great shine and does not burn her and feels good to me when I use it. It is strong but I do not suspend but only bind.


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RE: Can we talk about rope? - 1/10/2012 7:12:03 PM   

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Thank you, both of you!

Yeah, cheap sounds familiar. :)

(in reply to Arturas)
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RE: Can we talk about rope? - 1/17/2012 8:45:38 AM   

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I use the 1/2 inch soft and supple woven nylon rope from Home Depot. It's white and goes with everything. It comes in 100ft. lengths. I discard it when it gets soiled. I cut it to size for the individual types of bondage and seize the ends to may it look nice. Nothing worse than a nice pair of nylon clad ankles in pumps tied in dirty and frayed ends rope.

                                                                                                 Master Bill    

(in reply to Alida)
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RE: Can we talk about rope? - 1/21/2012 3:54:01 AM   

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My favorite is hemp from Twisted monk dotcom!

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RE: Can we talk about rope? - 1/22/2012 4:40:25 PM   

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I use 1/2 Nylon Braided. I washed it a few times when I first got it (and cut in 10 ft. lengths), to soften it up.

Wish I was Tied and Gagged En Pointe, sub BalletBob


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(in reply to Alida)
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RE: Can we talk about rope? - 1/24/2012 3:43:17 AM   

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5/16" (8mm) works well for me, for restraints. Cheap nylon rope can be boiled with some bleach,(and dye if you like), to soften it up.
  And a second vote for twisted, also knottyboys.

(in reply to BalletBob)
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RE: Can we talk about rope? - 1/24/2012 5:14:24 AM   

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Back when I had someone to tie I used (and still have, let's face it rope doesn't really degrade all that much if you care for it properly, and you're not doing high tension stuff. The advantages of a misspent youth rockclimbing.) to go to my local chandelary...lery...(spelling? too tired to look it up). They had a really great selection, including an ultra low friction silky smooth cordage used in yachting, and a rather pretty webbing, usually used for slings by rockclimbers. So I used the slings when I needed something to take weight, for friction points,  basically anything where the knot absolutely had to hold. And I used the low friction stuff in decorative ways woven through the bindings.

And yeah Knotty boys are amazing. Their guide to rope play is pretty much permanent bathroom reading for me.


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(in reply to areallivehuman)
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RE: Can we talk about rope? - 1/25/2012 6:46:37 PM   

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Cool, I'm also a fan of synthetic rope, I'd love it if more people would stand up for synthetic ropes. The natural fiber crowd complains about it being more likely to cause rope burns but I just haven't seen it being an issue. I love the easy cleanability of the synthetics and to be honest the barn yard smell of hemp is not something I find sexy. As a rock climber I also love that my ropes have reliable tested strength ratings and I get a little horrified about some of the threads where posters try and one up each other on how solid the anchor point should be and then use a few strands of a rope that might hold at best a few hundred pounds.

As for the two knotty boys, I like that's they are into thicker diameter ropes and aren't all hung up on hemp but their ties tend to be overly visual for my taste. Personally I'm a bigger fan of Chanta's book Bondage for Sex.

(in reply to PolyIrishMiss)
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RE: Can we talk about rope? - 1/25/2012 7:50:51 PM   

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It depends on what kind of pretty you are going for:

do you want the ropes themselves to be pretty?
Curtain rope has a certain sort of gaudy beauty, comes in a large variety of colors and surface textures, it's very soft, and strong enough for binding, comes in many gauges, and it's usually synthetic.

do you want the ties and knots to be pretty?
Comparatively stiff woven cord with a core shows off knots very well. Here, as an alternative to climbing rope, consider synthetic marine rope, especially rigging rope. Rigging rope, in my experience is similar to climbing rope but often much softer on the skin.

do you want you to be pretty tied?
You might consider some odd types of cord here. For instance if you play with scale you can make some unusually pretty binding that really shows off the body: very thin cord can be barely visible itself, but through its indentation of the flesh you can still see it and create some very interesting effects. One of the coolest bindings i ever made i made with bankline, it smelled awesome and looked even better.

< Message edited by DBWhiskey -- 1/25/2012 8:07:53 PM >

(in reply to Alida)
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RE: Can we talk about rope? - 1/25/2012 8:04:03 PM   

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Considering softness:

People do make silk and even cashmere rope. The silk is extreme nice on the skin but doesn't have much stretch to it, cashmere is just fucking awesome, and a bit stretchy too. Both of these types of ropes are generally specialty stuff and cost to match.

When you're talking synthetics, to me, nylon is nylon, and generally one synthetic fiber in itself feels about as crazy smooth as another. What makes a real difference in feel to me is the rope construction and the fiber tightness: rope with a woven sheath never feels soft to me, and grabs hair; laid rope generally feels very soft to me, and you can find it very loosely wound in synthetics (decorative and craft rope, like curtain rope and piping rope), which gives the rope a sort of wonderful pillowy feel.

< Message edited by DBWhiskey -- 1/25/2012 8:05:59 PM >

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RE: Can we talk about rope? - 1/26/2012 5:21:49 AM   

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of course I want to be pretty! I want to look pretty and he wants to have fun rigging me and after.

We've picked up some rope from Home Depot, which was a deal that's now cut and edges burned. We also picked up some rope from
which seems low quality, but will work for all sorts of things anyway.

There is no way we are doing anything dealing with suspension without major training. :)

He also picked up some
since burning the ends was tedious and left raw bits he wasn't fond of.

Of course, we started with simple hardware store rope repurposed for other uses, and never had any issues. But all the types of ropes and colors and everything I guess overwhelmed us.

Thank you!

(in reply to DBWhiskey)
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RE: Can we talk about rope? - 1/26/2012 2:27:42 PM   

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I see, so you guys are just starting out then? Here are a few things he might find interesting:
This man has the clearest instructional videos on basic useful and decorative knot tying I've found.
This is the bible of knots: marine, outdoor, functional, and decorative. The diagrams take some getting used to but are very accurate.

He should take some time to learn about how to wrap bandages and fit slings
One thing that I think is important to realize is that it is very useful to learn how bandages manage to immobilize joints and how slings can do the same without any danger of cutting circulation. The same principals can be used to immobilize someone with rope for long periods without risking purple hands and feet.

(in reply to Alida)
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RE: Can we talk about rope? - 1/26/2012 7:28:43 PM   

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thank you. 'just starting out' is a nebulous term--- he's been tying me up for over 20 years now. He's just recently started getting into the Knotty Boys stuff though. ;)

Thank you. I will let him know.

(in reply to DBWhiskey)
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RE: Can we talk about rope? - 2/3/2012 2:47:14 PM   

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I prefer natural fibers in natural colors mainly, and bought a great deal of 1/4" hemp from, as well as some thicker, 1/2", I believe, red cotton, for variety. They had the good type of selection I like, but not really as cheap as I would have liked. It seems like it was a pretty fair price for the hemp compared to other places. Also, I started with a 100 ft length of white cotton clothes line 1/2" or so that came in a plastic bag at a True Value for a few bucks, and it's great, just wanted hemp because it looks better, more serious to me.

(in reply to Alida)
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RE: Can we talk about rope? - 2/4/2012 5:53:11 AM   

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hemp is often used but we teach using cotton rope, its strong, safe and and can be washed! Not to say its very cheap! and can be any color you want!!

(in reply to Barry960)
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